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First Name: Kelly
Last Name: N/A
Age: 10-20 (around)
gender: female
location: United States/Iowa
Occupation: student

Favorite Anime/manga

  • Bleach
  • Naruto
  • One Piece
  • Full Metal Alchemist

Favorite TV Shows

  • Heroes
  • Scrubs
  • Stargate SG1

alright, I'm in track, and cross country. I play videogames and FFXI on computer. I have three black cats, and I've had many other pets in the past. I'm in highschool (people think I skipped a grade, because I was born a year younger then them :3 but I just started school earlier then them XD). People call me skinny even though I eat more then most people (my nickname is "toothpick" >.<) I have a brother, and I have a few friends that spend so much time at my house their constitured brothers and sisters. Everyone calls my mom, mom (not by her real name, weird isn't it). Also I'm usually really quiet at school, but any where else I'm loud and annoying (mahahahahaha) yep, I'm pure evil to most of my "brothers" and yet they call me the "good evil"....*nods alot* yep, you may think I'm weird, but you haven't met my friends, and family. XD