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    * Add 'Purge' button to list:
   function addPurgeButton()
       var href = document.location.href;
       if ( /^http:\/\/en\.wikipedia\.org\/wiki\// ) == 0 && document.getElementById( "ca-history" ) )
           var historyHref = document.getElementById( "ca-history" ).firstChild.href;
           var div = document.getElementById( "p-cactions" );
           var ul = div.getElementsByTagName( "ul" )[0];
           var newLi = document.createElement( "li" );
           var newA = document.createElement( "a" );
           newA.setAttribute( "href" , historyHref.replace( "=history" , "=purge" ) );
           var text = document.createTextNode( "Purge Cache" );
           newA.appendChild( text );
           newLi.appendChild( newA );
           ul.appendChild( newLi );
   window.addEventListener( "load" , addPurgeButton , false );