User talk:WOAClan

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FIRST SITE: our former "leader" didnt really know what to do and so our 1st site was a 4 man clan for the 2 months we were there. we didnt even have a chatbox cuz he couldnt figure out how to get one(google duh! XD ) activity was horrible (maybe a post or 2 a day) and no one really knew each other. he also didnt know where to go to recruit new members which is y there was only 4 ppl there. about 2 1/2 months into that, i joined the clan...

still 4 members and no chat or portal at all. no wars, no practices......BARELY any actual game playing together at all! i was extremely unhappy with that and so i took action. i wanted us 2 be a REAL clan, not just a tiny little posting community with no chat or wars or any game playing of any sort. i wanted us to be able to actually "meet" people in an real live chat, so i got us a chat.... then i started recruiting like CRAZY. i also gave our former "leader" ph34r117 a TON of other great ideas for the portal & helped him do them; and i completely re-did our forums and they were GREAT! we ended up becoming quite a respectable clan in the short amount of time we stayed there. (25-30 active members, like 60 registered users and a pretty nice site) After a while of being very popular, other clans were obviously jealous and so one of them hacked & completely destroyed our site!! absolutely NOTHING left.not even 1 topic or forum =( we fixed the redirect that they put on our page and i quickly remade the site for us but we decided it was best that we move on to another site so we werent hacked again. there are maybe 30 new topics left there because we only used it for two weeks after we were hacked and obviously all the topics from before the hack were erased..we were very upset that all our history was gone but we ended up bouncing back fast after we moved to a new, better site. all in all we stayed there around 5 months

SECOND SITE: our 2nd site is where we REALLY blew up!!!!! i had already come up with alot of great ideas for our 1st sites portal and i made our forums awesome. i had also done a ton of recruiting so all that carried over to this was a very nice site right away & we already had around 25 ACTIVE members (over 50 KINDA active) from the 1st site.

but this new site was alot easier for us to customize and i also got alot of help from a new member of our clan named WOA cclloyd. he was GREAT at making graphics & very knowledgable about making freeforum(our host) sites. with my ideas for the site & clan activities, & my determination, & recruiting skills combined with lloyds technical know-how and GFX skills, we made an unstoppable team!!! our site blew up HUGE within ONE MONTH of moving there cuz we had awesome clan activities, lots of cool things to do on our site, great forums, an awesome portal, loyal friendly members and SEXY graphics.

we blew up to over 50 active members, almost 150 registered members(150=before we erased inactive people) and 5 to 15 people on our chat at all times! our forums were so packed that we had to erase tons of posts & entire old topics to keep them clean..... so like our 1st site, all of our old topics arent there, but there are still about half left and many are interesting and funny.... NOTE: before we ditched the 2nd site i took our forums apart and made them smaller so it would be easier for u all to see all our old topics =D I also completely took apart the portal so i could use it as an advertisement for this site! so anywayz what im saying is, the site is almost completely taken apart. what it looks like now is not what it looked like when we used it. (same with the 1st site cuzza the hack) the links im giving u arent to see what the old sites looked like, just to read old topics to see what we were like back then. We eventually fizzled out alot & became small again cuz everyone became too busy when summer hit. when it was over we bounced back a little bit but it wasnt the same as before. anyway we stayed at the 2nd site for about 8 months before moving here...4 of those months we were in our prime with a ton of activity!

and now were in 3RD SITE!!!.....WOOOOOO:D weve seen & been through alot as a clan. HERES TO MANY MORE DAYS TO COME! may this site help bring us back to our glory days! join us at Chat box group: ~Edited by (WOA)darthjawafett —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:23, 5 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Wii Ownage Army

Wii Ownage army is wii clan that plays wii games the leader of clan was made by G.I Drew there alot changes in the clan for thew first time ever Woa crew had made a new clan call XOA the triler was annoued by WOA youtube Account

Wii Ownage Army

Wii Ownage army is wii clan that plays wii games the leader of clan was made by G.I Drew there alot changes in the clan for thew first time ever Woa crew had made a new clan call XOA the triler was annoued by WOA youtube Account —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:10, 29 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]