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Shmikeheaven, a place where all shmikes can live in harmony, a place where we play golf and ping pong, or wiff waff all day.

we play Tennis and eat strawberries and cream... OH wait, that's Wimbeldon, isn't it? yes it is... anyway, you get the jist i'm sure, Shmikeheaven, is an unbelievably tranquile and perfect place basically.

Founded in 1964, the idea of a heaven for people called Shmike quickly spread through out the world, catching on until one day a wikipedia page was made about it...

unfortunately twelve days before the page was created, the ideas to be put on the page were lost in the great storm of Fidisgit, and so the information to be written on the page was lost.

The Revival Of Shmike Heaven

one day a young man called Henry was walking walking down the street when he paused for a moment, looking down upon what appeared to be a small object glued to the ground. It was Chewing Gum, but it inspired him to write a brief history of chewing gum, and when looking back he found a large amount of information about a man called Shmike Johnson.

Intriegued, He researched Shmike Johnson, and from this he learned about Shmike Heaven. Quickly becoming obsessed with the idea, he set about gathering as much as the could about it, and he subsiquently started a blog about it, although this blog has now been lost in the mists of time, it was noticed, and so sparked the revival of Shmike Heaven.

Quickly, other websites grew enticing nation after nation about Shmike Heaven, and so the revival reached it's height.

Then, on a dark stormy night, a "nerd" who went by the name of Troy decided to collect all the information that was spread around the internet and create a Wikipedia page. This, is that page.


The page was completed on a sunny saturday morning, most people had been clubbing the night before, but not Troy. Why would he, a straight 'A' student waste his life with drugs and alchohol? Why would he ever need to talk to a "Girl"? These things meant nothing to him, he couldn't comprehend why someone would like "Girls", after all, they have cooties, and STD's.

Troy finished the page, and set about doing complex logarithms. Not because it was homework, for fun of course. His task was done, and so he could now relax knowing that his lifes work was complete.


Troy was at his max, the maths caused him to tingle inside, and countdown made him reach the tip of his power. Who needed "Girls" to have fun when you had maths?

Troy settled down to sleep. He hadn't slept in four months, he had to reach the top in Ruinscape, he had to be the champion of Eldorath. He dreampt hidious nightmares of those popular people. He imagined those ikky "Girls" in a land of white. With hard things and white stuff sticking everywhere. He shivered. Steven Hawkings he hated Snow, skiing, and everything that involved physical activity instead of a computer screen.

Troy was in Heaven when he woke. His new Dell inspiron 6500 with sentrino xl powered plazma screen felt smooth to his touch. He turned it on. His back erect so as not to harm it, he went onto his favourite chemistry website, his nerves tingling, he let it out as he found out that it had been proved that E=MC cubed. relaxing, he was content now, his complant about the equation had been correct, he was in heaven.

Following Legacy of Shmike Heaven minions
User:Shmikeheaven/Shmikeindustries User:Shmikeheaven/Laws of Shmike Heaven User:Shmikeheaven/Padder, The Main Minion
User:Shmikeheaven/Kim She: The many Lifes OF A Prophet User:Shmikeheaven/The Book Of Shmike User:Shmikeheaven/The Oogley One