Wikipedia talk:Trading card game/Idea proposal 4

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make it educational; include wikiprojects, etc.

  • Don't go overboard, but have people collect one series of cards for an FA article and another for a GA article...kinda poker-ish (straight, flush, etc.) Have an opposing set of cards for GA violations and FA violations. The opposing cards penalize you somehow, I dunno how; maybe you have to discard one of your series of FA or GA article cards? make the opposing cards real MOS violations BUT.. here's the main thing.. don't get penny-ante about the nature of the violation. make it a real writing problem like, I dunno, POV, poor organization or poor punctuation or run-on sentences or .. or I dunno what.
  • Introduce some aspects of !voting for the FA and GA
  • let players collaborate, either by simply collaborating, and/or via WikiProjects. But introduce some dangers to collaboration too (mmmmmmmmm forex you need say 7 particular cards for an FA, and without collaboration all 7 must be displayed face up, but via some collaboration process people can work to make some of the cards be kept face down, thus disguising the fact that they are not FA cards... the collaborators get points if they make FA... but then others can attempt to mount a challenge of the face-down cards of an FA via FAR; challenges get easier as the number of face-down cards gets higher..mmm everyone has to !vote on the FAR but if the FAR results in delisting you lose points if you supported or crap... whatever.. you guys are the gamers, not me;-) )
  • Include some real facts from real articles.. preferably real FAs and not slanted toward topics that interest the gaming community. Just cool things like.. uh.. the fish with the transparent head... etc.
  • Include some more of the well-meaning but problematic editors, like "researcher who uses only online sources when others are available" (library-phobic).
  • Ling.Nut.Public (talk) 13:47, 3 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]