User:Rebekah best

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Hello everybody who has bothered to take the time to look at my page! If you haven't already guessed, my name is Rebekah Best. I attend Croatan High School and am currently involved in a class project where I am required to contribute to a page stub. I have been using wikipedia for years to help me with papers, so it will be cool to have actually made a contribution to it. I will probably get off to a bumpy start though, considering how little I know about working this website. It took me forever to figure out how to find my page and start editing it, but, hopefully, I will be an expert when this is all over. I like sports but I am not very coordinated, so the only sports I do are crosscountry and track. I love going swimming and going to the beach. I have lived in North Carolina for my whole life and I love it here. I am not going to say anymore because the whole world can already see what school I go to and that is bad enough.--Rebekah best (talk) 23:12, 8 September 2010 (UTC)

A Penguin.This user likes penguins.
This user owns one or more dogs.
This user's favourite animal is the guinea pig.
BlueThis user loves the colour blue.
GreenThis user loves the color green.
This user is a chocoholic.