User talk:Blubewwy

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Hello =)

Greetings, Blubewwy. I just wanted to reach out to a fellow editor. I don't have much interaction with other editors on Wikipedia, but I checked out your User page & saw that we have alot of the same interests. I, too, am a coaster enthusiast. I absolutely love riding them, & would ride a coaster everyday if I could. My friend & I will be going to Cedar Point next month (just a day trip) & I'm very excited. Switching topics, I saw that you thanked me for one of my edits. I appreciate it. You already have a few thousand edits, and I think that is truly incredible (for only having been an editor for 4 years). I've been an editor since around July of 2017, & I have yet to reach 1,000 edits. I'm getting close, though. I think I'm currently at 908 or so, so I'm excited to get to 1,000. Ok, that's it for meow (I like cats, but I'm more of a dog person, though I don't own any pets). If you want, feel free to reply to this. If not, it's ok. Take care & bye-bye for meow. =) SummeRStorM79 (talk) 06:27, 25 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

@SummeRStorM79 Hello! It's always nice to have a chat with fellow Wikipedians outside of things related to the improvement of articles. I'm also going to Cedar Point in a bit less than a month, so I hope you have fun when you go! It's insane how many amazing coasters and rides they have there. And I hope you reach your 1,000 edits milestone soon, it's quite a remarkable goal :) Blubewwy (talk) 14:23, 25 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Hey! Thanks for replying! I'm so happy you did! =) Have you been to Cedar Point before? I have, many times. Very 1st trip was back in 1989 (did a family trip in the Summer, right around when Michael Keaton's first "Batman" opened in theatres). It's probably my most favorite park. I live 3+ hours away from it (wish I lived right there in Sandusky!). I had a few trips in the 90s, then I did a trip with some friends in 2000 when Millennium Force was brand new. Geez, the wait in line for it was like 4 hours (possibly longer!), so unfortunately I didn't ride it that day. At least one friend from the group actually did brave the line & rode it. Then I had a multi-year drought of not going there, finally making it back in 2013. That trip was alot of fun. Even though I had been to the park a few times previously, it almost felt like my 1st time there again. Kind of forgot how twas layed out, + I rode 5 coasters (4 of which weren't there in 2000) for the first time. They were (of course) Millennium Force, Wicked Twister, Top Thrill Dragster, Maverick, & the brand-new for 2013 GateKeeper. We had Fast Lane Plus, so I think we rode almost every coaster. I will not go to Cedar Point without Fast Lane Plus. That trip in 2013 spoiled me for life! So, that trip started a decent run for me (7 years in a row with @ least 1 trip per year). 2013-2017 I did 1 trip each year. 2018 was unprecedented: 3 trips! I went on 7/4, 2 weeks later on 7/18, then I went on the first HalloWeekends Sat on 9/15. Unfortunately, 2019 was my most recent trip (which was on 7/31). Because of the whole virus thing & other factors, I have not been back since. So, hopefully that changes next month! One of my other hobbies is jigsaw puzzles. I've done 21 (& counting) since the start of this year. And, you probably guessed from this reply, I also like to write. Ok, I'm gonna go. Let me hear back from you (when you can), and, if you're comfy doing so, please tell me more about yourself, ok?
Seeya later. =) SummeRStorM79 (talk) 15:10, 25 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I've never been to Cedar Point before because I'm actually pretty new to being an enthusiast. This upcoming June trip will be my first time, and I'm quite excited, as I also have a Fast Lane Plus pass lol. I've gotta say, I'm a little jealous you caught rides on TTD and Wicked Twister, because those rides' demises still make me sad to think about. (Especially considering that Wicked Twister was replaced with, of all things, a wild mouse.) Blubewwy (talk) 01:09, 26 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
You've never been to Cedar Point? Well, I'm sure you'll have a great time. Are you going with anyone? It helps to have @ least 1 person to go with you so you have a riding partner. Are you aware that Top Thrill 2 is currently having an extended closure? They were having some issues with it when the park opened earlier this month. Idk if it'll re-open by the time of your trip (or mine). The Fast Lane Plus this year actually only grants you one-time access to TT2, so if it is open when you go, you'll most likely be able to ride it just once.
Don't feel bad about Wicked Twister. Twas an ok coaster. Since I re-started trips back to CP in 2013, I think I rode it like 5 or 6 times. The launches made it pretty intense.
Have you been to any other parks? I know you said you're new to being an enthusiast, but I was just curious. Besides CP, I've been to Kennywood (many times), Kings Island (twice), Worlds of Fun (once; it's in Kansas City, MO), & Six Flags Great Adventure (once; it's in Jackson, NJ). There are several other parks I'd love to go to, mainly for their coaster line-ups. A few that come to mind are Canada's Wonderland, Carowinds, Six Flags Magic Mountain, & Kings Dominion (among others).
There's a coaster @ Kings Dominion (Dominator) that I rode, but it used to be in a different park & had a different name. It originated @ a park called Six Flags Worlds of Adventure (original park name Geauga Lake) in Aurora, OH. The coaster's original name was Batman: Knight Flight & it opened in 2000. In 2001, me & 3 friends did a day trip to that park. Twas a very fun trip. I think we rode Batman: Knight Flight like 3 times. Sadly, that park is no longer operating. Some of the coasters that were there were moved to other parks, & B:KF was one of them. Twas disassembled & transported to KD, reassembled, & named Dominator. So it'd be cool for me to do a trip there & ride it again.
There's one other coaster from that Six Flags park that was moved to another park that I actually have ridden @ both parks. Twas a flying coaster. It debuted in 2001 & was called X-Flight. Again, after the park closed, this was one that was moved to another park. It ended up @ Kings Island, new name for it was Firehawk. My first visit to KI was back in 2017 & I was able to ride it. I thought it was interesting that it was 16 years between rides on it for me. A few years ago, KI closed it & got rid of it. In its place now stands Orion. My second visit to KI occurred last Summer (day trip), & my friend & I rode Orion 4 times. That visit to KI last Summer was extremely fun. A total of 24 coaster rides (I could've done more, but my friend was driving & it's a 4+ hour drive back home). There were 4 coasters that we rode 4 times, 2 that we rode twice, & then 6 that we rode once.
Ok, that's it for meow. Feel free to reply to keep our little online pen pal thing going. =) SummeRStorM79 (talk) 13:52, 26 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I'm going with a friend! And yeah, I know about the TT2 closure. Me and said friend are both pretty bummed about it. As for other parks that I've been to, I've only been to Waldameer (my home park, I am obsessed with RFII) and Conneaut Lake in recent years (well, 2019 isn't that recent for the latter, but it's more recent than my trip to Six Flags Darien Lake as a toddler that I barely remember). I'm actually going to Kennywood this Thursday though, which is exciting because they have such a great lineup of coasters. (And it's neat that you've been to Geauga Lake! I find that park extremely fascinating, and its closure still saddens me.) Blubewwy (talk) 16:00, 26 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Aha, so you're home park is Waldameer! Thus you have revealed where you are geographically located in the U.S. I didn't wanna ask straight out, because I wasn't sure if you'd be comfy sharing that. But, since you did, I will share that my home park is, in fact, Kennywood (KW). I'm guessing you're aware that Steel Curtain is closed for the entire season? I swear, they've had so many problems with that coaster since it opened. I've ridden it just once, back in early August of 2021. The wait in line was LONG, especially since it went down during my wait. I know that they temporarily closed Phantom's Revenge a few weeks ago, but it may be running again by meow. For your sake, I hope it's running this Thu. I have ridden PR idk how many times. It's extremely fun. The lift hill climb takes forever, but the first curving drop is fun, then the second longer drop that goes underneath the Thunderbolt is awesome as well. The only thing I find a little jarring is the series of bunny hills right before the end. So, besides that, overall it's a fun coaster. I recommend sitting front row or in the middle. I've never done the very back row, but it may be worth trying.
IMO, the Thunderbolt is a little overrated. Don't get me wrong, it's fun, but I've ridden other woodies that are far more fun. The Racer is fun, but line is usually really long. Jack Rabbit is ok (& also usually a long wait). Jack Rabbit is so short that it's over before you know it. The double-dip is (for me) meh. I guess I've been spoiled on too many of CP's coasters over the years. Sky Rocket is an EXTREMELY short ride with a long wait, but it's fun. If you've already ridden Exterminator in the past, I'd skip it. The wait for that indoor coaster is almost ALWAYS ridiculous. It's fun, but definitely not worth the wait.
Flat rides I recommend are: Aero 360, Black Widow (LONG wait), SwingShot, Cosmic Chaos. Aero 360 is probably my favorite flat ride because you go upside down. I love going upside down so that's probably why I love coaster inversions so much. Spinvasion they just opened last season. I haven't ridden it but I'm almost positive I'd really like it. They have a swinging ship called Pirate (or, Pirate ship, as us locals call it). It's ok. To me, it's not nearly exciting enough, but I know other people get a kick out of it.
I consider myself an extreme thrill-seeker; I'll ride any coaster no matter how tall, fast, # of inversions, configuration, whatever. It's ironic, because I used to be absolutely PETRIFIED of coasters. It wasn't until a friend coaxed me into it before I broke through that fear. I was probably in my early teens when I started getting serious about coasters.
Back to KW. If you like water rides (I'm pretty much retired from them because I don't like walking around afterwards soaking wet), I'd recommend Raging Rapids & the Pittsburg Plunge. I've never ridden the Plunge, but it seems to be a popular ride over in Lost KW. One ride I SERIOUSLY DON'T recommend is the Musik Express. It's a spinning flat ride. I think it's very dangerous & unsafe. Obviously, I've ridden it before, but probably never again. I think the spinning speed is WAY too fast & I'm continually surprised that they've not had any accidents with it.
Other rides to check out: the Whip, the Turtle, Wave Swinger, & then their 3 dark rides (Noah's Ark, Old Mill, Ghostwood Estate).
Ok, that's enough of my KW recommendations. I'll get into my feelings on Geauga Lake in the next reply; this one is already long enough.  ;) SummeRStorM79 (talk) 23:05, 26 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah, I'm sad about Steel Curtain being closed. I really hope this extended closure will be worth it for them to find a permanent fix to make it more reliable. I certainly hope Phantom's Revenge is up too. I admit, the friends I'm going with aren't big thrill-seekers, so I kinda had to... downplay PR's size to convince them to ride it with me lol. As for their woodies, Ravine Flyer II and Comet have made me a woodie lover forever, so I think I'll enjoy those ones (especially considering their historical significance). I'll probably still be giving Exterminator a ride, since I've never been to Kennywood before and I wanna get the credit (although it's probably the lowest on my priority list). I'll also definitely be riding the two water rides, because the friends I'm going with really wanna ride those ones. I'm not crazy about 'em, but I certainly don't hate them either. It'll be nice if it's a hot day at least!
I won't be riding the Musik Express though. I'm not much of a fan of super fast spinning rides. I do have my eyes on The Whip, Turtle, Kangaroo, and the dark rides, mostly because of the historical aspects. I will probably give Pirate and Wave Swinger a ride if I have time as well, because I love those types of rides.
And I also got into coasters the same way! A friend of mine overcame her own fear, and convinced me to do so for myself. Boy am I glad I did, because the world of coasters has been so much fun to be in and learn about. Blubewwy (talk) 02:23, 27 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Hey. I'm still here. I was off work this past weekend (a rarity), so twas easier for me to reply @ my convenience. Thanks for your last reply being a little more in-depth. I enjoy reading the longer messages (though whatever size they are are totally fine).
Yes, I hope they can finally get Steel Curtain fixed for the long-term. Even though I don't visit the park that often, I still don't like seeing all the problems they've had with it & people being bummed & disappointed about it not running when they're there. People traveling from other states to KW for the explicit purpose of riding Steel Curtain only to find that it's closed is, I'm sure, an epic letdown.
As for Phantom's Revenge, once you get there & your friends see the size of it, I hope they'll still wanna ride it with you. It's not insanely tall or anything, but it could seem a little intimidating for people that are not regular coaster riders. If they do bail on you when you go to ride it, you can still ride it by yourself (you don't need a partner for PR). Speaking of which, Jack Rabbit, Racer, & Sky Rocket all don't require a partner. Thunderbolt you do need one (they don't allow single riders on that one). Exterminator I'm not sure about. The cars are wide enough to seat 3 (possibly 4) across, so idk if they allow single riders on that one.
The water rides I hope you enjoy if you ride them. I don't hate them; I just prefer not to ride them anymore, that's all. Raging Rapids, I'd say, I probably rode last sometime in the 90s. Yes, all the way back then. It's pretty fun & exciting, from what I remember. The raft will spin (not super fast, don't worry!) as you make your way through the course. You may get drenched or, on the other hand, just a little wet. It all depends on how your ride goes. If they still have the part where there's a little waterfall & you go directly underneath it, it'll soak you for sure. Pittsburg Plunge idk how wet you'll get, as I said I've never ridden it. Anyway, if you ride both, I hope you like them & have fun.
I watched a YouTube POV video of RFII. It looks to be pretty fun & certainly a coaster I'd wanna try. If you ever get to Kings Island, they have 3 excellent woodies: The Racer, The Beast, & Mystic Timbers. The Racer is the oldest & opened when the park did (1972, I think?), The Beast opened in 1979 & is the world's longest woodie, & Mystic Timbers opened back in 2017 & is probably my favorite woodie @ KI. Over my 2 visits to the park (in 2017 & 2023), my rides for the woodies are as follows: The Racer(4), The Beast(4), & Mystic Timbers(7). It'd be fun to get back to KI eventually.
As for The Whip, Turtle, Kangaroo, Pirate, & Wave Swinger, I've ridden them all. The Whip is fun (I haven't ridden it in years, though). The Turtle & Kangaroo are pretty tame, but still fun. The Pirate I already gave my opinion of, but I will say it can be thrilling for those that have never ridden it. It has moderate speed once they get it swinging, & there is a slight feeling of weightlessness when the ship is almost completely vertical. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I recommend sitting in the back row (left or right side) if you can, though when they open the gates for the next riders to board, it seems like the people in front make a mad rush for both back rows. But, really, any row you guys sit in should be a fun ride.
The Wave Swinger is ok. It used to be in a different part of the park, & twas on a raised platform. So, that meant when the ride was going full, you were higher up off the ground. I really enjoyed that aspect of it. Meow that it's in Lost KW, it's just situated pretty much on the ground, so I don't think it's nearly exciting as it used to be. But, that's just me. I hope you enjoy it if you ride it.
Nearby the Pirate is their bumper car ride (former name was Gran Prix, since renamed this season to Potato Smash (which I find a little stupid, but that's just me)). Each time I ride that, I try to bump into AS FEW people as I can. That's just how I am, though. A good ride on the bumper cars for me means as smooth a ride as possible.
I'm guessing KW has a phone app, so I'd recommend downloading it (just for tomorrow if you don't need or want to keep it). I'm suggesting this because they probably have a park map on it which I think would prove beneficial to your group since you've never been there before. Even though it is a smaller park, KW definitely does not have a simple layout, so having a map to reference I think would help you out a great deal.
Ok, I think that's it for this reply. If you can, let me hear back from you today. I hope you & your friends have a TON of fun tomorrow. I just checked the weather forecast for West Mifflin tomorrow: hi of 68°F & sunny, so you should be good to go. Please let me know how your day went, ok? I'll look forward to hearing (er, or reading) about it. Also, I didn't forget about Geauga Lake. Thoughts on that park will be upcoming in a future reply. Ok, take it easy, have fun tomorrow, & be safe. Real quick, what is your first name? As I say, if you're not comfy sharing, it's ok. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go proofread this manuscript.  ;) SummeRStorM79 (talk) 17:57, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Oh my gosh, you haven't ridden RFII yet? You absolutely have to get to Waldameer at some point, it's a wonderful park and RFII is a phenomenal coaster. Nothing quite compares to that first drop straight into a tunnel and the bridge over the road. That coaster is the one that made me an enthusiast. I don't think I'll ever be able to fully describe just how much I love it.
Kings Island is definitely a park I would like to get to in the future, alongside Holiday World and Dorney Park (my top two bucket list parks). All of KI's woodies look awesome.
And I certainly will let you know how it goes! Another friend of mine encouraged me to download the Kennywood app too, so I most definitely did. (Sorry this message is so short, I just don't really have a lot to say right now lol. I'm sure I'll have much more to say tomorrow.) And my name is Kat! Blubewwy (talk) 02:42, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Kat, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Jack. You seem to be younger than me, that is just the vibe I'm getting. If this is true, it's totally cool. If you want, we can share our ages in the future. I may be getting up there in age (I'm not past 50, yet), but I'm definitely still young @ heart. It's ok that your last reply was short; please don't feel obligated to write gigantic replies like I do? I mean, if you want to, that's cool. But don't feel like you have to force yourself. If you don't have alot to say, it's cool. I'm enjoying getting to know you a little, & it seems like I almost always have alot to say.
I'm very much enjoying our exchanges on here. You seem to be a very nice person, & I hope that is how I am coming off, as well.
As far as Geauga Lake, I was fortunate enough to make 1 trip there (the one I referenced back in 2001). I only ever knew it as Six Flags Worlds of Adventure, because that's what its name was when I went (& I always thought that was a cool park name; Six Flags Great Adventure is cool, too!).
I think my group (there were 4 of us in total, all from same high school, but 2 of them I was way closer with; the other dude I didn't really know that well) was able to ride most of the coasters @ least once. We may have done some flat rides as well, but I couldn't name anything for certain (keep in mind, this was 23 years ago). They had @ least 1 woodie, named Villain, that we rode. Twas probably pretty fun, but honestly I remember nothing about it, just that we most likely rode it. 2 other coasters we rode (besides Dominator) are @ different parks. One was Serial Thriller (steel suspended coaster) which was moved to Carowinds & is meow called The Flying Cobras. The other was Superman: Ultimate Escape (later Steel Venom), (similar to the former Wicked Twister @ CP) which was moved to Dorney Park & is meow called Possessed. Before we left, we caught a viewing of a neat "Batman Forever"-themed stunt show. There was a floating stage with the lake surrounding it, & there was a viewing area with stadium-like seating in front of it. I'd never seen anything like that in person, so twas cool to experience it. Have to admit, twas a tad corny, but I think twas geared more towards families (& not so much young adults). But, I enjoyed it nonetheless for what it was: entertainment.
It's a shame that it went downhill in the following seasons after my visit. I think they had trouble drawing park-goers in, & then Cedar Fair ended up buying it (& I don't think they ever had any intent on keeping the park open long-term). If they did, they would have made more of an effort to invest in improvements, rides, & other stuff to draw more of the public back in. Sadly, it closed after the 2007 season. The waterpark (Wildwater Kingdom) stayed open for another 9 seasons before closing after the 2016 season.
Yes, it's sad, but what can we do? Unfortunately, that's how it goes sometimes in the amusement/theme park industry. All we can do is try to enjoy the parks that are still around.
Alright, I'm gonna go. Thanks for sharing your name, & meow you know mine. As I said earlier today (or yesterday), have fun with your friends @ KW & please be safe, ok? I look forward to hearing about it, hopefully in as much detail as you can write. Bye for meow, Kat. =) SummeRStorM79 (talk) 04:47, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Hey, Kat. Hopefully you see this before you leave for KW. Park opens @ 11am (parking is free, unless you park in 1 of the lower lots). You should plan to get there EARLY, like 45 min. before opening. Did you get your tix yet? I hope you got them online beforehand, because they probably cost more @ front gate.
Meow, for the bad news: closing is @ 7pm. Yes, you saw that right, 7pm. I know, it sucks. That's why I'm stressing for you guys to get there EARLY, so you can fully enjoy the 8 hours. And the time will go by SUPER-quick. Time literally flies when you're having fun @ an amusement park. Believe me, I know. CP is a good example. I wish time went that fast when I'm @ work. =P
I advise bringing sunscreen (the kind they sell that you can just spray on I find works well). Even though it's only supposed to get in high 60s today, the sun is going to be out a good deal of the time, & you can still get sunburn. I'd also advise bringing a hat. I know I may sound like a parent right meow, but I just want you to be protected. Just some advice, please use your best judgment?
Ok, that's it. I hope you all have fun, take pics, & be safe. I look forward to hearing about your day. Bye, Kat. SummeRStorM79 (talk) 13:27, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
It's neat to hear about all the Geauga Lake coasters you've ridden! I must admit, the few remaining Geauga Lake coasters still in operation at other parks have caused their parks to rise in priority on my bucket list, because as I said earlier, I just think Geauga Lake is so interesting.
Anyways, I got to Kennywood around... 11:30ish? I kinda forget but it was pretty early. Either way though, we caught the park on a good day, because it wasn't super crowded. I think the longest I waited for anything was about a half hour, and I actually caught some walk-ons for some flat rides.
The first coaster I did was Jack Rabbit, followed by Racer and Thunderbolt. I ran into another enthusiast friend of mine on Racer, which was neat. Jack Rabbit was an awesome first ride of the day, and it pretty quickly leapt its way up my rankings. Racer was alright, nothing super crazy but I liked it just fine. Too bad my train lost the race lol. Thunderbolt was awesome, and it's definitely my favorite of the three woodies.
I also rode Raging Rapids twice and Pittsburg Plunge once, and they were pretty cool. I liked Raging Rapids a lot (especially because you don't get 100% soaked). Pittsburg Plunge was nice for what it was, and I can definitely see it being a lot of fun on a very hot day, but seeing as we barely scraped 70 degrees today, it was freezing. Me and my friends had to stop in one of the people driers lol. I must admit, I was kind of saddened that there wasn't much to the actual track other than just the lift, turnaround, and drop. I guess I'm so used to Waldameer's flume ride (which has a long track with multiple drops) that it didn't occur to me that Kennywood's flume would be a little different.
In terms of flat rides, I got a ride on Kangaroo, Whip, and Pirate. All three were very enjoyable, as expected. I'll always be fond of older flat rides (well, Pirate isn't that old). It's such a shame that my own home park got rid of their Flying Coaster model back in the '90s. For dark rides, I went through Noah's Ark and rode Old Mill, and both were charming and fun. Growing up in a park home to two Bill Tracy rides has inevitably led me to love goofy old dark rides, especially when they have weird-looking props or animatronics. I love animatronics, so to see them mixed in with rides is always fun. It's the best of both worlds!
I got a ride on Sky Rocket, and it was a lot of fun. It was my first time being inverted on a coaster and my first launched coaster, so it certainly didn't have any expectations it needed to overcome to be a fun ride for me. It's such a pretty-looking coaster, too. I spent a bit of time just watching it operate.
When I got in line for Phantom's Revenge the first time around, the coaster had some kind of issue that caused it to close down, and we decided to leave the line ("we" because I did manage to convince one of my friends to ride it with me!). We got some fries (which were very good), and after we finished them, PR was thankfully back up and running. The wait was definitely the longest one in the park, but oh man it was worth it. I was pretty nervous in the queue because PR is my first hyper coaster, and admittedly I was kinda freaked out as we went up the lift hill. But once we went down that first drop, all the fear went away. My god, PR is the absolute best coaster I've ever ridden (not that it had much competition lol). I can't even begin to describe what some of that airtime felt like. I must have been completely off the seat for three seconds straight! Needless to say, RFII has been bumped down to my #2 favorite coaster, as PR has stolen its spot (it's still my favorite woodie though!).
At the end of the day, I got another ride on Thunderbolt (where I ran into my enthusiast friend again), and one last ride of the night on Jack Rabbit. Jack Rabbit was running a lot faster by then, and I got a back row ride on it. The airtime was almost as good as PR on one of its hills! I ended out the day by having some Dippin' Dots (I always get some when I go to amusement parks), and by purchasing a Thunderbolt t-shirt, and a sticker of PR and Thunderbolt (kinda sad that I couldn't find any PR shirts but oh well).
If I'd had more time, I would have also liked to have grabbed a ride on Lil' Phantom, the carousel, and Wave Swinger, but alas, the cards did not align for that today. Maybe next time. Additionally, Turtle, Ghostwood Estate, and The Exterminator were closed, so that was a bit sad, but I'm not overly upset about it since all the stuff I really wanted to ride was open (except for, y'know, Steel Curtain).
Ride counts for today:
Jack Rabbit - 2x
Kangaroo - 1x
Noah's Ark - 1x
Old Mill - 1x
Phantom's Revenge - 1x
Pirate - 1x
Pittsburg Plunge - 1x
Racer - 1x
Raging Rapids - 2x
Sky Rocket - 1x
Thunderbolt - 2x
The Whip - 1x
My current coaster rankings:
1. Phantom's Revenge (KW)
2. Ravine Flyer II (W)
3. Thunderbolt (KW)
4. Sky Rocket (KW)
5. Jack Rabbit (KW)
6. Comet (W)
7. Racer (KW)
8. Steel Dragon (W)
9. Ravine Flyer 3 (W)
10. Whirlwind (W)
11. Little Dipper (CLP)
Good lord I wrote a lot. Have fun reading this massive essay I guess. (And I am definitely a lot younger than you lol, I'm 18.) Blubewwy (talk) 03:07, 31 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, you are SEVERAL years younger than me. I just turned 45 a few weekends ago.
Holy crap, you DEFINITELY did not skimp on the details of your KW visit on what was your longest reply so far. I really enjoyed reading it.
So, starting off, it sounds like when you first got there, you just walked straight down all the way to the Jack Rabbit, then hit the Racer. Very efficient, since they're practically right next to each other. Um, is your ride list the actual order you rode everything? Or was it all just from memory? I'm curious, because when I go to any park, I actually do keep a list to chronicle my day. It's partly my OCD, & partly just to keep track of the day (& have something to reflect back on).
Did you notice on the Racer that you ended up back in the station on the opposite side as you started? The track configuration is called a Möbius loop, so you'd have to ride it separately from each side in order to have ridden on the full track course. Just a little nugget I thought you'd find interesting. ;)
I'm guessing they either took out or you missed the waterfall on the Raging Rapids? Was surprised that you didn't get wetter, but Im glad you really liked it! Did you watch the Pittsburg Plunge @ all before you rode it? The raft thing makes a pretty epic splash at the bottom of the drop. It is pretty simplistic: lift hill, u-turn to right, drop, over. KW did used to have a log flume called the Log Jammer. Was definitely a little more intricate than the Plunge, & it had 2 drops (2nd was bigger than first). They tore it down to make way for Steel Curtain. I did ride the Log Jammer many times when I was a youngling.
Im glad you rode the Kangaroo, Whip, Pirate, Noah's Ark, & Old Mill. Old Mill has gone through some various thematic (& ride name) changes over the years, but I think twas originally called the Old Mill, so it's cool that that's what they're calling it again. Sorry Ghostwood Estate was closed. You probably would've enjoyed its charm.
The fries you got I'm guessing were from the Potato Patch? They're pretty much an iconic food staple @ KW. Glad you enjoyed them.
Glad you enjoyed Sky Rocket & Phantom's Revenge. Yeah, PR line can be lengthy sometimes, but it's definitely worth it. Where did you sit when you went on the Phantom? If you waited for front row, that will always extend your wait.
Another thing we have in common is ice cream! I like to get some as well near the end of a visit. At CP, I especially enjoy a place called Toft's (near the front of the park). Their ice cream is really good, & I think the company is based in Sandusky.
Cool that you got some KW merch; I'm not sure if they have any gift shops near PR, though I'm sure there has to be some PR t-shirts somewhere in the park.
I actually don't have a list of my fav coasters, but seeing your's has compelled me to compile one of my own. I'll have to get to work on that soon.
Ok, gonna wrap up. So, since the columns for these replies are getting narrower & narrower, I was wondering if we could do an alternate way of conversing? I was thinking what if we exchange emails? If so, one of us could put their address here, & then the other could email back. What do you think? Let me know, ok?
Hope your trip back to Erie was safe. SummeRStorM79 (talk) 20:36, 31 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Most of what I wrote above was kinda just written in a random order, it wasn't the order I rode stuff in lol. And I did notice Racer's mobius track! I knew about it going into the ride, and the funny part was that I heard some people on the other train asking how we ended up on the opposite side of the station from where we started.
For some reason, the water seemed to target my friends more than it did me on Raging Rapids. I had looked at some stuff about Pittsburg Plunge, but I guess I didn't look at enough since I didn't realize it was so short. And yes, the fries were from the Potato Patch! I couldn't pass them up since Kennywood is so well-known for them.
I sat in the third car for Phantom. My friend and I didn't want to wait for the front or back row because we had two other friends waiting for us to finish riding it.
I'm not quite sure how I feel about email conversing. It's not an "I don't trust you" thing, more of an "I don't wanna post my email on a public site". And in all honesty, I'm usually just not a person with a lot to say lol. Like right now I've got stuff to say because I just went to Kennywood, but beyond that I really won't have much to offer in conversation. It'd kinda just be me giving the same "That's cool!/That's neat!" replies over and over again to your coaster stories (not that I don't wanna hear them, I just don't have much to really offer in return to make an actual conversation). Blubewwy (talk) 21:35, 31 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I get it about the email, but I was suggesting that to exchange cell #'s so we could text, but that's ok. For me, texting would be easier, that's all I'm saying. This column is gonna be reduced to just single letters soon, I feel like. I usually hold my phone vertical when I'm on Wikipedia, so the decreasing size of this column is bothering me. =( I know, we could start a new topic to restore it to being wider. We should do that soon.
It's ok that you feel you don't have alot to say. You're still young. I've been around a little more, seen some things, experienced some things. As I've gotten older, I've become pretty adept @ thinking of questions to ask people, especially when I'm getting to know them. That helps to keep a conversation going, & virtually eliminates any awkward silence. And there's nothing that makes me feel more AWKWARD than awkward silence.
I'm compiling first a listing of coasters by parks I've gone to, then I shall craft a list of my favs. I'm thinking I'll make it like top 20 or 25. Will try to get back to you later today. I might start a new topic window, or you could if you reply to this before my next reply. SummeRStorM79 (talk) 23:54, 31 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Hello =) (cont.)

Hey, Kat. As you can see, I'm starting a new window. Hope that's cool? Anyhoo, I've gotten my list of coasters together, & I'm going Top 25. Here we go...

Jack's Top 25:

1.)Raptor (CP)

2.)GateKeeper (CP)

3.)Mystic Timbers (KI)

4.)Banshee (KI)

5.)Maverick (CP)

6.)Diamondback (KI)

7.)Nitro (S.F.G.A.)

8.)El Toro (S.F.G.A.)

9.)Steel Vengeance (CP)

10.)Top Thrill Dragster (CP)

11.)Millennium Force (CP)

12.)Kingda Ka (S.F.G.A.)

1*.)Phantom's Revenge (KW)

14.)Steel Curtain (KW)

15.)Bizarro (S.F.G.A.)

16.)Orion (KI)

17.)The Beast (KI)

18.)Valravn (CP)

19.)The Bat (KI)

20.)Iron Dragon (CP)

21.)Magnum XL-200 (CP)

22.)Gemini (CP)

23.)Rougarou (CP)

24.)Jack Rabbit & Thunderbolt (KW)

25.)Exterminator (KW)

4 out of the top 10 have inversions (Raptor, GateKeeper, Banshee, Maverick). You may have noticed the appearance of the # between 12 & 14. I don't really like that #, so I always write (or type it) as 1*, so I don't have to fully see it. Just another OCD thing. #10-TTD is sort of defunct, because the layout & ride experience have been slightly modified. But, I'm basing it on my list by my enjoyment of how it originally was. So, going back 11 years ago, I believe I had 5 rides on it (up to 2019) in its original form. There's 2 Gigas in there (#11-M.F. & #16-Orion, the only 2 I've ever ridden). There's 7 Hypers (#6-Diamondback, #7-Nitro, #-Steel Vengeance, #1*-Phantom's Revenge, #14-Steel-Curtain, #18-Valravn, & #21-Magnum). #19-The Bat & #20-Iron Dragon are both steel suspended coasters. #15-Bizarro originally opened @ S.F.G.A. in 1999 as Medusa, was re-themed & renamed to Bizarro in 2009, then re-themed & renamed back to Medusa in 2022. My trip to S.F.G.A. was back in 2019, so it's name reflects what was its then-current theme. There are 11 coasters from CP, 6 from KI, 4 from S.F.G.A., & 5 from KW (with 2 tied @ #24). Ok, wrap up time. I'm gonna go. Let me know your thoughts. SummeRStorM79 (talk) 01:43, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

A pretty solid list! Seeing as I haven't ridden most of those, I can't quite offer much comment on the placements, but after my Cedar Point trip I'll be able to! I can certainly say that the coasters at Cedar Point I'm most looking forward to are Millennium Force, Steel Vengeance, and Maverick. Blubewwy (talk) 17:58, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Hey, there. I had some free time this afternoon, so I thought I'd type out a reply mssg. This one I'll focus on CP (but, if other things come to mind, I'll speak on them).
So, you said this will be your first trip to CP. Wish I was going with you so you'd have a seasoned park guide. (Side note: my proposed trip there with my friend this month is currently on hold, unfortunately. We both need to raise funds, so we're replanning for late Aug.). How soon are you going? Im just curious. I hope you're planning for a weekday, because weekends you are asking for trouble in terms of crowds.
Out of my 9 trips between 201*-2019, only 3 of them were on a Sat., & 2 of those were HalloWeekend Sat.'s. Those 3 trips were to accommodate the people I went with & what worked best for their schedules. They were still fun trips, but park was INTENSELY crowded all 3 Sat.'s. Even though you'll have your Fast Lane Plus wristband, going on a Sat. still could mean there will be some kind of wait in the Fast Lane line, especially for the coasters. It won't be NEARLY as long as the regular line (or, general paddock, as I sometimes refer to them), but the chances of there being a walk-on for something are not high.
I HIGHLY recommend getting to the park as EARLY as possible (30+ minutes before opening is a goal to aim for). There is the first line (security line with metal detectors), then the line to get your admission scanned to get in the park. After that, you need to find the nearest Fast Lane kiosk (barring any changes, the closest one to front of park should be just off to your RIGHT after you get in). Go there immediately & get your Fast Lane Plus (FLP) wristband. After that, go have fun!
So, I wanted to give my take on the 3 coasters you mentioned (MF, SV, Mav). FLP line for MF is usually kinda long (but, be thankful you're not in main line). For me, it's taken anywhere from 30 min. (long) to as short as 15-20 min. to get up to loading station. Front row (& probably back row) is usually an even longer wait, so I'd recommend sitting somewhere in the middle. The lift hill climb takes maybe a minute (maybe less, maybe more), &,the first drop is unbelievable! You'll love it!! Meow, since I've ridden it so many times over the years, I experience something between after the first drop & the climb up into the first overbanked turn. I try to fight it each time I ride, but ultimately my body dictates its own agenda. So, what I'm talking about is 'gray-out'. Not sure if you're familiar with this term in relation to coasters? The closest comparison is when you go to get up from sitting (maybe for awhilst), & you're vision starts to temporarily go black & you may feel a little lightheaded. So, in regards to MF, I think it happens to me from dropping from such a high distance (300 ft.) @ such a fast speed (90+ mph) that my body has trouble adjusting that quick, & my vision starts to fade out. Fortunately, it doesn't last long, & I'm able to recover & enjoy the rest of the ride. The first few years of CP trips, this never happened. But, I guess as I've gotten older, the body changes a little, so you just have to adjust yourself, that's all. Graying-out is not a bad thing; it's just something that happens. I wish it didn't but, sometimes you just can't fight nature. Anyhoo, you're gonna love the unrelenting speed & airtime on MF. It's a great ride, you're first ride will DEFINITELY be memorable, & you'll wanna ride it again later in the day, trust me!
As for SV, just another AWESOME coaster. The FLP line almost ALWAYS takes awhilst. Expect @ least a half hour before you get up to loading station. I've had as short as a 20 min. (or so) wait @ least once before, so I hope your wait won't be too bad. Lift hill climb takes a little whilst, + it's very noisy. I don't wanna give away too much. I'll say that the first drop is super-fun, & it maintains a crazy-fast speed pretty much throughout the ride. I'll be VERY interested to get your thoughts & feelings on that one.
Maverick is (if I can be permitted to use a word the kids say nowadays) pretty 'sick', & I think you'll VERY much agree after your first ride. Um, the FLP line for this one can be hit or miss. Sometimes it's longer, sometimes it's really not that bad. When it's not that bad, it can sometimes feel like it's a near walk-on, with how fast you get up to loading platform. There's ALOT of uphill steps to get up to Mav's loading platform, so be forewarned. Front row is a longer wait, but I'd HIGHLY recommend it. Middle usually isn't a long wait. I've never ridden back row, but it's probably pretty fun. Like SV, I don't wanna give too much away. First drop is pretty short (this is, by no means, a tall coaster), but it's fun. It has unrelenting speed, much like MF, & the airtime is awesome (I think it's mostly floater). At the end, you'll have such a rush from it! This is one coaster that I've done back-to-back rides on, meaning I rode it (with whoever I was with), got off, then immediately got back in line to ride it again. It's THAT good. I look forward to hearing what you thought of it!
Other coasters I recommend are Raptor, GateKeeper, Valravn (this one does tend to go down frequently), & Magnum XL-200.
Blue Streak (@ very front of park) is the only current woodie @ CP. It's very fun, but can be a little rough (keep in mind, this thing opened in 1964).
Gemini (a racing coaster, although they don't always have both sides going) is actually a steel coaster. A common misconception is that it's a woodie. Looking @ it, it may look like a woodie, but it's actually steel track surrounded by wooden supports. That coaster is fun (whether it's racing or not) & there are a few head-chopper parts.
Iron Dragon (steel suspended coaster) is fun, but I consider it pretty tame, actually. This one DOES NOT have Fast Lane, so the wait in the main line is usually considerable. But, it's worth it for the ride credit. I'd recommend front row.
Valravn is a fun dive coaster. The FLP line seems to always take a long time (probably a 30-min. average, @ least). It doesn't matter which row you sit in (there are only 3). The lift hill climb takes some time, & it's pretty steep (you'll almost feel like you're sitting in a Space Shuttle getting ready for launch!). There are 2 main dive drops, the 3 inversions are smooth & very fun, but the ride is so short it'll be over before you know it. You'll wanna ride it again, but then you'll remember how freaking long the wait is. Alas, the perils we face as coaster enthusiasts! ;)
GateKeeper is very fun. FL line is hit or miss (sometimes longer, sometimes not so bad). You can sit on the right or the left. I've done left side more times than right that it's probably my preferred side. I'd recommend doing left AND right, if you're able to. Lift hill climb isn't that bad (it's definitely faster than Valravn, but it, too, is on the steep side). There are 6 inversions, there is some floater airtime, & it's not the fastest coaster, but sometimes it's not all about crazy speed. You'll definitely like it & wanna ride it again.
Raptor is probably my favorite coaster, hands-down, @ CP. Still going strong since 1994. FL line is, again, hit or miss. Wait for front row adds to wait, but I HIGHLY recommend it. Really, there isn't a bad row on Raptor. Lift hill climb takes some time, but it offers cool views of the front of the park. At top of lift hill, there's a small B&M pre-drop, then a 90° left turn into the first drop (VERY fun) which leads into the 1st of 6 inversions, a vertical loop. Won't give away anything else, except to say that the speed is decent throughout & the inversions are EXCELLENT. You'll find Raptor to be very re-rideable (if that's even a word!).
Cedar Creek Mine Ride is in the back of the park. It does not offer Fast Lane. It's fun. Nothing to extreme, but worth the ride credit.
Corkscrew is ok. I know you'll wanna ride it, but the over-the-shoulder restraints make it a little uncomfy for me. I hope you'll enjoy it.
Magnum XL-200 is a decent hypercoaster. Not gonna say too much. I'm sure you'll like it.
Rougarou is a B&M floorless coaster near Iron Dragon & MF. It's ok. It has 4 inversions. The lift hill climb takes some time. Probably my fav part is the very first drop into the big vertical loop. My problem with Rougarou is the restraints. They're over-the-shoulder & they usually come down level with my ears. Even though it's a steel coaster, Rougarou is kind of rough, especially going through the inversions, so this causes my ears to rattle off on the restraints, hence why I call it an 'ear banger'. To fight this, I try, as best I can, to ride with my head sticking out as far forward as I can. It helps a little. I hope this doesn't happen to you & that you'll enjoy it.
I'm not gonna cover the kiddie coasters (Woodstock Express & Wilderness Run). I've never ridden them & problem never will. This is just me, but I'd feel SEVERELY out of place & self-conscious if I did ride them. I feel like they're mainly for little kids, I don't have kids, I leave those 2 for family fun.
Flat rides I'd recommend: WindSeeker (if it's open; probably my fav flat ride @ CP), maXair, Skyhawk (identical to SwingShot @ KW), Power Tower. They have an alternative to a carousel (CP does have @ least 1 traditional carousel) called Cedar Downs Racing Derby. I've never ridden it, but I REALLY want to. You should check it out; I hear that it's fun.
As for food, there's a few places I'd recommend: Chickie's & Pete's (literally RIGHT next to Raptor), Hugo's Italian Kitchen (also near Raptor), Coasters Diner (near middle of park, adjacent to Corkscrew), & there's some eateries back in Frontier Town that may be worth checking out. I already mentioned about Toft's (near front of park) for ice cream. Wait, hang on, apparently it's no longer Toft's. Looks like twas generically rebranded as just "Ice Cream Parlor". Ok, then. You'll be happy to know they do have Dippin' Dots (thumbs up!) @ at least 7 different locations throughout the park.
Ok, think I'm gonna end it here, for meow. Hope you enjoyed my little CP guide. Let me know your thoughts? SummeRStorM79 (talk) 21:49, 3 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I'm going next Thursday! I'm sorry to hear your trip was postponed, I hope you're still able to make it out there at some point this summer. As for getting there early, my friend and I are actually staying in Breakers the night before, so we'll be in for that first hour before the park opens, which is pretty neat.
I am expecting to be blown away by my first ride on MF. It'll be my first giga, so I think I'm definitely gonna be caught off-guard by that first drop lol. SV and Maverick will also be cool as hell, because like... just look at them. I think they're both gonna rank pretty high on my list when I'm done with them. Luckily, I don't mind longer waits too much, since I'll still be able to talk to my friend while waiting. I also just generally enjoy being in the presence of coasters, so watching one operate while I wait keeps me plenty entertained lol.
The other ones I have my eyes on are GateKeeper, Valravn, Raptor, Iron Dragon, Magnum XL-200, and Blue Streak. Each of those ones just looks so awesome, and I'll certainly take your word for their experiences. Cedar Creek Mine Ride, Gemini, Corkscrew, and Rougarou are the ones I'm not overly hyped for. I will definitely still ride them if I have the chance to, but if I leave the park without having ridden them I won't be too upset lol.
I have my eyes on WindSeeker for sure! I've always loved flying swings-esque rides, as they were a favorite of mine back when I was a little kid and too scared to ride coasters. As for maXair, Skyhawk, and Power Tower, those are yet again rides that I'll do if I can but won't be overly upset if I miss out on. Same thing goes for the carousel, as well as the sky ride and train. I love sky rides and amusement park trains, they always offer such lovely views of the parks they're in.
In terms of food, I usually don't stop for too much at amusement parks, as honestly I'm so distracted by the rides I don't get very hungry lol. I'll certainly be making a Dippin' Dots stop if I have time though, and if I do decide to stop for an actual meal (rather than just eating fries for like ten minutes before getting back to riding stuff), I'll keep your suggestions in mind. I quite appreciate the input! :) Blubewwy (talk) 01:35, 4 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
You're welcome for the input! Any time! I'm always happy to lend my CP wisdom to newcomers. =)
I'm guessing you meant Thu. of next week, right?
I'm SEVERELY jealous that you're staying @ Hotel Breakers!! That is not a cheap hotel. Maybe someday (when I have a little more money), I'll do a CP trip & be able to stay there. From pictures I've seen, the rooms look very nice. And getting in an hour early for "early entry" would be so sweet.
I think my first experience on a Giant Frisbee was on Black Widow (@ KW) several years ago. Have to say, I was a little scared, never having ridden one of those before. But, over the years, I've grown to enjoy it immensely. CP's maXair & KI's Delirium are identical Giant Frisbees (I've ridden both) & they're both super-fun. Um, Cyborg Cyber Spin @ Six Flags Great Adventure is a flat ride that is SUPER-flippy. My friend was a little uneasy when we rode it, but I loved every second of it! Skyhawk (S&S Scream & Swing) @ CP is very fun. It has Fast Lane, the wait usually isn't too bad, & it's very fun. It's like in the very BACK of the park. I do love drop towers, so I usually try to make it a point to ride Power Tower on each CP visit. KI has an even taller drop tower (taller than Power Tower). I rode it back in 2017, but unfortunately twas closed last year when I went.
Sky Ride is a peaceful little journey above the midways, & offers VERY cools views of the park, especially when you cruise by Raptor. I've never ridden the train (I should!), but you should if you want to. It is quite charming.
I get it about the food. When I'm there, it's usually whoever I'm with that says they wanna stop for food. I will eat when I'm hungry (but I try not to eat a ton when still riding stuff). Make sure you stay hydrated, & I don't mean with soft drinks (or pop; I never say "soda", hate that word). It's important (no matter how hot or cool the temperature) so you don't get dehydrated. I usually take very frequent water fountain breaks (water is free of charge!).
Ok, gonna go. This was a short one! SummeRStorM79 (talk) 23:48, 6 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah, I was referring to the 12th. I must admit, I've never done a frisbee ride. As I said earlier, I'm just not big on spinning rides, so I have yet to try the one at Waldameer. Waldameer's frisbee ride (called Chaos) is a lot smaller than the ones you usually find at Cedar Fair parks, so I think I'll definitely try it soon, since it'll be a good starter. And I definitely will be sure to stay hydrated! Blubewwy (talk) 06:59, 7 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Hey. I hope you made it to CP safely. If you're not too tired later, please let me know how your day went? Hope you're having fun. Just hoping I can make it there with my friend in a couple months. SummeRStorM79 (talk) 20:37, 12 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Hey. Are you still with me? Did you make it to CP? Let me know, ok? SummeRStorM79 (talk) 01:42, 15 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Hey, sorry about the late response! I didn't have much time to check up on Wikipedia while my friend was in town. I did in fact make it to Cedar Point, and it was a lot of fun! Here's my ride count:
Blue Streak - 1x
Cedar Creek Mine Ride - 1x
GateKeeper - 1x (my 20th credit!)
Iron Dragon - 1x
Magnum XL-200 - 1x
Maverick - 5x
Millennium Force - 2x
Raptor - 1x
Steel Vengeance - 3x
Valravn - 1x
Maverick took the spot of my #1 coaster by a long shot. I genuinely have no words for how absolutely amazing it was. That second launch is my favorite element on any coaster I've ever ridden. Steel Vengeance took the #2 spot, as it was a lot of fun too. Every part of Steel Vengeance's layout is utilized to the fullest and it was great. Millennium Force had a great first drop, and was actually my first ride of the day too. Blue Streak was pretty rough, but not unbearable. Cedar Creek Mine Ride was alright, nothing special. GateKeeper was really cool because I rode it at sunset, so the views were beautiful. Iron Dragon was a fun little ride, and the first suspended coaster I've done. Magnum was a bit rough, but again, not unbearable. Its finale was wonderful, and I definitely see why some people are crazy about Magnum. Raptor was pretty great, its inversions were a lot of fun. Valravn was also pretty neat, even if it's kinda short.
The day itself was pretty hot, somewhere in the 80-degree zone. My friend and I had to take quite a few water breaks lol. As for eating, we only stopped for an actual meal once, and it was at the restaurant by Corkscrew. Overall, it was a really fun day, and having Fastlane really helped to allow us to accomplish everything we wanted to do. (Admittedly, we didn't get around to Rougarou, Gemini, Wild Mouse, or Corkscrew (or the kiddie coasters and Top Thrill 2 lol), but I'm not too torn up about that because less rides on those meant more rides on the good coasters). Blubewwy (talk) 20:23, 16 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

You're cool

Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel and Warrior cats are awesome, although I haven't read warrior cats in a while (talk) 03:52, 16 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Also, why do people call Helluva Boss an adult show? I'm 14 and I love the show. (talk) 03:54, 16 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Helluva Boss is an adult show because it contains mature topics. You are too young for the show. Blubewwy (talk) 20:24, 16 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I already knew most of that stuff beforehand lol (talk) 02:09, 17 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I just realized you also like roller coasters! So do I! (talk) 02:12, 17 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]