Talk:Sigard Adolphus Knopf

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Planned Parenthood Facts!

Unfortunately, P.P. was indeed begun to further Sanger's plot of genocide against the Black Americans, the minorities, the poor and Catholics - all the object of her hatred. Her own words/history below convict her of this.

"We should have 3-4 colored ministers, preferably with social service backgrounds and engaging personalities [to serve in her programs in their community]. We don't want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Margaret Sanger to Clarence Gamble, 1939, right after she conceived the Negro Project.

Sanger collaborated with her benefactors John D Rockefeller, Woodrow Wilson, Dr. Adolphus Knopf & the Grand Dragon of the KKK (to whom she was introduced after speaking to the Ladies Auxiliary of the KKK). This "Project" was extended, on President Wilson's request, to convince black women to abort their babies, thus, greatly reduce their population out of his fear that the American Black population would one day become large enough to help elect a Republican POTUS (since Blacks at that time voted Republican, Lincoln's party).

Dr. Knopf, along with the others above were staunch believers in Eugenics. Knopf warned the NJ KKK about the "filthy, insidious, black and yellow peril" a year before Sanger spoke to the KKK Women's Auxiliary in NJ. He believed the Nazis efforts in Eugenics and treatment of the Jews was not only "scientific" but "humanitarian", and that "America's breeding stock [was] in dire need of purification and must be purged of its bad strains, typical not only in the Black race and other minorities, but in the shiftless, ignorant and worthless class of anti-social whites in the South".

Sanger also wrote that "organized charity, just as Christianity, is itself the symptom of a malignant disease and the surest sign that our civilization has bred , is breeding and perpetuating a constantly increasing number of defectives...and dependents." She believed that by ending charity to the poor, "the moron & diseased...and feeble would decrease, and a heavy burden would be lifted from the shoulders of the fit [having to help support them].

Sanger also abdicated the extermination of what she referred to as "human waste" up to age 2 years. She should be thrilled - we can now kill them up to birth. We're almost there. Further Sanger quotes are available, but I cannot list them all here.

Over 500k unborn black babies are killed every year, forced to surrender their lives for their mothers' future opportunities, educations and reputations. A continued death rate at this amount each year will make Black Americans extinct by year 2200.

Sanger hid her intent behind "family planning", "women's health" and "reproduction rights" - if not, she'd have been incarcerated. ALL eugenicists believed in "the merciful euthanasia of the unfit".

Felix Adler, another donor to P.P., & Alex Ingersoll advocated and accomplished euthanasia of Black children as young as 10 years of age with a DOCTOR'S note of recommendation. The only reason it didn't catch on in a national level is that many eugenicists like Madison Grant didn't believe Americans could support a national euthanasia program like the Nazis.

But one asylum in Lincoln Illinois succeeded; it fed their subjects milk laced with tuberculosis, believing that those genetically fit would survive. If they died, they were deemed "unfit". Sanger's advice was sought often on euthanasia methods; in Oregon, Illinois and Montana, she approved starving special needs children until they died, much like the notorious Dying Rooms in China.

Thus, Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood was EXACTLY designed for genocide of minorities. Even today, one will never find a P.P. on the country club side of town; but go to the ghetto, Black communities and other minority areas, and centers are easily found. It is ironic that we scorn the Nazis, the KKK, Stalin, Mao, and Hitler for the murder of handicapped, unwanted children, yet we have a legal killing factory in our own country that claims to "help" women.

The majority of abortions in this country are NOT DUE to rape (0.1-0.4%) , inviability of the baby (0.2%-0.4%) or a risk to the mother's life (0.2%), but the percentages beside them listed; the TRUTH is, more than 95% of abortions in America are because of inconvenience and choice. Now, with the laws in NY & VA passed & allowing abortion up to day of birth, one wonders:

If a woman waits 9 months to abort, why can she not induce labor, give birth, then surrender it for adoption?? Millions of women travel overseas to adopt every year; if more babies were alive and adoptable here, more adoptions would be done in the US and more babies would live. But, the stark reality is that Planned Parenthood isn't a non-profit champion of women; it's just a BUSINESS. With profit goals. So much for "non-profit status". That's just b.s.

Today, women say "Abortion is a woman's Constitutional right, although "Abortion"is never mentioned there.

Fact: Abortion is just a way for the Strong to CHOOSE to evade the consequences of her own Guilt by depriving the Weaker a right to Choose, forcing the Weaker to pay the Strong's consequences for a crime they did not commit. Therefore, the Strong can Choose to go free; and because the Weak could not protest, the Weak's Right to Choose is taken away, then killed for a crime it didn't commit.

And THAT is the worst and CRUELEST violation of one's Constitutional rights imaginable. Queentulawanda2 (talk) 10:15, 19 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]