Talk:Agent Orange

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Recent use in Brazil - an incredible claim and plain lie

Currently the article says Agent Orange was recently used by criminal deforesters in Brazil (recent meaning ~2010). The citation makes it look like it's from The Guardian but it really comes from Earth Island Journal, simply reblogged by The Guardian. That article also claims 4 tons of Agent Orange (!!) was just left by some rural criminals in the rainforest. I just want to point out we can use our common sense here: how incredible it would be for these rural criminals to get their hands on such a huge supply of Agent Orange or even a modern 1:1 mixture of 2,4,5-T with 2,4-D or even just 2,4,5-T, which has been a banned chemical for ages now. They would have found it far more easy to simply divert supplies of readily available herbicides.

Yes, only a bit of digging and behold we have a real news source which properly quotes the officials : . The sprayed pesticides were Tordon and 2,4-D. The 4 tons discovered were two versions of 2,4-D and Garlon 480. Yes, 2,4-D was part of Agent Orange, but it was not the concerning dioxin part. 2,4-D is so easy to get, I can even get it at the hardware store for killing dandelions on a residential lawn. I get that rainforest deforestation is terrible, but that is no excuse for lies and exaggerations. --Nanite (talk) 23:25, 8 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Agent Orange RED/Yellow/Blue Outside Vietnam

Agent Orange & "Other" Rainbow Herbicide's were used extensively in Panama & the Panama Canal Zone.. Please refer to the research work of, Donna Tornoe & Her book, *Travels of Orange*.

In addition too the VA Approving, VA Benefit's to what's referred to as the *Blue water Navy*, (USA) transporting/Shipping delivering "Rainbow Herbicides" too Panama to be used/Applied to Panama's Under story,(Jumgle growth), in controlling Jungle Growth on Military Bases & Training areas.. Especially in/around Ft. Sherman, Ft. Davis & Ft. Gulick on the Atlantic Side of the Canal Zone..

There's also considerable evidence & document's, that Agent Orange et al, was also used & tested for use in controlling Aquatic Growth, in Gatune Lake..

Application(s) of these herbicides were confirmed by a Special Force's Jungle instructor & SOUTHCOM Intel, located in Ft. Gulick, 7th Special Forces Group, MSG (E-8), W. O. Brandenburg providing confirmation of Herbicides Application & Use. In Panama in the Mid-Late 1970's. (talk) 11:40, 19 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]