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Hello To keep this simple, i will here merely expound on issues pertaining directly to my competence in participating in the editing and authoring process of Wikipedia, ie my personal biases regarding certain issues in no particular order.

Israel/Palestine-I support both the Palestinian and Israeli people in working towards a peaceful, fair, and just settlement to the current conflict. However, this does not mean that i feel that both sides should be treated the same; we have to recognize that Israel is one of the strongest military powers in the world, and that Palestine is a landless state with a decimated infrastructure. Similarly, i feel that it is Israel which needs to make the most sacrifices in whatever negotions may happen, considering not only the previously noted power differential, but also the history of peace negotiations, where the Palestinians have seen a partner effort to Israeli military aggression to compromise their state out of existence. More regarding Israel, though i support the idea of a national homeland for Jews, i do not happen to believe that this cause is best served by the current state of Israel. At the moment, i see the state as a puppet of the United States, serving its interests in the Middle East, which, i feel, does nothing but ill for the cause of a Jewish homeland. I will add more to this if it becomes necessary. I hope this was useful to someone in understanding my motives. Also, sad as i am to feel i have to so this, i am not an anti-Semite. I do not feel that terrorism (indeed, violence in general) is just, whether perpetrated by the IDF or al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, whether the victims are Jewish or Palestinian school children.