User talk:Guinness323/Archive Dragon magazine reviews

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     Archive Dragon magazine reviews   
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I am probably not going to do Dragon reviews any time soon, although I will get to them eventually. Now, if you are interested in tackling any of the reviews you mentioned in that talk page thread, I can tell you that we already do have articles for most of them (many started by your truly), including Starfire, Cerberus, Operation Seven Swords, Hidden Kingdom, Invasion of the Air-eaters, Pendragon, The Creature That Ate Sheboygan, Gangster!, Double Star, War in the Ice, Magic Wood, Belter, Ultima IV, Ice War, Mercenary, Spellmaker, Black Hole, Wizard, Wizard's Quest, Bushido, Starship Troopers, The Beastlord, Intruder, Annihilator, High Guard, Swordquest, The Nine Doctrines of Darkness, The Temple to Athena, Mountain of Mystery, Lost Worlds, Cry Havoc, Palladium RPG, The Fury of the Norsemen, Nomad Gods, WarpWar, Source of the Nile, The Dragonlords, Olympica, King Arthur's Knights, Sorcerer, Ironclads, Freedom in the Galaxy, Swashbuckler, Time Tripper, Starmaster, Hero, Across the Bright Face, Triplanetary, Traders & Gunboats, Ley Sector, Fenris & Tethys, Third Reich, Argon Gambit, Dawn of the Dead, The Spawn of Fashan, Borderlands, Elric: Battle at the End of Time, Privateers and Gentlemen, Man, Myth & Magic, Time ship, Battlesuit, Phantasy Conclave, Stalking the Night Fantastic, The Forever War, Rolemaster, Chill, Mercenaries, Spies and Private Eyes ... and many more. ;) BOZ (talk) 23:00, 10 June 2019 (UTC)

   Thanks for this. I will beaver away at your list, try to get a couple done each day. Guinness323 (talk) 04:26, 11 June 2019 (UTC)
       There may or may not be anything in Dragon, but do you see any more sources for Wizards and Lizards? BOZ (talk) 16:10, 22 June 2019 (UTC)
           Various minis in the W&L line are reviewed in Dragon 47, 49, 70 and 72. I'll post those reviews in the article and take a look at the deletion log as well. I also have access to some issues of Different Worlds, and White Dwarf, but the search engines only do one issue at a time, so the search will be long and tedious through 1981 and '82 issues... Guinness323 (talk) 04:50, 23 June 2019 (UTC)
               No worries if you don't find anything else; that stuff you found for Ray Lamb was fantastic just on its own! BOZ (talk) 12:27, 23 June 2019 (UTC)
                   Update: I have not yet found any further references to 'Wizards & Lizards" in White Dwarf or Different Worlds. I do not have many issues of DW, so I have finished looking there. Still checking WD. Also, yes, there is a Dragon review for Black Hole, I just missed it. Will circle back today or tomorrow.Guinness323 (talk) 16:22, 25 June 2019 (UTC)

Based on the activity from earlier today, I see that in addition to the above articles, there are noted reviews for Asteroid (board game) and Chivalry & Sorcery from Dragon on the article talk pages. Also, regarding Ares magazine, I got all the reviews from the first issue from just as I found all the issues of Space Gamer there, and I believe they have copies of the full albeit brief run: BOZ (talk) 04:48, 28 June 2019 (UTC)

   Sweet! The Ares archive will help tremendously, thanks. Guinness323 (talk) 07:53, 28 June 2019 (UTC)

You noted previously that you have access to some issues of Different Worlds, but in case you did not have all of these, I wanted to point out that there is another collection of 12 issues on as well: so only a fraction of the total issues, but a decent sampling! I don't believe I have found any other RPG mags on yet, but we have plenty to work with so far. :) BOZ (talk) 22:26, 2 July 2019 (UTC)

   Nice! My collection of Different Worlds is only a handful, this helps, thank you! Guinness323 (talk) 05:06, 3 July 2019 (UTC)

Success! Well, considering you made that list less than a month ago and powered through it, you did excellently with it. Thanks for adding all those reviews, and also doing cleanup in general. :) Now, if you have the energy and interest, I will say that... there were a lot more reviews in Dragon than the list you made! There is an index online of all game reviews A-Z from Dragon, and I looked through it, picking out the ones from let's say just the first 100 issues, things from publishers other than TSR, and not already done, I went through A-B and found these:

   4th Dimension (issue 31), Abyss (50), The Adventure of the Jade Jaguar (94), Alarums and Excursions (50 and also Strategic Review 6), Arms Law (88), The Barbarian (56), Barbarian Prince (54), Basic Role-Playing (52), Beyond (58), Big Rubble: The Deadly City (82), Bloodtree Rebellion (45), Borderlands (76)

If you want to continue on, I will be happy to continue looking through the index (probably next week though), otherwise I will leave it at that. :) BOZ (talk) 13:50, 4 July 2019 (UTC)

   Sweet, I will continue with these for nowe, as well as backfilling some of the Ares, White Dwarf and Different Worlds reviews I've come across.Guinness323 (talk) 14:38, 4 July 2019 (UTC)

Note: I deliberately skipped 4th Dimension since it was published by TSR and reviewed in Dragon, a TSR publication.Guinness323 (talk) 18:52, 15 July 2019 (UTC)

   Oops, I did not catch that! BOZ (talk) 19:40, 15 July 2019 (UTC)
   Just added one today that was on your original reviews list!: Traveller Supplement 9: Fighting Ships. BOZ (talk) 19:51, 30 July 2019 (UTC)
       Haha, how did I miss that one? Thanks Guinness323 (talk) 23:52, 30 July 2019 (UTC)
           I just created it this morning. :) BOZ (talk) 23:59, 30 July 2019 (UTC)

I also turned Alamaze into an article. :) BOZ (talk) 16:26, 14 August 2019 (UTC)

Speaking of reviews, it looks like the White Dwarf archive at has been taken down. :( Guinness323 (talk) 19:58, 15 August 2019 (UTC)

   Yep, I thought it was gone for a while though? Unless there was more than one. BOZ (talk) 20:22, 15 August 2019 (UTC)
       I was using it earlier this week.Guinness323 (talk) 22:31, 15 August 2019 (UTC)
           Could be that it has been up and down then... at least, I have seen it come and go, or maybe it was a problem with the site. BOZ (talk) 22:43, 15 August 2019 (UTC)

Just curious; do you have the Dragon collection that goes up to issue #250, or do you have access to the full run? BOZ (talk) 17:54, 21 August 2019 (UTC)

   Alas, I only have the old CD collection from SR1 to Dragon 250 -- very useful for text searches and copy/paste -- hence my inability to access the review from Issue 251. My son collected Dragon for a few years, and had quite a few from 250 to 359, but alas, once it went digital, he lost interest and sold them.Guinness323 (talk) 03:25, 22 August 2019 (UTC)
       No worries, I will catch the rest of those at some point (far) in the future. :) Meanwhile, there are a few hundred reviews in the first 250 issues, LOL. And yes, that search function on the CDs is super useful; I need to get those back on my computer again one day. BOZ (talk) 03:47, 22 August 2019 (UTC)

It took some time and some doing, but I finally started going through that list of Dragon reviews that I have, and I got all the way up through the letter A; aside from ones you have already worked on, this leaves us these reviews:

101 Vehicles (141), 1920s Investigators' Companion (210), The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide (128, 149), Advanced Phantasm Adventures (193), Adventures on the High Seas(127, 242) , Agincourt (27), Airwaves (198), Aliens Adventure Game (183), Aliens Predator Customizable Card Game (245), Allies (212), All-Star Wrestling (208), Alternate Universe expansion set (230), Amberzine (185, 209, 212), America B.C.: Ancient Settlers in the New World (28), Angmar: Land of the Witch King (229), Angus McBride's Characters of Middle-earth (172), Anomalies (243), Apparitions (186), The Apprentice (22, 33), Aquelarre (186), The Arasaka Brainworm (185), Aria: Canticle of the Monomyth (214), Aria Worlds (214), Arms Law (221), The Art of Playing Mythos (237), Ashes to Ashes (180), Asylum (243), Aurore Sourcebook (145), Aysle (169), Aztlan (224)

If you prefer to continue to focus on games over supplements, I bolded everything above that is a game, a standalone book, or a magazine.  :) BOZ (talk) 12:20, 30 August 2019 (UTC)

   This is great, thanks. It's not that I prefer games over supplements. I had found a partial list of Dragon reviews, and had divided them up into games and supplements, my thi8nking being that there were probably more wikis about games rather than supplements. I finished the games list, and have started on the supplements list. However, that is slow going as I have to find out if there is a separate wiki, and if not, whether there is a wiki for the mother game. So I will gladly take on the above list for the time being.Guinness323 (talk) 15:15, 30 August 2019 (UTC)
       Work on whatever you like in whatever order you like, this is just for organizational help. :) BOZ (talk) 15:45, 30 August 2019 (UTC)

LOL, yes, the "notability police", oh how we all need them to protect us from... "non-notable" topics, gasp, shock, horror!  ;) What would we do without them. BOZ (talk) 03:56, 17 October 2019 (UTC)

   As you can see, I have returned from vacation, just have to get rid of a cold and some paperwork on my desk and then I will pick up where I left off. Guinness323 (talk) 19:01, 17 October 2019 (UTC)
       Welcome back! :D BOZ (talk) 04:33, 18 October 2019 (UTC)
           Awesome, you got it all! :)

Now, if you like what we've been accomplishing, whenever you are ready to continue, I went through "B" from my list of Dragon reviews:

Barony (179), Barsaive Campaign Set (205), Batman Sourcebook (165), BattleBots (217), Battle for the Golden Sun (155), Battlemasters (188), Battle of Monmouth (26), Battle of the Gods (96), BattleSpace (203), Battle-Sphere (26), BattleTech Record Sheets (230), BattleTech Tactical Handbook (211), BattleTech Trading Card Game (240), The Beholder (50), Between the Shadows (231), Beyond the Wall: Pictland & The North (229), Black Death (198), Blackhand's Street Weapons 2020 (232), Blades (234), Bladestorm (178), Bloodbath (193), Blood Brothers (175), Blood Brothers 2 (187), Bloodchant (193), Blood on the Streets (135), The Book of Chantries (212), The Book of Crafts (239), The Book of Exploration (235), The Book of Shadows (212), The Book of Sigils (234), The Broken Covenant of Calebais (150), The Bronze Grimoire (222), Brotherhood of the Bolt (81), Bubblegum Crisis (241), Bug City (223), Byzantium Secundus (238) BOZ (talk) 12:05, 1 November 2019 (UTC) - wait, that's not a review of me!  ;)

   Haha, it's the never-ending quest -- oh wait, only 24 letters after this, right? Guinness323 (talk) 21:27, 1 November 2019 (UTC)
       See, it's not so bad, LOL. Just be glad that all the "The" titles are not under "T".  :) BOZ (talk) 21:36, 1 November 2019 (UTC)
       Awesome, you got through them all. :) I'm still working my way through the "C" topics, and will probably finish next week. If you like, I could post what I have so far, or I can hold off and post it all once it is ready? BOZ (talk) 15:45, 22 November 2019 (UTC)
           Wait until you're all done the C's before posting them. Real life has me in its grip and is shaking me like a rag doll at the moment, will not have time to post for a few days. Guinness323 (talk) 17:49, 22 November 2019 (UTC)
               You got it, you've earned a few days off! :) If you come back before I post the list, work on whatever you feel like in the meantime! BOZ (talk) 02:18, 23 November 2019 (UTC)

OK, are you ready for C? :) This is a big one! We have Caerns: Places of Power (205), The Cairo Guidebook (227), Campaign Cartographer (209),Campaign Law (88), Carse (136), Castle Book II (133), Castle of Magic (189), Cemetery Plots (208), The Chamax Plague (65), Champions: Alliances (244), Champions Universe (197), Changeling: The Dreaming Game Storyteller's Screen (242), Chaos Wars (142), Character Law (88), Chessboards: The Planes of Possibilities (207), Chronicle of the Black Labyrinth (235), The Chronicles of Talislanta (143), Citi-Block (135), Cities (76, 124), Cities of Hârn (107), Citybook I (70), Citybook III: Deadly Nightside (129), City of Chaos (237), City State of the Invincible Overlord (136), City States of Arklyrell (82), Claim-Jumper (241), Classic Enemies (162), Classic Organizations (185), Claw Law (88), Colonial Atlas (145), Comme il Faut (227), Compendium of Modern Firearms (192), The Compleat Alchemist (206), The Complete Book of Wargames (46), The Complete Guide to Role-Playing Games (172), The Complete Masks of Nyarlathotep (240, 249), Conspiracy X Game Master's Screen (241), Constantinople by Night (240), Corporate Shadowfiles (200), CORPS Worldbook 1992 (197), Covenants (170), Cracken's Threat Dossier (248), Creature Feature (140), Creatures & Cultists (204), Creatures of Barsaive (219), Creatures of Orrorsh (186), Credo (206), Crisis (236), Crisis of Faith (247), Critter Commandos (193), Critter-Tek (220), Crosshairs (203), Crossroads (226), Cryptic Campaigns (234), Cryptych (212), Cthulhu by Gaslight, Cthulhu Classics (158), Cthulhu Now (138), Cybertechnology (226), The Cyclopedia Talislanta (145). BOZ (talk) 22:30, 26 November 2019 (UTC)

   You can finish up the rest of these at whatever rate is most comfortable for you; I am behind on setting up the "D" articles, so it will take me until at least another week from now before those are ready. :) In the meantime, take a look at Wikipedia:WikiProject Dungeons & Dragons/Where and see if anything there or on the talk page are of interest to you! Otherwise, there are always plenty of other things to work on, and/or go ahead take a much-needed break for the holidays. :) BOZ (talk) 05:44, 20 December 2019 (UTC)
       Yeah, I was going to say "Hold off on the D's until January. Family arriving, etc." I'll finish CCC in time for CCChristmas. (See what I did there?) Guinness323 (talk) 06:29, 20 December 2019 (UTC)

Here are all the D-articles with D-Dragon reviews! :) Save them until next year if you like, here you go!: Dangerous Prey (217, 218), —Dankendismal (SR6), Dark Alliance: Vancouver (205), Dark Champions: Heroes of Vengeance (197), Dark Empire Sourcebook (199), Dark Force Rising Sourcebook (199), Dark Horizon: Escape (239), Dark Nebula (41), The Darkstryder Campaign (230), DarkTek Sourcebook (185), Darrians (136), Death in Dunwich (91), Deathwing (168), Deep Magic (227), Delta Green (249), Denizens of Earthdawn Volume One (223), Denver: The City of Shadows (216), The Desert Environment (133), Desert Tracks (29), Destiny Deck (204), Digital Web (211), The Dinosaurs (55), Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand (223), Don't Take Your Laser to Town (144), Dorastor: Land of Doom (200), Double Exposure (211, 212), Down Styphon! (30), Dragonlord (17), DragonLords (63), Dragonmaster (73, 76), Dragons & Gods (242), Dreamchipper (156), The Dreaming Stone (245), Dreams and Nightmares (246), Duel (193), Dungeon Rooms (127), Dungeon Tiles (52). BOZ (talk) 02:30, 31 December 2019 (UTC)

   Just for the record, and partly for my own convenience, since I mentioned above how to find the other RPG magazines on, and since I was having trouble locating them again, here are most issues of Space Gamer: and the remainder of them: :) BOZ (talk) 04:35, 4 January 2020 (UTC)

I guess somehow my index missed Chicago Chronicles Volume 1? BOZ (talk) 00:10, 9 January 2020 (UTC)

Whew!  ;) We will pick back up with E…ventually, but not soon. BOZ (talk) 00:53, 18 January 2020 (UTC)

   More to come probably next month, but for a prEview, there is Eurosource Plus, which got redirected but I found that there was a Dragon review. :) BOZ (talk) 05:31, 21 February 2020 (UTC)
   Here is my idea, if you are interested in continuing with this. I will start all the articles of a particular letter, and redirect all the ones for which I cannot find a source beyond the Dragon review. When another source is found, then the article can be restored.  :) It is not as unlikely as it seems; just yesterday, for example, I discovered these: [3][4] so you never know what will come up later. BOZ (talk) 21:40, 27 February 2020 (UTC)
   This sounds very do-able. Let us begin. Guinness323 (talk) 23:07, 27 February 2020 (UTC)
       You got it, I will start it tomorrow. :) BOZ (talk) 23:20, 27 February 2020 (UTC)

OK, here we go, I said we would get back to this E...ventually, and here we are! Eagles (232), Earthdawn Companion (210), Earthdawn Gamemaster Pack (202), Earthdawn Survival Guide (242), Earthforce Sourcebook (247), EdgeWork (205), Eidolon: City in the Sky (198), The Elder's Revenge (232), Elemental Companion (169), Elric! Gamemaster Screen (210), Encyclopedia Cthulhiana (218), Encyclopedia Hârnica (107), The Encyclopedia of Ghosts (177), The Encyclopedia of Monsters (177), The Encyclopedia of Superheroes (132), The Encyclopedia of Super-Villains (132), The End (239), Endgame (238), The Enemy Within (124), The English Civil War (27), Ents of Fangorn (148), Escape from Queztec'l (68), The Essential Fantasy Earth (231), EuroHit (204), Evermist (SR6), Everway (224), Eye Witness (206). BOZ (talk) 18:47, 28 February 2020 (UTC)

   With the English Civil War game, I have been wondering, since you seem to have access to some older wargame magazines, I wonder if there is anything more for that game? Or is it too much of a board game for wargamers? :) BOZ (talk) 03:32, 29 February 2020 (UTC)
       I'll take a look. The problem is that it was an British game, hence very little coverage in American magazines. I'll check White Dwarf... Guinness323 (talk) 07:02, 29 February 2020 (UTC)
           I searched through the first four years of White Dwarf and came up empty. Off to bed to think about this. Guinness323 (talk) 07:55, 29 February 2020 (UTC)
               One more to go. :) I'm going to take breaks between each of the letters for now, although I will start on "F" in the coming week - I think that's the smallest of the letters so far. I've got other ideas about where we can focus between the letters. BOZ (talk) 22:39, 21 March 2020 (UTC)

F-f-f-finally, whenever you are ready, here is the next letter.  :) This might be the shorted one we have had in a while: Faeries (226), The Fall of Terra (238), Famous Game Designer Trading Cards (187), Fantasia Today (SR6), Fantasy Earth: Basic Rules (228), Fantasy Earth: The Book of Magic (228), The Fantasy Roleplaying Gamer's Bible (230), Fantasy Warriors (178), Fatal Experiments (178), Fianna Tribebook (218), A Field Guide to Dinosaurs (76), Fieldtrip (132), Film Festival 1 (244), Fire, Fusion & Steel (243), Fire the Arquebusiers! (SR6), First Survey (243), Flight 13 (150), Foxbat Unhinged (233), Fractal Spectrum (240), The Free City of Haven (62), Frog Juice (225), Fuzzy Heroes (216), Fuzzy Sooper Heroes (216). BOZ (talk) 17:16, 28 March 2020 (UTC)

   Just noting that I found archives for UK magazines Imagine, and for Adventurer as well. :) BOZ (talk) 23:55, 20 April 2020 (UTC)
       w00t! Amazing! Guinness323 (talk) 06:36, 21 April 2020 (UTC)
           It might be a little premature, but in case there are any potential shenanigans, I'm letting you know that I restored Middle-earth: The Wizards Companion today - this might have some potential. :) BOZ (talk) 19:48, 24 April 2020 (UTC)
           Just to let you know, I have been preparing "G" for a while, and I am about 2/3 of the way through it, so I will probably not be ready for a few weeks. I get the idea that you are probably fairly busy at this time, so no rush on finishing with "F"! BOZ (talk) 02:23, 12 May 2020 (UTC)
               Haha, with the family home all the time, who has time for Wkipedia? Or rather, who is given time for Wkipedia? Guinness323 (talk) 04:09, 12 May 2020 (UTC)
                   Well in that case, enjoy that time then! :) I may bother you with a thing or two here and there, as I usually do. ;) BOZ (talk) 04:44, 12 May 2020 (UTC)
                       Awesome man, got it done! We will g-g-go on to G later this month! I will bother you with other stuff in the meantime. :) BOZ (talk) 02:21, 6 June 2020 (UTC)

G-g-g-get ready, the next batch of articles is finally here!  :) "G" is a big one – maybe the biggest so far – so have at them whenever you get the chance: Galactic Empires (218), The Galactic Smorgasbord (232), Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope (155), Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin (155, 230), Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back (155, 238), Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts (199), Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens - Enemies and Allies (230), Galitia Citybook (215), Gamelog (33), The Gamer's Connection (218), Gangsters (197), GateWar (214), Gems for Death (99), Ghostbusters (132), Ghostbusters International (161), Ghouls: Fatal Addiction (242), Glorantha: Genertela, Crucible of the Hero Wars (161), Gods of Glorantha (127), Gods of Harn (127), The Golden Dawn (235), The Golden Horde (41), Goldtree Engine (209), G.O.O.T.M.U. (212), Grail Quest (45), Grav Armor (73), The Great Dalmuti (217), Green and Pleasant Land (125), Greenwar (211), The Grey Knight (125), Griffin Island (126), Griffin Mountain (58), The Grimoire (187), 2300AD Ground Vehicle Guide (145), Guardians (228), Guildbook: Pardoners and Puppeteers (244), Guildbook: Spooks and Oracles (249), Guns! Guns! Guns! (192), GURPS Arabian Nights (219), GURPS Camelot (190), GURPS Cyberpunk Adventures (200), GURPS Dinosaurs (242), GURPS Fantasy II: Adventures in the Mad Lands (198), GURPS Fantasy Folk (164, 226), GURPS Goblins (236), GURPS Greece (229), GURPS Mecha (243), GURPS Old West (190), GURPS Operation Endgame (207), GURPS Planet Krishna (242), GURPS Players' Book (149), GURPS Psionics (180), GURPS Robots (225), GURPS Russia (250), GURPS Space Adventures (197), GURPS Space Atlas 4 (190), GURPS The Prisoner (190), GURPS Update (151), GURPS Vampire: The Masquerade (205), GURPS Vikings (181), GURPS Voodoo: The Shadow War (222), GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse (211). BOZ (talk) 18:02, 26 June 2020 (UTC)

   AWEsome. :) You did most of the work, and therefore deserve the credit! :) I'm really just organizing it all, but together I think we are really making the tabletop gaming presence on Wikipedia quite a thing to behold. I will get the H-articles together soon. :) BOZ (talk) 01:13, 11 December 2020 (UTC)

OK, h-h-h-here we are, time for a new letter.  ;) "H" is much smaller than "G", thank God, and in fact the letters in general are smaller like this until we get to about "M" (which is still not as much as "G" was). So as always, whenever you are ready, we have: The Hammer of Thor: The Game of Norse Mythology (49), Hard Times (183), Hardwired: The Sourcebook (154), Hârn (77), HârnWorld (229), Harkwood (151), Heir to the Empire Sourcebook (199), The Hero System Bestiary (197), Heroes for Wargames (122), Heroic Adventures Volume 1 (232), HeroQuest (168), Hero System Rulesbook (162), High Tech Enemies (197), Hitler's War (61), Hong Kong Action Theatre! (241), Honor of the Samurai (232), Horrors (222), Horror's Heart (240), Hot Rods of the Gods (124), Houses of Hermes (221), The Hunter Planet Executive Pack (140), HyperCad 54, Where Are You? (191). BOZ (talk) 18:47, 14 December 2020 (UTC)

   Hey-hey-hey, that was quick! :) I-I-I will have the next set ready next week. ;) BOZ (talk) 13:15, 7 January 2021 (UTC)

I-I-I promised to share my next list this week, and here you go! :) Illuminati: New World Order Blank Cards (229), Immortal Pilot Pack (233), Imperium (20), Indiana Jones and the Rising Sun (215), Indian Ocean Adventure: The Japanese Raids on Ceylon (31), Inferno (role-playing game) (208), Inferno (board game) (240), Infinite Domains (236), In Hot Pursuit (172), In Nomine (241), Inquisitor (190), Insecta (233), Inside Mac Games (220), Instant Adventures (242), Interactive Fantasy (221), Interface (185), In the Shadows (235), Into the Troll Realms (148), Invasion (145), Invasions: Target Earth (165), Investigator Sheets and Dire Documents (198), INWO Book (222), Ironwood (235), Island of Kesmai (128), It Came From the Late, Late, Late Show (161), Ivinia (107). BOZ (talk) 22:06, 15 January 2021 (UTC)

   J-j-j-just a little while longer and I will get the next letter ready. :) BOZ (talk) 22:21, 7 May 2021 (UTC)

J-j-j-just in time for the weekend, here is the next letter! This is one of the shortest we have had so far, or actually I think it is the shortest! James Bond 007 (83, 137), James Clavell's Tai-Pan (140), Jasmine: The Battle for the Mid-Realm (69, 204), Jovian Chronicles Mechanical Catalog (244), Judge Dredd (76), Juicer Uprising (234), Justice League Sourcebook (172) BOZ (talk) 18:11, 21 May 2021 (UTC)

   See, that was quick. ;) K-k-k-keep an eye out for the next letter! ;) BOZ (talk) 10:54, 16 June 2021 (UTC)