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Universe’s Breathing Theories

The Universe is come of Big Bang, but we can be watched part of half Universe only. Not whole Universe, Another part of half Universe is Antimatter World, We cannot watch it. This Antimatter World is a shadow of the Matter World, always follow and superposition for the Matter World, The Matter World is pass white-holes breath-in great energy from the Antimatter World and pass black-holes breath-out great energy to the Antimatter World.

But not always do that. If the Matter World expand to greatest cubage and lost energy, The Antimatter World will be pass white-holes breath-in great energy from the Matter World and pass black-holes breath-out great energy to the Matter World too. Whole process is reversion; the white-holes will be change to the black-holes, the black-holes will be change to the white-holes too.

Greatest white-hole like Big Bang zero point, Is this very powerful greatest energy created world but no one knows this energy come from? What time this energy will be lost and created world stop expand? What time Universal Gravitation bigger than the energy of expands for dwindle and finally resume to greatest-explode zero point and change to greatest black-hole?

Middle white-holes(black-holes) like the Milky Way Galaxy’s center, Why Galaxy’s center has two ways are white-holes or black-holes, We are can be pass astronomical telescope watched to there center, Is this center brightness are white-holes and darkness are black-holes? Why so many centers belch energy to upside and downside? Is this The Antimatter World are breath-out?

Small white-holes like the Star(Sun), No one knows the energy of Sun come from too. Why the Sun’s nuclear-fusion not like a hydrogen bomb once explode and once release energy? The Sun always keep explode and persist release energy more and more. How much energy in the sun’s center? Is this The Antimatter World are breath-out? The Sun has different process from young to old are Supernovas, General Stars, White Dwarf Stars, Neutron Stars, Black-Holes, etc. Why a Neutron Star can be change to a Black-Hole? Is this The Antimatter World are breath-in?

Thus, all of power celestial bodies can be from white-holes change to black-holes, can be from black-holes change to white-holes. This is Universe’s Breathing.

Zhang Jun


White-holes, Black-holes and Antimatter World

In CERN’s viewpoint, the antimatter is mirror image of the Universe. It’s good theory. But its formulations need more.

We are knew the Universe is come from the Big Bang and the matter more than the antimatter, the greatest energy did be production Quarks, Neutrons, Electrons, Protons and else Fermions formation the matter world. But it isn’t whole Universe, Whole Universe just like “Super String Theory” has 3d space and anti-3d space. The matter world is half Universe only. Another part of half Universe is Antimatter World, We cannot watch it and we haven’t thinking what’s matter at here.

Another half Universe is also come from the Big Bang in the anti-3d space and at here the antimatter more than the matter. The greatest energy did be production anti-Quarks, anti-Neutrons, anti-Electrons, anti-Protons and else anti-Fermions formation the antimatter world. The antimatter world also had antimatter Galaxies, antimatter Stars, antimatter Planets, antimatter White-holes and antimatter Black-holes. Etc.

The Matter World is pass white-holes breath-in (space-time jumping) antimatter from the Antimatter World and pass black-holes breath-out (space-time jumping) matter to the Antimatter World. The Antimatter World is pass white-holes breath-in (space-time jumping) matter from the Matter World and pass black-holes breath-out (space-time jumping) antimatter to the Matter World too.

The greatest white-hole at the core of the Big Bang zero point of the matter world, it is always release greatest Universe Lipper Force to outside of the matter world. The greatest black-hole at the core of the Big Bang zero point of the antimatter world. It is always had greatest gravitation inhale antimatters and energies to the matter world.

The great white-holes and the great black-holes at the core of every Galaxies of both world. It is always release great Universe Lipper Force or had great gravitation.

The large white-holes at the core of Stars(Suns)of both world, No one knows the energy of Sun come from where. Why the Sun’s nuclear-fusion not like a hydrogen bomb one explode and one release energy and lost? The Sun always keep nuclear-fusion explode release energies more and more, how many energies in the core of the sun? It is answer: The Sun always had a space-time tunnel continual transmission antimatter to its center to impact matter continual release energies and formation Neutrons-core. Thus we can say: “Just open your eyes can be watching a nature white-hole.”

If a antimatter planet of antimatter world pass a macro black-hole continual enter the matter world, and it touch a planet of the matter world, a antimatter planet and a planet will be make a Sun(Star).

If Big Bang zero point and each core of Galaxies and each core of Star System lost Universe Lipper Force, Whole process is reversion; the white-holes will be change to the black-holes, the black-holes will be change to the white-holes too.

But we cannot pass nature black-holes enter to the antimatter world, because transmission point at the center of Neutrons-core of the antimatter Star. Any matter will be lost. We can make a micro artificial black-holes at the vacuum of the deep space enter to the antimatter world. At here, we can capture any antimatter- aeroliths come back to the matter world. We don’t be afraid energy crisis any more in the future.”

Zhang Jun


Superluminal in the curved Space-Time

According to Einstein's "General Relativity", If a spaceship flying-speed exceed to light-speed in the vacuum of deep space of the flat space-time, Its mass will be weight infinity. Can we find a way exceed light-speed to superluminal without this theory? The scientists of USA&European assume the spaceship can be making a space-time tunnel (worm-hole) or it is doing jump by Universe's shock. But those two ways just stagnation on level of science fiction only.

And we are knew when the solar eclipse. We can be watched some stars with ring-state for the background of Sun’s lights-halo. Around some stars look like its position inside moved. Because the some star’s lights can be curved by gravitation of the Sun. Thus we can base on black-hole state thinking and suppose few questions about superluminal.

At the center of black-hole, if an lights from inside of black-hole radiate to outside of black-hole, Is it those lights cannot escape out gravitation area of black-hole? Is it those lights are volution and curved and turn back to center of black-hole? Is it we cannot watched those lights because that light’s speed are zero or negative? Thus we can be knew that light’s speed are not fixed-speed in there curved space-time.

At the outside of black-hole, if an star’s lights radiate to the gravitation area of a black-hole, it will be inhale an star’s lights to center of black-hole by great gravitation of black-holes.So. Is it those lights also are volution and curved to center of black-hole? And if the light’s speed not fixed-speed in there curved space-time, when this time, Is it that light’s speed have chance acceleration by great gravitation of black-holes and is it maybe faster than originally light-speed of the flat space-time? In my personal viewpoint, there answer is: “Yes. it is superluminal in there curved space-time.”

According to equation M=E/C2 and -M=E/-C2 from E=MC2, the great energy can be creating matter or antimatter in the both world when that light’s speed reaches square of originally light-speed of the flat space-time(C2) or reaches negative square of originally light-speed of the flat space-time(-C2).

But how can open a micro artificial black-hole? How can really make a space-time tunnel (worm-hole)? In my personal viewpoint, When the light’s speed reaches square of originally light-speed of the flat space-time in the curved space-time, those light’s(C2) high-energy can be sting a hole between 3D-space and Anti-3D-space and formation a tunnel. Any matter will be lost in the matter world and present to the antimatter world, this hole is a micro artificial black-hole, or called it space-time tunnel (worm-hole). But how can do it?

We can manufacture a machine to be making a curved space-time. And acceleration an lights with pass to a hollow-optical-fiber winding to spinning, let those light’s speed from originally light-speed of the flat space-time to the square of originally light-speed of the flat space-time by very powerful super centrifugal operation. When that lights exit with this machine’s winding can be open a micro artificial black-hole. This micro artificial black-hole will be inhaling the machine itself to antimatter world, And if the machine around area haven’t else matter, this micro black-hole will be slowly closed. At this time, The machine's speed also reach square of originally light-speed of the flat space-time in the antimatter world. And it is slowly down-speed to originally light-speed of the flat space-time.

In the antimatter world, If the machine touch the antimatter sun-wind of antimatter stars or touch the antimatter air of antimatter planets. It will be explode and release great energy and lost. but if the machine not touch anything at the vacuum of antimatter world, It will be safe. But we don't know where safe where danger and we are haven't map in the antimatter world.

If the machine safe, We can continue make a micro artificial black-hole in the antimatter world let machine come back to the matter world. When this time, The machine's speed also reach square of originally light-speed of the flat space-time from the antimatter world to matter world. And it is slowly down-speed to light-speed.

This sets process are make space-time tunnel (worm-hole) travel, And we did reach superluminal.

Zhang Jun


The Fifth Force-Universe Lipper Force

According to spectroscopic analysis, We are knew every Galaxy going leaving our Milky Way Galaxy to far far away, And we are knew each star system of Milky Way Galaxy going leaving our sun system of Milky Way Galaxy to far away. And we are knew the Earth going leaving the Sun 18cm per year. We don't know why these truths not rules with Newton's "Universal Gravitation". But we can know these sign prove the Universe always had continual greatest energies release from Universe Big Bang zero point to outside of Universe, And every Galaxy always had continual great energies release from core of Galaxy to outside of Galaxy. And the Sun always had continual big energies release from core of the Sun to the outside of Sun system.

These forces(energies) are be differ from four forces(Gravitation force, Strong nuclear force, Weak nuclear force and Electromagnetic force),It is fifth force in the Universe. We can called it "Universe Lipper Force".

This "Universe Lipper Force" like a drop rain falling to water, It is ring and ring on the water surface, A small ring always pass wave spread to next bigger ring. This "Universe Lipper Force" is same principle, It is more and more release an forces(energies) from Universe Big Bang zero point to outside of Universe. And it is more and more pass an forces(energies) from core of every Galaxies to outside of every Galaxies. And it is more and more pass an forces(energies) from core of Sun to outside of Sun system.

If we are using a great spaceship like a planet, And if we are going to Universe Big Bang zero point by this spaceship, We shall be certainty down-speed with "Universe Lipper Force", It's difficulty and need very much drive energy and cannot achieve light-speed. But if we are going to outside of Universe by this spaceship, We shall be certainty up-speed with "Universe Lipper Force". It's easy and need a little drive energy and can be achieve light-speed.”

Zhang Jun


New Propellant Materials-The Moon Dust

Beginning from 1957,More than 55 years, The human did blastoff artificial satellites and space stations and spaceships by rockets only, because in the vacuum of the extra atmospheric area, all gas engines cannot be light up and its cannot be furnish anti-propellant force.

Can we find a way to supplied anti-propellant force and without oxygen by an machine?

Yes, we can use electromotor of solar energy with solar batteries, but how can formation propellant force?

That’s easy, we can making an system has catch capsule be catching aeroliths, and has whet capsule be whetting solid materials to rock dust, and has high-speed fans to insufflations rock dust to outside formation propellant force, this system will be applying any rock dust of earth, any dust of Moon and any dust of Mars and any dust of aeroliths. Etc.

If we can do this, we will need rocket and solid fuel anymore in the future, and we are going Mars and Moon and return Earth so easy. and we will don’t careful any energy crisis in the deep space.

Zhang Jun

May 23rd, 2012


Zhang Jun

Jan 4th, 2013 — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:31, 4 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Name: Zhang Jun

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