User:Wavelength/About Internet & WWW/Ask an expert/General

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International library reference desks

National library reference desks

Academic library reference desks in Australia

Academic library reference desks in Canada

  • (for "students, educators and researchers of British Columbia colleges and universities")

Academic library reference desks in the United Kingdom

Academic library reference desks in the United States (by state: A–F)

Academic library reference desks in the United States (by state: G–L)

Academic library reference desks in the United States (by state: M)

Academic library reference desks in the United States (by state: N)

Academic library reference desks in the United States (by state: O–T)

Academic library reference desks in the United States (by state: U–Z)

Academic library reference desks in other countries

Public library reference desks in Australia

Public library reference desks in Canada

Public library reference desks in the United Kingdom

Public library reference desks in the United States (by state: A–F)

Public library reference desks in the United States (by state: G–L)

Public library reference desks in the United States (by state: M)

Public library reference desks in the United States (by state: N)

Public library reference desks in the United States (by state: O–T)

Public library reference desks in the United States (by state: U–Z)

Public library reference desks in other countries

Library partnership reference desks in Canada

  • Patron (academic libraries in British Columbia))

Library partnership reference desks in the United Kingdom

Library partnership reference desks in the United States

Library partnership reference desks in other countries

National museum reference desks

Homework reference desks

Seniority reference desks

Yahoo! reference desks

Reference desks with web feeds

  • Ask Me Fast (with running feed for "Latest Activities")

  • Web Answers WebNet Answers (with running feed for "Latest Activities")

Twitter applications for questions and answers

(These five applications are described at 6 Twitter Web Apps to Ask Questions From a Twitter Crowd.)

Free downloadable scripts for reference desks

Two distinct reference desks

Automated reference desks

Other general reference desks

  • Foundation Center - Ask Us ("The Online Librarian can answer your questions about foundations, philanthropy, and fundraising research.")

  • Hunch (website)
  • Hunch ("Hunch personalizes the internet by making recommendations based on your tastes.")

Diversified reference desks

This section is for any reference desk with a limited set of topics which can not easily be placed in one category.

  • Ask The Expert (questions about children and family services, college admissions, and dentistry)

  • Ask The Expert (questions about audiology, automotive sales, cigars, college planning, dentistry, information technology, meditation, mortgages, moving and storage, and senior in-home care)

  • (people having experience with a specific product, service, place, or lifestyle)

  • Ask Judy Vorfeld (starting a small business, writing, office management, networking, Web development, etc.)

  • Ask An Expert (physical medicine, pharmaceuticals, money, automobiles, computers, insurance, advertising)

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