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I have independently and academically studied ancient history and human origins for over 20yrs and have traveled the world extensively visiting dozens of relevant megalithic sites. Giza and the Nile pyramids, Abydos, Luxor, Karnac, Stonehenge, Malta, Mycenae, Crete, Athens, Rome, Tiahuanaco, Puma Punku, Lake Titicaca, Cuzco, Sacsahuaman, Ollantaytambo, Machu Picchu, Chichen Itza, Newgrange, and even the "pyramids" of China to name a few. The subjects I edit generally revolve around these interests with my goal being not to "spread the word" as it were, but rather to add a sober balance to the otherwise cowardly and dishonest pseudoskeptical community so prevalent here on Wiki.

Technically, I guess it is fair to say that I am an "alternative" historian or researcher, but being labeled as such immediately conjures in most psueodoskeptics minds a stereotypical blind allegiance of thought to Sitchin, Hancock, West, and the like. As much as I hate to disappoint, unfortunately I have a mind of my own and my evaluation of the evidence often puts me at odds with the specifics of many of their theories. Sorry, but no, I do not believe aliens built the pyramids nor that they were built in 10,500BC.