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internal medicine

Harrison Internal Meidicine 21st edition
  • part 1 the profession of medicine.
    • 1 the practice of medicine
      • enduring values of the medical profession.
      • the science and art of medicine.
      • clinical skills.
        • history-taking
        • physical examination
        • diagnostic studies
      • management of patient care
        • team-based care.
        • the dichotomy of inpatient and outpatient internal medicine.
        • mitigating the stress of acute illness
        • medical decision-making
        • practice guidelines.
        • precision medicine
        • evaluation of outcomes .
        • errors in the delivery of health care.
        • electronic medical records .
      • the patient–physician relationship
        • informed consent
        • approach to grave prognoses and death.
        • maintaining humanism and professionalism
      • expanding frontiers in medical practice.
        • the era of “omics” .
        • the globalization of medicine.
        • medicine on the internet
        • public expectations and accountability
        • medical ethics and new technologies.
        • learning medicine.
        • the physician as perpetual student .
        • the physician as citizen .
        • research, teaching, and the practice of medicine
      • further reading.
    • 2 promoting good health.
      • goals and approaches to prevention
      • health promotion
      • prioritizing prevention strategies
      • prevention and health promotion across the life course
        • periodic health evaluations.
        • healthy behaviors and lifestyles
        • healthy eating patterns.
        • physical activity.
        • sleep hygiene.
        • weight management.
        • tobacco cessation.
      • vaccination.
      • mental health and addiction.
        • alcohol and opioids.
      • accidents and suicide.
      • approach to the patient.
      • further reading.
    • 3 vaccine opposition and hesitancy
      • vaccine coverage and outbreaks
        • north america.
        • outside north america.
      • factors in vaccine hesitancy
      • social and cultural trends
        • individualized health care
        • parenting trends
        • traditional media.
        • the internet and social media.
      • approach to the patient.
      • other considerations during clinical encounters.
        • missed opportunities
        • adverse events following vaccination
        • addressing inequities in vaccine access.
        • further communication with patients who refuse vaccines.
      • conclusion
      • focus: covid-19 vaccine hesitancy.
        • past experience with new vaccines.
        • specific concerns about covid-19 vaccines.
        • social and cultural trends
        • tips for discussion of covid-19 vaccines
      • further reading.
    • 4 decision-making in clinical medicine
      • brief introduction to clinical reasoning
        • clinical expertise
        • intuitive versus analytic reasoning.
      • diagnostic versus therapeutic decision-making.
      • nonclinical influences on clinical decision-making
        • factors related to practice style.
        • practice setting factors
        • payment systems.
      • interpretation of diagnostic tests
      • diagnostic testing: measures of test accuracy.
      • measures of disease probability and bayes’ rule.
      • applications to diagnostic testing in cad.
      • statistical prediction models.
      • formal decision support tools.
        • decision support systems
        • decision analysis.
      • diagnosis as an element of quality of care
      • evidence-based medicine.
        • sources of evidence: clinical trials and registries.
        • meta-analysis.
        • clinical practice guidelines
      • conclusions.
      • further reading.
    • 5 precision medicine and clinical care
      • disease nosology and precision medicine.
      • requirements for precision medicine.
      • examples of precision medicine applications.
      • the future of precision medicine
      • further reading.
    • 6 screening and prevention of disease.
      • basic principles of screening.
      • methods of measuring health benefits
      • assessing the harms of screeningand prevention
      • weighing the benefits and harms.
      • counseling on healthy behaviors.
      • implementing disease prevention and screening.
      • further reading.
    • 7 global diversity of health system financing and delivery
      • financing individual patient careservices in developed countries
        • total health expenditures.
        • tax-funded systems
        • social insurance–funded systems.
        • the united states.
      • delivering individual patient careservices in developed countries.
        • hospital services.
        • primary care services.
        • access to elective specialist care
        • long-term care services.
      • pharmaceuticals.
      • governance and regulation.
      • future challenges.
      • financing and providing health services in developing countries.
      • further reading.
    • 8 the safety and quality of health care.
      • safety in health care.
        • safety theory and systems theory
        • factors that increase the likelihood of errors
        • the frequency of adverse events in health care
        • prevention strategies.
        • the national safety picture.
        • measurement of safety.
        • conclusions about safety
      • quality in health care
        • quality theory
        • factors relating to quality.
        • data about the current state of quality.
        • strategies for improving quality and performance
        • national state of quality measurement.
        • public reporting
        • pay-for-performance.
      • conclusions.
      • further reading.
    • 9 diagnosis: reducing errors and improving quality
      • emergence of diagnosis error as an important patient safety issue.
      • new ways to think about diagnosis and diagnostic errors.
      • uncertainty in diagnosis
      • don’t miss diagnoses and red flags
      • diagnostic pitfalls.
      • diagnosis safety culture
      • health information technology and the future of diagnosis.
      • diagnosis of diagnosis errors and safety: practical conclusions.
      • further reading.
    • 10 racial and ethnic disparities in health care.
      • nature and extent of disparities
      • root causes of disparities
        • race, racism, and health
      • social determinantsof health
        • health system factors.
        • provider-level factors
        • patient-level factors.
      • key recommendations to address racial/ethnic disparities in health care.
        • health system interventions.
        • provider interventions
        • patient interventions.
        • general recommendations.
      • implications for clinical practice
      • conclusion
      • further reading.
    • 11 ethical issues in clinical medicine
      • approaches to ethical problems
        • ethical principles
          • respecting patients.
          • beneficence or acting in patients’ best interests.
          • acting justly.
        • virtue ethics.
        • professional oaths and codes
        • personal values.
      • ethically complex professionalissues for physicians.
        • claims of conscience
        • physician as gatekeeper.
        • moral distress
        • occupational risks and burdens
        • use of social media and patient portals.
      • conflicts of interest.
        • financial incentives
        • relationships with pharmaceutical companies.
        • learning clinical skills
        • response to medical errors
        • physician impairment
      • ethical issues in clinical research.
      • emerging technologies.
      • global considerations.
        • international research
        • international clinical experiences
      • conclusion
      • further reading.
    • 12 palliative and end-of-life care
      • epidemiology
        • causes of death.
        • site of death.
      • hospice and the palliative care framework.
        • assessment and care planning
          • comprehensive assessment
          • communication.
          • continuous goal assessment
          • advance care planning.
      • interventions.
        • physical symptoms and their management
          • pain .
          • constipation
          • untitled
          • dyspnea.
          • fatigue.
        • palliative sedation.
      • psychological symptoms and their management.
        • depression
        • delirium
        • insomnia
      • social needs and their management.
        • financial burdens.
        • relationships.
        • family caregivers.
      • existential needs and their management
      • managing the last stages
        • palliative care services: how and where.
        • withdrawing and withholding life-sustaining treatment.
        • futile care.
        • euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide.
        • care during the last hours
      • further reading.
  • part 2 cardinal manifestations and presentation of diseases.
    • section 1 pain
      • 13 pain: pathophysiology and management.
        • the pain sensory system.
          • peripheral mechanisms.
            • the primary afferent nociceptor.
            • sensitization
            • nociceptor-induced inflammation.
          • central mechanisms
            • the spinal cord and referred pain.
            • ascending pathways for pain.
          • pain modulation.
          • neuropathic pain
            • sympathetically maintained pain
        • treatment: acute pain.
          • aspirin, acetaminophen, and nonsteroidalanti-inflammatory agents (Nsaids).
          • opioid analgesics.
        • chronic pain
          • treatment: chronic pain.
            • antidepressant medications
            • anticonvulsants and antiarrhythmics.
            • cannabinoids
            • chronic opioid medication.
            • treatment of neuropathic pain.
        • further reading.
      • 14 chest discomfort.
        • epidemiology and natural history
        • causes of chest discomfort
          • myocardial ischemia/injury
            • characteristics of ischemic chest discomfort
            • mechanisms of cardiac pain
          • other cardiopulmonary causes
            • pericardial and other myocardial diseases.
            • diseases of the aorta
            • pulmonary conditions
            • other pulmonary parenchymal, pleural, or vascular disease.
          • noncardiopulmonary causes.
            • gastrointestinal conditions.
            • musculoskeletal and other causes
            • emotional and psychiatric conditions
        • approach to the patient: chest discomfort.
          • history.
          • physical examination
          • electrocardiography.
          • chest radiography.
          • cardiac biomarkers
          • integrative decision-aids.
          • coronary and myocardial stress imaging
          • exercise electrocardiography
          • other noninvasive studies.
        • critical pathways for acute chest discomfort
        • outpatient evaluation of chest discomfort.
        • further reading.
      • 15 abdominal pain.
        • some mechanisms of pain originating in the abdomen
          • inflammation of the parietal peritoneum.
          • obstruction of hollow viscera.
          • vascular disturbances.
          • abdominal wall
        • referred pain in abdominal disease
        • metabolic abdominal crises
        • immunocompromise
        • neurogenic causes.
        • approach to the patient: abdominal pain.
        • further reading.
      • 16 headache.
        • general principles
        • anatomy and physiology of headache
        • clinical evaluation of acute, new-onset headache
        • secondary headache
          • meningitis
          • intracranial hemorrhage.
          • brain tumor.
          • temporal arteritis
          • glaucoma
        • primary headache disorders
          • chronic daily or near-daily headache
          • approach to the patient: chronic daily headache.
            • management of medically intractable disabling primary headache
            • medication-related and medication-overuse headache
            • new daily persistent headache.
        • primary care and headachemanagement.
      • 17 back and neck pain.
        • anatomy of the spine
        • approach to the patient: back pain
          • types of back pain
          • examination.
          • laboratory, imaging, and emg studies
        • causes of back pain.
          • lumbar disk disease.
          • degenerative conditions.
          • spondylosis and spondylolisthesis.
          • neoplasms.
          • infections/inflammation.
          • trauma
            • sprains and strains.
            • traumatic vertebral fractures.
          • metabolic causes
            • osteoporosis and osteosclerosis.
          • autoimmune inflammatory arthritis.
          • congenital anomalies of the lumbar spine
          • referred pain from visceral disease.
            • low thoracic or lumbar pain with abdominal disease
            • sacral pain with gynecologic and urologic disease.
          • other causes of back pain.
            • postural back pain
            • idiopathic
          • global considerations.
        • treatment: back pain
          • acute low back pain without radiculopathy.
          • chronic low back pain without radiculopathy.
          • low back pain with radiculopathy
        • pain in the neck and shoulder.
          • trauma to the cervical spine
          • cervical disk disease.
          • cervical spondylosis
          • other causes of neck pain.
          • thoracic outlet syndromes.
          • brachial plexus and nerves
          • shoulder
          • global considerations.
        • treatment: neck pain without radiculopathy
        • treatment: neck pain with radiculopathy.
        • further reading.
    • section 2 alterations in body temperature.
      • 18 fever
        • fever versus hyperthermia.
        • pathogenesis of fever.
          • pyrogens
          • pyrogenic cytokines.
          • elevation of the hypothalamic set point by cytokines
          • production of cytokines in the cns
        • approach to the patient: fever
          • history and physical examination
          • laboratory tests
          • fever in patients receiving anticytokine therapy
        • treatment: fever
          • the decision to treat fever.
          • anticytokine therapy to reduce fever in autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases
          • mechanisms of antipyretic agents
          • regimens for the treatment of fever.
      • 19 fever and rash.
        • approach to the patient: fever and rash.
          • physical examination
        • classification of rash
        • centrally distributed maculopapulareruptions
        • peripheral eruptions
        • confluent desquamativeerythemas.
        • vesiculobullous or pustular eruptions.
        • urticaria-like eruptions
        • nodular eruptions.
        • purpuric eruptions
        • eruptions with ulcers or eschars
        • further reading.
      • 20 fever of unknown origin
        • definition
        • etiology and epidemiology.
        • differential diagnosis
        • approach to the patient: fever of unknown origin
          • first-stage diagnostic tests
          • later-stage diagnostic tests
          • second opinion in an expert center
        • treatment: fever of unknown origin
          • antibiotics and antituberculous therapy.
          • colchicine, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatorydrugs, and glucocorticoids
          • interleukin 1 inhibition
        • prognosis.
        • further reading.
    • section 3 nervous system dysfunction
      • 21 syncope
        • epidemiology and natural history
        • pathophysiology.
        • classification
          • neurally mediated syncope.
            • classification of neurally mediated syncope.
            • features of neurally mediated syncope.
          • treatment: neurally mediated syncope
          • orthostatic hypotension.
            • causes of neurogenic orthostatic hypotension
          • treatment: orthostatic hypotension
          • cardiac syncope.
            • arrhythmias
            • structural disease
          • treatment: cardiac syncope
          • approach to the patient: syncope
            • differential diagnosis
            • initial evaluation
        • further reading.
      • 22 dizziness and vertigo
        • approach to the patient: dizziness
          • history.
          • examination.
          • ancillary testing.
        • differential diagnosis and treatment
        • acute prolonged vertigo (Vestibular neuritis).
        • benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
        • vestibular migraine.
        • ménière’s disease.
        • vestibular schwannoma.
        • bilateral vestibular hypofunction.
        • central vestibular disorders
        • psychosomatic and functional dizziness
        • treatment: vertigo
        • further reading.
      • 23 fatigue
        • epidemiology and global considerations
        • differential diagnosis
          • psychiatric disease.
          • neurologic disease
          • sleep disorders.
          • endocrine disorders.
          • liver and kidney disease
          • obesity.
          • physical inactivity.
          • malnutrition
          • infection.
          • drugs.
          • cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders .
          • malignancy
          • hematologic disorders.
          • immune-mediated disorders.
          • pregnancy.
          • disorders of unclear cause
        • approach to the patient: fatigue
        • treatment: fatigue
        • prognosis.
        • further reading.
      • 24 neurologic causes of weakness and paralysis
        • pathogenesis
          • upper motor neuron weakness.
          • lower motor neuron weakness.
          • neuromuscular junction weakness.
          • myopathic weakness
          • psychogenic weakness
        • distribution of weakness
          • hemiparesis
          • paraparesis.
          • quadriparesis or generalized weakness.
          • monoparesis.
          • distal weakness.
          • proximal weakness.
          • weakness in a restricted distribution.
        • further reading.
      • 25 numbness, tingling, and sensory loss.
        • positive and negative symptoms
        • terminology.
        • anatomy of sensation
        • approach to the patient: clinical examination of sensation
          • primary sensation.
          • cortical sensation
          • quantitative sensory testing
          • electrodiagnostic studies and nerve biopsy
        • localization of sensory abnormalities.
          • nerve and root
          • spinal cord.
          • brainstem.
          • thalamus
          • cortex
          • focal sensory seizures
          • psychogenic symptoms
        • treatment.
      • 26 gait disorders, imbalance, and falls.
        • prevalence, morbidity,and mortality.
        • anatomy and physiology
        • disorders of gait.
          • cautious gait.
          • stiff-legged gait.
          • parkinsonism, freezing gait, and other movement disorderss
          • frontal gait disorder.
          • cerebellar gait ataxia
          • sensory ataxia
          • neuromuscular disease.
          • toxic and metabolic disorders.
          • functional gait disorder
        • approach to the patient: slowly progressive disorder of gait
        • disorders of balance
          • definition, etiology, and manifestations
          • falls.
          • risk factors for falls
          • assessment of the patient with falls
            • history.
            • physical examination
            • fall patterns.
          • treatment: interventions to reduce the risk of falls and injury.
        • further reading.
      • 27 confusion and delirium.
        • clinical features of delirium.
        • risk factors
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis
        • approach to the patient: delirium.
          • history.
          • physical examination
          • etiology
          • laboratory and diagnostic evaluation
        • treatment: delirium.
        • prevention
        • further reading.
      • 28 coma.
        • the anatomy and physiology of coma
          • coma due to cerebral mass lesions and herniation syndromes
          • coma due to metabolic, drug, and toxic disorders
          • epileptic coma
          • coma due to widespread structural damage to the cerebral hemispheres
        • approach to the patient: coma.
          • history.
          • general physical examination
          • neurologic examination
          • level of arousal
          • brainstem reflexes
        • laboratory studies and imaging
        • differential diagnosis of coma
        • brain death.
        • treatment: coma.
        • prognosis.
        • further reading.
      • 29 dementia.
        • functional anatomy of thedementias
          • the causes of dementia
        • approach to the patient: dementias
          • history.
          • physical and neurologic examination.
          • cognitive and neuropsychiatric examination
          • laboratory tests
        • global considerations.
        • treatment: dementia.
      • 30 aphasia, memory loss, and other cognitive disorders
        • the left perisylvian network for language and aphasias
          • clinical examination
            • wernicke’s aphasia
            • broca’s aphasia.
            • conduction aphasia
            • transcortical aphasias: fluent and nonfluent
            • global and isolation aphasias.
            • anomic aphasia
            • pure word deafness
            • pure alexia without agraphia
            • apraxia and aphemia.
            • gerstmann’s syndrome
            • pragmatics and prosody
            • subcortical aphasia.
            • agrammatic ppa
            • semantic ppa .
            • logopenic ppa.
        • the parietofrontal network for spatial orientation
          • hemispatial neglect.
            • clinical examination
          • bálint’s syndrome, simultanagnosia, dressing apraxia, construction apraxia, and route-finding impairments.
            • causes of spatial disorientation and the posterior cortical atrophy syndrome
        • the occipitotemporal network forface and object recognition.
          • causes and relation to semantic dementia
        • limbic network for explicit memory and amnesia
          • clinical examination
          • causes, including alzheimer’s disease.
        • the prefrontal network for executive function and behavior
          • clinical examination
          • causes: trauma, neoplasm, and frontotemporal dementia.
        • caring for patients with deficits of higher cerebral function.
          • pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions
        • further reading.
      • 31 sleep disorders
        • physiology of sleep and wakefulness.
          • organization of human sleep.
          • wake and sleep are regulated by brain circuits
          • sleep-wake cycles are driven by homeostatic, allostatic, and circadian inputs.
          • physiology of circadian rhythmicity.
          • behavioral and physiologic correlates of sleep states and stages
        • disorders of sleep and wakefulness
          • approach to the patient: sleep disorders
          • evaluation of daytime sleepiness
          • insufficient sleep
          • sleep apnea syndromes.
          • narcolepsy
            • diagnosis.
            • treatment: narcolepsy.
          • evaluation of insomnia
            • psychophysiological factors.
            • inadequate sleep hygiene
            • psychiatric conditions
            • medications and drugs of abuse
            • medical conditions
            • neurologic disorders
          • treatment: insomnia.
            • treatment of medical and psychiatric disease
            • improve sleep hygiene.
            • cognitive behavioral therapy
            • medications for insomnia
          • restless legs syndrome
          • periodic limb movement disorder.
          • parasomnias.
            • sleepwalking (Somnambulism).
            • sleep terrors.
            • sleep enuresis
            • sleep bruxism.
            • rem sleep behavior disorder (Rbd).
          • circadian rhythm sleep disorders
            • delayed sleep-wake phase disorder.
            • advanced sleep-wake phase disorder
            • non-24-h sleep-wake rhythm disorder.
            • shift-work disorder.
            • treatment: shift-work disorder
            • jet lag disorder
          • medical implications of circadianrhythmicity
        • further reading.
    • section 4 disorders of eyes, ears, nose, and throat.
      • 32 disorders of the eye.
        • the human visual system.
        • clinical assessment of visual function
          • refractive state
          • visual acuity.
          • pupils
          • eye movements and alignment.
          • stereopsis
          • color vision
          • visual fields.
        • disorders.
          • red or painful eye
            • corneal abrasions
            • subconjunctival hemorrhage
            • pinguecula
            • blepharitis.
            • dacryocystitis .
            • conjunctivitis
            • allergic conjunctivitis.
            • keratoconjunctivitis sicca
            • keratitis.
            • herpes simplex .
            • herpes zoster
            • episcleritis .
            • anterior uveitis
            • posterior uveitis.
            • acute angle-closure glaucoma
            • endophthalmitis.
          • transient or sudden visual loss.
            • amaurosis fugax.
            • anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (Aion).
            • posterior ischemic optic neuropathy.
            • optic neuritis
          • leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy.
            • toxic optic neuropathy
            • papilledema.
            • optic disc drusen.
            • vitreous degeneration.
            • retinal detachment
            • classic migraine
            • transient ischemic attacks
            • stroke
            • factitious (Functional, nonorganic) Visual loss.
          • chronic visual loss.
            • cataract .
            • glaucoma .
            • macular degeneration .
            • central serous chorioretinopathy
            • diabetic retinopathy
            • retinitis pigmentosa
            • epiretinal membrane.
            • melanoma and other tumors
          • proptosis.
            • graves’ ophthalmopathy
            • orbital pseudotumor.
            • orbital cellulitis
            • tumors
            • carotid cavernous fistulas
          • ptosis
            • blepharoptosis
            • mechanical ptosis.
            • aponeurotic ptosis .
            • myogenic ptosis.
            • neurogenic ptosis
          • double vision (Diplopia)
            • myasthenia gravis.
            • oculomotor nerve
            • trochlear nerve.
            • abducens nerve
            • multiple ocular motor nerve palsies.
            • supranuclear disorders of gaze
            • horizontal gaze.
            • vertical gaze
            • nystagmus
            • opsoclonus
        • further reading.
      • 33 disorders of smell and taste.
        • anatomy and physiology
          • olfactory system .
          • taste system
        • disorders of olfaction
        • disorders of taste
        • clinical evaluation.
        • treatment and management
        • further reading.
      • 34 disorders of hearing.
        • physiology of hearing.
        • disorders of the sense of hearing.
          • conductive hearing loss
          • sensorineural hearing loss
          • noise-induced hearing loss
          • tinnitus .
        • genetic causes of hearing loss
        • approach to the patient: disorders of the sense of hearing
        • laboratory assessment of hearing
          • audiologic assessment.
          • evoked responses
          • imaging studies.
        • treatment: disorders of the sense of hearing
        • prevention
        • further reading.
      • 35 upper respiratory symptoms, including earache, sinus symptoms, and sore throat.
        • upper respiratory infections
          • improving ambulatory antibiotic prescribing.
          • ambulatory antibiotic stewardship.
        • nonspecific upper respiratory infection (“the common cold”).
          • definition and etiology.
          • symptoms and signs
          • treatment: nonspecific upper respiratory infection
        • ear pain
          • otitis externa
            • etiology and clinical manifestations
            • malignant otitis externa
            • treatment: otitis externa.
          • acute otitis media
            • epidemiology and etiology
            • symptoms and signs
            • treatment: acute otitis media.
          • otitis media with effusion
            • definition and etiology.
            • symptoms and signs .
            • treatment: otitis media with effusion.
          • acute mastoiditis.
            • etiology
            • symptoms and signs
            • evaluation
            • evaluation
            • differential diagnosis
            • treatment: mastoiditis
        • sinus symptoms
          • acute sinusitis.
            • definition and etiology.
            • symptoms and signs
            • complications
            • treatment: acute sinusitis
          • chronic sinusitis.
            • definition and etiology.
            • symptoms and signs
            • evaluation .
            • treatment: chronic sinusitis
        • sore throat and neck pain.
          • streptococcal pharyngitis.
            • evaluation
            • complications.
            • treatment: streptococcal pharyngitis
          • nonstreptococcal pharyngitis
            • acute infectious mononucleosis
            • other bacterial pharyngitis
          • head and neck abscesses.
          • epiglottitis
          • laryngitis
        • further reading.
      • 36 oral manifestations of disease.
        • diseases of the teeth and periodontal structures
          • dental caries, pulpal and periapical disease, and complications.
          • periodontal disease.
          • prevention of tooth decay and periodontal infection.
          • developmental and systemic disease affecting the teeth and periodontium.
        • diseases of the oral mucosa.
          • infections
          • pigmented lesions.
          • dermatologic diseases
          • diseases of the tongue
          • hiv disease and aids
          • ulcers
          • hematologic and nutritional disease.
        • nondental causes of oral pain.
          • diseases of the salivary glands.
            • dental care for medically complex patients
            • halitosis.
            • aging and oral health.
        • further reading.
    • section 5 alterations in circulatory and respiratory functions
      • 37 dyspnea
        • definition
        • epidemiology
        • mechanisms underlying dyspnea.
        • assessing dyspnea.
        • differential diagnosis
        • approach to the patient.
        • treatment.
      • 38 cough
        • cough mechanism.
        • impaired cough
        • symptomatic cough.
        • assessment of chronic cough.
        • chronic cough with a normal chest radiograph
        • global considerations.
        • symptom-based treatment of cough
        • further reading.
      • 39 hemoptysis.
        • anatomy and physiology of hemoptysis
        • etiology
          • infections
          • vascular
          • malignancy
          • mechanical and other causes.
        • evaluation and management.
          • history.
          • physical examination
          • diagnostic studies .
          • interventions.
        • further reading.
      • 40 hypoxia and cyanosis.
        • hypoxia.
          • responses to hypoxia
            • effects on the central nervous system.
            • effects on the cardiovascular system
          • causes of hypoxia.
            • respiratory hypoxia.
            • hypoxia secondary to high altitude
            • hypoxia secondary to right-to-left extrapulmonary shunting
            • anemic hypoxia
            • carbon monoxide (Co) Intoxication.
            • circulatory hypoxia.
            • specific organ hypoxia
            • increased o2 requirements.
            • improper oxygen utilization.
          • adaptation to hypoxia.
        • cyanosis
          • differential diagnosis
            • central cyanosis
            • peripheral cyanosis.
          • approach to the patient.
        • clubbing
        • further reading.
      • 41 edema
        • plasma and interstitial fluid exchange
          • reduction of effective arterial volume
          • renal factors and the reninangiotensin-aldosterone system.
          • arginine vasopressin
          • endothelin-1
          • natriuretic peptides
          • clinical causes of edema
          • generalized edema.
            • heart failure.
            • edema of renal disease
            • nephrotic syndrome and other hypoalbuminemic states.
            • hepatic cirrhosis.
            • drug-induced edema
            • edema of nutritional origin.
          • localized edema.
            • other causes of edema.
          • distribution of edema.
        • approach to the patient.
        • further reading.
      • 42 approach to the patient with a heart murmur
        • duration and character
        • intensity.
        • location and radiation
        • systolic heart murmurs
          • early systolic murmurs
          • midsystolic murmurs
          • late systolic murmurs
          • holosystolic murmurs
        • diastolic heart murmurs.
          • early diastolic murmurs.
          • mid-diastolic murmurs
        • continuous murmurs
        • dynamic auscultation
          • respiration.
          • alterations of systemic vascular resistance.
          • changes in venous return .
          • post-premature ventricular contraction
        • the clinical context
        • echocardiography
        • other cardiac testing.
        • integrated approach.
        • further reading.
      • 43 palpitations.
        • approach to the patient.
        • further reading.
    • section 6 alterations in gastrointestinal function
      • 44 dysphagia
        • physiology of swallowing
        • pathophysiology of dysphagia
        • approach to the patient.
        • further reading.
      • 45 nausea, vomiting, and indigestion
        • nausea and vomiting.
          • mechanisms
            • coordination of emesis .
            • activators of emesis
          • differential diagnosis
            • intraperitoneal disorders.
            • extraperitoneal disorders.
            • medications and metabolic disorders.
          • approach to the patient: nausea and vomiting
          • treatment: nausea and vomiting
        • indigestion.
          • mechanisms
            • gastroesophageal reflux.
            • gastric motor dysfunction.
            • visceral afferent hypersensitivity
            • immune activation
            • other factors
          • differential diagnosis
            • gastroesophageal reflux disease.
            • functional dyspepsia
            • ulcer disease.
            • malignancy
            • other causes
          • approach to the patient: indigestion
          • treatment: indigestion
            • lifestyle, diet, and nonmedication recommendations
            • acid-suppressing or -neutralizing medications.
            • helicobacter pylori eradication.
            • agents that modify gastrointestinal motor activity
            • antidepressants.
            • other options.
        • further reading.
      • 46 diarrhea and constipation
        • normal physiology.
          • neural control
          • intestinal fluid absorption and secretion.
          • small-intestinal motility.
          • ileocolonic storage and salvage.
          • colonic motility and tone.
          • colonic motility after meal ingestion.
          • defecation
        • diarrhea
          • definition
          • acute diarrhea
            • infectious agents.
            • other causes .
            • approach to the patient.
            • treatment.
          • chronic diarrhea
            • secretory causes
            • osmotic causes .
            • steatorrheal causes.
            • inflammatory causes.
            • dysmotility causes .
            • factitial causes
            • approach to the patient.
            • treatment.
        • constipation
          • definition
          • causes
          • approach to the patient.
          • investigation of severe constipation
            • measurement of colonic transit
            • anorectal and pelvic floor tests .
          • treatment.
        • further reading.
      • 47 unintentional weight loss
        • physiology of weight regulation withaging.
        • causes of unintentional weight loss.
        • assessment
        • treatment.
        • further reading.
      • 48 gastrointestinal bleeding
        • sources of gastrointestinal bleeding
          • upper gastrointestinal sources of bleeding
          • small-intestinal sources of bleeding
          • colonic sources of bleeding
        • approach to the patient.
          • initial assessment
          • differentiation of ugib from lgib.
          • evaluation and management of ugib.
          • evaluation and management of lgib
          • evaluation and management of small-intestinal or obscure gib
          • positive fecal occult blood test
        • further reading.
      • 49 jaundice.
        • production and metabolism of bilirubin
        • measurement of serum bilirubin
        • measurement of urine bilirubin
        • approach to the patient.
          • isolated elevation of serum bilirubin.
          • elevation of serum bilirubin with other liver test abnormalities
        • global considerations.
        • further reading.
      • 50 abdominal swelling and ascites.
        • abdominal swelling
          • causes
          • approach to the patient.
          • imaging and laboratory evaluation.
        • ascites.
          • pathogenesis in the presence of cirrhosis.
          • pathogenesis in the absence of cirrhosis
          • causes
          • evaluation
          • treatment.
          • complications.
        • further reading.
    • section 7 alterations in renal and urinary tract function.
      • 51 interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome
        • definition
        • etiology and pathogenesis.
          • infection and the urinary microbiota
          • autoimmunity
          • inflammation
          • urothelial dysfunction
            • urothelial permeability and the glycosaminoglycan layer.
            • antiproliferative factor
          • pelvic organ crosstalk
          • neurobiologic contributions and central sensitization.
        • epidemiology
        • clinical manifestations.
        • approach to the patient.
        • diagnosis.
          • history and physical (Including frequency/volume charts)
          • symptom scores
          • urine studies.
          • imaging, cystoscopy, and urodynamics
          • intravesical anesthetic bladder challenge and hydrodistension.
        • treatment: clinical phenotyping.
        • conservative measures.
        • medical therapies.
        • surgical therapies
        • complications and prognosis.
        • global considerations.
        • further reading.
      • 52 azotemia and urinary abnormalities.
        • azotemia
          • assessment of gfr.
          • approach to the patient.
            • prerenal failure
            • postrenal azotemia
            • intrinsic renal disease.
            • oliguria and anuria.
        • abnormalities of the urine
          • proteinuria.
          • hematuria, pyuria, and casts
        • abnormalities of urine volume.
          • polyuria
      • 53 fluid and electrolyte disturbances.
        • sodium and water
          • composition of body fluids
          • hypovolemia.
            • etiology
            • diagnostic evaluation.
            • treatment.
        • sodium disorders
          • hyponatremia
            • hypovolemic hyponatremia
            • hypervolemic hyponatremia.
            • euvolemic hyponatremia
            • low solute intake and hyponatremia
            • clinical features of hyponatremia.
            • diagnostic evaluation of hyponatremia.
            • treatment.
          • hypernatremia.
            • etiology
            • clinical features.
            • diagnostic approach
            • treatment.
        • potassium disorders.
          • hypokalemia.
            • redistribution and hypokalemia
            • nonrenal loss of potassium
            • renal loss of potassium.
            • magnesium deficiency and hypokalemia
            • clinical features.
            • treatment.
          • hyperkalemia
            • pseudohyperkalemia .
            • redistribution and hyperkalemia.
            • hyperkalemia caused by excess intake or tissue necrosis.
            • hypoaldosteronism and hyperkalemia
            • renal disease and hyperkalemia
            • medication-associated hyperkalemia
            • clinical features.
            • diagnostic approach.
            • treatment.
      • 54 hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia.
        • hypercalcemia.
          • etiology
          • clinical manifestations.
          • diagnostic approach.
          • treatment.
        • hypocalcemia
          • etiology
          • clinical manifestations.
          • diagnostic approach.
          • treatment.
          • global considerations.
        • further reading.
      • 55 acidosis and alkalosis.
        • normal acid-base homeostasis
        • diagnosis of general types of disturbances
          • simple acid-base disorders
          • mixed acid-base disorders.
        • approach to the patient: acid-base disorders
        • metabolic acidosis
          • treatment.
          • high-anion gap acidoses.
            • approach to the patient.
            • lactic acidosis.
            • ketoacidosis
              • diabetic ketoacidosis (Dka).
              • alcoholic ketoacidosis (Aka)
            • drug- and toxin-induced acidosis
              • salicylates
              • alcohols
              • ethylene glycol.
              • methanol
              • propylene glycol
              • isopropyl alcohol.
              • pyroglutamic acid.
            • chronic kidney disease
          • non–anion gap metabolic acidoses
            • treatment.
        • metabolic alkalosis.
          • etiology and pathogenesis.
          • differential diagnosis
          • metabolic alkalosis associated with ecfv contraction, k+ depletion, and secondary hyperreninemic hyperaldosteronism.
            • gastrointestinal origin.
            • renal origin
              • diuretics.
              • solute losing disorders: bartter’s syndrome and gitelman’s syndrome.
              • non-reabsorbable anions and magnesium deficiency
              • potassium depletion.
              • after treatment of lactic acidosis or ketoacidosis
              • posthypercapnia
          • metabolic alkalosis associated with ecfv expansion, hypertension, and mineralocorticoid excess
            • symptoms
            • treatment.
        • respiratory acidosis
        • respiratory alkalosis.
    • section 8 alterations in the skin.
      • 56 approach to the patient with a skin disorder.
        • description of primary skin lesions.
        • description of secondary skin lesions.
        • common dermatologic terms.
        • selected common dermatologic conditions.
        • approach to the patient.
        • diagnostic techniques.
          • skin biopsy.
          • koh preparation.
          • tzanck smear
          • diascopy
          • dermoscopy
          • wood’s light
          • patch tests
        • further reading.
      • 57 eczema, psoriasis, cutaneous infections, acne, and other common skin disorders.
        • eczema and dermatitis.
          • atopic dermatitis.
          • lichen simplex chronicus
          • contact dermatitis
          • hand eczema.
          • nummular eczema.
          • asteatotic eczema.
          • stasis dermatitis and stasis ulceration.
          • seborrheic dermatitis.
        • papulosquamous disorders
          • psoriasis.
          • lichen planus.
          • pityriasis rosea
        • cutaneous infections .
          • impetigo, ecthyma, and furunculosis.
          • erysipelas and cellulitis.
          • dermatophytosis.
          • tinea (Pityriasis) Versicolor.
          • candidiasis.
          • warts.
          • herpes simplex
          • herpes zoster.
        • acne
          • acne vulgaris.
          • acne rosacea
        • skin diseases and smallpox vaccination
        • further reading.
      • 58 skin manifestations of internal disease
        • papulosquamous skin lesions.
        • erythroderma
        • alopecia
        • figurate skin lesions.
        • acne
        • pustular lesions
        • telangiectasias.
        • hypopigmentation
        • hyperpigmentation.
        • vesicles/bullae.
        • urticaria.
        • papulonodular skin lesions
          • white lesions.
          • skin-colored lesions
          • pink lesions
          • yellow lesions
          • red lesions.
          • red-brown lesions.
          • blue lesions
          • violaceous lesions
          • purple lesions
          • brown and black lesions.
          • cutaneous metastases
        • purpura.
        • ulcers
        • fever and rash
        • further reading.
      • 59 immunologically mediated skin diseases.
        • autoimmune cutaneous diseases.
          • pemphigus vulgaris
          • pemphigus foliaceus.
          • paraneoplastic pemphigus
          • bullous pemphigoid
          • pemphigoid gestationis
          • dermatitis herpetiformis
          • linear iga disease
          • epidermolysis bullosa acquisita.
          • mucous membrane pemphigoid
        • autoimmune systemic diseases with prominent cutaneous features
          • dermatomyositis.
          • lupus erythematosus.
          • scleroderma and morphea.
        • further reading.
      • 60 cutaneous drug reactions.
        • use of prescription drugs in theunited states.
        • incidence of cutaneous reactions
        • pathogenesis of drug reactions
          • nonimmunologic drug reactions.
          • immunologic drug reactions
            • immediate reactions.
            • immune complex–dependent reactions
            • delayed hypersensitivity
          • genetic factors and cutaneous drug reactions
          • global considerations.
        • clinical presentation of cutaneous drug reactions.
          • nonimmune cutaneous reactions.
            • exacerbation or induction of dermatologic diseases
            • photosensitivity eruptions .
            • pigmentation changes
            • warfarin necrosis of skin.
            • drug-induced hair disorders.
            • drug-induced nail disorders.
            • toxic erythema of chemotherapy and other chemotherapy reactions.
          • immune cutaneous reactions: common
            • maculopapular eruptions.
            • pruritus
            • urticaria/angioedema/anaphylaxis
            • anaphylactoid reactions.
            • irritant/allergic contact dermatitis
            • fixed drug eruptions
          • immune cutaneous reactions: rare and severe.
            • drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome
            • stevens-johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis.
            • pustular eruptions
            • overlap hypersensitivity syndromes
            • vasculitis
        • management of the patient with suspected drug eruption
          • early diagnosis of severe eruptions.
          • confirmation of drug reaction.
          • what drug(S) To suspect and withdraw
          • recommendation for future use of drugs
          • cross-sensitivity.
          • role of testing for causality and drug rechallenge
          • reporting.
        • further reading.
      • 61 photosensitivity and other reactions to sunlight.
        • solar radiation.
          • uv radiation (Uvr) And skin structure andfunction.
            • molecular targets for uvr-induced skin effects .
            • cutaneous optics and chromophores.
            • acute effects of sun exposure.
            • chronic effects of sun exposure: nonmalignant.
            • chronic effects of sun exposure: malignant
            • photoimmunology.
          • photosensitivity diseases.
            • polymorphous light eruption.
            • phototoxicity and photoallergy
            • porphyria.
        • photoprotection.
        • phototherapy and photochemotherapy
        • further reading.
    • section 9 hematologic alterations.
      • 62 interpreting peripheral blood smears.
        • normal peripheral blood smear.
        • reticulocyte count preparation
        • hypochromic microcytic anemia of iron deficiency
        • iron deficiency anemia next to normal red blood cells.
        • polychromatophilia
        • macrocytosis
        • hypersegmented neutrophils
        • spherocytosis.
        • rouleaux formation
        • red cell agglutination
        • fragmented red cells
        • sickle cells
        • target cells
        • elliptocytosis
        • stomatocytosis
        • acanthocytosis
        • howell-jolly bodies.
        • teardrop cells and nucleated red blood cells characteristic of myelofibrosis
        • myelofibrosis of the bone marrow
        • reticulin stain of marrow myelofibrosis.
        • stippled red cell in lead poisoning.
        • heinz bodies
        • giant platelets.
        • normal granulocytes.
        • normal monocytes
          • normal eosinophils.
          • normal basophil
        • pelger-hüet anomaly.
        • döhle body
        • chédiak-higashi disease.
      • 63 anemia and polycythemia
        • hematopoiesis and the physiologicbasis of red cell production.
        • anemia
          • clinical presentation of anemia.
          • approach to the patient.
            • laboratory evaluation.
              • peripheral blood smear
              • reticulocyte count .
              • tests of iron supply and storage
              • bone marrow examination.
            • other laboratory measurements.
          • definition and classification of anemia.
            • initial classification of anemia
            • hypoproliferative anemias.
            • maturation disorders
            • blood loss/hemolytic anemia.
          • treatment.
        • polycythemia
        • further reading.
      • 64 disorders of granulocytes and monocytes
        • neutrophils.
          • maturation
          • marrow release andcirculating compartments
          • neutrophil abnormalities
            • neutropenia.
            • hereditary neutropenias.
            • neutrophilia
            • abnormal neutrophil function .
        • mononuclear phagocytes
          • disorders of the mononuclearphagocyte system
        • eosinophils.
          • eosinophilia
          • eosinopenia.
        • hyperimmunoglobulin e–recurrent infection syndrome
        • laboratory diagnosis and management.
        • further reading.
      • 65 bleeding and thrombosis
        • steps of normal hemostasis
          • platelet plug formation.
          • fibrin clot formation.
        • antithrombotic mechanisms.
          • the fibrinolytic system.
        • approach to the patient.
          • clinical presentation.
            • history of bleeding.
            • prohemorrhagic effects of medications and dietary supplements.
            • underlying systemic diseases that cause or exacerbate a bleeding tendency.
          • history of thrombosis.
          • laboratory evaluation.
            • screening assays
            • mixing studies
            • specific factor assays
            • testing for antiphospholipid antibodies.
            • other coagulation tests
            • laboratory testing for thrombophilia
            • measures of platelet function.
        • further reading.
      • 66 enlargement of lymph nodes and spleen
        • lymphadenopathy.
        • splenomegaly
        • splenectomy.
        • further reading.
  • part 3 pharmacology
    • 67 principles of clinical pharmacology
      • global considerations.
      • indications for drug therapy: risk versus benefit.
        • adverse effects.
        • therapeutic index.
      • principles of pharmacokinetics
        • absorption and bioavailability
        • drug transport
        • drug metabolism.
        • plasma half-life
        • drug distribution.
        • drug elimination
        • active drug metabolites.
        • the concept of high-risk pharmacokinetics.
        • principles of pharmacodynamics
        • principles of dose selection
      • effects of disease on drug concentration and response.
        • renal disease.
        • liver disease.
        • heart failure and shock.
        • drug use in the elderly.
        • drug use in children
      • interactions between drugs
      • adverse drug reactions
        • scope of the problem
        • toxicity unrelated to a drug’s primarypharmacologic activity
          • acetaminophen.
          • immunologic reactions.
        • diagnosis and treatment of adverse drug reactions.
      • the drug development process
      • summary.
      • further reading.
    • 68 pharmacogenomics.
      • principles of genetic variation and drug response
        • types of genetic variants influencing drug response.
        • candidate gene approaches.
        • genome-wide association studies.
      • genetic variants affecting pharmacokinetics.
        • cyp3a.
        • cyp2d6
        • cyp2c19.
        • cyp2c9
        • dpyd
        • transferase variants
        • transporter variants
      • genetic variants affecting pharmacodynamics.
        • immunologically mediated drug reactions.
        • tumor and infectious agent genomes
      • incorporating pharmacogenetic information into clinical practice
        • point of care versus preemptive approaches
        • challenges
        • developing evidence that pharmacogenetic testing alters drug outcomes.
      • genetics and drug development.
        • finding protective alleles can identify drug targets
        • cancer
        • using multiple data types.
      • summary.
      • further reading.
  • part 4 oncology and hematology
    • section 1 neoplastic disorders
      • 69 approach to the patient with cancer
        • the magnitude of the problem
        • patient management
          • diagnosis.
          • defining the extent of disease andthe prognosis.
          • making a treatment plan.
          • management of disease and treatmentcomplications
        • long-term follow-up/latecomplications.
          • supportive care.
            • pain
            • nausea
            • effusions.
            • nutrition.
            • psychosocial support .
            • death and dying.
            • end-of-life decisions.
        • further reading.
      • 70 prevention and early detection of cancer.
        • education and healthful habits
          • smoking cessation.
          • physical activity.
          • diet modification.
          • energy balance
          • un avoidance
        • cancer chemoprevention
          • chemoprevention of cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract.
          • chemoprevention of colon cancer.
          • chemoprevention of breast cancer
          • chemoprevention of prostate cancer
          • vaccines and cancer prevention
        • surgical prevention of cancer.
        • cancer screening
          • the accuracy of screening.
          • potential biases of screening tests.
          • potential drawbacks of screening
          • assessment of screening tests.
          • screening for specific cancers
            • breast cancer
            • cervical cancer
            • colorectal cancer.
            • lung cancer.
            • ovarian cancer
            • prostate cancer.
            • skin cancer.
        • further reading.
      • 71 cancer genetics
        • cancer is a genetic disease.
        • historical perspective
        • the clonal origin and multistep nature of cancer
        • two types of cancer genes: oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes.
        • oncogenes in human cancer.
        • mechanisms of oncogene activation.
          • point mutation
          • dna amplification.
          • chromosomal rearrangement.
        • chromosomal instability in solid tumors.
        • tumor-suppressor gene inactivation in cancer
        • familial cancer syndromes.
        • genetic testing for familial cancer.
        • viruses in human cancer.
        • cancer genomes
        • tumor heterogeneity.
        • personalized cancer detection and treatment.
        • the future
        • further reading.
      • 72 cancer cell biology
        • cancer cell biology.
        • cancer as an organ that ignores its niche.
        • cell cycle checkpoints
        • cellular senescence.
        • signal transduction pathways in cancer cells
        • cancer-specific genetic changes and synthetic lethality.
        • epigenetic influences on cancer gene transcription
        • apoptosis and other mechanisms of cell death
        • metastasis
        • cancer stem cells.
        • plasticity and resistance.
        • cancer metabolism.
        • tumor microenvironment, angiogenesis, and immune evasion
        • obesity and cancer
        • mechanisms of tumor vessel formation
        • antiangiogenic therapy
        • evasion of the immune system by cancers.
        • summary.
        • further reading.
      • 73 principles of cancer treatment.
        • cancer presentation.
          • detection of a cancer.
          • establishing a cancer diagnosis.
          • cancer staging
        • cancer treatment
        • localized cancer treatments.
          • surgery.
          • radiation.
          • other localized cancer treatments.
        • systemic cancer treatments
          • systemic cancer therapy overview
            • general principles .
            • strategies in systemic cancer management
          • cancer biologic therapy.
            • antibody-mediated therapeutic approaches
            • nontargeted immunomodulators
            • cytokines.
            • t cell–mediated therapies.
            • oncolytic viruses
          • cancer cytotoxic therapy
            • dna-interactive agents
            • antitumor antibiotics and topoisomerase poisons.
            • antimetabolites.
            • mitotic spindle inhibitors
          • cancer molecular targeted therapy.
            • hormone receptor–directed therapy.
            • non-receptor-linked tyrosine kinase antagonists.
            • receptor-linked tyrosine kinase antagonists.
            • ras/raf/mek antagonists.
            • multikinase inhibitors
            • cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors
            • protein homeostasis modulators
            • chromatin-modifying agents
            • cancer cell metabolism modulators.
            • dna repair pathway modulators.
            • miscellaneous targeted therapies
          • systemic radiation therapy
        • resistance to cancer treatments.
        • supportive care during cancer treatment.
          • myelosuppression
          • nausea and vomiting.
          • diarrhea
          • mucositis.
          • alopecia
          • gonadal dysfunction and pregnancy.
          • palliative and supportive care
        • further reading.
      • 74 infections in patients with cancer.
        • system-specific syndromes.
          • skin-specific syndromes.
          • catheter-related infections.
          • gastrointestinal tract–specificsyndromes
          • central nervous system–specific syndromes.
          • pulmonary infections
          • cardiovascular infections.
          • endocrine syndromes.
          • musculoskeletal infections
          • renal and ureteral infections.
        • abnormalities that predispose to infection
          • the lymphoid system.
          • the hematopoietic system
        • treatment.
          • antibacterial therapy.
          • antifungal therapy
          • antiviral therapy.
          • other therapeutic modalities
        • prevention of infection in cancer patients
          • effect of the environment.
          • physical measures.
          • immunoglobulin replacement
          • sexual practices
          • antibiotic prophylaxis
          • vaccination of cancer patients
        • in memoriam.
        • further reading.
        • website.
      • 75 oncologic emergencies
        • structural-obstructive oncologicemergencies.
          • superior vena cava syndrome.
          • pericardial effusion/tamponade
          • intestinal obstruction
          • urinary obstruction.
          • malignant biliary obstruction.
          • spinal cord compression.
          • increased intracranial pressure.
          • neoplastic meningitis.
          • seizures
          • pulmonary and intracerebral leukostasis.
          • hemoptysis
          • airway obstruction
        • metabolic emergencies.
          • hypercalcemia.
          • syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone.
          • lactic acidosis.
          • hypoglycemia
          • adrenal insufficiency.
        • treatment-related emergencies.
          • tumor lysis syndrome
          • human antibody infusion reactions.
          • hemolytic-uremic syndrome.
          • neutropenia and infection.
          • pulmonary infiltrates.
          • neutropenic enterocolitis.
          • hemorrhagic cystitis
          • hypersensitivity reactions to antineoplastic drugs
        • further reading.
      • 76 cancer of the skin.
        • melanoma
          • risk factors and epidemiology.
          • global considerations.
          • genetic susceptibility to melanoma
          • prevention and early detection
          • diagnosis.
          • classification and pathogenesis.
          • prognostic factors
          • staging.
          • treatment: melanoma.
          • treatment: metastatic disease.
        • nonmelanoma skin cancers
          • pathophysiology and etiology
          • clinical presentation.
          • natural history.
          • treatment.
          • prevention
          • other nonmelanoma cutaneous malignancies
        • further reading.
      • 77 head and neck cancer.
        • incidence and epidemiology
        • etiology and genetics.
        • histopathology, carcinogenesis, and molecular biology.
        • clinical presentation and differential diagnosis
        • treatment.
        • salivary gland tumors.
        • further reading.
      • 78 neoplasms of the lung
        • epidemiology
          • risk factors
          • pathology.
          • immunohistochemistry
          • molecular pathogenesis
        • early detection and screening.
        • clinical manifestations.
        • diagnosing lung cancer
        • staging lung cancer.
          • anatomic staging of patients with lung cancer.
          • staging system for non-small-cell lung cancer.
          • staging system for small-cell lung cancer.
          • physiologic staging.
        • treatment: non-small-cell lung cancer.
          • occult and stage 0 carcinomas.
          • solitary pulmonary nodule and “ground-glass” opacities
          • management of stages i and ii nsclc.
          • management of stage iii nsclc.
          • management of metastatic nsclc
        • treatment: small-cell lung cancer.
          • surgery for limited-disease small-cell lung cancer
          • chemotherapy
          • thoracic radiation therapy
          • prophylactic cranial irradiation
        • thymic tumors.
          • clinical manifestations.
          • staging.
          • treatment.
        • covid-19 and lung cancer
        • summary.
        • further reading.
      • 79 breast cancer
        • introduction and background.
        • epidemiology and risk factors.
        • prevention of breast cancer.
        • screening for breast cancer.
        • evaluation of breast masses.
          • palpable breast masses
          • abnormal mammogram
          • breast masses in pregnancy or lactation.
        • pathologic findings of the breast.
          • benign breast histopathology
          • noninvasive breast neoplasms
            • ductal carcinoma in situ
            • lobular carcinoma (Neoplasia) In situ.
          • invasive breast cancers.
        • staging and diagnostic considerations.
        • treatment.
          • general considerations
          • local (Primary) Treatments
          • adjuvant systemic therapies.
          • stage iii breast cancer.
          • simultaneous new primary with detectable metastases.
          • breast cancer survivorship issues.
          • metastatic disease
          • systemic treatments for metastatic breast cancer
          • breast cancer in pregnancy
          • male breast cancer
        • further reading.
      • 80 upper gastrointestinal tract cancers.
        • esophageal cancer.
          • incidence and causative factors.
          • screening and surveillance of higher risk groups
          • genomic alterations.
          • presenting symptoms.
          • staging.
          • treatment.
        • tumors of the stomach.
        • gastric lymphomas.
        • uncommon tumors of the esophagus and stomach
          • neuroendocrine tumors.
          • gastrointestinal stromal tumors.
          • small-bowel neoplasms.
          • small-bowel gastrointestinal stromal tumors.
          • carcinoid (Neuroendocrine) Tumors of the small bowel
          • benign neoplasms of the small bowel.
        • further reading.
      • 81 lower gastrointestinal cancers.
        • colorectal cancer.
          • incidence.
          • polyps and molecular pathogenesis.
          • etiology and risk factors.
          • hereditary factors and syndromes
          • inflammatory bowel disease
          • other high-risk conditions
          • primary prevention
          • screening.
          • clinical features.
          • treatment.
        • cancers of the anus.
      • 82 tumors of the liver and biliary tree.
        • hepatocellular carcinoma
          • epidemiology and risk factors.
          • molecular pathogenesis
          • prevention and early detection
          • treatment.
          • surgical therapies
          • locoregional therapies
          • systemic therapies
        • cholangiocarcinoma
          • epidemiology, risk factors, and molecular traits
          • intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
          • treatment.
          • extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
          • gallbladder cancer
        • other malignant liver tumors
          • fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma
          • hepatoblastoma
        • benign liver tumors.
        • further reading.
      • 83 pancreatic cancer
        • epidemiology
        • risk factors
        • pathology and molecular consideration.
        • clinical features.
        • diagnostic workup.
        • important immediate considerations in patient care
        • clinical staging
        • treatment.
        • future directions.
        • further reading.
      • 84 gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors.
        • incidence and prevalence
        • histologic classification and molecular features
        • clinical presentation and management of localized pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
          • gastrinoma
          • insulinoma
          • glucagonoma.
          • somatostatinoma.
          • vipoma
          • other secretory pancreatic nets.
          • pancreatic nets arising in the setting ofmen 1
          • nonfunctioning pancreatic nets
        • clinical presentation and management of localized extrapancreatic gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors
          • gastric nets
          • nets of the small intestine.
          • nets of the appendix
          • rectal nets.
        • clinical presentation, diagnosis, and evaluation of patients with metastatic neuroendocrine tumors
        • management of symptoms of hormone hypersecretion and the carcinoid syndrome.
          • diagnosis and treatment of the carcinoid syndrome.
          • carcinoid crisis
          • carcinoid heart disease.
        • hepatic-directed therapy for metastatic nets
        • systemic treatment to control tumor growth
          • somatostatin analogues
          • peptide receptor radioligand therapy
          • alkylating agents.
        • small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors.
          • mtor inhibitors.
          • other systemic treatments for controlof tumor growth
          • systemic therapy for high-gradeneuroendocrine carcinoma.
        • further reading.
      • 85 renal cell carcinoma.
        • epidemiology
        • pathology and genetics
        • clinical presentation.
        • staging and prognosis.
        • treatment.
        • global considerations.
        • further reading.
      • 86 cancer of the bladder and urinary tract
        • global considerations.
        • introduction
        • clinical epidemiology and risk factors
        • clinical presentation and diagnosticworkup
        • histology.
        • molecular biology.
        • staging and outcomes by stage.
        • treatment approaches
        • further reading.
      • 87 benign and malignant diseases of the prostate
        • anatomy and pathology.
        • prostate cancer.
          • epidemiology
          • diagnosis and treatment by clinical state.
          • treatment.
        • benign disease
          • benign prostatic hyperplasia
        • further reading.
      • 88 testicular cancer
        • incidence.
        • global considerations.
        • epidemiology
        • biology.
        • pathology.
        • initial presentation
          • signs and symptoms
          • physical examination .
          • diagnostic testing
          • serum tumor markers.
        • initial management
          • inguinal orchiectomy
          • staging.
        • stage-based management
          • stage i.
          • stage ii
          • stage iii.
          • chemotherapy
          • postchemotherapy surgery
        • relapsed disease
        • extragonadal gcts.
        • testicular non–germ cell tumors.
        • survivorship and late effects.
        • further reading.
      • 89 gynecologic malignancies.
        • ovarian cancer
          • incidence and pathology.
          • ovarian cancer of epithelial origin.
            • epidemiology
            • genetics and pathogenesis.
            • screening.
            • treatment.
          • uncommon ovarian tumors.
            • low malignant potential tumors (Borderline tumors)
            • stromal tumors
            • germ cell tumors of the ovary.
        • fallopian tube cancer.
        • cervical cancer.
          • etiology and genetics.
          • hpv infection and prevention
          • clinical presentations
        • uterine cancer
          • epidemiology
          • pathology.
          • clinical presentation.
          • treatment.
        • gestational trophoblastic tumors
          • risk factors
          • presentation of invasive trophoblastic disease
          • treatment: invasive trophoblastic disease.
      • 90 primary and metastatic tumors of the nervous system
        • approach to the patient.
        • treatment: brain tumors.
        • primary brain tumors
          • epidemiology
          • molecular pathogenesis
        • intrinsic “malignant” tumors
          • diffuse gliomas.
          • astrocytomas
          • oligodendroglioma.
          • ependymomas.
          • other less common gliomas.
          • primary central nervous system lymphoma.
          • medulloblastomas
          • pineal region tumors
        • extrinsic “benign” tumors.
          • meningiomas.
          • schwannomas.
          • pituitary tumors
          • craniopharyngiomas
          • other benign tumors.
            • dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors (Dnts)
            • epidermoid cysts
            • dermoid cysts.
            • colloid cysts.
        • neurocutaneous syndromes (Phakomatoses).
          • neurofibromatosis type 1 (Von recklinghausen’s disease).
          • neurofibromatosis type 2
          • tuberous sclerosis (Bourneville disease)
        • tumors metastatic to the brain
          • diagnosis of metastases.
          • treatment.
        • leptomeningeal metastases.
          • clinical features.
          • laboratory and imaging diagnosis
          • treatment.
        • epidural metastasis.
          • clinical features.
          • diagnosis.
          • treatment.
        • neurologic toxicity of therapy
          • toxicity from radiotherapy
          • toxicity from chemotherapy
        • further reading.
      • 91 soft tissue and bone sarcomas and bone metastases
        • soft tissue sarcomas
          • incidence.
          • epidemiology
          • genetic considerations
          • classification
          • diagnosis.
          • staging and prognosis.
          • treatment.
        • bone sarcomas.
          • incidence and epidemiology
          • classification
          • osteosarcoma
          • chondrosarcoma
          • ewing’s sarcoma.
        • tumors metastatic to bone.
        • further reading.
      • 92 carcinoma of unknown primary.
        • cup biology.
        • approach to the patient.
        • role of serum tumor markers and cytogenetics
        • role of imaging studies.
        • role of pathologic studies
          • light microscopy evaluation
          • role of ihc analysis
          • role of cancer classifier molecular profiling.
          • role of next-generation sequencing
        • treatment.
          • general considerations
          • treatment of favorable cup subsets
            • women with isolated axillary adenopathy.
            • women with peritoneal carcinomatosis
            • poorly differentiated carcinoma with midline adenopathy.
            • neuroendocrine cancer.
            • squamous cell carcinoma presenting as neck adenopathy.
            • solitary metastatic sites.
            • men with blastic skeletal metastases and elevated psa.
          • management of disseminated cup
        • summary.
        • further reading.
      • 93 paraneoplastic syndromes: endocrinologic/hematologic.
        • endocrine paraneoplastic syndromes
          • hypercalcemia caused by ectopic production of pthrp.
          • ectopic vasopressin: tumor-associated syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
          • cushing’s syndrome caused by ectopic acth production
          • tumor-induced hypoglycemia caused by excess production of insulin-like growth factor type ii
          • human chorionic gonadotropin
          • oncogenic osteomalacia
          • consumptive hypothyroidism
        • hematologic syndromes.
          • erythrocytosis
          • granulocytosis
          • thrombocytosis
          • eosinophilia
          • thrombophlebitis and deep venous thrombosis.
        • miscellaneous remote effects ofcancer.
        • further reading.
      • 94 paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes and autoimmune encephalitis
        • pathogenesis
        • approach to the patient: paraneoplastic neurologic disorders
        • specific paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes
          • paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis and focal encephalitis with antibodies against intracellular neuronal proteins.
          • encephalitides with antibodies to cell-surface or synaptic proteins
          • paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration
          • paraneoplastic opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome
          • paraneoplastic syndromes of the spinal cord.
          • paraneoplastic stiff-person syndrome
          • paraneoplastic sensory neuronopathy or dorsal root ganglionopathy.
          • paraneoplastic peripheral neuropathies
          • lambert-eaton myasthenic syndrome.
          • myasthenia gravis.
          • polymyositis-dermatomyositis
          • immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy
          • paraneoplastic visual syndromes.
        • further reading.
      • 95 cancer survivorship and the long-term impact of cancer and its treatment.
        • cardiovascular dysfunction
        • pulmonary dysfunction.
        • immune system dysfunction.
        • reproductive and endocrine dysfunction
        • neurologic dysfunction
        • hepatic and gastrointestinal dysfunction
        • renal and bladder dysfunction.
        • psychological dysfunction and socioeconomic impact of survivorship
        • cancer survivorship care plans
        • outlook.
        • further reading.
    • section 2 hematopoietic disorders.
      • 96 hematopoietic stem cells.
        • cardinal functions of hematopoietic stem cells
          • developmental biology of hematopoieticstem cells
          • mobility of hematopoietic stem cells
          • hematopoietic stem cell microenvironment
          • excess capacity of hematopoietic stem cells.
          • hematopoietic stem cell differentiation.
          • self-renewal
        • cancer is similar to an organ with self-renewing capacity.
        • what else can hematopoietic stem cells do?
        • stem cells as targets of gene therapy.
        • further reading.
      • 97 iron deficiency and other hypoproliferative anemias
        • iron metabolism.
          • the iron cycle in humans
          • nutritional iron balance
        • iron-deficiency anemia
          • stages of iron deficiency.
          • causes of iron deficiency.
          • clinical presentation of iron deficiency
          • laboratory iron studies.
          • differential diagnosis
          • treatment.
        • other hypoproliferative anemias.
          • anemia of acute and chronic inflammation/infection (Ai).
          • anemia of chronic kidney disease (Ckd)
          • anemia in hypometabolic states
          • anemia in aging.
          • treatment: hypoproliferative anemias
        • further reading.
      • 98 disorders of hemoglobin
        • hemoglobin
          • developmental biology.
          • globin gene clusters
          • hemoglobin structure
          • hemoglobin function.
          • globin gene switching.
        • diagnosis of hemoglobin disorders.
        • sickle cell disease.
          • origin, spread, and epidemiology
          • pathophysiology.
          • diagnosis.
          • complications.
          • sickle cell trait (Carriers, or simple heterozygosity for the hbs gene).
          • treatment, screening, counseling, and antenatal diagnosis.
        • thalassemia.
        • β thalassemia.
          • epidemiology
          • classification
          • diagnosis.
          • complications.
          • management, screening, counseling,and antenatal diagnosis.
        • α thalassemia.
          • epidemiology
          • classification
          • pathophysiology.
          • diagnosis.
          • complications.
          • management, screening, counseling, and antenatal diagnosis
        • other hemoglobinopathies of clinical importance.
          • m hemoglobins.
          • unstable hemoglobins
          • hemoglobins with high oxygen affinity and low oxygen affinity.
          • acquired disorders of hemoglobin
        • further reading.
      • 99 megaloblastic anemias
        • cobalamin.
          • dietary sources and requirements
          • absorption
          • transport.
        • folate
          • dietary folate
          • absorption
          • transport.
          • biochemical functions.
        • biochemical basis of megaloblastic anemia.
        • clinical features.
        • hematologic findings
          • peripheral blood
          • bone marrow.
          • chromosomes.
          • ineffective hematopoiesis.
        • causes of cobalamin deficiency
          • inadequate dietary intake.
          • gastric causes of cobalamin malabsorption.
          • juvenile pernicious anemia
          • congenital intrinsic factor deficiency or functional abnormality
          • gastrectomy.
          • food cobalamin malabsorption
          • intestinal causes of cobalamin malabsorption
          • abnormalities of cobalamin metabolism.
        • causes of folate deficiency.
          • nutritional.
          • malabsorption.
          • excess utilization or loss
          • antifolate drugs
          • congenital abnormalities of folate metabolism.
        • diagnosis of cobalamin and folate deficiencies
        • treatment.
        • megaloblastic anemia not due to cobalamin or folate deficiency or altered metabolism
      • 100 hemolytic anemias.
        • definitions.
        • general clinical and laboratoryfeatures.
        • general pathophysiology.
        • inherited hemolytic anemias.
          • hemolytic anemias due to abnormalities of the membranecytoskeleton complex
            • hereditary spherocytosis
            • hereditary elliptocytosis.
          • channelopathies.
          • enzyme abnormalities .
            • abnormalities of the glycolytic pathway.
              • pyruvate kinase deficiency
              • other glycolytic enzyme abnormalities.
            • abnormalities of redox metabolism.
              • glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6pd) Deficiency.
              • other abnormalities of the redox system.
            • pyrimidine 5’-nucleotidase (P5n) Deficiency.
          • familial (Atypical) Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (Ahus)
        • acquired hemolytic anemia.
          • mechanical destruction of red cells.
          • infection.
          • immune hemolytic anemias .
            • autoimmune hemolytic anemia, warm type (Waiha: for simplicity we will use the acronym aiha).
            • paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria (Pch)
            • cold agglutinin disease.
          • hemolytic anemia from toxic agents and drugs
          • paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (Pnh).
        • further reading.
      • 101 anemia due to acute blood loss
        • treatment.
        • further reading.
      • 102 bone marrow failure syndromes including aplastic anemia and myelodysplasia
        • aplastic anemia.
          • definition
          • epidemiology
          • etiology
          • pathophysiology.
          • clinical features.
          • laboratory studies
          • diagnosis.
          • prognosis.
          • treatment.
        • pure red cell aplasia.
          • definition and differential diagnosis.
          • clinical associations and etiology
          • persistent parvovirus b19 infection.
          • treatment.
        • myelodysplastic syndromes.
          • definition
          • epidemiology
          • etiology and pathophysiology
          • clinical features.
          • laboratory studies
          • differential diagnosis
          • prognosis.
          • treatment.
        • myelophthisic anemias.
        • further reading.
      • 103 polycythemia vera and other myeloproliferative neoplasms
        • polycythemia vera.
          • etiology
          • clinical features.
          • diagnosis.
          • complications.
          • treatment.
        • primary myelofibrosis.
          • etiology
          • clinical features.
          • diagnosis.
          • complications.
          • treatment.
        • essential thrombocytosis
          • etiology
          • clinical features.
          • diagnosis.
          • complications.
          • treatment.
        • further reading.
      • 104 acute myeloid leukemia
        • incidence.
        • etiology
        • classification
        • prognostic factors
        • clinical presentation.
          • symptoms
          • physical findings.
          • hematologic findings .
          • pretreatment evaluation.
        • treatment.
          • induction chemotherapy
          • postremission therapy.
          • supportive care.
          • treatment for refractory or relapsed aml
          • treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia.
        • further reading.
      • 105 chronic myeloid leukemia
        • incidence and epidemiology
        • etiology
        • pathophysiology.
        • clinical presentation.
          • symptoms
          • physical findings
          • hematologic and marrow findings
          • cytogenetic and molecular findings
          • findings in cml transformation
        • prognosis and cml course
        • treatment.
        • global aspects of cml.
        • further reading.
      • 106 acute lymphoid leukemia.
        • incidence and age.
        • etiology
        • congenital disorders
        • infectious agents.
        • diagnosis and classification
        • peripheral blood
        • bone marrow examination.
        • lumbar puncture.
        • morphologic subtypes in all.
        • immunologic subtypes
        • cytogenetic and molecular analysis
        • minimal residual disease
        • molecular response after induction therapy and impact on outcome
        • prognostic factors, risk stratification, and mrd
        • treatment principles
          • pre-phase therapy.
          • induction therapy.
          • postremission consolidation.
          • maintenance therapy.
        • treatment of all patients according to age
        • prophylaxis and treatment of central nervous system leukemia
        • stem cell transplantation.
        • pediatric-inspired therapies for adolescents and young adults.
        • adult all.
        • elderly all.
        • targeted therapies
        • tyrosine kinase inhibitors in philadelphia-positive all.
        • immunotherapeutic approaches
          • anti-cd20.
          • anti-cd22.
          • anti-cd19.
          • car-t cells.
          • toxicities of immunotherapies.
        • treatment of t-all
        • conclusion and future directions
        • further reading.
      • 107 chronic lymphocytic leukemia
        • epidemiology
        • biology and pathophysiology.
          • cell of origin
          • b-cell receptor signaling in cll
          • cytogenetic abnormalities.
          • gene mutations and mir alterations
          • immunology
        • clinical presentation and diagnosisof cll.
        • monoclonal b-cell lymphocytosis.
        • complications of cll
          • infections
          • secondary malignancies
          • autoimmune complications
          • richter’s transformation
        • workup of cll and approach to therapy.
          • workup and staging
          • staging.
          • criteria for the initiation of therapy
          • initial therapy for cll.
            • btk inhibitors
            • bcl2 inhibitor
            • pi3k inhibitors.
            • chemoimmunotherapy
          • therapy of relapsed cll.
          • assessing response to therapy and minimal residual disease in cll.
        • conclusion
        • further reading.
      • 108 non-hodgkin’s lymphoma
        • epidemiology and etiology.
        • immunology
        • approach to the patient.
        • clinical features, treatment, and prognosis of specific nhl.
          • mature b-cell neoplasms.
            • burkitt’s lymphoma
            • diffuse large b-cell lymphoma.
            • follicular lymphoma.
            • marginal zone lymphoma
            • lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma
            • mantle cell lymphoma
          • mature (Peripheral) T cell disorders
            • mycosis fungoides.
            • peripheral t-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified.
            • angioimmunoblastic t-cell lymphoma
            • anaplastic large-cell lymphoma
            • other ptcl subtypes.
            • adult t-cell leukemia/lymphoma .
            • extranodal nk/t-cell lymphoma, nasal type.
        • further reading.
      • 109 hodgkin’s lymphoma
        • epidemiology and etiology.
        • approach to the patient.
        • treatment.
        • further reading.
      • 110 less common lymphoid and myeloid malignancies.
        • rare lymphoid malignancies
          • mature b-cell neoplasms.
            • b-cell prolymphocytic leukemia (B-pll)
            • splenic marginal zone lymphoma (Smzl).
            • hairy cell leukemia.
            • nodal marginal zone b cell lymphoma.
            • mediastinal (Thymic) Large b-cell lymphoma
            • intravascular large b-cell lymphoma.
            • primary effusion lymphoma.
            • lymphomatoid granulomatosis.
          • mature t-cell and nk cell neoplasms.
            • t-cell prolymphocytic leukemia
            • t-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia
            • aggressive nk cell leukemia.
            • extranodal nk/t-cell lymphoma, nasal type.
            • enteropathy-type t-cell lymphoma
            • hepatosplenic t-cell lymphoma.
            • subcutaneous panniculitis-like t-cell lymphoma
            • blastic nk cell lymphoma
            • primary cutaneous cd30+ t-cell lymphoma.
            • angioimmunoblastic t-cell lymphoma
        • rare myeloid malignancies.
          • chronic neutrophilic leukemia.
          • atypical chronic myeloid leukemia.
          • chronic myelomonocytic leukemia.
          • juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
          • mds/mpn, unclassifiable (Mds/mpn-u).
          • mds/mpn with ring sideroblasts and thrombocytosis (Mds/mpn-rs-t)
          • myeloproliferative neoplasm, unclassifiable (Mpn-u).
          • myeloid neoplasms with germline predisposition
          • transient myeloproliferative disorder (Tmd).
          • primary eosinophilia
          • mastocytosis
          • dendritic and histiocytic neoplasms.
        • further reading.
      • 111 plasma cell disorders.
        • multiple myeloma
          • definition
          • etiology
          • incidence and prevalence
          • global considerations.
          • pathogenesis and clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis and staging.
          • prognosis.
          • treatment.
        • waldenström’s macroglobulinemia.
        • poems syndrome
        • heavy chain diseases
          • gamma heavy chain disease (Franklin’s disease)
          • alpha heavy chain disease (Seligmann’s disease).
          • mu heavy chain disease
        • further reading.
      • 112 amyloidosis.
        • general principles
        • al amyloidosis
          • etiology and incidence
          • pathology and clinical features
          • diagnosis
          • staging system and risk stratification
          • treatment
        • aa amyloidosis
          • etiology and incidence
          • pathology and clinical features.
          • treatment.
        • attr and af amyloidosis.
        • aβ2m amyloidosis
        • therapeutic frontiers.
        • summary.
        • further reading.
      • 113 transfusion therapy and biology.
        • blood components
        • blood group antigens and antibodies.
        • clinical indications and efficacy assessment of blood components
        • adverse reactions to blood components.
          • immune-mediated adverse reactions.
            • hemolytic transfusion adverse reactions.
            • febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction.
            • allergic reactions
            • graft-versus-host disease.
            • transfusion-related acute lung injury.
            • posttransfusion purpura.
            • alloimmunization/platelet refractoriness
            • immunomodulation
          • nonimmunologic transfusion adversereactions.
            • fluid overload
            • massive transfusion-associated reactions/electrolyte and cold toxicity reactions
            • iron overload
            • hypotensive reactions
            • adverse transfusion reactions of uncertain imputability.
          • infectious adverse reactions
        • alternatives and perspectives.
        • further reading.
      • 114 hematopoietic cell transplantation
        • the hematopoietic stem cell.
        • categories of hematopoietic celltransplantation.
        • the transplant preparative regimen
          • the transplant procedure
          • engraftment and immune reconstitution.
          • complications following hematopoietic cell transplantation
            • early direct chemoradiotoxicities.
            • late direct chemoradiotoxicities
            • graft failure.
            • graft-versus-host disease.
            • infection.
        • treatment.
          • immunodeficiency disorders
          • aplastic anemia.
          • hemoglobinopathies
          • other nonmalignant diseases.
          • acute leukemia
          • chronic leukemia
          • myelodysplasia and myeloproliferativedisorders
          • lymphoma
          • myeloma.
          • solid tumors
          • posttransplant relapse
        • further reading.
    • section 3 disorders of hemostasis.
      • 115 disorders of platelets and vessel wall
        • the platelet
        • the vessel wall.
        • disorders of platelets
          • thrombocytopenia
            • approach to the patient.
            • infection-induced thrombocytopenia
            • drug-induced thrombocytopenia.
            • heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
            • immune thrombocytopenic purpura.
            • inherited thrombocytopenia
          • thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and hemolytic-uremic syndrome.
            • thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.
            • hemolytic-uremic syndrome.
          • thrombocytosis
          • qualitative disorders of platelet function
            • inherited disorders of platelet function
            • acquired disorders of platelet function.
          • von willebrand disease
        • disorders of the vessel wall
          • metabolic and inflammatory disorders
          • inherited disorders of the vessel wall
        • further reading.
      • 116 coagulation disorders.
        • hemophilia a and b
        • factor xi deficiency
        • rare bleeding disorders.
        • familial multiple coagulation deficiencies
        • disseminated intravascular coagulation
        • vitamin k deficiency
        • coagulation disorders associated with liver failure.
        • further reading.
      • 117 arterial and venous thrombosis
        • overview of thrombosis
        • arterial thrombosis.
          • overview of arterialthrombosis
          • arterial thrombosisand vascular disease.
          • the platelet
          • the role of platelets and thrombosis ininflammation.
            • genetics of arterial thrombosis
        • venous thrombosis.
          • overview of venous thrombosis.
          • deep-venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.
          • overview of the coagulation cascade and its role in venous thrombosis.
          • risk factors for venous thrombosis
          • genetics of venous thrombosis.
          • fibrinolysis and thrombosis.
        • the distinction between arterial and venous thrombosis
        • further reading.
      • 118 antiplatelet, anticoagulant, and fibrinolytic drugs.
        • antiplatelet drugs
          • role of platelets in arterial thrombosis
          • aspirin.
          • adp receptor antagonists
          • dipyridamole
          • gp iib/iiia receptor antagonists
          • vorapaxar.
        • anticoagulants
          • parenteral anticoagulants.
            • heparin.
            • low-molecular-weight heparin
            • fondaparinux
            • parenteral direct thrombin inhibitors.
          • oral anticoagulants.
            • warfarin
            • direct oral anticoagulants
        • fibrinolytic drugs
          • role of fibrinolytic therapy
          • mechanism of action.
          • streptokinase.
          • anistreplase
          • urokinase.
          • alteplase.
          • tenecteplase
          • reteplase.
        • conclusions and future directions.
        • further reading.
  • part 5 infectious diseases
    • section 1 basic considerations in infectious diseases.
      • 119 approach to the patient with an infectious disease
        • historical perspective
        • global considerations.
        • understanding the microbiota
        • when to consider an infectious etiology.
        • approach to the patient.
        • perspective.
        • further reading.
      • 120 molecular mechanisms of microbial pathogenesis
        • entry into the human host.
        • establishment of infection
          • niche.
          • attachment
          • replicative niche.
        • survival in the vacuole.
          • type iii secretion systems
          • type iv secretion systems.
          • other secretion systems.
        • survival in the cytosol.
          • nutrient acquisition
          • cellular trafficking
        • avoidance of innate immune responses
          • complement
          • lysosomes.
          • antimicrobial peptides
          • oxidative burst.
          • neutrophil extracellular traps
          • pattern recognition receptors and their evasion.
          • inhibition of adaptive immune responses.
          • bacterial cytotoxins
          • tissue damage and pathogen dissemination
          • competition with commensal microbes
        • summary
        • further reading
      • 121 microbial genomics and infectious disease
        • microbial diagnostics
          • historical limitations and progress through genetic approaches
          • organism identification
          • pathogen discovery
          • antibiotic resistance
          • host-based diagnostics
        • therapeutics
          • genomic diagnostics informing therapeutics
          • genomics in drug and vaccine development
        • epidemiology of infectious diseases
          • transmission networks
          • origins and dynamics of pathogen spread
          • epidemic potential
          • pathogen evolution
        • global considerations
        • genomics and the covid-19 pandemic
        • summary
        • further reading
      • 122 approach to the acutely ill infected febrile patient
        • approach to the patient
        • treatment
        • specific presentations
        • sepsis without an obvious focus of primary infection
          • septic shock
          • overwhelming infection in asplenic patients
          • babesiosis
          • other sepsis syndromes
        • sepsis with skin manifestations
          • meningococcemia
          • rocky mountain spotted fever and other rickettsial diseases
          • purpura fulminans
          • ecthyma gangrenosum
          • other infections associated with rash
          • erythroderma
          • viral hemorrhagic fevers
        • sepsis with a soft tissue/muscle primary focus
          • necrotizing fasciitis
          • clostridial myonecrosis
        • neurologic infections with or without septic shock
          • bacterial meningitis
          • suppurative intracranial infections
          • brain abscess
          • cerebral malaria
          • intracranial and spinal epidural abscesses
        • other focal syndromes with afulminant course
          • rhinocerebral mucormycosis
          • acute bacterial endocarditis
          • inhalational anthrax
          • viral respiratory tract illness
          • avian and swine influenza
          • sars, covid-19, and mers
          • hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
          • clostridioides difficile infection
        • summary
        • further reading
      • 123 immunization principles and vaccine use
        • vaccine impact
          • direct and indirect effects
          • control, elimination, and eradication of vaccine-preventable diseases
          • outbreak detection and control
          • enhancing immunization in adults
        • immunization practice standards
          • deciding whom to vaccinate
          • assessing contraindications and precautions
          • history of immediate hypersensitivity to a vaccine component
          • pregnancy
          • immunosuppression
        • vaccine information statements
        • storage and handling
        • administration of vaccines
        • maintenance of vaccine records
        • vaccine safety monitoring and adverse event reporting
          • prelicensure evaluations of vaccine safety
          • postlicensure monitoring of vaccine safety
        • consumer access to and demand for immunization
        • strategies for providers and health care facilities
          • recommendation from the provider
          • system supports
          • immunization requirements
          • vaccination of health care staff
        • vaccination in nonmedical settings
        • performance monitoring
        • future trends
        • further reading
      • 124 health recommendations for international travel
        • epidemiology of travel-related conditions
        • general approach to advising international travelers
        • immunizations for travelers
          • immunizations for travelersto most destinations
          • immunizations for certainregions or situations
        • prevention of arthropod-borne infections
          • malaria prevention
          • prevention of other arthropod-borne infections
        • gastrointestinal illness
        • prevention of other travel-related problems
          • activity-specific infection risks
          • venous thromboembolism
          • altitude illness
          • jet lag
          • injuries
        • travelers with preexisting medical conditions
          • immunocompromised travelers
          • hiv-infected travelers
          • pregnant travelers
          • travelers with severe allergies
        • other pre-travel preparations
          • travel health kits
          • traveling with prescription medications
          • health care overseas and travel health insurance
        • special travel populations
        • post-travel medical care
        • outbreaks and emerging infectious diseases
        • further reading
      • 125 climate change and infectious disease
        • overview
          • greenhouse gases
          • temperature
          • precipitation
          • hurricanes
          • sea level rise
          • el niño southern oscillation
          • population migration and conflict
        • effects of climate change on infectious disease
          • vector-borne disease
            • malaria
            • dengue
            • other arbovirus infections
            • lyme disease
          • waterborne disease
            • combined sewer systems
            • rising temperatures and vibrio species
        • climate change, population displacement, and infectious disease epidemics
        • a broader view of climate change and health
        • further reading
    • section 2 clinical syndromes: community-acquired infections
      • 126 pneumonia
        • definition
        • pathophysiology
        • pathology
        • community-acquired pneumonia
          • etiology
          • epidemiology
          • clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prognosis
          • prevention
        • ventilator-associated pneumonia
          • etiology
          • epidemiology
          • clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prognosis
          • prevention
        • hospital-acquired pneumonia
        • global impact
        • further reading
      • 127 lung abscess
        • etiology
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis
        • pathology and microbiology
        • clinical manifestations
        • differential diagnosis
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • complications
        • prognosis and prevention
        • approach to the patient
        • further reading
      • 128 infective endocarditis
        • etiology
        • pathogenesis
        • clinical manifestations
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • outcome
        • prevention
        • further reading
      • 129 infections of the skin, muscles, and soft tissues
        • anatomic relationships: clues to the diagnosis of soft tissue infections
        • infections associated with vesicles
        • infections associated with bullae
        • infections associated with crusted lesions
        • folliculitis
        • papular and nodular lesions
        • ulcers with or without eschars
        • erysipelas
        • cellulitis
        • necrotizing fasciitis
        • myositis and myonecrosis
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • further reading
      • 130 infectious arthritis
        • approach to the patient
        • acute bacterial arthritis
          • pathogenesis
          • microbiology
          • nongonococcal bacterial arthritis
          • gonococcal arthritis
        • spirochetal arthritis
          • lyme disease
          • syphilitic arthritis
        • mycobacterial arthritis
        • fungal arthritis
        • viral arthritis
        • untitled
        • postinfectious or reactive arthritis
        • infections in prosthetic joints
        • further reading
      • 131 osteomyelitis
        • classification
        • vertebral osteomyelitis
          • pathogenesis
          • epidemiology
          • microbiology
          • clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • complications
          • global considerations
        • osteomyelitis in long bones
          • pathogenesis
          • epidemiology
          • microbiology
          • clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • complications
          • global considerations
        • periprosthetic joint infection
          • pathogenesis
          • epidemiology
          • microbiology
          • classification and clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prevention of hematogenous infection
          • global considerations
        • sternal osteomyelitis
          • pathogenesis
          • epidemiology
          • microbiology
          • clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prognosis
          • global considerations
        • foot osteomyelitis
          • pathogenesis
          • epidemiology
          • risk factors
          • microbiology
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • global considerations
        • further reading
      • 132 intraabdominal infections and abscesses
        • peritonitis
          • primary (Spontaneous) Bacterial peritonitis
          • secondary peritonitis
          • peritonitis in patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
          • tuberculous peritonitis
        • intraabdominal abscesses
          • intraperitoneal abscesses
            • pathogenesis and immunity
            • clinical presentation
            • diagnosis
            • treatment
          • visceral abscesses
            • liver abscesses
            • splenic abscesses
            • perinephric and renal abscesses
            • psoas abscesses
            • pancreatic abscesses
          • further reading
      • 133 acute infectious diarrheal diseases and bacterial food poisoning
        • pathogenic mechanisms
          • inoculum size
          • adherence
          • toxin production
          • invasion
        • host defenses
          • intestinal microbiota
          • gastric acid
          • intestinal motility
          • intestinal mucin
          • immunity
          • genetic determinants
        • approach to the patient
        • epidemiology
          • travel history
          • location
          • age
          • host immune status
          • bacterial food poisoning
          • laboratory evaluation
        • treatment
        • prophylaxis
        • further reading
      • 134 clostridioides difficile infection, including pseudomembranous colitis
        • definition
        • etiology and epidemiology
        • pathology and pathogenesis
        • global considerations
        • clinical manifestations
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prognosis
        • prevention and control
        • further reading
      • 135 urinary tract infections, pyelonephritis, and prostatitis
        • definitions
        • epidemiology and risk factors
        • etiology
        • pathogenesis
        • approach to the patient
        • diagnostic tools
        • diagnostic approach
        • treatment
        • prevention of recurrent uti in women
        • prognosis
        • further reading
      • 136 sexually transmitted infections: overview and clinical approach
        • classification and epidemiology
        • management of common sexually transmitted disease (Std) Syndromes
          • urethritis in men
          • epididymitis
          • urethritis and the urethral syndrome in women
          • vulvovaginal infections
            • abnormal vaginal discharge
            • vaginal trichomoniasis
            • bacterial vaginosis
            • vulvovaginal pruritus, burning, or irritation
            • other causes of vaginal discharge or vaginitis
          • mucopurulent cervicitis
          • cervical ectopy
          • pelvic inflammatory disease
            • etiology
            • epidemiology
            • clinical manifestations
            • diagnosis
            • treatment
            • prognosis
            • prevention
          • ulcerative genital or perianal lesions
          • proctitis, proctocolitis, enterocolitis, and enteritis
        • prevention and control of stis
        • sti risk assessment
        • further reading
      • 137 encephalitis
        • definition
        • clinical manifestations
        • etiology
        • laboratory diagnosis
        • csf polymerase chain reaction
        • differential diagnosis
        • treatment
        • sequelae
        • chronic encephalitis
          • progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
          • subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
          • progressive rubella panencephalitis
        • further reading
      • 138 acute meningitis
        • bacterial meningitis
        • viral meningitis
        • subacute meningitis
        • further reading
      • 139 chronic and recurrent meningitis
        • clinical pathophysiology
        • approach to the patient: chronic meningitis
        • the immunosuppressed patient
        • further reading
      • 140 brain abscess and empyema
        • brain abscess
          • definition
          • epidemiology
          • etiology
          • pathogenesis and histopathology
          • clinical presentation
          • diagnosis
          • differential diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prognosis
        • nonbacterial causes of infectious focal cns lesions
          • etiology
          • clinical presentation
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
        • subdural empyema
          • epidemiology
          • etiology
          • pathophysiology
          • clinical presentation
          • diagnosis
          • differential diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prognosis
        • cranial epidural abscess
          • etiology and pathophysiology
          • clinical presentation
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prognosis
        • suppurative thrombophlebitis
          • definition
          • anatomy and pathophysiology
          • clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
        • further reading
      • 141 infectious complications of bites
        • dog bites
        • cat bites
        • other animal bites
        • human bites
        • approach to the patient
        • treatment
        • further reading
    • section 3 clinical syndromes: health care–associated infections
      • 142 infections acquired in health care facilities
        • organization, responsibilities, and scrutiny of health care–associated infection programs
        • surveillance
        • epidemiologic basis and general measures for prevention and control
        • nosocomial and device-relatedinfections
          • urinary tract infections
          • pneumonia
          • surgical-site (Wound) Infections
          • infections related to vascular access and monitoring
        • isolation techniques
        • epidemic and emerging problems
          • viral respiratory infections: coronavirus epidemics and pandemic influenza
          • other emerging viral pathogens
          • nosocomial diarrhea
          • chickenpox
          • mycobacteria
          • group a streptococcal infections
          • fungal infections
          • legionellosis
        • antibiotic-resistant bacteria: surveillance, control, and antibiotic and diagnostic stewardship
        • bioterrorism and other surge-event preparedness
        • employee health service issues
        • further reading
      • 143 infections in transplant recipients
        • pretransplantation evaluation
          • the donor
          • the recipient
          • the recipient
          • the donor cells/organ
        • infections in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients
          • bacterial infections
          • fungal infections
          • parasitic infections
          • viral infections
          • global considerations
          • kidney transplantation
          • heart transplantation
          • lung transplantation
          • liver transplantation
          • pancreas transplantation
          • composite-tissue transplantation
          • miscellaneous infections in solid organ transplantation
          • vaccination of transplant recipients
        • in memoriam
        • further reading
    • section 4 therapy for bacterial diseases
      • 144 treatment and prophylaxis of bacterial infections
        • mechanisms of action
          • inhibition of cell wall synthesis
            • β-lactams
            • glycopeptides and lipoglycopeptides
            • bacitracin (Topical) And fosfomycin
          • inhibition of protein synthesis
            • aminoglycosides
            • tetracyclines
            • macrolides and ketolides
            • lincosamides
            • streptogramins
            • chloramphenicol
            • oxazolidinones
            • pleuromutilins
            • mupirocin
          • inhibition of bacterial metabolism
            • sulfonamides
            • trimethoprim
          • inhibition of dna and rna synthesis or activity
            • quinolones
            • rifamycins
            • nitrofurantoin
            • metronidazole
          • disruption of membrane integrity
            • polymyxins
            • daptomycin
        • pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
          • pharmacokinetics
          • pharmacodynamics
        • approach to therapy
          • empirical and directed therapy
          • site of infection
          • host factors
          • duration of therapy
          • failure of therapy
          • expert guidance
        • clinical use of antibacterial agents
          • β-lactams
          • glycopeptides and lipoglycopeptides
          • lipopeptides
          • aminoglycosides
          • macrolides and ketolides
          • clindamycin
          • tetracyclines
          • trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
          • fluoroquinolones
          • rifamycins
          • metronidazole
          • oxazolidinones
          • pleuromutilins
          • nitrofurantoin
          • polymyxins
          • quinupristin-dalfopristin
          • fosfomycin
          • chloramphenicol
        • approach to prophylaxis of infection
        • antimicrobial stewardship
        • further reading
      • 145 bacterial resistance to antimicrobial agents
        • definition of resistance
        • mechanisms of resistance
          • β-lactams
          • glycopeptides and lipoglycopeptides
          • aminoglycosides
          • tetracyclines
          • macrolides, ketolides, lincosamides, and streptogramins
          • chloramphenicol
          • oxazolidinones
          • pleuromutilins
          • mupirocin
          • sulfonamides and trimethoprim
          • quinolones
          • rifampin and rifabutin
          • metronidazole
          • nitrofurantoin
          • polymyxins
          • daptomycin
        • epidemiology of resistance and reduction of its occurrence
        • further reading
    • section 5 diseases caused by gram-positive bacteria
      • 146 pneumococcal infections
        • microbiology
          • etiologic agent
          • virulence factors
        • epidemiology
          • serotype distribution
          • nasopharyngeal carriage
          • invasive disease and pneumonia
          • antibiotic resistance
        • pathogenesis
        • host defense mechanisms
          • innate immunity
          • acquired immunity
        • approach to the patient
        • clinical manifestations
          • pneumonia
          • meningitis
          • other invasive syndromes
          • noninvasive syndromes
        • treatment
        • prevention
          • capsular polysaccharide vaccines
          • polysaccharide–protein conjugate vaccines
          • other prevention strategies
        • global health
        • further reading
        • websites
      • 147 staphylococcal infections
        • microbiology and taxonomy
        • s. Aureus infections
          • epidemiology
          • pathogenesis
          • diagnosis
          • clinical syndromes
        • non–s. Aureus staphylococcal infections
          • pathogenesis
          • diagnosis
          • clinical syndromes
          • treatment
          • prevention
        • further reading
      • 148 streptococcal infections
        • group a streptococci
          • pathogenesis
          • clinical manifestations
            • pharyngitis
            • bacteriologic treatment failure and the asymptomatic carrier state
            • scarlet fever
            • skin and soft tissue infections
            • impetigo (Pyoderma)
            • cellulitis
            • deep soft-tissue infections
            • pneumonia and empyema
            • bacteremia, puerperal sepsis, and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome
          • prevention
        • streptococci of groups c and g
        • group b streptococci
        • nonenterococcal group d streptococci
        • viridans and other streptococci
          • viridans streptococci
          • abiotrophia and granulicatella species (Nutritionally variant streptococci)
          • other streptococci
        • further reading
      • 149 enterococcal infections
        • microbiology and taxonomy
        • pathogenesis
        • epidemiology
        • clinical syndromes
          • urinary tract infection and prostatitis
          • bacteremia and endocarditis
          • meningitis
          • intraabdominal, pelvic, and soft tissue infections
          • other infections
        • treatment
        • further reading
      • 150 diphtheria and other corynebacterial infections
        • diphtheria
          • etiology
          • epidemiology
          • pathogenesis and immunology
          • approach to the patient
          • clinical manifestations
            • respiratory diphtheria
            • cutaneous diphtheria
            • infections due to non-diphtheriae corynebacterium species and nontoxigenic c. Diphtheriae
            • other clinical manifestations
          • complications
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
            • diphtheria antitoxin
            • antimicrobial therapy
            • management strategies
          • prognosis
          • prevention
            • vaccination
            • prophylaxis administration to contacts
        • other corynebacterial and rhodococcus infections
          • microbiology and laboratory diagnosis
          • epidemiology
          • clincal manifestations
            • c. Ulcerans
            • c. Pseudotuberculosis
            • c. Jeikeium (Group jk)
            • c. Urealyticum (Group d2)
            • c. Minutissimum (Erythrasma)
            • other nondiphtherial corynebacteria
            • rhodococcus
            • arcanobacteria
        • further reading
      • 151 listeria monocytogenes infections
        • microbiology
        • pathogenesis
        • immune response
        • epidemiology
        • clinical manifestations
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prevention
        • further reading
      • 152 tetanus
        • definition
        • etiology
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis
        • approach to the patient
        • clinical manifestations
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prognosis
        • prevention
        • further reading
        • websites
      • 153 botulism
        • etiology and pathogenesis
        • epidemiology
        • clinical manifestations
        • clinical diagnosis and laboratory confirmation
        • treatment
        • prevention
        • global considerations
        • further reading
      • 154 gas gangrene and other clostridial infections
        • etiologic agent
        • epidemiology and transmission
        • clinical syndromes
          • clostridial wound contamination
          • polymicrobial infections involving clostridia
          • enteric clostridial infections
          • clostridial bacteremia
          • clostridial skin and soft tissue infections
            • clostridial myonecrosis (Gas gangrene)
            • toxic shock syndrome
            • other clostridial skin and soft tissue infections
        • further reading
    • section 6 diseases caused by gram-negative bacteria
      • 155 meningococcal infections
        • definition
        • etiology and microbiology
        • epidemiology
          • patterns of disease
          • factors associated with disease risk and susceptibility
        • pathogenesis
        • clinical manifestations
          • rash
          • meningitis
          • septicemia
          • chronic meningococcemia
          • postmeningococcal reactive disease
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • complications
        • prognosis
        • prevention
          • polysaccharide vaccines
          • conjugate vaccines
          • vaccines based on subcapsular antigens
        • management of contacts
        • further reading
      • 156 gonococcal infections
        • definition
        • microbiology
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis, immunology, and antimicrobial resistance
          • outer-membrane proteins
          • lipooligosaccharide
          • host factors
          • gonococcal resistance to antimicrobial agents
        • clinical manifestations
          • gonococcal infections in men
          • gonococcal infections in women
          • anorectal gonorrhea
          • pharyngeal gonorrhea
          • ocular gonorrhea in adults
          • gonorrhea in pregnant women, neonates, and children
          • gonococcal arthritis
          • gonococcal infections in hiv-infected persons
        • laboratory diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prevention and control
          • further reading
      • 157 haemophilus and moraxella infections
        • haemophilus influenzae
          • microbiology
          • epidemiology and transmission
          • pathogenesis
          • immune response
          • clinical manifestations
            • hib
            • nontypable h. Influenzae
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prevention
            • vaccination
            • chemoprophylaxis
        • haemophilus ducreyi
          • microbiology
          • epidemiology and prevalence
          • clinical manifestations and differential diagnosis
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
        • moraxella catarrhalis
          • microbiology
          • epidemiology
          • pathogenesis
          • clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • further reading
      • 158 infections due to the hacek group and miscellaneous gram-negative bacteria
        • the hacek group
        • other fastidious gram-negative bacteria
        • other gram-negative bacteria
        • miscellaneous organisms
      • 159 legionella infections
        • pathogen and pathogenicity
        • epidemiology
        • clinical presentations
          • legionella pneumonia
          • pontiac fever
          • extrapulmonary disease
        • diagnosis
          • radiologic findings
          • laboratory diagnostics
        • treatment
        • outcomes
        • prevention
        • further reading
      • 160 pertussis and other bordetella infections
        • microbiology
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis
        • immunity
        • clinical manifestations
        • complications
        • diagnosis
        • differential diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prevention
        • further reading
      • 161 diseases caused by gram-negative enteric bacilli
        • general features and principles
          • epidemiology
          • structure and function
          • pathogenesis
          • infectious syndromes
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prevention
        • escherichia coli infections
          • commensal strains
          • extraintestinal pathogenic strains
          • intestinal pathogenic strains
        • klebsiella infections
          • infectious syndromes
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
        • proteus infections
          • infectious syndromes
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
        • enterobacter and cronobacter infections
          • infectious syndromes
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
        • serratia infections
          • infectious syndromes
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
        • citrobacter infections
          • infectious syndromes
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
        • morganella and providencia infections
          • infectious syndromes
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
        • edwardsiella infections
          • infectious syndromes
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
        • infections caused by miscellaneous genera
        • further reading
      • 162 acinetobacter infections
        • definition
        • etiology and epidemiology
        • pathogenesis
        • clinical manifestations
          • pneumonia
          • bloodstream infections
          • skin and soft tissue infections
          • urinary tract infections
          • meningitis
          • other miscellaneous infections
        • treatment
        • complications and prognosis
        • infection control and prevention
        • further reading
      • 163 helicobacter pylori infections
        • etiologic agent
        • epidemiology
        • pathology and pathogenesis
        • clinical manifestations
        • peptic ulcer disease
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prevention
        • further reading
      • 164 infections due to pseudomonas, burkholderia, and stenotrophomonas species
        • pseudomonas aeruginosa
          • epidemiology
          • laboratory features
          • pathogenesis
          • clinical manifestations
            • bacteremia
            • acute pneumonia
            • chronic respiratory tract infections
            • endovascular infections
            • bone and joint infections
            • central nervous system (Cns) Infections
            • eye infections
            • ear infections
            • urinary tract infections
            • skin and soft tissue infections
            • infections in febrile neutropenic patients
            • infections in patients with aids
            • gastrointestinal infections
            • multidrug-resistant infections
        • burkholderia species
          • burkholderia cepacia complex
          • burkholderia pseudomallei
          • burkholderia mallei
        • stenotrophomonas maltophilia
        • further reading
      • 165 salmonellosis
        • etiology
        • pathogenesis
        • enteric (Typhoid) Fever
        • nontyphoidal salmonellosis
        • further reading
      • 166 shigellosis
        • etiologic agent
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis and pathology
        • clinical manifestations
        • laboratory diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prevention
        • further reading
      • 167 infections due to campylobacter and related organisms
        • definition
        • etiology
        • epidemiology
        • pathology and pathogenesis
        • clinical manifestations
        • complications
        • diagnosis
        • differential diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prognosis
        • further reading
      • 168 cholera and other vibrioses
        • cholera
          • definition
          • microbiology and epidemiology
          • pathogenesis
          • clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prevention
        • other vibrio species
          • species associated primarily with gastrointestinal illness
            • v. Parahaemolyticus
            • non-o1/o139 (Noncholera) V. Cholerae
          • species associated primarily with soft tissue infection or bacteremia
            • v. Vulnificus
            • v. Alginolyticus
        • further reading
      • 169 brucellosis
        • definition
        • etiologic agents
        • epidemiology
        • immunity and pathogenesis
        • clinical features
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prognosis and follow-up
        • prevention
        • further reading
      • 170 tularemia
        • definition
        • francisella species, subspecies, and clades
        • epidemiology
          • geographic distribution
          • reservoirs and modes of transmission
          • at-risk exposures and populations
          • natural cycles of f. Tularensis
        • pathogenesis
        • clinical manifestations
          • severe type a tularemia
          • more common presentations of tularemia
        • diagnosis
          • nonspecific biologic findings
          • radiologic findings
          • clinical samples
          • serologic diagnosis
          • culture-based diagnosis
          • molecular diagnosis
          • optimized diagnostic strategy
        • treatment
          • antibiotic therapy
          • surgical treatment
        • prognosis
        • prevention
          • lack of human-to-human transmission
          • exposure prevention
          • postexposure prophylaxis
          • vaccination
        • further reading
      • 171 plague and other yersinia infections
        • plague
          • etiology
          • epidemiology
          • global features
          • pathogenesis
          • clinical manifestations
          • laboratory diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prevention
        • yersiniosis
          • epidemiology
          • pathogenesis
          • clinical manifestations
          • postinfective phenomena
          • laboratory diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prevention and control
        • further reading
      • 172 bartonella infections, including cat-scratch disease
        • cat-scratch disease
          • definition and etiology
          • epidemiology
          • pathogenesis
          • clinical manifestations and prognosis
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prevention
        • trench fever and chronic bacteremia
          • definition and etiology
          • epidemiology
          • clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
        • bartonella endocarditis
          • definition and etiology
          • epidemiology
          • clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
        • bacillary angiomatosis and peliosis
          • definition and etiology
          • epidemiology
          • clinical manifestations
          • pathology
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prevention
        • carrión’s disease (Oroya fever and verruga peruana)
          • definition and etiology
          • epidemiology and prevention
          • pathogenesis
          • clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis and approach to the patient
          • treatment
          • complications and prognosis
        • further reading
      • 173 donovanosis
        • etiology
        • epidemiology
        • clinical features
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • control and prevention
        • further reading
    • section 7 miscellaneous bacterial infections
      • 174 nocardiosis
        • epidemiology
        • pathology and pathogenesis
        • clinical manifestations
          • respiratory tract disease
          • extrapulmonary disease
          • disease following transcutaneous inoculation
          • eye infections
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • further reading
      • 175 actinomycosis
        • etiologic agents
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis and pathology
        • clinical manifestations
          • oral–cervicofacial disease
          • thoracic disease
          • abdominal disease
          • pelvic disease
          • central nervous system disease
          • musculoskeletal and soft tissue infection
          • disseminated disease
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • further reading
      • 176 whipple’s disease
        • etiologic agent
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis and pathology
        • clinical manifestations
          • asymptomatic colonization/carriage
          • acute infection
          • chronic infection
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • further reading
      • 177 infections due to mixed anaerobic organisms
        • historical perspective
        • differences between anaerobic and aerobic organisms
        • anaerobes of the human microbiota
        • anaerobes and human health
        • etiology
        • pathogenesis
        • approach to the patient
        • epidemiology
        • clinical manifestations
          • anaerobic infections of the mouth, head, and neck
          • central nervous system (Cns) Infections
          • pleuropulmonary infections
          • intraabdominal infections
          • pelvic infections
          • skin and soft tissue infections
          • bone and joint infections
          • bacteremia
          • endocarditis
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
          • antibiotic therapy and resistance
          • failure of therapy
        • further reading
    • section 8 mycobacterial diseases
      • 178 tuberculosis
        • etiologic agent
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis and immunity
          • infection and macrophage invasion
          • virulence of tubercle bacilli
          • innate resistance to infection
          • the host response, granuloma formation, and “latency”
          • macrophage-activating response
          • delayed-type hypersensitivity
          • role of macrophages and monocytes
          • role of t lymphocytes
          • mycobacterial lipids and proteins
          • skin-test reactivity
        • clinical manifestations
          • pulmonary tb
            • primary disease
            • postprimary (Adult-type) Disease
          • extrapulmonary tb
            • lymph node tb (Tuberculous lymphadenitis)
            • pleural tb
            • tb of the upper airways
            • genitourinary tb
            • skeletal tb
            • tb of the central nervous system (Cns) Accounts for ~5% of extrapulmonary cases in figure 178-9 mri of culture-confirmed renal tuberculosis. T2-weighted coronary plane: coronal sections showing several renal lesions in both the cortical and the medullary tissues of the right kidney. (Courtesy of dr. Alberto matteelli, department
            • gastrointestinal tb
            • pericardial tb (Tuberculous pericarditis)
            • miliary or disseminated tb
            • less common extrapulmonary forms
            • post-tb complications
            • hiv-associated tb
        • diagnosis
          • nucleic acid amplification technology
          • afb microscopy
          • mycobacterial culture
          • drug susceptibility testing
          • radiographic procedures
          • additional diagnostic procedures
          • serologic and other diagnostic tests for active tb
          • biomarkers
          • diagnosis of m. Tuberculosis infection
            • tuberculin skin testing
            • ifn-γ release assays
        • treatment
          • drugs
          • regimens
          • patient care and support
          • monitoring treatment response and drug toxicity
          • treatment failure and relapse
          • drug-resistant tb
          • hiv-associated tb
          • special clinical situations
        • prevention
          • bcg vaccination
          • tb preventive treatment (Tpt)
          • principles of tb control
        • further reading
        • websites
      • 179 leprosy
        • etiology
          • ultrastructural characteristics of m. Leprae
          • genome of m. Leprae
          • culture difficulties
          • immunologic properties of m. Leprae
          • mycobacterium lepromatosis
        • epidemiology
          • incidence, prevalence, and disability
          • sex, age, and geographic distribution
          • transmission
          • reservoirs of infection
          • incubation period, the role of contacts, and genetic susceptibility
        • pathogenesis
          • ridley-jopling classification of leprosy
          • who simplified clinical classification of leprosy
        • clinical manifestations
          • indeterminate leprosy (Il)
          • tuberculoid (Tt) Leprosy
          • borderline tuberculoid (Bt) Leprosy
          • mid-borderline (Bb) Leprosy
          • borderline lepromatous (Bl) Leprosy
          • lepromatous (Ll) Leprosy
          • primary neuritic leprosy
        • leprosy reactions
          • type 1 leprosy reaction (T1r)
          • type 2 leprosy reaction (T2r)
          • lucio’s phenomenon
          • nerve function impairment, neuritis, and disfigurement
        • diagnosis
          • clinical diagnosis
          • diagnostic tools
            • testing of skin sensation
            • slit-skin smear
            • skin biopsy
            • pgl-1 antibody test
            • lepromin test
            • gene amplification (Pcr) Technique
          • differential diagnosis
          • diagnostic tools for nerve function impairment
            • touch sensation testing
            • voluntary muscle testing
            • nerve conduction tests
            • ultrasound testing of nerves
            • other tests of peripheral nerve function
        • treatment
          • treatment of leprosy
          • treatment of leprosy reactions
          • treatment and prognosis of nerve function impairment
          • treatment of (Neuropathic) Pain
          • disease management during treatment
        • rehabilitation and social aspects
          • physical rehabilitation
          • mental and social support
        • prevention and control
          • interruption of transmission and novel preventive strategies
          • vaccines against leprosy
          • postexposure chemoprophylaxis
          • “zero leprosy”
        • further reading
      • 180 nontuberculous mycobacterial infections
        • epidemiology
        • pathobiology
        • clinical manifestations
          • disseminated disease
          • pulmonary disease
          • cervical lymph nodes
          • skin and soft tissue disease
        • diagnosis
        • prevention
        • treatment
        • prognosis
        • global considerations
        • further reading
      • 181 antimycobacterial agents
        • tuberculosis
          • general principles
          • first-line antituberculosis drugs
            • isoniazid
            • rifampin
            • pyrazinamide
            • ethambutol
          • other rifamycin drugs
            • rifabutin
            • rifapentine
          • second-line antituberculosis drugs
            • group a
              • fluoroquinolones
              • diarylquinolines
              • oxazolidinones
            • group b
              • clofazimine
              • cycloserine
            • group c
              • nitroimidazoles
              • amoxicillin-clavulanate and carbapenems
              • aminoglycosides
              • ethionamide
              • para-aminosalicylic acid
          • drugs in development
        • nontuberculous mycobacteria
          • therapeutic considerations forspecific ntm
            • slowly growing mycobacteria
            • rapidly growing mycobacteria
          • drugs for the treatment of ntm
            • azithromycin
            • amikacin liposome inhalation suspension (Alis)
            • imipenem
            • cefoxitin
            • newer drugs
        • conclusion
        • further reading
    • section 9 spirochetal diseases
      • 182 syphilis
        • definition
        • etiology
        • transmission and epidemiology
          • syphilis in the united states
          • global syphilis
        • natural course and pathogenesis ofuntreated syphilis
        • clinical manifestations
          • primary syphilis
          • secondary syphilis
          • latent syphilis
          • reinfection syphilis
          • involvement of the cns
          • other manifestations of late syphilis
          • congenital syphilis
        • laboratory examinations
          • demonstration of the organism
          • serologic tests for syphilis
          • evaluation for neurosyphilis
          • evaluation of hiv-infected patients for syphilis
        • treatment
          • treatment of acquired syphilis
          • evaluation and management of congenital syphilis
          • jarisch-herxheimer reaction
          • follow-up evaluation of responses to therapy
        • immunity to syphilis
        • further reading
      • 183 endemic treponematoses
        • epidemiology
        • microbiology
        • clinical features
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • control
        • further reading
      • 184 leptospirosis
        • etiologic agent
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis
        • clinical manifestations
        • diagnosis
        • differential diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prognosis
        • prevention
        • further reading
      • 185 relapsing fever and borrelia miyamotoi disease
        • etiologic agent
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis and immunity
        • clinical manifestations
        • diagnosis
        • differential diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prognosis
        • prevention
        • further reading
      • 186 lyme borreliosis
        • definition
        • etiologic agent
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis and immunity
        • clinical manifestations
          • early infection: stage 1 (Localized infection)
          • early infection: stage 2 (Disseminated infection)
          • late infection: stage 3 (Persistent infection)
          • post-lyme syndrome (Chronic lyme disease)
        • diagnosis
        • differential diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prognosis
        • reinfection
        • prevention
        • further reading
    • section 10 diseases caused by rickettsiae, mycoplasmas, and chlamydiae
      • 187 rickettsial diseases
        • tick-, mite-, louse-, and flea-borne rickettsioses
          • rocky mountain spotted fever
          • mediterranean spotted fever (Boutonneuse fever), african tick-bite fever, and other tick-borne spotted fevers
          • rickettsialpox
          • flea-borne spotted fever
          • epidemic (Louse-borne) Typhus
          • endemic murine typhus
          • scrub typhus
        • ehrlichioses and anaplasmosis
          • human monocytotropic ehrlichiosis
          • ewingii ehrlichiosis and ehrlichia muris eauclairensis infections
            • “candidatus neoehrlichia mikurensis”infection
          • human granulocytotropic anaplasmosis
        • q fever
        • further reading
      • 188 infections due to mycoplasmas
        • mycoplasma pneumoniae
        • urogenital mycoplasmas
      • 189 chlamydial infections
        • etiologic agents
        • biology, growth cycle, and pathogenesis
        • c. Trachomatis infections
          • genital infections
          • trachoma
        • psittacosis
        • c. Pneumoniae infections
        • further reading
    • section 11 viral diseases: general considerations
      • 190 principles of medical virology
        • virus structure
        • classification of viruses
        • viral replication in cells
        • viral effects on the host cell
        • host antiviral responses and viral antagonistic mechanisms
        • molecular epidemiology of viruses
        • detection and quantification of viruses
        • detection of virus-specific antibodies
        • immunization against viral diseases
        • antiviral therapeutics
        • summary
      • 191 antiviral chemotherapy, excluding antiretroviral drugs
        • antiviral drugs for herpesvirus infections
        • antiviral drugs for respiratory virus infections
        • antiviral drugs for human papillomavirus and poxvirus infections
        • investigational antiviral drugs for picornavirus
        • antiviral drugs for hepatitis b virus infection
        • antiviral drugs for hepatitis c infection
        • further reading
    • section 12 infections due to dna viruses
      • 192 herpes simplex virus infections
        • definition
        • etiologic agent
        • pathogenesis
        • immunity
        • epidemiology
        • clinical spectrum
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prevention
        • further reading
      • 193 varicella-zoster virus infections
        • definition
        • etiology
        • pathogenesis and pathology
          • primary infection
          • recurrent infection
        • epidemiology and clinical manifestations
          • chickenpox
          • herpes zoster
        • differential diagnosis
        • laboratory findings
        • treatment
        • prevention
        • further reading
      • 194 epstein-barr virus infections, including infectious mononucleosis
        • definition
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis
        • clinical manifestations
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prevention
        • further reading
      • 195 cytomegalovirus and human herpesvirus types 6, 7, and 8
        • cytomegalovirus
          • definition
          • epidemiology
          • pathogenesis
          • pathology
          • clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • prevention
          • treatment
        • human herpesvirus (Hhv) Types 6, 7, and 8
          • hhv-6 and hhv-7
          • hhv-8
        • further reading
      • 196 molluscum contagiosum, monkeypox, and other poxvirus infections
        • poxviruses
          • definition and etiology
          • epidemiology
          • pathogenesis
          • approach to the patient
          • clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • complications
          • prognosis
          • prevention
        • select poxvirus infections
          • molluscum contagiosum
          • monkeypox virus
          • other poxvirus infections of humans
        • further reading
      • 197 parvovirus infections
        • parvovirus b19
          • definition
          • epidemiology
          • pathogenesis
          • clinical manifestations
            • erythema infectiosum
            • polyarthropathy syndrome
            • transient aplastic crisis
            • pure red cell aplasia/chronic anemia
            • hydrops fetalis
            • unusual manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prevention
        • human tetraparvoviruses (Parv4/5)
          • definition
          • epidemiology
            • clinical manifestations
        • human bocaparvoviruses
          • definition
          • epidemiology
          • clinical manifestations
        • human protoparvoviruses
          • definition
          • epidemiology
          • clinical manifestations
        • further reading
      • 198 human papillomavirus infections
        • pathogenesis
        • the natural history of hpv-associated malignancy
        • the effects of hiv on hpv associated disease
        • clinical manifestations of hpv infection
        • prevention of hpv infection and disease
        • screening for hpv-associated cancer
        • treatment
        • counseling patients regarding hpv disease
        • further reading
    • section 13 infections due to dna and rna respiratory viruses
      • 199 common viral respiratory infections, including covid-19
        • anatomic sites in the humanrespiratory tract
        • disease syndromes
        • etiologic agents
          • respiratory viruses causing disease in immunocompetent hosts
          • respiratory viruses causing disease in immunocompromised hosts
          • specific viral causes of respiratory disease
            • orthomyxoviridae: influenza viruses
            • pneumoviridae
            • paramyxoviridae
            • picornaviridae
            • adenoviridae
            • coronaviridae
            • covid-19
            • herpesviridae
            • parvoviridae: human bocavirus
            • retroviridae: hiv
            • papovaviridae: polyomaviruses
        • epidemiology
          • age
          • season
          • risk factors for disease
          • transmission
        • approach to the patient
        • clinical manifestations
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • complications: co-infections
        • prevention
          • vaccines
          • passive protection with immunotherapy
          • isolation procedures, personal protective equipment, and hand washing
        • global considerations
          • hendra and nipah viruses
          • bunyaviridae: hantavirus
        • summary
        • further reading
      • 200 influenza
        • definition
        • etiologic agents
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis and immunity
        • clinical manifestations
        • complications
        • laboratory findings and diagnosis
        • differential diagnosis
        • immunization
        • treatment
        • further reading
    • section 14 infections due to human immunodeficiency virus and other human retroviruses
      • 201 the human retroviruses
        • structure and life cycle
        • human t-cell lymphotropic virus
          • biology and molecular biology
          • features of htlv-1 infection
          • features of htlv-2 infection
        • human immunodeficiency virus
        • further reading
      • 202 human immunodeficiency virus disease: aids and related disorders
        • definition
        • etiologic agent
          • morphology of hiv
          • replication cycle of hiv
          • hiv genome
          • molecular heterogeneity of hiv-1
        • transmission
          • sexual transmission
          • transmission through injection drug use
          • transmission by transfused blood and blood products
          • occupational transmission of hiv: health care workers, laboratory workers, and the health care setting
          • mother-to-child transmission of hiv
          • transmission of hiv by other body fluids
        • epidemiology
          • hiv infection and aids worldwide
          • hiv infection in the united states
        • pathophysiology and pathogenesis
          • early events in hiv infection: primary infection and initial dissemination of virus
          • establishment of chronic infection
          • advanced hiv disease
          • long-term survivors, long-term nonprogressors, and elite controllers
          • lymphoid organs and hiv pathogenesis
          • the role of immune activation and inflammation in hiv pathogenesis
          • cytokines and other soluble factors in hiv pathogenesis
          • lymphocyte turnover in hiv infection
          • the role of viral receptors and co-receptors in hiv pathogenesis
          • cellular targets of hiv
          • qualitative and quantitative abnormalities of mononuclear cells
          • genetic factors in hiv-1 and aids pathogenesis
          • neuropathogenesis in hiv disease
          • pathogenesis of kaposi’s sarcoma
        • immune response to hiv
          • humoral immune response
          • cellular immune response
        • diagnosis and laboratory monitoring of hiv infection
          • diagnosis of hiv infection
          • laboratory monitoring of patients with hiv infection
          • acute hiv infection
          • the asymptomatic stage—clinical latency
          • symptomatic disease
            • diseases of the respiratory system
            • diseases of the cardiovascular system
            • diseases of the oropharynx and gastrointestinal system
            • hepatobiliary diseases
            • diseases of the kidney and genitourinary tract
            • diseases of the endocrine system and metabolic disorders
            • immunologic and rheumatologic diseases
            • immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (Iris)
            • diseases of the hematopoietic system
            • dermatologic diseases
            • neurologic diseases
            • ophthalmologic diseases
            • additional disseminated infections and wasting syndrome
            • neoplastic diseases
        • idiopathic cd4+ t lymphocytopenia
        • treatment
          • general principles of patient management
          • antiretroviral therapy
          • principles of therapy
        • hiv and the health care worker
        • hiv prevention
        • further reading
    • section 15 infections due to rna viruses
      • 203 viral gastroenteritis
        • human caliciviruses
        • rotavirus
        • other viral agents of gastroenteritis
      • 204 enterovirus, parechovirus, and reovirus infections
        • enteroviruses
          • classification and characterization
          • pathogenesis and immunity
          • epidemiology
          • clinical features
            • poliovirus infection
              • paralytic poliomyelitis
              • vaccine-associated poliomyelitis
              • postpolio syndrome
            • other enteroviruses
              • nonspecific febrile illness (Summer grippe)
              • generalized disease of the newborn
              • aseptic meningitis and encephalitis
              • acute flaccid myelitis
              • pleurodynia (Bornholm disease)
              • myocarditis and pericarditis
              • exanthems
              • hand-foot-and-mouth disease
              • herpangina
              • acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
              • other manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prevention and eradication of poliovirus
        • parechoviruses
        • reoviruses
        • further reading
      • 205 measles (Rubeola)
        • definition
        • global considerations
        • etiology
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis
        • immune responses
        • approach to the patient
        • clinical manifestations
        • differential diagnosis
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • complications
        • prognosis
        • prevention
        • prospects for measles eradication
        • further reading
      • 206 rubella (German measles)
        • etiology
        • pathogenesis and pathology
        • epidemiology
        • clinical features
          • acquired rubella
          • congenital rubella syndrome
        • diagnosis
          • acquired rubella
          • congenital rubella syndrome
          • rubella diagnosis in pregnant women
        • treatment
        • prevention
        • further reading
      • 207 mumps
        • etiologic agent
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis
        • clinical manifestations
        • differential diagnosis
        • laboratory diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prevention
        • further reading
      • 208 rabies and other rhabdovirus infections
        • rabies
          • etiologic agent
          • epidemiology
          • pathogenesis
          • clinical manifestations
            • prodromal features
            • encephalitic rabies
            • paralytic rabies
          • laboratory investigations
          • diagnosis
          • differential diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prognosis
          • prevention
        • other rhabdoviruses
          • other lyssaviruses
          • vesicular stomatitis virus
        • further reading
      • 209 arthropod-borne and rodent-borne virus infections
        • etiology
          • amarillovirales: flaviviridae
          • articulavirales: orthomyxoviridae
          • bunyavirales: arenaviridae
          • bunyavirales: hantaviridae, nairoviridae, peribunyaviridae, and phenuiviridae
          • martellivirales: togaviridae
          • mononegavirales: rhabdoviridae
          • reovirales: reoviridae
        • epidemiology
        • diagnosis
        • clinical disease syndromes
          • arthritis and rash
          • encephalitis
          • fever and myalgia
          • pulmonary disease
          • viral hemorrhagic fever
        • further reading
        • website
      • 210 ebolavirus and marburgvirus infections
        • etiology
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis
        • clinical manifestations
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • complications
        • prognosis
        • control and prevention
        • further reading
    • section 16 fungal infections
      • 211 pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of fungal infections
        • definition and etiology
        • pathogenesis
        • diagnosis
        • antifungal drugs
        • amphotericin b
        • azoles
        • echinocandins
        • flucytosine (5-fluorocytosine)
        • griseofulvin and terbinafine
        • topical antifungal agents
        • further reading
      • 212 histoplasmosis
        • etiology
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis and pathology
        • clinical manifestations
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • further reading
      • 213 coccidioidomycosis
        • definition and etiology
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis, pathology, and immune response
        • clinical and laboratory manifestations
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prevention
        • further reading
      • 214 blastomycosis
        • definition
        • etiology
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis
        • approach to the patient
        • clinical manifestations
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prognosis
        • prevention
        • further reading
      • 215 cryptococcosis
        • definition and etiology
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis
        • approach to the patient
        • clinical manifestations
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prognosis and complications
        • immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome
        • prevention
        • further reading
      • 216 candidiasis
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis
        • clinical manifestations
          • mucocutaneous candidiasis
          • deeply invasive candidiasis
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prophylaxis
        • further reading
      • 217 aspergillosis
        • epidemiology and ecology
        • risk factors and pathogenesis
        • clinical features and approach to the patient
          • invasive pulmonary aspergillosis
          • invasive sinusitis
          • tracheobronchitis
          • aspergillus bronchitis
          • disseminated aspergillosis
          • cerebral aspergillosis
          • endocarditis
          • cutaneous aspergillosis
          • chronic pulmonary aspergillosis
          • aspergilloma
          • aspergillus nodule
          • chronic aspergillus sinusitis
          • allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
          • severe asthma with fungal sensitization (Safs)
          • allergic fungal rhinosinusitis
          • superficial aspergillosis
        • diagnosis
          • acute invasive aspergillosis
          • chronic aspergillosis
          • abpa, safs, and allergic aspergillus sinusitis
        • treatment
        • prophylaxis
        • outcome
        • further reading
      • 218 mucormycosis
        • etiology
        • pathogenesis
        • epidemiology
        • clinical manifestations
          • rhino-orbital-cerebral disease
          • pulmonary disease
          • cutaneous disease
          • gastrointestinal disease
          • disseminated and miscellaneous forms of disease
        • diagnosis
        • differential diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prognosis
        • further reading
      • 219 less common systemic mycoses and superficial mycoses
        • endemic mycoses (Dimorphic fungi)
          • sporotrichosis
          • paracoccidioidomycosis
          • talaromycosis (Penicilliosis)
        • phaeohyphomycoses
        • opportunistic fungal infections
          • fusariosis
          • scedosporiosis and lomentosporiosis
          • trichosporonosis
        • superficial cutaneous infections
          • yeast infections
          • dermatophyte (Mold) Infections
        • further reading
      • 220 pneumocystis infections
        • definition and description
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis and pathology
        • clinical features
        • diagnosis
        • course and prognosis
        • treatment
        • prevention
        • further reading
    • section 17 protozoal and helminthic infections: general considerations
      • 221 introduction to parasitic infections
        • helminthic infections
          • flatworms
          • roundworms
        • protozoal infections
          • intestinal protozoa
          • free-living amoebas
          • blood and tissue protozoans
        • approach to the patient
        • further reading
      • 222 agents used to treat parasitic infections
    • section 18 protozoal infections
      • 223 amebiasis and infection with free-living amebae
        • amebiasis
          • definition
          • life cycle and transmission
          • epidemiology
          • pathogenesis and pathology
          • clinical syndromes
            • intestinal amebiasis
            • amebic liver abscess
            • complications of amebic liver abscess
            • involvement of other extraintestinal sites
          • diagnostic tests
            • laboratory diagnosis
            • radiographic studies
            • differential diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prevention
        • infection with free-living amebae
          • epidemiology
          • naegleria infections
          • acanthamoeba infections
          • balamuthia infections
        • further reading
      • 224 malaria
        • etiology and pathogenesis
        • pathophysiology
          • erythrocyte changes
          • host response
        • clinical features
          • severe falciparum malaria
          • malaria in pregnancy
          • malaria in children
          • transfusion malaria
        • chronic complications of malaria
          • hyperreactive malarial splenomegaly
          • quartan malarial nephropathy
          • burkitt’s lymphoma and epstein-barr virus infection
        • treatment
        • global considerations
        • malaria prevention
          • personal protection against malaria
          • chemoprophylaxis
        • further reading
      • 225 babesiosis
        • etiology, epidemiology, and modes of transmission
        • clinical manifestations
        • pathogenesis
        • treatment
        • prevention
        • further reading
      • 226 leishmaniasis
        • etiology and life cycle
        • epidemiology
        • visceral leishmaniasis
        • cutaneous leishmaniasis
        • mucosal leishmaniasis
        • prevention of leishmaniasis
        • further reading
      • 227 chagas disease and african trypanosomiasis
        • chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis)
          • definition
          • transmission
          • epidemiology
          • pathology
          • clinical manifestations
          • approach to the patient
          • diagnosis and staging
          • treatment
          • prevention
          • global considerations
        • human african trypanosomiasis (Sleeping sickness)
          • definition
          • epidemiology
          • pathology and pathogenesis
          • approach to the patient
          • clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prognosis
          • global considerations
      • 228 toxoplasma infections
        • definition
        • etiology
        • epidemiology
        • transmission
        • pathogenesis
        • pathology
        • host immune response
        • clinical manifestations
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prevention
      • 229 protozoal intestinal infections and trichomoniasis
        • protozoal infections
          • giardiasis
          • cryptosporidiosis
          • cystoisosporiasis
          • cyclosporiasis
          • microsporidiosis
          • other intestinal protozoa
        • trichomoniasis
    • section 19 helminthic infections
      • 230 introduction to helminthic infections
        • nematodes
        • cestodes
        • trematodes
        • conclusion
      • 231 trichinellosis and other tissue nematode infections
        • trichinellosis
        • visceral and ocular larva migrans
        • cutaneous larva migrans
        • angiostrongyliasis
        • gnathostomiasis
      • 232 intestinal nematode infections
        • ascariasis
        • hookworm
        • strongyloidiasis
        • trichuriasis
        • enterobiasis (Pinworm)
        • trichostrongyliasis
        • anisakiasis
        • capillariasis
        • abdominal angiostrongyliasis
      • 233 filarial and related infections
        • lymphatic filariasis
        • tropical pulmonary eosinophilia
        • onchocerciasis
        • loiasis
        • streptocerciasis
        • mansonella perstans infection
        • mansonella ozzardi infection
        • zoonotic filarial infections
        • dracunculiasis (Guinea worm infection)
      • 234 schistosomiasis and other trematode infections
        • approach to the patient
        • schistosomiasis
          • etiology
          • epidemiology
          • pathogenesis
          • clinical features
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prevention and control
        • food-borne trematode infections
          • liver flukes
          • intestinal flukes
          • lung flukes
          • treatment
          • control and prevention
      • 235 cestode infections
        • taeniasis saginata and taeniasis asiatica
        • taeniasis solium and cysticercosis
        • echinococcosis
        • hymenolepiasis nana
        • hymenolepiasis diminuta
        • diphyllobothriasis
        • dipylidiasis
        • sparganosis
        • coenurosis
  • part 6 disorders of the cardiovascular system
    • section 1 introduction to cardiovascular disorders
      • 236 approach to the patient with possible cardiovascular disease
        • the magnitude of the problem
        • natural history
        • cardiac symptoms
        • diagnosis
        • family history
        • assessment of functional impairment
        • electrocardiogram
        • assessment of the patient with a heart murmur
        • pitfalls in cardiovascular medicine
        • disease prevention and management
      • 237 basic biology of the cardiovascular system
        • developmental biology of thecardiovascular system
        • the blood vessel
          • vascular ultrastructure
          • vascular cell biology
          • arteriogenesis and angiogenesis
        • cellular basis of cardiac contraction
          • cardiac ultrastructure
          • the contractile process
          • cardiac activation
        • control of cardiac performance and output
          • the role of muscle length (Preload)
          • cardiac performance
          • ventricular afterload
          • exercise
        • assessment of cardiac function
          • diastolic function
          • cardiac metabolism
          • regenerating cardiac tissue
      • 238 epidemiology of cardiovascular disease
        • the epidemiologic transition
        • patterns in the epidemiologic transition
        • global trends in cardiovascular disease
        • risk factors
          • behavioral risk factors
          • metabolic risk factors
          • genetic risk factors
        • summary
    • section 2 diagnosis of cardiovascular disorders
      • 239 physical examination of the cardiovascular system
        • the general physical examination
          • skin
          • head and neck
          • chest
          • abdomen
          • extremities
        • cardiovascular examination
          • jugular venous pressure and waveform
          • assessment of blood pressure
          • arterial pulse
        • cardiac auscultation
          • heart sounds
          • systolic sounds
          • diastolic sounds
          • cardiac murmurs
          • diastolic murmurs
          • continuous murmur
          • dynamic auscultation
          • prosthetic heart valves
          • pericardial disease
      • 240 electrocardiography
        • electrophysiologic background
        • ecg waveforms and intervals
        • ecg leads
        • genesis of the normal ecg
        • major ecg abnormalities
          • cardiac enlargement and hypertrophy
          • bundle branch blocks and related patterns
          • myocardial ischemia and infarction
          • metabolic factors and drug effects
          • nonspecific st-t changes and low qrs voltage
          • electrical alternans syndromes
        • clinical interpretation of the ecg
        • computerized electrocardiography
      • 241 noninvasive cardiac imaging: echocardiography, nuclear cardiology, and magnetic resonance/computed tomography imaging
        • principles of multimodality cardiac imaging
          • echocardiography
          • radionuclide imaging
          • cardiac computed tomography
          • cardiac magnetic resonance
        • assessment of cardiac structure and function
          • assessment of left ventricular systolic function
          • assessment of left ventricular diastolic function
          • assessment of right ventricular function
        • patient safety considerations
          • radiation exposure
          • contrast agents
          • safety considerations of cmr in patients with pacemakers and defibrillators
        • patient-centered applications of cardiac imaging
          • coronary artery disease
          • valvular heart disease
          • myocardial infarction and heart failure
          • pericardial disease
          • cardiac thrombus and mass
          • role of imaging in infectious and inflammatory disease
          • evaluation of common congenital abnormalities in the adult
      • 242 diagnostic cardiac catheterization and coronary angiography
        • cardiac catheterization
          • indications, risks, and preproceduremanagement
          • technique
          • hemodynamics
          • ventriculography and aortography
          • cinefluoroscopy of prosthetic mechanical valves
        • coronary angiography
    • section 3 disorders of rhythm
      • 243 principles of clinical cardiac electrophysiology
        • historical perspective
        • cellular electrophysiology
        • normal cardiac impulse propagation
        • mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias
        • care of the arrhythmia patient
      • 244 the bradyarrhythmias: disorders of the sinoatrial node
        • structure and physiology of the sa node
        • diagnosis of sa nodal disease
        • sa nodal dysfunction subtypes
        • treatment
      • 245 the bradyarrhythmias: disorders of the atrioventricular node
        • structure and physiology of the av node
        • electrocardiographic definitions of av conduction block
        • etiology of av conduction disease
        • diagnostic testing
        • treatment
      • 246 approach to supraventricular tachyarrhythmias
        • clinical presentation
      • 247 physiologic and nonphysiologic sinus tachycardia
        • physiologic sinus tachycardia
        • nonphysiologic sinus tachycardia
      • 248 focal atrial tachycardia
      • 249 paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias
        • atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia
        • junctional tachycardia
        • accessory pathways and the wolff-parkinson-white syndrome
        • atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia
        • preexcited tachycardias
        • management of patients with accessory pathways
        • treatment
      • 250 common atrial flutter and macroreentrant and multifocal atrial tachycardias
        • atrial flutter
        • multifocal atrial tachycardia
      • 251 atrial fibrillation
        • pathophysiology and epidemiology
        • clinical presentation and manifestations
        • treatment
        • risk factors for and lifestyle impact on atrial fibrillation
      • 252 approach to ventricular arrhythmias
        • types of vas
        • clinical manifestations
        • evaluation of patients with documented or suspected ventricular arrhythmias
        • arrhythmia surgery
      • 253 premature ventricular contractions, nonsustained ventricular tachycardia, and accelerated idioventricular rhythm
        • premature ventricular contractions and non-sustained vt
        • pvcs and nsvt during acute illness
        • pvcs and nsvt in patients without heart disease
        • treatment of idiopathic arrhythmias
        • pvcs and nsvt associated with acute coronary syndromes
        • pvcs and nsvt associated with depressed ventricular function and heart failure
        • pvc and nsvt associated with other cardiac diseases
        • pvc-induced ventricular dysfunction
        • accelerated idioventricular rhythms
        • future directions
      • 254 sustained ventricular tachycardia
        • diagnosis
        • treatment and prognosis
        • sustained monomorphic vt in specific diseases
        • arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
        • adult congenital heart disease
        • bundle branch reentry vt
        • idiopathic monomorphic vt
        • management of idiopathic vt
        • future directions
      • 255 polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation
        • polymorphic ventricular tachycardia
        • polymorphic vt associated with acute myocardial infarction/ischemia
        • repolarization abnormalities and genetic arrhythmia syndromes
          • acquired long qt syndrome
          • congenital long qt syndrome
          • short qt syndrome
          • brugada syndrome
          • early repolarization syndrome
          • catecholaminergic polymorphic vt
          • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
          • genetic dilated cardiomyopathies
          • ventricular fibrillation
        • future directions
      • 256 electrical storm and incessant ventricular tachycardia
        • electrical storm
        • incessant vt
        • management of patients presenting with icd shocks
        • management of the patient with electrical storm
    • section 4 disorders of the heart, muscles, valves, and pericardium
      • 257 heart failure: pathophysiology and diagnosis
        • clinical definitions, epidemiology, and phenotypes
          • definitions
          • epidemiology
          • phenotypes and causes
        • pathophysiology
          • progressive disease
          • mechanisms of disease progression
          • cardiorenal and abdominal interactions
          • gut congestion, the microbiome, and inflammation
          • high-output states
        • evaluation
          • history
          • physical examination
          • diagnosis
        • comorbidities
          • diabetes
          • sleep apnea
          • obesity
          • depression
        • differential diagnosis
      • 258 heart failure: management
        • heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
          • general principles
          • clinical trials in hfpef
          • novel targets
          • clinical guiding principles
        • acute decompensated heart failure
          • general principles
          • volume management
          • vasoactive therapy
          • inotropic therapy
          • other therapies for adhf
          • clinical guiding principles
        • heart failure with reduced ejection fraction
          • neurohormonal antagonism
          • mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists
          • raas therapy and neurohormonal “escape”
          • alternative vasodilators
          • novel neurohormonal antagonists
          • heart rate modification
          • sglt-2 inhibition
          • soluble guanylyl cyclase stimulation
          • myosin activation
          • digoxin
          • oral diuretics
          • calcium channel antagonists
          • anti-inflammatory therapy
          • hmg-coa reductase inhibitors (Statins)
          • anticoagulation and antiplatele ttherapy
          • fish oil
          • micronutrients
          • enhanced external counterpulsation
          • exercise
          • management of selected comorbidity
          • neuromodulation using device therapy
          • cardiac contractility modulation
        • cardiac resynchronization therapy
        • sudden cardiac death prevention in heart failure
        • surgical therapy in heart failure
        • cellular and gene-based therapy
        • disease management and supportive care
        • global considerations
      • 259 cardiomyopathy and myocarditis
        • definition and classification
        • general presentation
          • genetic causes of cardiomyopathy
        • dilated cardiomyopathy
          • myocarditis
          • infective myocarditis
          • specific viruses implicated in myocarditis
          • therapy of viral myocarditis
          • other infectious causes
          • noninfective myocarditis
          • peripartum cardiomyopathy
          • toxic cardiomyopathy
          • metabolic causes of cardiomyopathy
          • familial dilated cardiomyopathy
          • takotsubo cardiomyopathy
          • idiopathic dcm
        • overlapping types of cardiomyopathy
          • disorders of metabolic pathways
        • restrictive cardiomyopathy
          • nfiltrative disease
          • fibrotic restrictive cardiomyopathy
          • endomyocardial disease
        • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prognosis
        • global perspectives
      • 260 cardiac transplantation and prolonged assisted circulation
        • cardiac transplantation
          • candidates for cardiac transplantation
          • principles of donor recovery and allocation
          • surgery for cardiac transplantation
          • cardiac allograft rejection and immunosuppression
          • late complications after cardiac transplantation
        • prolonged assisted circulation
          • left ventricular assist systems and clinical trials
          • management of lvas and their complications
          • novel devices
          • total artificial heart
        • global considerations
      • 261 aortic stenosis
        • global burden of valvular heart disease
        • etiology and pathogenesis
        • bicuspid aortic valve disease
        • other forms of obstruction to left ventricular outflow
        • pathophysiology
        • symptoms
        • physical findings
        • laboratory examination
        • treatment
      • 262 aortic regurgitation
        • etiology
        • pathophysiology
        • history
        • physical findings
        • laboratory examination
        • treatment
      • 263 mitral stenosis
        • etiology and pathology
        • pathophysiology
        • symptoms
        • physical findings
        • laboratory examination
        • differential diagnosis
        • cardiac catheterization
        • treatment
      • 264 mitral regurgitation
        • etiology
        • pathophysiology
        • symptoms
        • physical findings
        • laboratory examination
        • treatment
      • 265 mitral valve prolapse
        • clinical features
        • laboratory examination
        • treatment
      • 266 tricuspid valve disease
        • tricuspid stenosis
        • tricuspid regurgitation
      • 267 pulmonic valve disease
        • pulmonic stenosis
        • pulmonic regurgitation
      • 268 multiple and mixed valvular heart disease
        • pathophysiology
        • symptoms
        • physical findings
        • laboratory examination
        • treatment
      • 269 congenital heart disease in the adult
        • prevalence
        • the changing landscape of adult chd
        • special considerations for the achdpatient
        • congenital terminology, development, and genetics
        • specific chd lesions
          • dilated right heart
          • atrial septal defect
          • partial anomalous pulmonary venous return
          • ebstein anomaly
          • shunt lesions causing left heart dilation
          • ventricular septal defects
          • patent ductus arteriosus
        • moderate and complex chd
          • tetralogy of fallot
          • transposition of the great arteries
          • coarctation of the aorta
          • single ventricle physiology
        • unrepaired cyanotic chd
          • eisenmenger syndrome
          • the role of palliative care in achd
        • global considerations
      • 270 pericardial disease
        • normal functions of the pericardium
        • acute pericarditis
        • cardiac tamponade
        • viral or idiopathic acute pericarditis
        • chronic pericardial effusions
        • chronic constrictive pericarditis
      • 271 atrial myxoma and other cardiac tumors
        • primary tumors
          • clinical presentation
          • myxoma
          • other benign tumors
          • malignant tumors
        • tumors metastatic to the heart
      • 272 cardiac trauma
        • cardiac trauma
        • blunt cardiac injury
        • penetrating cardiac injury
    • section 5 coronary and peripheral vascular disease
      • 273 ischemic heart disease
        • epidemiology and global trends
        • pathophysiology
        • coronary atherosclerosis
        • stable angina pectoris
        • coronary revascularization
        • asymptomatic (Silent) Ischemia
      • 274 non-st-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (Non-st-segment elevation myocardial infarction and unstable angina)
        • pathophysiology
        • clinical presentation
        • treatment
        • long-term management
        • prinzmetal’s variant angina
        • global considerations
      • 275 st-segment elevation myocardial infarction
        • pathophysiology: role of acute plaque rupture
        • clinical presentation
        • laboratory findings
          • electrocardiogram
          • serum cardiac biomarkers
          • cardiac imaging
        • initial management
        • management in the emergency department
        • control of discomfort
        • management strategies
        • limitation of infarct size
        • hospital phase management
        • pharmacotherapy
        • complications and their management
      • 276 percutaneous coronary interventions and other interventional procedures
        • technique
        • success and complications
        • indications
        • other interventional techniques
        • conclusion
      • 277 hypertension
        • epidemiology
        • mechanisms of hypertension
        • pathologic consequences of hypertension
        • defining hypertension
        • clinical disorders of hypertension
        • monogenic hypertension
        • approach to the patient
        • treatment
      • 278 renovascular disease
        • mechanisms of vascular injury and hypertension
        • diagnosis of renovascular disease
        • treatment
        • atheroembolic renal disease
        • thromboembolic renal disease
        • microvascular injury associated with hypertension
          • arteriolonephrosclerosis
      • 279 deep-venous thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism
        • epidemiology
        • pathophysiology
        • classification of pulmonary embolism and deep-venous thrombosis
        • diagnosis
        • treatment: deep-venous thrombosis
        • treatment: pulmonary embolism
        • prevention of vte
      • 280 diseases of the aorta
        • congenital anomalies of the aorta
        • aortic aneurysm
          • etiology
          • thoracic aortic aneurysms
          • abdominal aortic aneurysms
        • acute aortic syndromes
          • clinical manifestations
          • treatment
        • chronic atherosclerotic occlusive disease
        • acute aortic occlusion
        • aortitis
          • takayasu’s arteritis
          • giant cell arteritis
          • rheumatic aortitis
          • idiopathic aortitis
          • infective aortitis
      • 281 arterial diseases of the extremities
        • peripheral artery disease
        • fibromuscular dysplasia
        • thromboangiitis obliterans
        • vasculitis
        • acute limb ischemia
        • atheroembolism
        • thoracic outlet compression syndrome
        • popliteal artery entrapment
        • popliteal artery aneurysm
        • arteriovenous fistula
        • raynaud’s phenomenon
        • acrocyanosis
        • livedo reticularis
        • pernio (Chilblains)
        • erythromelalgia
        • frostbite
      • 282 chronic venous disease and lymphedema
        • chronic venous disease
          • venous anatomy
          • pathophysiology of chronic venous disease
          • clinical presentation
          • differential diagnosis
          • classification of chronic venous disease
          • diagnostic testing
          • treatment
        • lymphedema
          • lymphatic anatomy
          • etiology
          • clinical presentation
          • differential diagnosis
          • diagnostic testing
          • treatment
      • 283 pulmonary hypertension
        • pathobiology
        • pathophysiology
        • diagnosis
        • pulmonary hypertension classification
        • other disorders affecting the pulmonary vasculature
        • pharmacologic treatment of pah
        • approach to pah treatment
        • unmet and future research needs in pulmonary hypertension
  • part 7 disorders of the respiratory system
    • section 1 diagnosis of respiratory disorders
      • 284 approach to the patient with disease of the respiratory system
        • history
          • dyspnea and cough
          • additional symptoms
          • additional history
        • physical examination
        • diagnostic evaluation
          • pulmonary function testing
          • chest imaging
        • further studies
      • 285 disturbances of respiratory function
        • ventilation
          • volume-related mechanical properties—statics
          • flow-related mechanical properties—dynamics
          • the work of breathing
          • adequacy of ventilation
        • gas exchange
          • diffusion
          • ventilation/perfusion heterogeneity
        • pathophysiology
          • ventilatory restriction due to increased elastic recoil—example: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
          • ventilatory restriction due to chest wall abnormality—example: moderate obesity
          • ventilatory restriction due to reduced muscle strength—example: myasthenia gravis
          • airflow obstruction due to decreased airway diameter—example: acute asthma
          • airflow obstruction due to decreased elastic recoil—example: severe emphysema
        • functional measurements
          • measurement of ventilatory function
          • measurement of gas exchange
          • arterial blood gases
      • 286 diagnostic procedures in respiratory disease
        • bedside pleural procedures
          • thoracentesis
          • closed pleural biopsy
        • thoracic surgical procedures
          • thoracoscopy and thoracotomy
          • mediastinoscopy and mediastinotomy
        • bronchoscopy
          • bronchoalveolar lavage
          • brushing and endobronchial biopsy
          • transbronchial biopsy including cryobiopsy
          • transbronchial needle aspiration
          • endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration
          • guided peripheral bronchoscopy
          • robotic bronchoscopy
        • medical imaging
          • chest x-ray
          • computed tomography
          • magnetic resonance imaging
          • positron emission tomography
          • artificial intelligence/deep learning
        • transthoracic needle aspiration
        • miscellaneous testing
          • sputum testing
          • exhaled breath condensate
          • sweat testing
          • allergy testing
    • section 2 diseases of the respiratory system
      • 287 asthma
        • manifestations
        • epidemiology
        • the pathway to the development of asthma
        • pathophysiology
          • mechanisms leading to acute and chronic airway obstruction
          • airway inflammation (Type 2 and non–type 2 inflammation)
          • mediators
        • etiologic mechanisms, risk factors, triggers, and complicating comorbidities
          • heritable predisposition
          • exposures and risk factors
          • triggers of airway narrowing
          • comorbidities
        • diagnosis and evaluation
          • approach
          • primary assessment tools for establishing a diagnosis
          • adjunctive assessment tools
          • additional evaluation in severe/poorly responsive asthma
        • treatment: asthma
          • goals of asthma therapy and assessment of control
          • medications
        • approach to the patient
        • treatment: asthma attacks
        • special considerations
          • high-risk asthma patients
          • exercise-induced symptoms
          • pregnancy
          • aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease
          • severe asthma
          • elderly patients with asthma
          • asthma-copd overlap
      • 288 hypersensitivity pneumonitis and pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia
        • hypersensitivity pneumonitis
          • introduction and definition
          • offending antigens
          • pathophysiology
          • clinical presentation
          • diagnosis
          • differential diagnosis
          • treatment
          • global considerations
        • pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia
          • classifying pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia and general approach
          • pathophysiology
          • acute eosinophilic pneumonia
          • eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Egpa)
          • hypereosinophilic syndromes
          • allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
          • infectious processes
          • drugs and toxins
        • global considerations
      • 289 occupational and environmental lung disease
        • history and exposure assessment
        • laboratory tests
        • determinants of inhalational exposure
        • occupational exposures and pulmonary disease
          • asbestos-related diseases
          • silicosis
          • coal worker’s pneumoconiosis (Cwp)
          • chronic beryllium disease
          • other metals
          • other inorganic dusts
          • organic dusts
          • toxic chemicals
          • occupational respiratory carcinogens
          • assessment of disability
        • general environmental exposures
          • outdoor air pollution
          • indoor exposures
      • 290 bronchiectasis
        • etiology
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis and pathology
        • clinical manifestations
        • diagnosis
        • approach to the patient
        • treatment
        • complications
        • prognosis
        • prevention
      • 291 cystic fibrosis
        • clinical features
        • pathogenesis
        • molecular genetics
        • diagnosis
        • complexity of a cf phenotype
        • cftr modulators
        • therapeutics directed toward cf sequelae
        • cf quality improvement
        • global considerations
      • 292 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
        • pathogenesis
        • pathophysiology
        • risk factors
        • natural history
        • clinical presentation
        • treatment
      • 293 interstitial lung disease
        • diagnostic approach
          • history
          • physical examination
          • laboratory studies
          • pulmonary function tests
          • chest imaging studies
          • lung biopsy
          • individual forms of ild
        • idiopathic interstitial pneumonias
          • idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
          • nonspecific interstitial pneumonia
          • smoking-related ild
          • cryptogenic organizing pneumonia
        • acute or subacute iips
          • acute interstitial pneumonia (Hamman-rich syndrome)
          • acute exacerbations of iips
        • ild associated with connective tissue disease
          • systemic sclerosis
          • rheumatoid arthritis
          • dermatomyositis/polymyositis
          • granulomatous ilds
          • genetics and ild
        • global considerations
      • 294 disorders of the pleura
        • pleural effusion
        • pneumothorax
      • 295 disorders of the mediastinum
        • mediastinal masses
        • acute mediastinitis
        • chronic mediastinitis
        • pneumomediastinum
      • 296 disorders of ventilation
        • definition and physiology
        • hypoventilation
        • hypoventilation syndromes
        • hyperventilation
      • 297 sleep apnea
        • obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome
      • 298 lung transplantation
        • end-stage lung disease and indicationsfor lung transplantation
        • contraindications to lung transplantation
        • lung transplant candidate management
        • donor considerations
        • procurement operation
        • recipient operation and early posttransplant considerations
        • long-term management of lung transplant recipients
      • 299 interventional pulmonary medicine
        • diagnostic bronchoscopy
          • endobronchial ultrasound
          • peripheral bronchoscopy
        • therapeutic bronchoscopy
          • central airway obstruction
          • ablative therapies for cao
          • bronchoplasty
          • airway stenting
          • endobronchial intratumoral chemotherapy
          • ablative therapies for early-stage lung cancer
          • bronchoscopic therapies for asthma
          • bronchoscopic therapies for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
          • bronchoscopic lung volume reduction
          • targeted lung denervation
          • pleural interventions
          • pneumothorax and persistent air leak
        • summary
  • part 8 critical care medicine
    • section 1 respiratory critical care
      • 300 approach to the patient with critical illness
        • assessment of illness severity
        • shock
        • respiratory failure
        • care of the mechanically ventilated patient
        • multiorgan system failure
        • monitoring in the icu
        • prevention of complications of critical illness
        • neurologic dysfunction in critically ill patients
      • 301 acute respiratory distress syndrome
        • etiology
        • clinical course and pathophysiology
          • exudative phase
          • proliferative phase
          • fibrotic phase
        • treatment
          • general principles
          • management of mechanical ventilation
          • other strategies in mechanical ventilation
          • fluid management
          • neuromuscular blockade
          • glucocorticoids
          • other therapies
          • recommendations
        • prognosis
          • mortality
          • functional recovery in ards survivors
      • 302 mechanical ventilatory support
        • principles of mechanical ventilation
        • mechanical ventilation modes
        • strategies to optimize gas exchange on mechanical ventilation
        • complications of mechanical ventilation
        • liberation from mechanical ventilation
        • extracorporeal gas exchange
    • section 2 shock and cardiac arrest
      • 303 approach to the patient with shock
        • pathophysiology of shock
        • classification of shock
          • distributive shock
          • cardiogenic shock
          • hypovolemic shock
          • obstructive shock
          • mixed shock
          • undifferentiated shock
        • stages of shock
        • evaluation of the patient with shock
        • initial treatment of shock
        • oxygenation and ventilation support
      • 304 sepsis and septic shock
        • introduction and definitions
        • etiology
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis
        • approach to the patient
        • clinical manifestations
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prognosis
        • prevention
      • 305 cardiogenic shock and pulmonary edema
        • cardiogenic shock
        • pulmonary edema
      • 306 cardiovascular collapse, cardiac arrest, and sudden cardiac death
        • overview and definitions
        • epidemiology
        • causes of sudden cardiac death
        • management of cardiac arrest
    • section 3 neurologic critical care
      • 307 nervous system disorders in critical care
        • pathophysiology
        • approach to the patient
        • critical care disorders of the cns
        • treatment
        • postcardiac bypass brain injury
        • metabolic encephalopathies
        • sepsis-associated encephalopathy
        • osmotic demyelination syndrome (Central pontine myelinolysis)
        • wernicke’s disease
        • hyperperfusion disorders (Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome)
        • post–solid organ transplant brain injury
        • cns complications of checkpoint inhibitor and chimeric antigen receptor t-cell therapy
        • critical care disorders of the peripheral nervous system
  • part 9 disorders of the kidney and urinary tract
    • 308 approach to the patient with renal disease or urinary tract disease
      • nephritic syndromes
        • glomerulonephritis
        • proteinuric states and nephrotic syndrome
      • hematuria and lower urinary tract syndromes
      • acute kidney injury
      • chronic kidney disease and the uremic syndrome
    • 309 cell biology and physiology of the kidney
      • embryologic development
      • determinants and regulation of glomerular filtration
      • mechanisms of renal tubular transport
      • loop of henle
      • distal convoluted tubule
      • collecting duct
      • hormonal regulation of sodium and water balance
    • 310 acute kidney injury
      • epidemiology
      • etiology and pathophysiology
        • prerenal azotemia
        • intrinsic aki
          • sepsis-associated aki
          • ischemia-associated aki
          • nephrotoxin-associated aki
        • postrenal aki
      • diagnostic evaluation
        • history and physical examination
        • urine findings
        • blood laboratory findings
        • renal failure indices
        • radiologic evaluation
        • kidney biopsy
        • novel biomarkers
      • complications of aki
        • uremia
        • hypervolemia and hypovolemia
        • hyponatremia
        • hyperkalemia
        • acidosis
        • hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia
        • bleeding
        • infections
        • cardiac complications
        • malnutrition
        • prevention and treatment of aki
        • supportive measures for aki
      • outcome and prognosis
    • 311 chronic kidney disease
      • pathophysiology of ckd
      • identification of risk factors and staging of ckd
      • etiology and epidemiology
      • pathophysiology and biochemistry of uremia
      • clinical and laboratory manifestations of ckd and uremia
        • fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders
          • sodium and water homeostasis
          • potassium homeostasis
          • metabolic acidosis
        • disorders of calcium and phosphate metabolism
          • bone manifestations of ckd
          • calcium, phosphorus, and the cardiovascular system
          • other complications of abnormal mineral metabolism
        • cardiovascular abnormalities
          • vascular disease
          • heart failure
          • pericardial disease
        • hematologic abnormalities
          • anemia
          • abnormal hemostasis
        • neuromuscular abnormalities
        • gastrointestinal and nutritional abnormalities
        • ndocrine-metabolic disturbances
        • dermatologic abnormalities
      • evaluation and management ofpatients with ckd
        • initial approach
        • establishing the diagnosis and etiology of ckd
      • treatment
      • implications for global health
    • 312 dialysis in the treatment of kidney failure
      • treatment options for patients with eskd
      • hemodialysis
        • the dialyzer
        • dialysate
        • blood delivery system
        • dialysis access
        • goals of dialysis
        • complications during hemodialysis
      • peritoneal dialysis
        • forms of peritoneal dialysis
        • access to the peritoneal cavity
        • complications during peritoneal dialysis
      • long-term outcomes in eskd
      • global perspective
    • 313 transplantation in the treatment of renal failure
      • recent activity and results
      • recipient evaluation
      • tissue typing and clinical immunogenetics
      • donor evaluation
      • immunology of rejection
      • immunosuppressive treatment
      • clinical course and management of the recipient
      • malignancy
    • 314 glomerular diseases
      • pathogenesis of glomerular disease
      • progression of glomerular disease
      • approach to the patient
      • renal pathology
      • acute nephritic syndromes
        • poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
        • subacute bacterial endocarditis
        • lupus nephritis
        • antiglomerular basement membrane disease
        • iga nephropathy
        • anca small-vessel vasculitis
          • granulomatosis with polyangiitis
          • microscopic polyangiitis
          • churg-strauss syndrome
        • c3 glomerulopathies
        • membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
        • mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis
      • nephrotic syndrome
        • minimal change disease
        • focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
        • membranous glomerulonephritis
        • diabetic nephropathy
        • glomerular deposition diseases
        • fabry’s disease
      • pulmonary-renal syndromes
      • basement membrane syndromes
        • anti-gbm disease
        • alport’s syndrome
        • thin basement membrane disease
        • nail-patella syndrome
        • glomerular-vascular syndromes
      • atherosclerotic nephropathy
        • hypertensive nephrosclerosis
        • cholesterol emboli
        • sickle cell disease
        • thrombotic microangiopathies
        • antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
      • global considerations
        • infectious disease–associated syndromes
    • 315 polycystic kidney disease and other inherited disorders of tubule growth and development
      • autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
      • autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
      • other diseases characterized bylarge kidney cysts
        • tuberous sclerosis
        • von hippel-lindau disease
      • other inherited diseases of tubulegrowth and development
      • nephronophthisis
      • karyomegalic tubulointerstitial nephritis
      • medullary sponge kidney
      • congenital abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract
      • mitochondrial disease
      • diagnostic considertions
      • global considerations
    • 316 tubulointerstitial diseases of the kidney
      • acute interstitial nephritis
        • allergic interstitial nephritis
        • sjögren’s syndrome
        • tubulointerstitial nephritis with uveitis
        • systemic lupus erythematosus
        • granulomatous interstitial nephritis
        • igg4-related systemic disease
        • ain associated with the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors
        • idiopathic ain
        • infection-associated ain
        • crystal deposition disorders and obstructive tubulopathies
        • light chain cast nephropathy
        • lymphomatous infiltration of the kidney
      • chronic tubulointerstitial diseases
        • vesicoureteral reflux and reflux nephropathy
        • sickle cell nephropathy
        • tubulointerstitial abnormalities associated with glomerulonephritis
        • analgesic nephropathy
        • aristolochic acid nephropathy
        • karyomegalic interstitial nephritis
        • lithium-associated nephropathy
        • calcineurin inhibitor nephrotoxicity
        • heavy metal (Lead) Nephropathy
      • metabolic disorders
        • chronic uric acid nephropathy
        • hypercalcemic nephropathy
        • hypokalemic nephropathy
      • global perspective
    • 317 vascular injury to the kidney
      • thrombotic microangiopathy
      • hemolytic-uremic syndrome/thromboticthrombocytopenic purpura
      • hematopoietic stem cell transplantation–associated thrombotic microangiopathy
      • hiv-related thrombotic microangiopathy
      • radiation nephropathy
      • scleroderma (Progressive systemic sclerosis)
      • antiphospholipid syndrome
      • hellp syndrome
      • sickle cell nephropathy
      • renal vein thrombosis
    • 318 nephrolithiasis
      • epidemiology
      • associated medical conditions
      • pathogenesis
      • risk factors
      • approach to the patient
      • recommendations for specific stone types
      • long-term follow-up
    • 319 urinary tract obstruction
      • etiology
      • clinical features and pathophysiology
      • diagnosis
      • treatment
      • prognosis
      • postobstructive diuresis
    • 320 interventional nephrology
      • history
      • physiology and pathophysiology of dialysis access
      • arteriovenous grafts and fistulas
      • approach to the patient
  • part 10 disorders of the gastrointestinal system
    • section 1 disorders of the alimentary tract
      • 321 approach to the patient with gastrointestinal disease
        • anatomic considerations
        • functions of the gi tract
        • extrinsic modulation of gut function
        • overview of gi diseases
          • classification of gi diseases
            • impaired digestion and absorption
            • altered secretion
            • altered gut transit
            • immune dysregulation
            • impaired gut blood flow
            • neoplastic degeneration
            • disorders without obvious organic abnormalities
            • genetic influences
          • symptoms of gi disease
            • abdominal pain
            • heartburn
            • nausea and vomiting
            • altered bowel habits
            • gi bleeding
            • jaundice
            • other symptoms
        • evaluation of the patient with gi disease
          • history
          • physical examination
          • tools for patient evaluation
        • treatment
      • 322 gastrointestinal endoscopy
        • endoscopic procedures
          • upper endoscopy
          • colonoscopy
          • flexible sigmoidoscopy
          • small-bowel endoscopy
          • endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
          • endoscopic ultrasound
          • natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery
          • endoscopic resection and closure techniques
        • risks of endoscopy
        • urgent endoscopy
          • acute gastrointestinal hemorrhage
          • gastrointestinal obstruction andpseudoobstruction
          • acute biliary obstruction
        • elective endoscopy
          • dyspepsia
          • gastroesophageal reflux disease
          • peptic ulcer
          • nonulcer dyspepsia
          • dysphagia
          • endoscopic treatment of obesity
          • treatment of malignancies
          • anemia and occult blood in the stool
          • colorectal cancer screening
          • diarrhea
          • minor hematochezia
          • pancreatitis
          • cancer staging
        • open-access endoscopy
      • 323 diseases of the esophagus
        • esophageal structure and function
        • symptoms of esophageal disease
        • diagnostic studies
          • endoscopy
          • radiography
          • endoscopic ultrasound
          • esophageal manometry
          • reflux testing
        • structural disorders
          • hiatal hernia
          • rings and webs
          • diverticula
          • tumors
        • congenital anomalies
        • esophageal motility disorders
          • achalasia
          • diffuse esophageal spasm
          • nonspecific manometric findings
        • gastroesophageal reflux disease
          • pathophysiology
          • symptoms
          • differential diagnosis
          • complications
          • treatment
          • eosinophilic esophagitis
        • infectious esophagitis
          • candida esophagitis
          • herpetic esophagitis
          • cytomegalovirus
        • mechanical trauma and iatrogenic injury
          • esophageal perforation
          • mallory-weiss tear
          • radiation esophagitis
          • corrosive esophagitis
          • pill esophagitis
          • foreign bodies and food impaction
        • esophageal manifestations of systemic disease
          • scleroderma and connectivetissue disorders
          • dermatologic diseases
      • 324 peptic ulcer disease and related disorders
        • peptic ulcer disease
          • gastric physiology
          • pathophysiologic basis of pud
          • clinical features
          • treatment
        • related conditions
          • zollinger-ellison syndrome
          • stress-related mucosal injury
          • gastritis
          • ménétrier’s disease
      • 325 disorders of absorption
        • overview: nutrient digestionand absorption
          • specific nutrients
          • luminal phase of digestion
          • mucosal phase of digestion and absorption
        • intestinal mucosal disorders
          • disorders of enterocyte carbohydrate transporters and enzyme deficiencies
          • intestinal mucosal disorders that result in malabsorption of multiple nutrients
          • whipple’s disease
          • tropical sprue
        • short-bowel syndrome
          • overview
          • disorders of post-mucosal absorption
        • protein-losing enteropathy
        • approach to the patient
        • summary
      • 326 inflammatory bowel disease
        • global considerations: epidemiology
        • global considerations: ibd phenotypes
        • etiology and pathogenesis
          • genetic considerations
          • commensal microbiota and ibd
          • defective immune regulation in ibd
          • the inflammatory cascade in ibd
        • pathology
          • ulcerative colitis: macroscopic features
          • ulcerative colitis: microscopic features
          • crohn’s disease: macroscopic features
          • crohn’s disease: microscopic features
        • clinical presentation
          • ulcerative colitis
          • crohn’s disease
        • differential diagnosis of uc and cd
          • infectious diseases
          • noninfectious diseases
          • the atypical colitides
        • extraintestinal manifestations
          • dermatologic
          • rheumatologic
          • ocular
          • hepatobiliary
          • urologic
          • metabolic bone disorders
          • thromboembolic disorders
          • other disorders
        • treatment
          • 5-asa agents
          • glucocorticoids
          • antibiotics
          • azathioprine and mercaptopurine
          • methotrexate
          • cyclosporine
          • tacrolimus
          • biologic therapies
          • anti-integrins
          • small molecules
          • ozanimod
          • nutritional therapies
          • surgical therapy
        • ibd and pregnancy
        • cancer in ibd
          • ulcerative colitis
          • crohn’s disease
          • management of dysplasia and cancer
        • covid-19 and ibd
      • 327 irritable bowel syndrome
        • clinical features
        • pathophysiology
        • approach to the patient
        • treatment
      • 328 diverticular disease and common anorectal disorders
        • diverticular disease
        • common diseases of the anorectum
          • rectal prolapse (Procidentia)
          • fecal incontinence
          • hemorrhoidal disease
          • anorectal abscess
          • fistula in ano
          • anal fissure
      • 329 mesenteric vascular insufficiency
        • intestinal ischemia
          • incidence and epidemiology
          • anatomy and pathophysiology
          • presentation, evaluation, and management
      • 330 acute intestinal obstruction
        • epidemiology
        • pathophysiology
        • history and physical findings
        • laboratory and imaging studies
        • treatment
      • 331 acute appendicitis and peritonitis
        • acute appendicitis
          • incidence and epidemiology
          • pathogenesis of appendicitis and appendiceal perforation
          • clinical manifestations
          • laboratory testing
          • imaging
          • special patient populations
          • treatment
        • acute peritonitis
          • etiology
          • clinical features
          • therapy and prognosis
    • section 2 nutrition
      • 332 nutrient requirements and dietary assessment
        • essential nutrient requirements
          • energy
          • protein
          • fat and carbohydrate
          • water
          • other nutrients
        • dietary reference intakes and rdas
          • estimated average requirement (Ear)
          • recommended dietary allowances
          • adequate intake (Ai)
          • tolerable upper levels (Ul)
          • chronic disease risk reduction intake (Cdrr)
          • acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges (Amdrs)
        • factors altering nutrient needs
          • physiologic factors
          • dietary composition
          • route of intake
          • disease
        • dietary assessment
          • acute-care settings
          • ambulatory settings
        • nutritional status assessment
        • global considerations
      • 333 vitamin and trace mineral deficiency and excess
        • vitamins
          • thiamine (Vitamin b1)
          • riboflavin (Vitamin b2)
          • niacin (Vitamin b3)
          • pyridoxine (Vitamin b6)
          • folate (Vitamin b12)
          • vitamin c
          • biotin
          • pantothenic acid (Vitamin b5)
          • choline
          • flavonoids
          • vitamin a
          • vitamin d
          • vitamin e
          • vitamin k
        • minerals
          • calcium
          • zinc
          • copper
          • selenium
          • chromium
          • magnesium
          • fluoride, manganese, and ultratrace elements
      • 334 malnutrition and nutritional assessment
        • malnutrition syndromes
        • nutrition assessment
      • 335 enteral and parenteral nutrition
        • nutritional physiology
        • macronutrient malnutrition syndromes
        • nutritional diagnosis
        • specialized nutritional support
        • approach to the patient
    • section 3 liver and biliary tract disease
      • 336 approach to the patient with liver disease
        • liver structure and function
        • liver diseases
          • clinical history
          • physical examination
          • diagnosis of liver disease
          • grading and staging of liver disease
          • nonspecific issues in the management of patients with liver disease
      • 337 evaluation of liver function
        • serum bilirubin
        • serum enzymes
        • serum albumin
        • serum globulins
        • coagulation factors
        • other diagnostic tests
        • use of liver tests
        • global considerations
      • 338 the hyperbilirubinemias
        • bilirubin metabolism
        • extrahepatic aspects of bilirubin disposition
        • disorders of bilirubin metabolism leading to unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
          • increased bilirubin production
          • decreased hepatic bilirubin clearance
          • hereditary defects in bilirubin conjugation
        • disorders of bilirubin metabolism leading to mixed or predominantly conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
          • familial defects in hepaticexcretory function
      • 339 acute viral hepatitis
        • virology and etiology
          • hepatitis a
          • hepatitis b
          • hepatitis d
          • hepatitis c
          • hepatitis e
        • pathogenesis
          • hepatitis b
          • hepatitis c
          • hepatitis a and e
        • extrahepatic manifestations
        • pathology
        • epidemiology and global features
          • hepatitis a
          • hepatitis b
          • hepatitis d
          • hepatitis c
          • hepatitis e
        • clinical and laboratory features
          • symptoms and signs
          • laboratory features
        • prognosis
        • complications and sequelae
        • differential diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prophylaxis
          • hepatitis a
          • hepatitis b
          • hepatitis d
          • hepatitis c
          • hepatitis e
      • 340 toxic and drug-induced hepatitis
        • drug metabolism
        • liver injury caused by drugs
        • treatment: toxic and drug-induced hepatic disease
        • acetaminophen hepatotoxicity (Direct toxin)
        • isoniazid hepatotoxicity (Toxic and idiosyncratic reaction)
        • sodium valproate hepatotoxicity (Toxic and idiosyncratic reaction)
        • nitrofurantoin hepatotoxicity (Idiosyncratic reaction)
        • amoxicillin-clavulanate hepatotoxicity (Idiosyncratic mixed reaction)
        • amiodarone hepatotoxicity (Toxic and idiosyncratic reaction)
        • anabolic steroids (Cholestatic reaction)
        • trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole hepatotoxicity (Idiosyncratic reaction)
        • hmg-coa reductase inhibitors (Statins) (Idiosyncratic mixed hepatocellular and cholestatic reaction)
        • alternative and complementary medicines (Idiosyncratic hepatitis, steatosis)
        • checkpoint inhibitor and other immunotherapies for cancer
        • highly active antiretroviral therapy for hiv infection (Mitochondrial toxic, idiosyncratic, steatosis; hepatocellular,cholestatic, and mixed)
      • 341 chronic hepatitis
        • classification of chronic hepatitis
          • classification by cause
          • classification by grade
          • classification by stage
        • chronic viral hepatitis
          • chronic hepatitis b
          • chronic hepatitis c
        • autoimmune hepatitis
          • definition
          • immunopathogenesis
          • clinical features
          • diagnostic criteria
          • differential diagnosis
          • treatment
      • 342 alcohol-associated liver disease
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis
        • risk factors for progression of ald
        • clinical features
        • laboratory findings
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
      • 343 nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
        • incidence, prevalence, and natural history
        • pathogenesis
        • diagnosis
        • clinical features of nafld
        • treatment of nafld
          • global health considerations
      • 344 cirrhosis and its complications
        • alcohol-associated cirrhosis
        • cirrhosis due to chronic viral hepatitis b or c
        • cirrhosis from autoimmune hepatitis and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
        • biliary cirrhosis
        • primary biliary cholangitis
        • primary sclerosing cholangitis
        • cardiac cirrhosis
        • other types of cirrhosis
        • major complications of cirrhosis
          • portal hypertension
          • portal hypertensive gastropathy
          • splenomegaly and hypersplenism
          • ascites
          • spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
          • hepatorenal syndrome
          • hepatic encephalopathy
          • liver-lung syndromes
          • malnutrition in cirrhosis
          • abnormalities in coagulation
          • bone disease in cirrhosis
          • hematologic abnormalities in cirrhosis
      • 345 liver transplantation
        • indications
        • contraindications
        • technical considerations
        • postoperative course and management
        • outcome
      • 346 diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts
        • physiology of bile production and flow
          • bile secretion and composition
          • the bile acids
          • enterohepatic circulation
          • gallbladder and sphincteric functions
        • diseases of the gallbladder
          • congenital anomalies
          • gallstones
          • acute and chronic cholecystitis
          • the hyperplastic cholecystoses
        • diseases of the bile ducts
          • congenital anomalies
          • choledocholithiasis
          • trauma, strictures, and hemobilia
          • extrinsic compression of the bile ducts
          • hepatobiliary parasitism
          • sclerosing cholangitis
    • section 4 disorders of the pancreas
      • 347 approach to the patient with pancreatic disease
        • general considerations
        • tests useful in the diagnosis of pancreatic disease
        • tests of exocrine pancreatic function
      • 348 acute and chronic pancreatitis
        • biochemistry and physiology of pancreatic exocrine secretion
          • general considerations
          • regulation of pancreatic secretion
          • water and electrolyte secretion
          • enzyme secretion
          • autoprotection of the pancreas
          • enteropancreatic axis and feedback inhibition
        • acute pancreatitis
          • general considerations
          • etiology and pathogenesis
          • activation of pancreatic enzymes in the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis
          • approach to the patient
          • laboratory data
          • diagnosis
          • clinical course, definitions, and classifications
          • acute pancreatitis management
          • recurrent acute pancreatitis
          • pancreatitis in patients with aids
        • chronic pancreatitis and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
          • pathophysiology
          • etiologic considerations
          • autoimmune pancreatitis
          • treatment
          • hereditary pancreatitis
          • pancreatic endocrine tumors
        • other conditions
          • annular pancreas
          • pancreas divisum
          • macroamylasemia
  • part 11 immune-mediated, inflammatory, and rheumatologic disorders
    • section 1 the immune system in health and disease
      • 349 introduction to the immune system
        • definitions
        • introduction
        • the innate immune system
        • pattern recognition
        • effector cells of innate immunity
          • monocytes-macrophages
          • dendritic cells
          • innate lymphoid cells
          • neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils
          • the complement system
        • cytokines
        • the adaptive immune system
          • t cells
          • humoral mediators of adaptive immunity: immunoglobulins
        • cellular interactions in regulation of normal immune responses
        • immune tolerance and autoimmunity
        • the cellular and molecular control of programmed cell death
        • mechanisms of immune-mediated damage to microbes or host tissues
        • clinical evaluation of immune function
        • immunotherapy
      • 350 mechanisms of regulation and dysregulation of the immune system
        • definitions
        • introduction
        • mechanisms of regulation of t-cell activation
        • checkpoint inhibitiontherapy for cancer
        • chimeric antigen receptor t cells
        • mechanisms of immunedysregulation in autoimmunedisease
        • immune dysregulation in aging
      • 351 primary immune deficiency diseases
        • diagnosis of primary immunodeficiencies
        • primary immunodeficiencies of the innate immune system
          • severe congenital neutropenia
          • asplenia
          • gata2 deficiency
          • leukocyte adhesion deficiency
          • chronic granulomatous diseases
          • mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease
          • toll-like receptor (Tlr) Pathway deficiencies
          • complement deficiency
        • primary immunodeficiencies of the adaptive immune system
          • t lymphocyte deficiencies
            • severe combined immunodeficiencies
            • thymic defects
            • omenn syndrome
            • functional t-cell defects
            • t-cell primary immunodeficiencies with dna repair defects
            • t-cell primary immunodeficiencies with hyper-ige
            • autosomal dominant hyper-ige syndrome
            • cartilage hair hypoplasia
            • cd40 ligand and cd40 deficiencies
            • wiskott-aldrich syndrome
          • b lymphocyte deficiencies
            • agammaglobulinemia
            • hyper-igm (Higm) Syndromes
            • common variable immunodeficiency
            • selective ig isotype deficiencies
            • selective antibody deficiency to polysaccharide antigens
            • immunoglobulin replacement
        • primary immunodeficiencies affecting regulatory pathways
          • hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
          • autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome
          • colitis, autoimmunity, and primary immunodeficiencies
        • conclusion
    • section 2 disorders of immune-mediated injury
      • 352 urticaria, angioedema, and allergic rhinitis
        • introduction
        • urticaria and angioedema
          • definition
          • predisposing factors and etiology
          • clinical presentation and pathophysiology
          • treatment
        • allergic rhinitis
          • definition
          • predisposing factors and etiology
          • pathophysiology and manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
      • 353 anaphylaxis
        • background
        • clinical manifestations
        • pathophysiology
        • predisposing factors and mechanisms
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • prevention
      • 354 mastocytosis
        • definition and epidemiology
        • classification and pathophysiology
        • clinical manifestations
        • diagnosis and differential diagnosis
        • treatment
      • 355 autoimmunity and autoimmune diseases
        • mechanisms of autoimmunity
        • genetic considerations
        • immunopathogenic mechanisms in autoimmune diseases
        • autoimmune diseases
        • organ-specific versus systemic autoimmune diseases
        • treatment
      • 356 systemic lupus erythematosus
        • definition and prevalence
        • pathogenesis and etiology
        • interpretation of clinical manifestations
        • laboratory tests
        • conservative therapies for management of non-life-threatening disease
        • patient outcomes, prognosis, and survival
        • drug-induced lupus
      • 357 antiphospholipid syndrome
        • definitions
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis
        • clinical manifestations and laboratory findings
        • diagnosis and differential diagnosis
        • treatment
      • 358 rheumatoid arthritis
        • introduction
        • clinical features
        • epidemiology
        • genetic considerations
        • environmental factors
        • pathology
        • pathogenesis
        • diagnosis
        • laboratory features
        • clinical course
        • treatment
        • approach to the patient
        • global challenges
        • summary
      • 359 acute rheumatic fever
        • global considerations
        • epidemiology
        • pathogenesis
        • clinical features
        • treatment
        • prognosis
        • prevention
      • 360 systemic sclerosis (Scleroderma) And related disorders
        • definition and classification
        • incidence and prevalence
        • genetic contribution to disease pathogenesis
        • environmental and occupational exposures
        • pathogenesis
        • pathology
        • clinical features
        • organ involvement
        • management of systemic sclerosis
        • treatment
        • course
        • prognosis
        • localized scleroderma
        • mixed connective tissue disease
        • eosinophilic fasciitis (Diffuse fasciitis with eosinophilia)
      • 361 sjögren’s syndrome
        • definition, incidence, and prevalence
        • pathogenesis
        • clinical manifestations
        • diagnosis and differential diagnosis
        • treatment
      • 362 spondyloarthritis
        • ankylosing spondylitis and axial spondyloarthritis
        • reactive arthritis
        • psoriatic arthritis
        • ibd-associated arthritis
        • sapho syndrome
      • 363 the vasculitis syndromes
        • definition
        • classification
        • pathophysiology and pathogenesis
        • approach to the patient
        • granulomatosis with polyangiitis
        • microscopic polyangiitis
        • eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-strauss)
        • polyarteritis nodosa
        • giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica
        • takayasu arteritis
        • iga vasculitis (Henoch-schönlein)
        • cryoglobulinemic vasculitis
        • single-organ vasculitis
        • idiopathic cutaneous vasculitis
        • primary central nervous system vasculitis
        • behçet’s disease
        • cogan’s syndrome
        • kawasaki’s disease
        • polyangiitis overlap syndromes
        • secondary vasculitis
      • 364 behçet syndrome
        • diagnosis
        • pathogenesis
        • clinical presentation
        • treatment
      • 365 inflammatory myopathies
        • diagnostic approach and differential diagnosis
        • specific disorders
          • dermatomyositis
          • polymyositis
          • overlap syndromes
          • immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy
          • antisynthetase syndrome
          • inclusion body myositis
        • treatment of the im
          • general guidelines for use ofspecific immunotherapies
          • second-line therapies
        • myositis associated with checkpoint inhibitors
        • myositis associated with covid-19 infection
        • global issues
      • 366 relapsing polychondritis
        • pathology and pathophysiology
        • clinical manifestations
        • laboratory findings and diagnostic imaging
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • patient outcome, prognosis, and survival
      • 367 sarcoidosis
        • definition
        • etiology
          • incidence, prevalence, and global impact
          • pathophysiology and immunopathogenesis
          • clinical manifestations
          • lung
          • skin
          • eye
          • liver
          • bone marrow and spleen
          • calcium metabolism
          • renal disease
          • nervous system
          • cardiac
          • musculoskeletal system
          • other organ involvement
          • complications
        • laboratory findings
        • diagnosis
        • prognosis
        • treatment
      • 368 igg4-related disease
        • clinical features
        • serologic findings
        • epidemiology
        • pathology
        • pathophysiology
        • treatment
      • 369 familial mediterranean fever and other hereditary autoinflammatory diseases
        • background and pathophysiology
        • acute attacks
        • amyloidosis
        • diagnosis
        • treatment: familial mediterranean fever
        • other hereditary recurrent fevers
          • tnf receptor–associated periodic syndrome
          • hyperimmunoglobulinemia d with periodic fever syndrome (Also known as mevalonate kinase deficiency)
          • nlrp3-associated autoinflammatory disease (Also known as the cryopyrinopathies or cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes)
          • periodic fever with aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and cervical adenitis
        • other inherited autoinflammatory diseases
        • global considerations
    • section 3 disorders of the joints and adjacent tissues
      • 370 approach to articular and musculoskeletal disorders
        • articular versus nonarticular
        • inflammatory versus noninflammatory disorders
        • rheumatologic evaluation of the elderly
        • rheumatologic evaluation of the hospitalized patient
        • physical examination
        • approach to regional rheumatic complaints
        • telehealth musculoskeletal evaluation
        • laboratory investigations
        • diagnostic imaging in joint diseases
      • 371 osteoarthritis
        • global considerations
        • definition
        • joint protective mechanisms and their failure
        • risk factors
        • pathology
        • sources of pain
        • clinical features
        • treatment
      • 372 gout and other crystal-associated arthropathies
        • gout
        • calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease
        • calcium apatite deposition disease
        • caox deposition disease
      • 373 fibromyalgia
        • definition
        • epidemiology
        • clinical manifestations
        • differential diagnosis
        • laboratory or radiographic testing
        • approach to the patient
        • treatment
      • 374 arthritis associated with systemic disease, and other arthritides
        • arthritis associated with systemic disease
          • arthropathy of acromegaly
          • arthropathy of hemochromatosis
          • hemophilic arthropathy
          • arthropathies associated with hemoglobinopathies
          • musculoskeletal disorders associated with hyperlipidemia
        • other arthritides
          • neuropathic joint disease
          • hypertrophic osteoarthropathy and clubbing
          • complex regional pain syndrome
          • tietze syndrome and costochondritis
          • myofascial pain syndrome
          • neoplasias and arthritis
      • 375 periarticular disorders of the extremities
        • bursitis
        • rotator cuff tendinitis and impingement syndrome
        • calcific tendinitis
        • bicipital tendinitis and rupture
        • de quervain’s tenosynovitis
        • patellar tendinitis
        • drug-induced tendinopathies
        • iliotibial band syndrome
        • adhesive capsulitis
        • lateral epicondylitis
        • medial epicondylitis
        • plantar fasciitis
  • part 12 endocrinology and metabolism
    • section 1 endocrinology
      • 376 approach to the patient with endocrine disorders
        • scope of endocrinology
        • pathologic mechanisms of endocrine disease
          • causes of hormone excess
          • causes of hormone deficiency
          • hormone resistance
          • clinical evaluation of endocrine disorders
          • hormone measurements and endocrine testing
          • screening and assessment of common endocrine disorders
      • 377 mechanisms of hormone action
        • classes of hormones
          • hormone and receptor families
          • hormone synthesis and processing
          • hormone secretion, transport, and degradation
          • hormone action through receptors
          • membrane receptors
          • nuclear receptors
          • maintenance of homeostasis
          • reproduction
        • hormonal feedback regulatory systems
          • paracrine and autocrine control
          • hormonal rhythms
      • 378 physiology of anterior pituitary hormones
        • anatomy and development
        • anterior pituitary hormones
          • prolactin
          • growth hormone
          • adrenocorticotropic hormone
          • gonadotropins: fsh and lh
          • thyroid-stimulating hormone
      • 379 hypopituitarism
        • developmental causes of hypopituitarism
        • hypothalamic endocrine dysfunction
          • kallmann syndrome
          • bardet-biedl syndrome
          • leptin and leptin receptor mutations
          • prader-willi syndrome
        • acquired hypopituitarism
          • hypothalamic infiltration disorders
          • inflammatory lesions
          • cranial irradiation
          • lymphocytic hypophysitis
          • immunotherapy and hypophysitis
          • pituitary apoplexy
          • empty sella
        • presentation and diagnosis
        • laboratory investigation
        • treatment
        • disorders of growth and development
        • adult gh deficiency
        • acth deficiency
        • gonadotropin deficiency
        • diabetes insipidus
      • 380 pituitary tumor syndromes
        • hypothalamic, pituitary, and other sellar masses
        • evaluation of sellar masses
        • sellar masses
        • pituitary adenomas and hypersecretion syndromes
        • hyperprolactinemia
        • galactorrhea
        • prolactinoma
        • acromegaly
        • cushing’s disease (Acth-producing adenoma)
        • nonfunctioning and gonadotropin-producing pituitary adenomas
        • tsh-secreting adenomas
        • aggressive adenomas
      • 381 disorders of the neurohypophysis
        • vasopressin
        • thirst
        • oxytocin
        • deficiencies of avp secretion and action
          • diabetes insipidus
          • hypodipsic hypernatremia
          • inappropriate antidiuresis
        • global perspectives
      • 382 thyroid gland physiology and testing
        • anatomy and development
        • thyroid hormone synthesis, metabolism, and action
          • thyroid hormone synthesis
          • thyroid function in pregnancy
          • thyroid hormone transport and metabolism
          • thyroid hormone action
        • physical examination
        • laboratory evaluation
      • 383 hypothyroidism
        • congenital hypothyroidism
        • autoimmune hypothyroidism
        • other causes of hypothyroidism
        • treatment
      • 384 hyperthyroidism and other causes of thyrotoxicosis
        • thyrotoxicosis
          • graves’ disease
          • other causes of thyrotoxicosis
          • acute thyroiditis
          • subacute thyroiditis
          • silent thyroiditis
          • drug-induced thyroiditis
          • chronic thyroiditis
        • sick euthyroid syndrome (Nonthyroidal illness)
        • amiodarone effects on thyroid function
      • 385 thyroid nodular disease and thyroid cancer
        • goiter and thyroid nodular disease
        • diffuse nontoxic (Simple) Goiter
        • nontoxic multinodular goiter
        • toxic multinodular goiter
        • hyperfunctioning solitary nodule
        • benign lesions
        • thyroid cancer
          • classification
          • pathogenesis and genetic basis
          • well-differentiated thyroid cancer
          • anaplastic and other forms of thyroid cancer
          • medullary thyroid carcinoma
      • 386 disorders of the adrenal cortex
        • adrenal anatomy and development
        • regulatory control of steroidogenesis
        • steroid hormone synthesis, metabolism, and action
        • cushing’s syndrome
        • mineralocorticoid excess
        • approach to the patient: incidentally discovered adrenal mass
        • adrenocortical carcinoma
        • adrenal insufficiency
        • congenital adrenal hyperplasia
      • 387 pheochromocytoma
        • epidemiology
        • etiology and pathogenesis
        • clinical features
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • metastatic pheochromocytoma
          • pheochromocytoma in pregnancy
        • pheochromocytoma-associated syndromes
        • genetic screening of patients with pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma
      • 388 multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes
        • multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1
        • multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 and type 3
        • multiple endocrine neoplasia type 4
        • hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome
        • von hippel–lindau disease
        • neurofibromatosis
        • carney complex
        • cowden’s syndrome
        • mccune-albright syndrome
      • 389 autoimmune polyendocrine syndromes
        • aps-1
        • aps-2
        • immune checkpoint inhibitor–induced endocrine autoimmunity
        • ipex
        • thymic tumors
        • anti-insulin receptor antibodies
        • insulin autoimmune syndrome (Hirata’s syndrome)
        • poems syndrome
        • other disorders
        • global considerations
    • section 2 sex- and gender-based medicine
      • 390 sex development
        • sex development
        • disorders of chromosomal sex
          • klinefelter syndrome (47,xxy)
          • turner syndrome (Gonadal dysgenesis; 45,x)
          • 45,x/46,xy mosaicism
          • ovotesticular dsd
        • disorders of gonadal and phenotypic sex
          • 46,xy dsd
          • other disorders affecting 46,xy males
          • 46,xx dsd
          • global considerations
        • other disorders affecting 46,xx females
      • 391 disorders of the testes and male reproductive system
        • development and structureof the testis
        • normal male pubertal development
        • regulation of testicular function
          • regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testis axis in adult man
          • the leydig cell: androgen synthesis
          • the seminiferous tubules: spermatogenesis
        • clinical and laboratory evaluation of male reproductive function
          • history and physical examination
          • gonadotropin and inhibin measurements
          • testosterone assays
          • semen analysis
          • testicular biopsy
        • disorders of sexual differentiation
        • disorders of puberty
          • precocious puberty
          • delayed puberty
        • disorders of the male reproductive axis during adulthood
          • hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
          • primary testicular causes of hypogonadism
          • androgen insensitivity syndromes
        • gynecomastia
        • aging-related changes in male reproductive function
        • approach to the patient: androgen deficiency
        • treatment: androgen deficiency
        • approach to the patient: androgenic-anabolic steroids use
      • 392 disorders of the female reproductive system
        • development of the ovary and early follicular growth
        • development of a mature follicle
        • regulation of ovarian function
          • hypothalamic and pituitary secretion
          • ovarian steroids
          • ovarian peptides
        • hormonal integration of the normal menstrual cycle
          • the follicular phase
          • the luteal phase
        • clinical assessment of ovarian function
        • puberty
          • normal pubertal development in girls
          • disorders of puberty
            • precocious puberty
            • delayed puberty
      • 393 menstrual disorders and pelvic pain
        • menstrual disorders
          • definition and prevalence
          • primary amenorrhea
          • secondary amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea
          • disorders of the uterus or outflow tract
          • disorders of ovulation
            • hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
            • hypergonadotropic hypogonadism
            • polycystic ovarian syndrome
        • pelvic pain
          • acute pelvic pain
          • chronic pelvic pain
      • 394 hirsutism
        • defining hirsutism
        • hair follicle growth and differentiation
        • clinical assessment
        • hormonal evaluation
        • treatment
      • 395 menopause and postmenopausal hormone therapy
        • perimenopause
          • physiology
          • diagnostic tests
          • symptoms
          • treatment
        • menopause and postmenopausal ht
          • benefits and risks of postmenopausal ht
          • approach to the patient
      • 396 infertility and contraception
        • infertility
          • etiology
          • fertility evaluation
          • counseling and treatment
          • psychological aspects of infertility
        • contraception
          • types of contraception
          • contraception counseling
      • 397 sexual dysfunction
        • male sexual dysfunction
          • physiology of male sexual response
          • erectile dysfunction
          • treatment
        • female sexual dysfunction
          • epidemiology
          • physiology of the female sexual response
          • approach to the patient
          • treatment
      • 398 women’s health
        • disease risk: reality and perception
        • sex differences in health and disease
        • summary
      • 399 men’s health
        • aging-related changes in male reproductive function
        • approach to the patient: older men with age-related decline in testosterone
        • age-related changes in fecundity
          • sexual dysfunction
          • muscle dysmorphia syndrome in men—a form of body image disorder
          • aas abuse by athletes and recreational bodybuilders
          • luts in men
          • medical complications of prostate cancer therapy
          • medical complications of adt
          • prevention of sexually transmitted diseases
        • sex differences in covid-19 disease outcomes
      • 400 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (Lgbt) Health
        • understanding lgbt health disparities
        • creating positive health experiences for lgbt patients
        • future direction in lgbt health
    • section 3 obesity, diabetes mellitus, and metabolic syndrome
      • 401 pathobiology of obesity
        • definition of obesity and overweight
        • epidemiology
        • physiologic regulation of energy balance
        • the physiology of nutrient storage in adipose tissue
        • the causes of obesity: an interaction of genes and environment
        • the relative roles of excess intake and lower energy expenditure in conferring biologic predisposition
        • environmental factors predisposing to obesity
        • why doesn’t leptin prevent obesity?
        • single-gene disorders leading to obesity
        • classical syndromic disorders
        • disorders of leptin-melanocortin signaling
        • genetic subtypes of obesity associated with neurobehavioral abnormalities
        • obesity secondary to other disorders
        • adverse consequences of obesity
        • conclusion
      • 402 evaluation and management of obesity
        • evaluation
        • treatment
      • 403 diabetes mellitus: diagnosis, classification, and pathophysiology
        • classification
        • epidemiology and global considerations
        • diagnosis
        • regulation of glucose homeostasis
        • pathogenesis
        • genetically defined, monogenic forms of dm related to reduced insulin secretion
        • approach to the patient
      • 404 diabetes mellitus: management and therapies
        • overall goals
        • ongoing aspects of comprehensive diabetes care
          • lifestyle management in diabetes care
          • diabetes self-management education and support (Dsmes)
          • nutrition therapy
          • physical activity
          • psychosocial care
          • monitoring the level of glycemic control
            • self-monitoring of blood glucose
            • continuous glucose monitoring
            • assessment of long-term glycemic control
        • pharmacologic treatment of diabetes
          • establishment of target level ofglycemic control
          • type 1 diabetes mellitus
            • general aspects
            • intensive management
            • insulin preparations
            • insulin regimens
            • other agents that improve glucose control
          • type 2 diabetes mellitus
            • general aspects
            • glucose-lowering agents
          • other therapies for diabetes
          • emerging therapies
        • adverse effects of therapy for dm
        • acute disorders related to severe hyperglycemia
          • diabetic ketoacidosis
          • hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state
        • management of diabetes in a hospitalized patient
        • special considerations in dm
      • 405 diabetes mellitus: complications
        • glycemic control and complications
        • mechanisms of complications
        • ophthalmologic complications of diabetes mellitus
        • renal complications of diabetes mellitus
        • neuropathy and diabetes mellitus
        • gastrointestinal/genitourinary dysfunction
        • cardiovascular morbidity and mortality
        • lower extremity complications
        • infections
        • dermatologic manifestations
      • 406 hypoglycemia
        • systemic glucose balance and glucose counterregulation
        • hypoglycemia in diabetes
        • hypoglycemia without diabetes
        • accidental, surreptitious, or malicious hypoglycemia
        • inborn errors of metabolism causing hypoglycemia
        • approach to the patient
      • 407 disorders of lipoprotein metabolism
        • lipoprotein structureand metabolism
          • transport of intestinally derived dietary lipids by chylomicrons
          • transport of hepatically derived lipids by vldl and ldl
          • hdl metabolism and reverse cholesterol transport
        • screening
        • disorders associated with elevated apob-containing lipoproteins
          • severe hypertriglyceridemia
          • hypercholesterolemia (Elevated ldl-c)
          • mixed hyperlipidemia (Elevated tg and ldl-c)
          • secondary contributors to elevated levels of apob-containing lipoproteins
        • disorders associated with reduced apob-containing lipoproteins
          • abetalipoproteinemia
          • familial hypobetalipoproteinemia (Fhbl)
          • familial pcsk9 deficiency
          • familial combined hypolipidemia
        • disorders associated with reduced high-density lipoproteins
          • primary (Genetic) Causes of low hdl-c
            • gene deletions and missense mutations in apoa1
            • tangier disease (Abca1 deficiency)
            • familial lcat deficiency
            • primary hypoalphalipoproteinemia
          • secondary factors that reduce hdl-c levels
            • hypertriglyceridemia
            • very-low-fat diet
          • sedentary lifestyle and obesity
        • approach to the patient
        • treatment: severe hypertriglyceridemia
        • treatment: hypercholesterolemia (Elevated ldl-cwith or without elevated tg)
      • 408 the metabolic syndrome
        • global health/epidemiology
        • risk factors
        • etiology
        • clinical features
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
    • section 4 disorders of bone and mineral metabolism
      • 409 bone and mineral metabolism in health and disease
        • bone structure and metabolism
        • calcium metabolism
        • phosphorus metabolism
        • magnesium metabolism
        • vitamin d
      • 410 disorders of the parathyroid gland and calcium homeostasis
        • introduction
        • pth
        • pthrp
        • calcitonin
        • hypercalcemia
          • introduction
          • primary hyperparathyroidism
          • other parathyroid causes of hypercalcemia
          • genetic disorders causing hyperparathyroidism-like syndromes
          • malignancy-related hypercalcemia
          • vitamin d–related hypercalcemia
          • high-bone-turnover states
          • renal failure–associated hypercalcemia
          • other causes of hypercalcemia
          • differential diagnosis of hypercalcemia
          • treatment
        • hypocalcemia
          • pathophysiology
          • classification of hypocalcemia
          • pth absent
          • pth ineffective
          • pth overwhelmed
          • differential diagnosis
      • 411 osteoporosis
        • definition
        • epidemiology
        • pathophysiology
          • bone remodeling
          • calcium nutrition
          • vitamin d
          • estrogen status
          • physical activity
          • chronic diseases
          • medications
          • smoking
          • other potential factors
        • diagnosis
          • measurement of bone mass
          • indications for bone mass measurement
          • vertebral imaging
        • approach to the patient
        • treatment
          • management of patients with fractures
          • management of the underlying disease
            • risk factor reduction
            • nutritional recommendations
            • exercise
          • pharmacologic treatment of osteoporosis
            • antiresorptive agents
            • anabolic agents
          • other pharmacologic agents not approved in the united states
          • nonpharmacologic approaches
          • treatment monitoring
        • glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis
          • pathophysiology
          • evaluation of the patient
          • prevention
          • treatment
      • 412 paget’s disease and other dysplasias of bone
        • paget’s disease of bone
          • epidemiology
          • etiology
          • pathophysiology
          • clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
        • sclerosing bone disorders
          • osteopetrosis
          • pyknodysostosis
          • progressive diaphyseal dysplasia
          • hyperostosis corticalis generalisata
          • melorheostosis
          • osteopoikilosis
          • hepatitis c–associated osteosclerosis
        • disorders associated with defective mineralization
          • hypophosphatasia
          • axial osteomalacia
          • fibrogenesis imperfecta ossium
        • fibrous dysplasia and mccune-albright syndrome
        • other dysplasias of bone and cartilage
          • pachydermoperiostosis
          • osteochondrodysplasias
        • extraskeletal (Ectopic) Calcification and ossification
          • metastatic calcification
          • tumoral calcinosis
          • dystrophic calcification
          • ectopic ossification
          • fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva
    • section 5 disorders of intermediary metabolism
      • 413 heritable disorders of connective tissue
        • classification of connective tissue disorders
        • specific disorders
          • osteogenesis imperfecta
          • hlers-danlos syndromes
          • chondrodysplasias
          • heritable thoracic aortic aneurysm disease
      • 414 hemochromatosis
        • definition
        • prevalence
        • genetic basis
        • pathophysiology and the role of hepcidin
        • clinical manifestations
        • diagnosis
        • screening for hemochromatosis
        • treatment
        • prognosis
        • role of hfe mutations in other liver diseases
        • global considerations
      • 415 wilson’s disease
        • history of wilson’s disease
        • phenotypes
          • clinical
          • biochemical
          • molecular
        • diagnosis
        • treatment
        • future outlook
      • 416 the porphyrias
        • the porphyrias: introduction
        • global considerations
        • heme biosynthesis
        • regulation of heme biosynthesis
        • classification of the porphyrias
        • diagnosis of porphyria
        • the hepatic porphyrias
          • ala-dehydratase-deficient porphyria
          • acute intermittent porphyria
          • porphyria cutanea tarda
          • hereditary coproporphyria
          • variegate porphyria
        • the erythropoietic porphyrias
          • x-linked sideroblastic anemia
          • congenital erythropoietic porphyria
          • erythropoietic protoporphyria
      • 417 disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism
        • uric acid metabolism
        • hyperuricemia
        • evaluation
        • complications
        • hyperuricemia and metabolic syndrome
        • hypouricemia
        • selected inborn errors of purine and pyrimidine metabolism
        • purine disorders
        • pyrimidine disorders
      • 418 lysosomal storage diseases
        • pathogenesis
        • selected disorders
          • tay-sachs disease
          • fabry disease
          • gaucher disease
          • niemann-pick diseases
          • mucopolysaccharidoses
          • pompe disease
          • lysosomal acid lipase deficiency
          • krabbe disease
            • neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis type 2 (Ncl2 or cln2)
      • 419 glycogen storage diseases and other inherited disorders of carbohydrate metabolism
        • selected liver glycogenoses
          • disorders with hepatomegaly and hypoglycemia
            • type i gsd (Glucose-6-phosphatase or translocase deficiency, von gierke disease)
            • type iii gsd (Debrancher deficiency, limit dextrinosis)
            • type ix gsd (Liver phosphorylase kinase deficiency)
            • type iv gsd (Branching enzyme deficiency, amylopectinosis,polyglucosan disease, or andersen disease)
            • other liver glycogenoses with hepatomegaly and hypoglycemia
        • selected muscle glycogenoses
          • disorders with muscle-energyimpairment
            • type v gsd (Muscle phosphorylase deficiency, mcardle disease)
            • type ix gsd (Muscle phosphorylase kinase deficiency)
          • disorders with progressive skeletalmuscle myopathy and/or cardiomyopathy
            • pompe disease, type ii gsd (Acid α-1,4 glucosidase deficiency)
        • selected disorders of galactose metabolism
        • selected disorders of fructose metabolism
        • global considerations
      • 420 inherited disorders of amino acid metabolism in adults
        • the hyperphenylalaninemias
        • the homocystinurias (Hyperhomocysteinemias)
        • alkaptonuria
        • urea cycle defects
      • 421 inherited defects of membrane transport
        • cystinuria
        • lysinuric protein intolerance
        • citrullinemia type 2 (Citrin deficiency)
        • hartnup disease
        • cystinosis
  • part 13 neurologic disorders
    • section 1 diagnosis of neurologic disorders
      • 422 approach to the patient with neurologic disease
        • the neurologic method
          • define the anatomy
          • identify the pathophysiology
        • the neurologic history
        • the neurologic examination
          • mental status examination
          • cranial nerve examination
          • motor examination
          • reflex examination
          • sensory examination
          • coordination examination
          • gait examination
        • neurologic diagnosis
      • 423 neuroimaging in neurologic disorders
        • computed tomography
        • magnetic resonance imaging
        • magnetic resonance angiography
        • echo-planar mri
        • arterial spin labeling
        • magnetic resonance neurography
        • positron emission tomography
        • myelography
        • spine interventions
        • angiography
        • interventional neuroradiology
      • 424 pathobiology of neurologic diseases
        • neuroimmunology and neuroinflammation
          • oligodendrocytes and myelin
          • microglia and macrophages
          • astrocytes
        • lymphatics of the central nervous system
        • microbiota and neurologic disease
        • pathologic proteins, prions, and neurodegeneration
          • protein aggregation and cell death
          • prions and neurodegenerative diseases
          • neural stem cell biology
          • organoids
          • brain development and developmental disorders: microcephaly and lissencephaly
          • acquired neurodevelopmental disorders: zika
          • neurodevelopmental disorders: autism and schizophrenia
          • alzheimer’s disease
          • cell type disorders: als and huntington’s disease
          • amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
          • huntington’s disease
        • future perspectives
    • section 2 diseases of the central nervous system
      • 425 seizures and epilepsy
        • classification of seizures
          • focal onset seizures
          • evolution of focal seizures togeneralized seizures
          • generalized onset seizures
        • epilepsy syndromes
          • juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
          • lennox-gastaut syndrome
          • mesial temporal lobe epilepsy syndrome
        • the causes of seizures and epilepsy
        • basic mechanisms
          • mechanisms of seizure initiation and propagation
          • mechanisms of epileptogenesis
          • genetic causes of epilepsy
          • mechanisms of action of antiseizure drugs
        • approach to the patient
          • seizure
          • history and examination
          • laboratory studies
          • electrophysiologic studies
          • brain imaging
          • genetic testing
        • differential diagnosis of seizures
          • syncope
          • psychogenic seizures
        • treatment
          • treatment of underlying conditions
          • avoidance of precipitating factors
          • antiseizure drug therapy
          • initiation and monitoring of therapy
          • when to discontinue therapy
          • treatment of refractory epilepsy
          • surgical treatment of refractory epilepsy
        • status epilepticus
        • beyond seizures: other management issues
          • epilepsy comorbidities
          • mortality of epilepsy
          • psychosocial issues
          • employment, driving, and other activities
        • special issues related to women and epilepsy
          • catamenial epilepsy
          • pregnancy
          • contraception
            • breast-feeding
      • 426 introduction to cerebrovascular diseases
        • approach to the patient
        • stroke syndromes
          • stroke within the anterior circulation
          • stroke within the posterior circulation
        • imaging studies
          • ct scans
          • mri
          • cerebral angiography
          • ultrasound techniques
          • perfusion techniques
      • 427 ischemic stroke
        • pathophysiology of ischemic stroke
        • treatment
        • etiology of ischemic stroke
        • small-vessel stroke
        • less common causes of stroke
        • transient ischemic attacks
      • 428 intracranial hemorrhage
        • diagnosis
        • emergency management
        • intracerebral hemorrhage
          • hypertensive ich
          • lobar hemorrhage
          • other causes of ich
          • laboratory and imaging evaluation
          • treatment
        • vascular anomalies
          • congenital vascular malformations
          • acquired vascular lesions
      • 429 subarachnoid hemorrhage
        • saccular (“berry”) Aneurysm
          • pathophysiology
          • clinical manifestations
          • delayed neurologic deficits
          • laboratory evaluation and imaging
        • treatment
      • 430 migraine and other primary headache disorders
        • migraine
          • pathogenesis
          • diagnosis and clinical features
          • treatment
            • nonpharmacologic management
            • acute attack therapies for migraine
            • 5-ht1b/1d receptor agonists—triptans
            • calcitonin gene-related peptide (Cgrp) Receptor antagonists—gepants
            • 5-ht1f receptor agonists—ditans
            • dopamine receptor antagonists
            • other options for acute migraine
            • medication-overuse headache
            • preventive treatments for migraine
        • tension-type headache
        • trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (Tacs), including cluster headache
        • paroxysmal hemicrania
        • sunct/suna
        • hemicrania continua
        • other primary headache disorders
          • primary cough headache
          • primary exercise headache
          • primary headache associated with sexual activity
          • primary thunderclap headache
          • cold-stimulus headache
          • external pressure headache
          • primary stabbing headache
          • nummular headache
          • hypnic headache
          • new daily persistent headache
      • 431 alzheimer’s disease
        • alzheimer’s disease
          • clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • epidemiology
          • pathology
          • genetic considerations
          • treatment
            • patient and caregiver education
            • neurotransmitter-based therapies
            • therapies targeting amyloid-β
            • additional therapies
            • experimental therapies
        • other causes of dementia
      • 432 frontotemporal dementia
        • clinical manifestations
        • genetic considerations
        • neuropathology
        • pathogenesis
        • treatment
        • progressive supranuclear palsy syndrome
        • corticobasal syndrome
      • 433 vascular dementia
        • global considerations
        • subtypes of cerebrovascular disease associated with vcid
          • large cerebral strokes
          • cerebral small-vessel disease
          • role of accompanying brain pathologies
        • approach to the patient
        • treatment
      • 434 dementia with lewy bodies
        • clinical manifestations
        • pathology
        • pathogenesis
        • laboratory features
        • treatment
      • 435 parkinson’s disease
        • parkinson’s disease and related disorders
        • diagnosis and differential diagnosis
        • etiology and pathogenesis
        • pathophysiology of pd
        • treatment
          • levodopa
          • dopamine agonists
          • mao-b inhibitors
          • comt inhibitors
          • other medical therapies
          • on-demand therapies for “off” periods
          • neuroprotection
          • surgical treatment
          • other experimental therapies for pd
          • management of the nonmotor and nondopaminergic features of pd
          • nonpharmacologic therapy
          • current management of pd
      • 436 tremor, chorea, and other movement disorders
        • hyperkinetic movement disorders
        • tremor
          • clinical features
          • essential tremor
          • etiology and pathophysiology
          • treatment
        • dystonia
          • clinical features
          • isolated dystonias
            • focal, multifocal, and segmental dystonia
            • generalized dystonia
          • combined dystonias
          • complex dystonias
          • pathophysiology of dystonia
          • treatment
        • choreas
          • huntington’s disease
          • huntington’s disease-like disorders
          • other choreas
          • ballism/hemiballismus
        • tics
          • tourette’s syndrome
        • myoclonus
        • drug-induced movement disorders
          • acute
          • subacute
          • tardive syndromes
        • paroxysmal dyskinesias
        • restless legs syndrome
        • other disorders that may present with a combination of parkinsonism and hyperkinetic movements
          • wilson’s disease
          • neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation
        • functional (Psychogenic) Disorders
      • 437 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other motor neuron diseases
        • amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Als)
          • pathology
          • clinical manifestations
          • epidemiology
          • familial als
          • differential diagnosis
          • pathogenesis
          • treatment
        • other motor neuron diseases
          • selected lower motor neuron disorders
            • x-linked spinobulbar muscular atrophy (Kennedy’s disease)
            • adult tay-sachs disease
            • spinal muscular atrophy
            • multifocal motor neuropathy with conduction block
            • other forms of lower motor neuron disease
          • selected disorders of the upper motor neuron
            • primary lateral sclerosis
            • hereditary spastic paraplegia
      • 438 prion diseases
        • spectrum of prp prion diseases
        • sporadic and inheritedprp prion diseases
        • acquired prp prion diseases
        • different prions causing other neurodegenerative diseases
      • 439 ataxic disorders
        • approach to the patient
        • the inherited ataxias
          • autosomal dominant ataxias
          • sca1
          • sca2
          • machado-joseph disease/sca3
          • sca6
          • sca7
          • sca8
          • dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy
          • episodic ataxia
          • autosomal recessive ataxias
            • friedreich’s ataxia
            • ataxia telangiectasia
          • mitochondrial ataxias
          • genetic diagnostic laboratories
        • global features
      • 440 disorders of the autonomic nervous system
        • anatomic organization
        • clinical evaluation
          • classification
          • symptoms of autonomic dysfunction
        • approach to the patient: orthostatic hypotension and other ans disorders
        • specific syndromes of ans dysfunction
          • multiple-system atrophy
          • spinal cord
          • peripheral nerve and neuromuscular junction disorders
          • pure autonomic failure (Paf)
          • postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (Pots)
          • inherited disorders
          • primary focal hyperhidrosis
          • acute sympathetic overactivity syndromes
          • miscellaneous and controversial autonomic syndromes
          • complex regional pain syndromes (Crps)
          • treatment: autonomic failure
      • 441 trigeminal neuralgia, bell’s palsy, and other cranial nerve disorders
        • facial pain or numbness
          • anatomic considerations
          • trigeminal neuralgia (Tic douloureux)
          • trigeminal neuropathy
        • facial weakness
          • anatomic considerations
          • bell’s palsy
          • other motor disorders of the face
        • other cranial nerve disorders
          • glossopharyngeal neuralgia
          • dysphagia and dysphonia
          • neck weakness
          • tongue paralysis
        • multiple cranial nerve palsies
      • 442 diseases of the spinal cord
        • approach to the patient
        • acute and subacute spinal cord diseases
          • approach to the patient: compressive and noncompressive myelopathy
          • compressive myelopathies
            • neoplastic spinal cord compression
            • spinal epidural abscess
            • spinal epidural hematoma
            • hematomyelia
            • acute spondylytic myelopathy
          • noncompressive myelopathies
            • spinal cord infarction
            • inflammatory and immune myelopathies (Myelitis)
            • high-voltage electrical injury
        • chronic myelopathies
          • spondylotic myelopathy
          • vascular malformations of the cord and dura
          • retrovirus-associated myelopathies
        • syringomyelia
          • treatment: syringomyelia
          • chronic myelopathy of multiple sclerosis
          • subacute combined degeneration (Vitamin b12 deficiency)
          • hypocupric myelopathy
          • tabes dorsalis
          • hereditary spastic paraplegia
        • primary lateral sclerosis
          • adrenomyeloneuropathy
          • cancer-related syndromes
          • other chronic myelopathies
        • rehabilitation of spinal cord disorders
      • 443 concussion and other traumatic brain injuries
        • introduction
        • definition and classification
        • tbi types and pathologies
        • skull fracture, extra-axial hematoma, contusion, and axonal injury
        • epidural and subdural hematomas
          • epidural hematoma
          • acute subdural hematoma
          • chronic subdural hematoma
        • traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
          • contusion
          • axonal injury
        • cranial nerve injuries
        • eizures
        • clinical syndromes and treatment of head injury
          • concussion/mild tbi
          • sport-related concussion
          • postconcussive states
          • injury of intermediate severity
          • severe injury
          • long-term outcomes in tbi
      • 444 multiple sclerosis
        • clinical manifestations
        • ancillary symptoms
        • disease course
        • epidemiology
        • genetic considerations
        • pathogenesis
          • pathology
            • demyelination
            • neurodegeneration
          • physiology
          • immunology
          • autoreactive t lymphocytes
          • humoral autoimmunity
        • diagnosis
          • diagnostic tests
            • magnetic resonance imaging
            • evoked potentials
            • cerebrospinal fluid
          • differential diagnosis
        • prognosis
        • effect of pregnancy
        • treatment
          • acute attacks or initial demyelinating episodes
          • disease-modifying therapies for relapsing forms of ms (Rms, spms with exacerbations)
        • frequently used agents for rms
          • anti-cd20 monoclonal antibodies (Highly effective)
          • natalizumab (Highly effective)
          • s1p receptor modulators (Moderately effective)
          • dimethyl fumarate (Moderately effective)
          • glatiramer acetate (Modestly effective)
          • interferon β (Modestly effective)
        • less commonly used agents for rms
          • teriflunomide (Modestly effective)
          • cladribine (Moderately effective)
          • alemtuzumab (Highly effective)
          • mitoxantrone hydrochloride (Highly effective)
        • decision-making for treatment of rms
        • disease-modifying therapies for progressive ms
          • spms
          • ppms
          • off-label treatment options for rms and spms
          • promising experimental therapies
        • other therapeutic claims
        • symptomatic therapy
        • clinical variants of ms
        • acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (Adem)
          • clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
        • glial fibrillary acidic protein (Gfap) Autoimmunity
      • 445 neuromyelitis optica
        • introduction
        • immunology
        • clinical course
        • global considerations
        • associated conditions
        • treatment
        • myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-antibody-associated disease (Mogad)
    • section 3 nerve and muscle disorders
      • 446 peripheral neuropathy
        • general approach
          • information from the history and physical examination: seven key questions
          • pattern recognition approach to neuropathic disorders
          • electrodiagnostic studies
          • other important laboratory information
          • nerve biopsies
          • skin biopsies
        • specific disorders
          • hereditary neuropathies
          • cmt1
          • cmt2
          • cmtdi
          • cmt3
          • cmt4
          • cmt1x
          • hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (Hnpp)
          • hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy (Hna)
          • hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy (Hsan)
        • other hereditary neuropathies
          • fabry’s disease
          • adrenoleukodystrophy/adrenomyeloneuropathy
          • refsum’s disease
          • tangier disease
          • porphyria
          • familial amyloid polyneuropathy
        • acquired neuropathies
          • primary or al amyloidosis
          • diabetic neuropathy
          • hypothyroidism
          • sjögren’s syndrome
          • rheumatoid arthritis
          • systemic lupus erythematosus
          • systemic sclerosis (Scleroderma)
          • mixed connective tissue disease (Mctd)
          • sarcoidosis
          • hypereosinophilic syndrome
          • celiac disease (Gluten-induced enteropathy or nontropical sprue)
          • inflammatory bowel disease
          • uremic neuropathy
          • chronic liver disease
          • critical illness polyneuropathy
          • leprosy (Hansen’s disease)
          • lyme disease
          • diphtheritic neuropathy
          • covid-19
          • human immunodeficiency virus
          • herpes varicella-zoster virus
          • cytomegalovirus
          • epstein-barr virus
          • hepatitis viruses
        • neuropathies associated with malignancy
          • paraneoplastic sensory neuronopathy/ganglionopathy
          • neuropathy secondary to tumor infiltration
          • neuropathy as a complication of bone marrow transplantation
          • lymphoma
          • multiple myeloma
          • neuropathies associated with monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance
        • other toxic neuropathies
          • chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine
          • amiodarone
          • colchicine
          • thalidomide
          • pyridoxine (Vitamin b6) Toxicity
          • isoniazid
          • antiretroviral agents
          • hexacarbons (N-hexane, methyl n-butyl ketone)/glue sniffer’s neuropathy
          • lead
          • mercury
          • thallium
          • arsenic
        • nutritional neuropathies
          • cobalamin (Vitamin b12)
          • thiamine deficiency
          • vitamin e deficiency
          • vitamin b6 deficiency
          • pellagra (Niacin deficiency)
          • copper deficiency
          • neuropathy associated with gastric surgery
        • cryptogenic (Idiopathic) Sensory and sensorimotor polyneuropathy
        • mononeuropathies/plexopathies/radiculopathies
          • median neuropathy
          • ulnar neuropathy at the elbow— “cubital tunnel syndrome”
          • radial neuropathy
          • lateral femoral cutaneous neuropathy (Meralgia paresthetica)
          • femoral neuropathy
          • sciatic neuropathy
        • peroneal neuropathy
        • radiculopathies
        • plexopathies
          • brachial plexus
          • lumbosacral plexopathies
          • recurrent neoplastic disease or radiation-induced plexopathy
          • evaluation and treatment of plexopathies
      • 447 guillain-barré syndrome and other immune-mediated neuropathies
        • guillain-barré syndrome
          • clinical manifestations
          • antecedent events
          • immunopathogenesis
          • pathophysiology
          • laboratory features
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
          • prognosis and recovery
        • chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
          • clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • pathogenesis
          • treatment
        • multifocal motor neuropathy
        • neuropathies with monoclonal gammopathy
          • multiple myeloma
          • monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance
        • vasculitic neuropathy
        • anti-hu paraneoplastic neuropathy
      • 448 myasthenia gravis and other diseases of the neuromuscular junction
        • pathophysiology
        • clinical features
        • diagnosis and evaluation
          • ice-pack test
          • autoantibodies associated with mg
          • electrodiagnostic testing
          • anticholinesterase test
          • pulmonary function tests
          • differential diagnosis
          • search for associated conditions
        • treatment
          • anticholinesterase medications
          • thymectomy
          • immunotherapy
          • plasmapheresis and intravenous immunoglobulin
          • investigational treatments
          • management of myasthenic crisis
          • drugs to avoid in myasthenic patients
        • patient assessment
        • prognosis
        • global issues
      • 449 muscular dystrophies and other muscle diseases
        • clinical features
          • muscle weakness
          • muscle pain (Myalgias), cramps, and stiffness
          • muscle enlargement and atrophy
        • laboratory evaluation
          • serum enzymes
          • electrodiagnostic studies
          • imaging studies
          • genetic testing
          • forearm exercise test
          • muscle biopsy
        • hereditary myopathies
          • duchenne and becker musculardystrophy (Dmd and bmd)
          • limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
          • emery-dreifuss muscular dystrophy
          • myotonic dystrophy
          • facioscapulohumeral (Fshd) Muscular dystrophy
          • oculopharyngeal dystrophy (Opmd)
          • distal myopathies/dystrophies
        • disorders of muscle energy metabolism
          • glycogen storage and glycolytic defects
          • lipid as an energy source and associated defects
        • mitochondrial myopathies
          • kearns-sayre syndrome (Kss)
          • progressive external ophthalmoplegia (Peo)
          • myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibers (Merrf)
          • mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis,and stroke-like episodes (Melas)
          • mitochondrial dna depletion syndromes
        • disorders of muscle membrane excitability
          • calcium channel disorders of muscle
            • hypokalemic periodic paralysis (Hypokpp)
          • sodium channel disorders of muscle
            • hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (Hyperkpp)
            • paramyotonia congenita
          • potassium channel disorders
            • andersen-tawil syndrome
          • chloride channel disorders
        • endocrine and metabolic myopathies
          • thyroid disorders
          • parathyroid disorders
          • adrenal disorders
          • pituitary disorders
          • diabetes mellitus
        • myopathies of systemic illness
        • drug-induced or toxic myopathies
          • myopathy from lipid-lowering agents
          • glucocorticoid-related myopathies
          • other drug-induced myopathies
        • global issues
    • section 4 myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
      • 450 myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
        • epidemiology
        • risk factors and pathophysiology
        • approach to the patient
          • diagnosis
          • differential diagnosis and comorbid conditions
          • management
          • course and prognosis
    • section 5 psychiatric and addiction disorders
      • 451 biology of psychiatric disorders
        • neurogenetics
        • signal transduction
        • systems neuroscience
        • neuroinflammation
        • conclusions
      • 452 psychiatric disorders
        • global considerations
        • anxiety disorders
          • panic disorder
          • generalized anxiety disorder
          • phobic disorders
          • stress disorders
          • obsessive-compulsive disorder
        • mood disorders
          • depression in association with medical illness
          • depressive disorders
          • bipolar disorder
        • somatic symptom disorder
        • feeding and eating disorders
          • clinical manifestations
          • pica
          • rumination disorder
          • avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
          • anorexia nervosa
            • bulimia nervosa
          • binge-eating disorder
        • personality disorders
          • clinical manifestations
          • etiology and pathophysiology
          • treatment
        • schizophrenia
          • clinical manifestations
          • differential diagnosis
          • epidemiology and pathophysiology
          • treatment
        • assessment and evaluation of violence
      • 453 alcohol and alcohol use disorders
        • pharmacology and nutritional impact of ethanol
        • behavioral effects, tolerance, and withdrawal
        • the effects of ethanol on organ systems
          • nervous system
          • the gastrointestinal system
          • cancer
          • hematopoietic system
          • cardiovascular system
          • genitourinary system changes, sexual functioning, and fetal development
          • other effects
        • alcohol use disorders
          • definitions and epidemiology
          • genetics
          • natural history
          • treatment
          • identification of patients with alcohol use disorders
        • treatment
          • acute intoxication
          • intervention
          • alcohol withdrawal
          • helping individuals with alcohol use disorders to stop drinking: the rehabilitation phase
        • global considerations
      • 454 nicotine addiction
        • disease manifestations of cigarette smoking
          • cardiovascular diseases
          • cancer
          • respiratory disease
          • pregnancy
          • other conditions
          • environmental tobacco smoke
        • pharmacologic interactions
        • other forms of tobacco use
        • electronic cigarettes
        • lower tar and nicotine cigarettes
        • cessation
        • physician intervention
        • prevention
      • 455 marijuana and marijuana use disorders
        • pharmacologic effects
        • cannabis pharmacokinetics
        • harmful effects
        • therapeutic potential
      • 456 opioid-related disorders
        • neurobiology
        • pharmacology
        • treatment
        • prevention
      • 457 cocaine, other psychostimulants, and hallucinogens
        • psychostimulants
          • cocaine
          • methamphetamine
          • mdma and cathinones
          • prescribed psychostimulants
          • psychostimulant clinical manifestations
          • diagnosis
          • treatment
        • hallucinogens
        • emerging drugs
        • substance use and mental health
        • global considerations
        • future directions
  • part 14 poisoning, drug overdose, and envenomation
    • 458 heavy metal poisoning
      • arsenic
      • cadmium
      • lead
      • mercury
    • 459 poisoning and drug overdose
      • epidemiology
      • diagnosis
        • history
        • physical examination and clinical course
        • laboratory assessment
      • treatment
        • general principles
        • supportive care
        • prevention of poison absorption
        • enhancement of poison elimination
        • administration of antidotes
        • prevention of reexposure
      • specific toxic syndromes and poisonings
      • global considerations
    • 460 disorders caused by venomous snakebites and marine animal exposures
      • venomous snakebite
        • epidemiology
        • snake anatomy/identification
        • venoms and clinical manifestations
        • treatment
        • morbidity and mortality
        • global considerations
      • marine envenomations
        • invertebrates
          • cnidarians
          • sea sponges
          • annelid worms
          • sea urchins
          • starfish
          • sea cucumbers
          • cone snails
          • octopuses
        • vertebrates
          • stingrays
          • stonefish
          • lionfish
          • platypuses
        • treatment
        • approach to the patient
        • sources of antivenoms and other assistance
      • marine poisonings
        • histamine (Scombroid) Fish poisoning
        • ciguatera
        • paralytic shellfish poisoning
        • amnesic shellfish poisoning
        • diarrhetic shellfish poisoning
    • 461 ectoparasite infestations and arthropod injuries
      • scabies
      • chiggers and other biting mites
      • tick bites and tick paralysis
      • louse infestation (Pediculiasis and pthiriasis)
      • myiasis (Fly infestation)
      • pentastomiasis
      • leech infestations
      • spider bites
        • recluse spider bites and necrotic arachnidism
        • widow spider bites
        • tarantulas and other spiders
      • scorpion stings
      • hymenoptera stings
        • bee and wasp stings
      • stinging ants
      • dipteran (Fly and mosquito) Bites
      • flea bites
      • hemipteran/heteropteran (True bug) Bites
      • centipede bites and millipede dermatitis
      • caterpillar stings and dermatitis
      • beetle vesication and dermatitis
      • delusional infestations
  • part 15 disorders associated with environmental exposures
    • 462 altitude illness
      • epidemiology
      • physiology
      • genetics
      • acute mountain sickness and high-altitude cerebral edema
      • high-altitude pulmonary edema
      • other high-altitude problems
      • preexisting medical issues
      • chronic mountain sickness and high-altitude pulmonary hypertension in highlanders
    • 463 hyperbaric and diving medicine
      • what is hyperbaricand diving medicine?
      • mechanisms of hyperbaric oxygen
      • adverse effects of therapy
        • barotrauma
        • oxygen toxicity
      • contraindications to hyperbaric oxygen
      • indications for hyperbaric oxygen
      • late radiation tissue injury
      • selected problem wounds
      • carbon monoxide poisoning
      • current controversies in hyperbaric medicine
      • diving medicine
        • introduction
        • breathing equipment
        • suitability for diving
      • barotrauma
      • decompression sickness
      • treatment
    • 464 hypothermia and peripheral cold injuries
      • hypothermia
        • causes
        • thermoregulation
        • clinical presentation
        • diagnosis and stabilization
        • rewarming strategies
        • treatment
      • frostbite
        • clinical presentation
        • treatment
    • 465 heat-related illnesses
      • thermoregulation
      • predisposing factors and differential diagnosis
      • minor heat-emergency syndromes
      • heat cramps
      • heat exhaustion
      • heatstroke
      • cooling strategies
      • resuscitation
      • disposition
  • part 16 genes, the environment, and disease
    • 466 principles of human genetics
      • impact of genetics and genomics on medical practice
      • the human genome
        • structure of the human genome
        • replication of dna and mitosis
        • assortment and segregation of genes during meiosis
      • regulation of gene expression
        • regulation by transcription factors
        • epigenetic regulation of gene expression
      • transmission of genetic disease
        • origins and types of mutations
        • functional consequences of mutations
        • genotype and phenotype
        • chromosomal disorders
        • monogenic mendelian disorders
        • exceptions to simple mendelian inheritance patterns
        • complex genetic disorders
        • linkage and association studies
      • approach to the patient
    • 467 the practice of genetics in clinical medicine
      • applications of molecular genetics in clinical medicine
      • common adult-onset genetic disorders
        • inheritance patterns
        • family history
      • genetic testing for adult-onset disorders
        • methodologic approaches to genetic testing
        • direct-to-consumer genetic testing
        • informed consent
        • follow-up care after testing
      • therapeutic interventions based on genetic risk for disease
    • 468 mitochondrial dna and heritable traits and diseases
      • mitochondrial dna structure and function
        • maternal inheritance and lack of recombination
        • multiple copy number (Polyploidy), high mutation rate, heteroplasmy, and mitotic segregation
        • homoplasmic variants and human mtdna phylogeny
      • mitochondrial dna disease
        • overview of clinical and pathologic features of human mtdna disease
        • mtdna disease presentations
        • the investigation of suspected mtdna disease
      • impact of homoplasmic sequence variation on heritable traits and disease
      • impact of acquired somatic mtdna mutation on human health and disease
      • prospects for clinical management of mtdna disease
        • treatment of mtdna disorders
      • genetic counseling, prenatal diagnosis, and pgd in mtdna disorders
        • prevention of mitochondrial disease inheritance by assisted reproductive technologies
    • 469 telomere disease
      • definition
      • disease mechanism
      • genetics
      • clinical manifestations
      • telomere length measurement
      • genetic testing
      • treatment
    • 470 gene- and cell-based therapy in clinical medicine
      • gene transfer for genetic disease
        • immunodeficiency disorders: proof of principle for ex vivo gene transfer
        • transfusion-dependent thalassemia: extension of principle
        • neurodegenerative diseases: broadening of principle
      • long-term expression in genetic disease: in vivo gene transfer with recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors
        • first licensed product
        • retinal gene therapy
        • spinal muscular atrophy type 1
      • gene therapy for cancer
        • modifying the cancer
        • modifying the host
        • combination approaches—modification of host and tumor by virotherapy
        • other approaches
      • summary
    • 471 the human microbiome
      • historical perspective
      • a primer on taxonomy
      • the microbiota and human health
      • the microbiota and disease
      • mechanisms of microbiome-mediated effects
      • moving microbiome science from bench to bedside
      • perspective
  • part 17 global medicine
    • 472 global issues in medicine
      • why global health?
      • a brief history of global health institutions
      • the economics of global health
      • mortality and the global burden of disease
        • global mortality
        • health and wealth
        • risk factors for disease burden
        • hiv infection/aids
        • tuberculosis
        • tuberculosis and aids as chronic diseases: lessons learned
        • malaria
        • ebola
        • covid-19
        • “noncommunicable” chronic diseases
        • mental and neurologic health
      • conclusion: toward a science of implementation
    • 473 emerging and reemerging infectious diseases
      • the concept of emerging infectious diseases
      • examples of emerging infectious diseases
        • west nile virus
        • dengue virus
        • ebola and marburg viruses
        • zika virus
        • sars-cov-2
        • poliovirus
        • measles virus
      • control of emerging infectious diseases
    • 474 primary care and global health
      • primary care and primary health care
      • health challenges in low- and middle-income countries
      • primary health care in the twenty-first century
      • experiences with primary care in low- and middle-income countries
      • conclusion
    • 475 health effects of climate change
      • effects of climate change on health
        • air pollution and synergistic effects
        • heat-related illnesses
        • natural disasters, coastal flooding, and displacement
        • food security and ocean resources
        • infections and diarrheal disease
      • potential solutions
      • conclusions
  • part 18 aging
    • 476 biology of aging
      • aging
      • evolutionary theories of aging
      • the hallmarks of aging
        • genomic instability
        • telomere attrition
        • epigenetic alterations
        • loss of proteostasis
        • deregulated nutrient sensing
        • mitochondrial dysfunction
        • cellular senescence
        • stem cell exhaustion
        • altered intracellular communication and inflammation
      • geroscience and the relationship between aging and disease
      • strategies that increase health span and delay aging
        • caloric restriction
        • periodic fasting
        • pharmacologic interventions to delay aging and increase life span
        • exercise and physical activity
        • hormesis
      • conclusions
    • 477 caring for the geriatric patient
      • aging and geriatric care
        • demographics of aging and its implications for geriatric care
        • implications of the aging population for health care systems and system-based practice
        • models of geriatric care
        • interprofessional teams and co-managed care
        • age-friendly health systems
      • fundamentals of geriatric care
        • person-centered care
        • evaluation of the geriatric patient
        • prevention in older adults
      • treatment of common diseases in the geriatric population
        • hypertension
        • diabetes
        • hyperlipidemia
        • osteoarthritis
        • cancer
        • anemia
      • geriatric syndromes and conditions
        • falls
        • polypharmacy
        • cognitive impairment: delirium and dementia
        • urinary incontinence and overactive bladder
        • sleep disorders
        • frailty
        • elder abuse and neglect
        • severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus (Sars-cov-2) Infection and covid-19 disease
      • end-of-life and palliative care
  • part 19 consultative medicine
    • 478 approach to medical consultation
      • responsibilities of the requestingclinician
      • responsibilities of the consultant
      • responsibilities of health systems, hospitals, and medical organizations
      • special issues in medical consultation
        • curbside consults
        • advice
        • second opinions
        • consults involving advanced practice providers
        • consultation involving telemedicine
    • 479 medical disorders during pregnancy
      • hypertension
        • preeclampsia
        • gestational hypertension
        • treatment
        • chronic hypertension
      • renal disease
      • cardiac disease
        • valvular heart disease
        • congenital heart disease
        • aortopathy
        • cardiac complications in pregnancy
      • endocrine and metabolic disorders
        • diabetes mellitus
        • gestational diabetes
        • treatment: diabetes mellitus in pregnancy
        • treatment: gestational diabetes
        • obesity
        • thyroid disease
        • treatment: hyperthyroidism
        • treatment: hypothyroidism
      • hematologic disorders
        • deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
        • neoplasia
      • neurologic disorders
      • gastrointestinal and liver disease
      • infections
        • bacterial infections
        • viral infections
        • vaccinations
      • maternal mortality
      • summary
    • 480 medical evaluation of the surgical patient
      • evaluation of intermediate- and high-risk patients
      • preoperative cardiac risk assessment
        • preoperative noninvasive cardiac testing for risk stratification
        • risk modification: preventive strategies to reduce cardiac risk
      • preoperative pulmonary risk assessment
      • perioperative management and prophylaxis
        • diabetes mellitus
        • infective endocarditis
        • aortic stenosis
        • venous thromboembolism
  • part 20 frontiers
    • 481 behavioral economics and health
      • concepts of classical economics and how they differ from behavioral economics
      • using behavioral economics to promote self-beneficial health behaviors
        • loss aversion and framing effects
        • loss aversion and overoptimism
        • peanuts effects
      • present-biased preferences
        • nonlinear probability weighting
        • regret aversion
        • defaults
        • the rational-world bias
      • applications
        • weight loss
        • medication adherence
        • the 5000 hours problem
      • reflections on sars-cov-2
      • future perspectives
    • 482 complementary and integrative therapies and practices
      • definitions and scope
      • patterns of use
      • categories of complementary and integrative health therapies and practices based on primary therapeutic input
        • primary dietary input
          • pain
          • anxiety
          • rheumatoid arthritis
          • irritable bowel syndrome
          • depression
          • smoking cessation
          • eye disease
          • multiple sclerosis
          • other conditions
          • general health and wellness
          • challenges
          • regulation
          • inherent toxicity
          • herb-drug interactions
        • primary psychological and physical input
          • primary psychological input
          • primary physical input
          • combined psychological and physical input
      • multimodal therapies and systems
        • naturopathy
        • chiropractic
        • osteopathic medicine
        • homeopathy
        • research challenges
      • therapeutic output—systems impacted and challenges of mechanistic research
      • patient and provider resources
      • summary
    • 483 the role of epigenetics in disease and treatment
      • the biochemical bases of epigenetics
      • epigenetics in development and differentiation
      • epigenetics of metabolism
      • cancer epigenetics
      • epigenetics of aging
      • epigenetics of the brain and behavior
      • epigenetic influences on infection, immunity, and inflammation
      • conclusions
    • 484 applications of stem cell biology in clinical medicine
      • general strategies for stem cell replacement
      • sources of stem cells for tissue repair
        • embryonic stem cells
        • induced pluripotent stem cells
        • umbilical-cord stem cells
        • organ-specific multipotent stem cells
      • disease-specific applications of stem cells
        • ischemic heart disease and cardiomyocyte regeneration
        • diabetes
        • nervous system
        • liver
        • other organ systems and the future
      • ethical issues
    • 485 the role of circadian biology in health and disease
      • basic evolution and structure of the circadian system
      • molecular organization of the mammalian circadian clock
      • anatomic organization of the circadian clock network
      • entrainment and measurement of the circadian system
      • primary pathologies of the circadian system
      • role of the clock system in physiology
    • 486 network medicine: systems biology in health and disease
      • properties of complex biologic systems
      • applications of systems biology to pathobiology
      • systems pathobiology and human disease classification: network medicine
    • 487 emerging neurotherapeutic technologies
      • introduction
      • technologies to harness plasticity
        • robotics
        • virtual and augmented reality
        • neurogaming
      • neuroimaging
        • neuroimaging of connectivity
        • closed-loop neuroimaging
      • noninvasive brain stimulation
      • implantable neural interfaces including brain–machine interfaces
        • implantable devices for neuromodulation
        • brain–machine interfaces for paralysis
    • 488 machine learning and augmented intelligence in clinical medicine
      • concepts of machine learning
        • types of machine learning
        • modern medical machine learning
        • practical concepts in training a modern machine-learning model
      • applications of modern machine learning to clinical medicine
        • computer vision
        • natural language processing
        • other applications
      • machine learning and precision medicine: deeper representations of patient state
      • conclusion
    • 489 metabolomics
      • approaches and sampling considerations
        • untargeted and targeted metabolomics
          • untargeted metabolomics
          • targeted metabolomics
        • sampling considerations
      • metabolomics technologies
        • nuclear magnetic resonance
        • chromatography/mass spectrometry
          • sample preparation
          • chromatography
          • mass spectrometry
      • current clinical applications
        • magnetic resonance spectroscopy
        • newborn screening programs
        • metabolite measurements in children and adults
      • emerging and experimental clinical applications
        • metabolites as biomarkers of disease
        • refining diagnosis and prediction of drug susceptibility
        • pharmacometabolomics
      • emerging technologies
        • mass spectrometry imaging
        • improving untargeted metabolomics
      • summary
    • 490 circulating nucleic acids as liquid biopsies and noninvasive disease biomarkers
      • cell-free dna in oncology
        • early cancer detection
        • noninvasive tumor genotyping
        • biologic considerations
        • pretreatment tumor burden
        • monitoring response to treatment
        • minimal residual disease
        • technical considerations
      • cell-free dna in transplantation
        • noninvasive detection of acute allograft rejection
        • monitoring microbial diversity and infection after transplantation
        • monitoring host immunity
      • cell-free dna in prenatal medicine
        • noninvasive prenatal testing for fetal aneuploidy
        • noninvasive prenatal screening versus noninvasive prenatal diagnosis versus noninvasive prenatal testing
        • dependence on fetal fraction
        • nipt in multiple gestations
        • nipt for fetal microdeletion/duplication syndromes
        • whole genome nipt and single-gene disorders
        • nipt using cell-free rna
        • nipt detecting maternal malignancy
        • beyond next-generation sequencing
      • summary
    • 491 protein folding disorders
      • protein quality control mechanisms
      • cell stress responses: sensors and regulators of protein damage
      • organismal proteostasis in aging and disease
      • properties of protein folding diseases
        • disorders that enhance misfolding and cause premature degradation (Cystic fibrosis)
        • disorders that induce toxic aggregates and loss of function (Aat deficiency)
        • interactions with pn components that change conformation, stability, or function (Cancer)
        • strongly enhanced aggregation propensity and amyloid formation (Alzheimer’s disease, parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, huntington’s disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus)
        • secreted aggregated and amyloid species causing systemic amyloidosis
        • native proteins prone to aggregate when the cellular environment is altered by stress and aging
        • infectious diseases and imbalanced cell stress responses in aging
    • 492 novel approaches to diseases of unknown etiology
      • the undiagnosed disease state
        • the meaning and context of a diagnosis
        • undiagnosed rare diseases
        • the effect of the undiagnosed disease state on the patient
      • approach to challenging diseases of unknown etiology
        • comprehensive data collection
        • validation of subjective and objective findings
        • periodic reevaluation
        • genomics
        • exposome
        • engagement of research approaches
        • challenges
      • conclusion