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My name is Randy and I am a family-loving, loud-laughing, sweet-smiling, happy-go-lucky, evil-when-angered kind of guy.

I turned 20 on July 25th last year; I'm in my second year at Valencia Community College, and I am a person of the finer arts.

That means, I love God (Jesus; I'm a Christian--Protestant, Nondenominational, to be specific-- not Muslim, Buddhist, Catholic or a member of any of those other religious beliefs)

I love the study of mythology, legend, myth, folklore and the paranormal (I'm working on a book listing and defining the various different superhuman abilities)

I love animals (I have three cats) and other various aspects of nature.

I love to read, talk (and listen) to friends, write (stories, plays, poems, etc.) and sometimes draw (though I consider myself no expert).

I find myself to be a cultured person, but I have a strange sense of humor. I'm very strange in many other aspects as well (I would describe myself as "Blissfully Eccentric") but that's what makes me me.

If you think you might have similar interests to me, feel free to follow these links:

The Superpower List-

The Superpower List Forum-

TheSuperpowerList Deviant Group on DeviantArt-

The Marvelous Miscreant's Multiverse Forum-