User:Thechaos1986/City of Perdition

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City of Perdition

Perdition is a role-play Sim for Second Life. It is a realistic, modern-day metropolis where criminals flourish in every tier of society--from the wealthy social elite of up-town's Ivory Towers, to the grungy street-thugs of the dirty, forsaken ghettos.


The city of Perdition is unique among other urban role-play Sims because it involves more than just the filth-ridden streets of the ghetto. Here, players can take on the roles of corrupt, wealthy bankers who launder money and bribe city officials; or they can be a criminal "under-boss", which is the role that concerns itself with suppliers of illegal goods and handles the bulk money-flow of criminal organizations. Just like any other large city, however, Perdition also provides roles for the violent thugs and low-life street-rats who populate the city's underbelly.

So who do you want to be? The corrupt "fat cats" of the city's wealthy elite; the gang-member thugs who rule the streets; the law enforcement officers that pursue them; or even just a normal citizen caught among the mess?

Basic Sim Information Perdition is located at "City of Perdition" (a private class 5 Sim with 15,000 prims, 100 avatar allowance, and high-performance server).

This is an Adult Sim and will require Age Verification.

General Information

   * See "Role-play Information" for information on general role-play and combat rules.
   * See "Character Roles" for information on the different Roles available to players.
   * See "Character Sheet Info" to learn about our character sheets, and how to make one.
   * All players in Perdition have their character sheets listed at "Player Character Sheets"

City Storyline

It is estimated that, between the years 1629 and 1640, about 80,000 Puritans fled from England because of religious persecution. About 21,000 of them came to Massachusetts Bay Colony, and spread throughout the New England area. It was in this area, and by these Puritan colonists, that the city of Perdition was founded.

However, the city's original name was Providence. The majority of the Puritans were from the middle class of English society, educated and skilled craftsmen, so Providence quickly became a stable, flourishing colony. During the several decades after the American Revolution, Providence became a large city with a busy trade, booming economy and expanding population... which was the beginning of the end for the Puritans that had long-since controlled the city's structure.

What had once been a city of Calvinist Doctrine's rigid Christian values was now a city of "the modern times." The vast majority of the population were not Puritans, and over time the city's economic and political power structure was controlled by secularists. The city had gotten too big for the small Puritan founders to control, and the politics were swallowed in the corruption typical of the pre-Civil War era.

Just before the Puritans lost all control they banned together to pass one final piece of city legislation, officially renaming the city "Perdition". It was a clear message of their discontent, and a proclamation of where they thought the city's fate would ultimately lead.

In the following years, the growth of the city continued at an exponential rate. For a time, it was a mecca for capitalists and entrepreneurs. Wealth flooded the city's infrastructure, and a true metropolis was raised upon the foundation. However, throughout the mid-1900s, the free market was slowly corrupted--legislation (from the federal to city level) took a stranglehold of the economy with an iron-clad fist, where corporations had become intertwined with the government. With politicians now regulating much of the economy of the city, the bankers and corporate leaders of Perdition lobbied to them in order to reach success, instead of engaging in the natural competition within the marketplace.

This is the very definition of fascism, more commonly known as the euphemism "corporatism". In every sense, Perdition has become an empire of corporatism, ruled by greed and left festering in depravity. Politicians and corporate leaders watch over the city from ivory towers, tugging on puppet-strings of the oblivious automatrons below. Lust and sinful bliss distract and appease the citizens, leaving the emperors to rule as they see fit.

Such an environment is the perfect breeding-ground for crime, which has nearly become synonymous with the city's politics. From the low-life street thugs warring amongst themselves to the "fat cat" criminals bosses vying for a seat at the Ivory Tower's table of iniquity, the city is a hive of villiany at every level.

Not all of Perdition's population are lost to the city's corruption, but there's little room for heros when there's nothing left to be saved... or is there?


External links