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Canada after the Blackout (Revolution TV series)

Please note that although some of the factions mentioned here are US factions; only their northward expansion is mentioned and the affect their expansion has had on the Canadian factions. The northward expansion of the Monroe Republic, Plains Nation, California Common Wealth, and Michigan Republic have significantly affected the Canadian factions Maximland and New Canada and therefore are mentioned in the article. While alliances and trade agreements with Maine, Union of New Brunswick and United States of Michigan helped shape and build the power and influence of the Canadian Factions.

Canada's Fate

As seen on the map, Parts of Canada have been completely taken over by the various factions in the United States. Canadians depended on electricity almost as much as Americans. Therefore, the blackout completely plunged Canada into a full scale collapse and completely re-drawed the map of Canada. Canada is sparsely populated and the factions captured vast swathes of land full of natural resources. The factions in Canada have largely resource-based economies and some predict that the factions in Canada are as powerful as Mexico. The factions in Canada are growing at an experiential rate and plan aggressive expansion into the Plans Nation, and Monroe Republic due to the presence of oil and nuclear weapons, and advanced military technology left over from the previous United States within many of these nations.

Rise of the Canadian Factions (>10 years after blackout)

Kingdom of Debbekek

During the rise of the Monroe republic, The Kingdom of Dekebbek ruled the part of Quebec south of the saint Lawrence river. Named after the king Jacues Dekebbek the kingdom was created 2 years after the blackout and is an agriculture based Economy. The fertile lands in the St Lawrence River Basin allow the kingdom to grow corn, vegetables, wheat, fruit and some livestock. The kingdom of Debbekek was allied with Maximland and Maximland participated in a brutal war against the Monroe Republic in order to resist the expansion of the Monroe Republic. This was one of the most costly wars for the Monroe Republic with both sides using the "Scorched Earth" whenever retreating, and lasted from 5 to 10 years after the blackout (2017-2022). This devastated the region and caused thousands of civilian casualties. This war is mostly responsible for the harsh tensions and acts of war between the Monroe Republic and Maximland.

Monroe Republic

The Monroe Republic was one of the first major factions encountered by Maximland after the blackout. Its capital city is Philadelphia and was always a right-wing Military Dictatorship. Maximland and the Monroe Republic began as active trading partners. With Maximland trading ores, wood, pulp/paper, and metals with the Monroe Republic in exchange for food, and military equipment from the United States. However, their ideologies (Maximland being far left and Monroe Republic being right wing} and Max Tolkakiv (Max Tolkakiv is the leader of Maximland) has mentioned numerous times that he personally thinks that Monroe is a "capitalist pig" and "a drag on the new world" and he felt obligated throughout season 1 and 2 that it was his right to wage a brutal war against the Monroe Republic. 7 years after the blackout (2019), The Monroe Republic attempted to invade the South western Ontario in order to attack Maximland from South western Ontario, but Maximland called New Canada (explained in the section: New Canada) to help re-enforce the area (along with the Kingdom of Niagara who occupies south western Ontario) and completely crushed the Monroe Republic at the battle of Burlington, Ontario. It did manage to destroy the Michigan Republic who received little support from anyone as a result of attempting to invade Maximland and New Canada but failing and retreating back to its territory the republic fell 7 years after the blackout (2019). The Monroe Republic was finally exiled from south western Ontario and the Kingdom of Niagara was eventually crushed by Maximland due to the need for fertile land for farming.

Kingdom of Niagara

The Kingdom of Niagara was created 3 years after the blackout (2015) when their king- T.J. Hawken- joined several smaller states in south western Ontario to form the Kingdom of Niagara. It is a small state that occupies all of southwestern Ontario from Detroit in the south to Severn Bridge, Ontario in the north to Kingston, Ontario in the east. Six years after the blackout (2018), it began a one year war against the expansionist Michigan Republic with support from New Canada, but failed and retreated back to its territory. However, Seven years after the blackout the Kingdom of Niagara was threatened by the powerful Monroe Republic. George Ramos sent support to stop the Republic from crushing the kingdom. In a series of heroic victories (often outnumbered 2:1) the Kingdom and New Canada were victorious and the Monroe Republic was stopped. T.J. Hawken was a good friend of George Ramos and George wanted The Kingdom of Niagara to annex the Michigan republic after failed attempts of invading New Canada 6 years after the blackout (2018). Eleven years after the blackout (2023)- after a strong trade agreement and "unofficial" alliance. Maximland crushed the Kingdom of Niagara in 6 months due to the need for fertile land to supply and feed his growing empire. Toronto, Ontario was its capital city.


File:Map of Northeastern North America shortly after the blackout (Revoloution TV Series).jpg
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Republic of Michigan

The Republic of Michigan was created 3 years after the blackout (2015) and 4 years after the blackout (2016), attempted to invade northeastern Ontario via Lake Huron and Manitoulin Island, but the navies of both Maximland and New Canada (with George Ramos commanding the patrol fleet) found the invasion force 40km northeast of Rogers City, Michigan and engaged in a surprise attack with the New Canadian navy receiving support from Maximland's navy 30 minutes later. Of the 250 ships and 100000 men, only 24 ships and 2500 men escaped. This was a huge blow to the Michigan republic and severely weakened its military might (making it much easier for the Monroe Republic to annex it the years to come). Its capital city is Rogers City, Michigan, is ruled by Basil Montgomery, and is a socialist republic.

Union of New Brunswick

Little is known about this nation. Max Tolkakiv mentioned a trade agreement with the nation but other than that, they simply traded and fell (it is not specified what year it fell) to the Monroe Republic. It occupied all of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.


Maine was the only ally of the Kingdom of Debbekek but was a weak faction that fell to the Monroe Republic one year before the Kingdom of Debbekek did. It traded with the Canadian factions and gave Maximland much of its military technology from U.S. military bases and FEMA camps through trade (Max mentioned this during season 2). Nothing else is known about this faction other than that and it occupies the entire state of Maine.

United States of Wisconsin

George Ramos received large amounts of military equipment through trade with the United States of Michigan. Their leader: Bernard Hepburn is very good friends with George and they both share common ideologies and interests. Conversations between the two about philosophy, science, history, and the previous united states would last for hours and their nations had a military alliance and strong trade agreement. The United States of Wisconsin was formed 5 years after the blackout when Bernard united the smaller, and divided states- through conquest- in Wisconsin to form a "western wall" against the expanding Monroe Republic. The nation fell to the expanding Monroe Republic 8 years after the blackout after receiving little support from New Canada. Despite being such close allies; this move was considered to be dishonorable betrayal as George who was leading the support army himself aborted the mission to support the nation in distress and pulled back his forces 3 km north-east of Green Bay, Wisconsin (capital city of the United States of Michigan) while Bernard Hepburn's forces were attempting to sally forth. Bernard Noticed New Canada's army pulling back from the top of a skyscraper. He died during the sally forth and the nation quickly crumbled and fell 8 years after the blackout. It is unknown why George pulled back his forces, but he claims in a speech to his people in season 2 that "the battle was impossible to win".

New Illinois

New Illinois started as a religious organization named "The New Illinois" 5 years before the blackout that promoted the bible and the teachings of Jesus to youth in the city of Chicago, Illinois (now the capital city). Six months after the blackout, the organization created their community 5 kilometers southwest of Sugar Grove, Illinois. Their leader: Jean Roberta began to gain thousands of followers after the blackout, and her community grew from a small town, to a faction occupying the original Illinois. Through her preaching and her "miracles" of healing the sick she was able to bring her followers under her total control. She claims that she is the prophet sent from God during these harsh times to spread his message. When Jean discovered that New Canada and Maximland (both leaders of both nations are atheist) were preventing any of their citizens to join New Illinois, Jean launched a "crusade" against Maximland and New Canada for being atheist and "bearing false witness" in the end of season 2. Jean sailed her forces from Chicago, Illinois to Blind River, Ontario and attempted a amphibious assault on the town but was crushed in 10 hours by the forces of Maximland. Maxim said that the invading forces were only 10 thousand strong, and were utterly crushed in a speech he made to the ravaged town. After the "Blind River Crusade", New Illinois was weakened and many people abandoned the nation once they realized it was a religious cult. They fell to the Monroe Republic 7 years after the blackout.

Canadian Government

The government of Canada lost control of much of Canada after the Blackout, but remnants of it survive along the Ottawa River and in Ottawa, Canada. They are constantly fighting to destroy Maximland, but Maximland has infiltrated the Canadian Government and has severely weakened them from within. They are a politically unstable faction and is doomed. Maximanld Annexed the Canadian Government 6 years after the Blackout.

Maximland (USSM- United Socialist States of Maximland)

Originating as a small PMC (private military corps) in North Bay, Ontario. Maximland is one of the most technologically advanced factions in all of North America. They occupy much of Ontario, and Quebec. It shares borders with New Canada, Kingdom of Niagara, the Canadian Government, Kingdom of Debbekek, and the Monroe Republic. Mximland Crushed the Kingdom of Niagara eleven years after the blackout and

Maximland is ruled by the young, and passionate leader: Max Tolkakiv who was born 14 years before the blackout. Maximland is a communist dictatorship similar to the one in Russia. Many of the citizens are part of the military and they have an active aerospace program (the first one after the blackout) and are actively researching how to end the blackout. Maximland has shown interest in the Plains Nation, and has plans to destroy the Monroe Republic because of bad relations with Sebastian Monroe and the land is rich in resources and contains fertile soil (something Canada barley contains). Maximland is actively expanding and plans to become the dominant economical power within the next 10 years. They are a feared nation who possess nuclear weapons (obtained after a raid on a nuclear missile silo in the plains nation), and is highly militarized. It also has the most powerful navy in all of North America, and dominates the Great Lakes while harassing the Monroe Republic through blockades and minor bombardments. 

Maximland is one of the few nations who use modern firearms in the military (discovering that modern firearms still work shortly after the blackout). Unlike nations such as the Monroe Republic who use swords and muskets. Maximland is actively preparing their military for a push into the Monroe Republic, and have asked New Canada to join their side. New Canada has no interest in occupying the northeastern United States.