User:Rambutaan/List of Guild Wars Characters

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This is a list of major and minor characters in the fictional universe of the Guild Wars sequence of games.


Guild Wars Prophecies

Heroes of Ascalon

The following heroes of Tyria follow the player character through the original Guild Wars Prophecies campaign in Tyria, parts of the Guild Wars Factions campaign in Cantha, and the Guild Wars Nightfall campaign in Elona. Usually known to be the Main Heroes in the official lore, they take a step back on that position for the player. They are initially introduced in the Prophecies campaign as providing and being involved in various quests that the player can complete for in-game rewards, eventually becoming available as computer-controlled "henchmen" in later parts of the game (similar to bots in a first-person shooter).


Aidan (age 32) is a male ranger whom players encounter for the first time in an area known as Wizard's Folly. He was born in Borlis Pass on the way from Kryta to Ascalon. His mother died in childbirth, and he was raised by his huntsman father. Due to his upbringing he is adept with the bow and excellent at tracking. Aidan is perhaps the wisest out of the heroes but never feels the need to lecture the party unless absolutely necessary.

Brother Mhenlo

Mhenlo (age 22) is a male monk whom players encounter for the first time in Ashford Abbey. He is, for the most part, calm and composed, qualities he learned from his training as a monk in Cantha. He does however have the tendency to deliberate when it comes to taking action, due to the conflicting views of his parents' patron deities (his father was a priest of Dwayna, the goddess of healing, and his mother a priestess of Balthazar, the god of war). He was born in Serenity Temple.


Cynn (age 20) is a female elementalist whom players encounter for the first time in Ascalon City before the Searing. She was born into nobility, but lost her parents when her home in the city of Surmia was incinerated by the Charr during the Searing. She was trapped under the rubble of her home for several days until a Charr looting party dug her out (who were promptly killed by the naturally magically talented Cynn). She is hot-tempered and fiercely independent. She is in love with Mhenlo and is overprotective of him.


Devona (age 24) is a female warrior whom players encounter for the first time in the village of Ashford. Her father, who died while fighting an Orrian guild when she was only a young girl, was a warrior in one of Ascalon's most influential guilds, Ascalon's Chosen. She dedicated her life to perfecting her skill with the hammer, in the hope of one day becoming a great warrior. The concept of honour is integral to Devona's personality and she would be willing to sacrifice her own life for the safety of her friends.


Eve (age 20) is a female necromancer and a close friend of Mhenlo. She met the other heroes of Ascalon in the Catacombs under Ashford Abbey when they tracked a group of Charr there; however, she had already single-handedly wiped out the Charr and raised an undead army in their stead.

Major Characters

Turai Ossa

Also known as The Ghostly Hero, he leads the players through the Trials of Ascension in the Crystal Desert. He and his people, the Elonians, failed to ascend in 868 AE.

Confessor Dorian

Dorian is the leader of the White Mantle, the corrupt organization that has deposed the Krytan royal family. Like all White Mantle, he swears allegiance to the evil creatures known as the Mursaat. Confessor Dorian dies at the Battle for Thunderhead Keep.

Evennia and Saidra

Evennia and Saidra are leaders of the Shining Blade, a covert organisation dedicated to opposing the White Mantle. During the course of the story, Saidra sacrifices herself to save Evennia.


Glint is an ancient dragon who was among the first creatures created to inhabit the world of Tyria. She is a gifted seer whose Flameseeker Prophecies are the basis around which much of the primary storyline revolves.

King Adelbern

Adelbern is the king of Ascalon and the father of Prince Rurik. He began his career as a warrior in one of Ascalon's most influential guilds, Ascalon's Chosen. Supported by the people of Ascalon, he led the overthrow of the corrupt prior ruling family. After which, he was appointed as the new king. Although he has witnessed his kingdom reduced to ruin by the Charr, he is convinced in the ability of the remains of his army to keep the Charr from taking the remains of Ascalon.

King Jalis Ironhammer

Jalis Ironhammer is the king of the Deldrimor Dwarves, the Dwarven faction aligned with the humans.

Undead Lich

The Undead Lich is an undead sorcerer who works to achieve his goals by manipulating and deceiving others into unknowingly doing his bidding. He is eventually revealed to be the Flameseeker, the powerful foe prophecied by Glint that wishes to release powerful creatures from their long imprisonment, then to control them himself in order to conquer all of Tyria. He dies at the Door of Komalie.


Markis is a Shining Blade operative and a White Mantle double-agent. He betrays Evennia which leads to the fall of the Henge of Denravi. He is killed in the Iron Mines of Moladune.

Prince Rurik

Rurik is the son of Adelbern and heir-apparent to the throne of Ascalon. However, he and his father have conflicting visions of how best to cope with the Charr invasion. Early in the story, this difference of opinions causes an angry confrontation that results in him being banished from his home. The players follow Prince Rurik in his journey across the Northern Shiverpeak mountains in his attempt to escort the refugees of Ascalon to the relative safety of Kryta. Along the journey, Rurik ends up being killed at the hands of Dagnar Stonepate. Players will meet their prince again on Hell's Precipice, the caldera of the volcano. He is brought back to life by the Lich, and players must kill him again to give him peace after death. Voiced by Robin Atkin Downes.

Vizier Khilbron

Khilbron is the former Vizier to the King of Orr, and the sole survivor of the destruction of Orr. In a desperate attempt to defend Orr from the Charr invasion, he calls upon ancient magics that trigger a cataclysm, destroying the Orrian kingdom. He assists the player in various parts of the story, although his real goals and motives are not entirely known until later. it is revealed in the Nightfall Campaign, that the Vizier was tricked into using the magic by the Demon Razakel in his human form of Terrick. Razakel was working for Abaddon.

Minor Characters

Armin Saberlin

Armin Saberlin is a lieutenant of Ascalon's Vanguard, the organization headed by Prince Rurik. He accompanies Rurik to Kryta after his banishment.

Brechnar Ironhammer

Brechnar Ironhammer is the brother of King Jalis Ironhammer. In the course of the story, he sacrifices his life to allow the players a chance to break through the Mursaat frontlines.

Captain Greywind

Greywind is the leader of the Ascalon Settlement, the refugee camp that the Ascalons fleeing the Charr have set up in Kryta.

Duke Barradin and Lady Althea

Barradin is the brother of the King that was in power before King Adelbern seized the throne and the leader of Ascalon army. His daughter, Lady Althea, is Rurik's betrothed. In the Searing, Althea is captured by the Charr and burned alive.

Dagnar Stonepate

Dagnar Stonepate, cousin to King Jalis Ironhammer, is a leader of the Stone Summit and the killer of Prince Rurik.


Gwen is a little girl encountered outside Ascalon City. She disappears after the Searing, however, in the Underworld, a ghost can be seen calling her name. There has been much controversy over the use of an item, the "Tapestry Shred" Gwen gives the player as a gift. It is labeled as a quest item but has no known use. Players may find the item "Gwen's Broken Flute" in post-searing Ascalon. They may also find the "Preserved Red Iris Flower" in Elona (Nightfall) - Anet has hinted that it might indicate Gwen was there. Gwen is now thought to play a major role in the upcoming expansion, Eye of the North.

Justiciar Hablion

Hablion is a Justiciar of the White Mantle and the protector of the city of Lion's Arch. During the course of the story he is revealed to be an evil murderer, slaying the Chosen of Kryta in cold blood as a sacrifice for the Mursaat.

Turai Ossa

Turai Ossa is the ghost of an ancient Elonian king. He led his people to the Crystal Desert to Ascend, but was unsuccessful. His ghost guides the players in their quest to Ascend. The ancient Elonians in this context are likely related to the Elonians in the third campaign.


Tydus is a warmaster and captain in Ascalon's Army.

Guild Wars Factions

Major Characters


Argo is the champion of the Turtle Clan of the Luxons. He is also the current holder of the legendary Spear of Archemorus.

Countess Danika zu Heltzer

Danika is a Kurzick noblewoman, the daughter of Count zu Heltzer. She is sympathetic to the plight of the victims of the Canthan plague, and willing to broker a deal with the Luxons, the perennial enemies of the Kurzicks, if it will mean an end to the suffering.

Emperor Kisu

Kisu is the 31st Emperor of Cantha and the current incumbent. He is loved by the people of Cantha. In the events of the Factions story, Kisu is held captive by Shiro Tagachi for a time, and saving him is a primary quest objective.


Kuunavang is an ancient dragon. She is held captive in the Harvest Temple by Shiro Tagachi until she is freed by the players, whereupon she helps the players defeat Shiro.

Master Togo

Togo is the half-brother of Kisu and the master of Shing Jea Monastery. He was a former teacher of Brother Mhenlo. He leads the players on their quest to defeat Shiro Tagachi and end the Canthan plague, but doesn't see it to the end as he is killed by Shiro.


Nika is a female assassin, a graduate of Shing Jea Monastery, and a member of the Obsidian Flame guild. She is a descendant of Vizu, the legendary assassin who defeated Shiro Tagachi along with Saint Viktor and Archemorus at the incident of the Harvest Ceremony two hundred years before the present time.

Shiro Tagachi

Shiro was the former bodyguard of Emperor Angsiyan, whom he murdered at the Harvest Ceremony 200 years prior to the present day. He was slain in turn by the Assassin Vizu, The Luxon Champion Archemorus, and the Kurzick Champion Viktor. His death wail triggered the Jade Wind that turned the forests to Stone and the Sea to Jade. In the present day he has returned to Cantha as an Envoy of the Mists and hopes to become mortal again. Defeating Shiro is the primary mission of players in the Factions campaign. It is revealed in the Nightfall Campaign that the Fortune Teller whose words turned Shiro mad was actually an agent of Abaddon.

Minor Characters

Count Petrov zu Heltzer

Count zu Heltzer, as he is commonly known, is the head of House zu Heltzer, making him the leader of the Kurzicks.

Elder Rhea

Rhea is the head of the Council of Elders, the governing body of the Luxons. She is thus the leader of the Luxons.

Emperor Angsiyan

Angsiyan was murdered by Shiro Tagachi in the events that preceded the Jade Wind.

Fortune Teller

An unnamed Fortune Teller who supposedly foresaw the emperor betraying Shiro. This led Shiro to betray the emperor first. This was actually one of Abaddon's demons in disguise, sent to corrupt Shiro.

Lukas Vasburg

Lukas Vasburg is a warrior mercenary of the Kurzick heritage, deeply in love with Danika zu Heltzer trying at every available opportunity to impress her to no avail.

Lo Sha

Lo Sha is a talented Canthan mesmer. Headmaster Kaa of Shing Jea Monastery says that the only thing that keeps Lo Sha shy of true greatness is his obsession with Mei Ling, a fellow instructor.


Suun is the Oracle of the Mists and custodian of Tahnnakai Temple. He guides the players in an important step in their quest.

Talon Silverwing

Talon Silverwing is a Tengu from Shing Jea Island. He is a hero of the Tengu Wars which he was instrumental in bringing to an end. In the Factions story he accompanies the players in their quest.

Heroes of Cantha


Vizu the assassin supposedly wounded Shiro Tagachi, allowing the Luxon Champion Archemorus and the Kurzick Champion Saint Viktor to strike simultaneous death blows with Shiro's Own Swords. In the opening Cinematic for Guild Wars: Factions, it shows Vizu Shadow Stepping behind Shiro and sticking her daggers into his Shoulders, disarming him. The Missions Outpost, Vizunah Square is named after her.

Saint Viktor

Saint Viktor, was the Kurzick Champion who, along with the Luxon Champion Archemorus, struck down Shiro the Betrayer on the day of the Jade Wind with Shiro's own Swords. The Urn of Saint Viktor contains his power. The Kurzicks believe that Viktor alone defeated Shiro.


Archemorus was the Luxon Champion who, along with the Kurzick Champion Saint Viktor, struck down Shiro the Betrayer on the day of the Jade Wind with Shiro's own Swords. The Spear of Archemorus contains his power. The Luxons believe that Archemorus alone defeated Shiro.

Tahnnakai Temple Heroes

Jaizhanju, Kaolai, Karei, Kitah, Naku, Teinai, Vizu and Zojun are former heroes of Cantha ensconced in Tahnnakai Temple. They have chosen to remain in Cantha after death as guides instead of moving on to the Mists. Once the game is beaten Kaolai is replaced with Togo. All of these heroes have skills named after them excluding Vizu, Togo, and Naku. The skills are, Teinai's Crystals(Crystal Wave), Tenai's Heat(Searing Heat), Jaizhanju Strike(Pure Strike), Karei's Healing Circle(Heal Area), Kitah's Burden(Ethereal Burden), Protective was Kaolai, Zojun's Shot(Point-Blank Shot), and Zojun's Haste(Dodge). Oddly enough, all of these skills are named after Canthan heroes, yet are copies of Prophecies-only skills(in parenthesis), with the exception of the Ritualist skill, Protective was Kaolai. However, the nature of each continent within the Guild Wars universe and their diverse culture(s) would deftly explain why similar skills would have different names. Should one think on it, it'd make a lot of sense since each of Guild Wars' "expansions" are really stand-alone games.

Guild Wars Nightfall

Heroes of Elona

The following characters are known as the "Heroes of Elona". These "Heroes" are introduced as a new feature in Nightfall where you're able to direct their movements, choose their skills and attributes, and pick their weapons and armour. Also by choosing certain members to accompany you in the party opens the way for different missions, changing the game's storyline. The "Heroes of Elona" feature prominently throughout the game's cutscenes (often it's mandatory to bring one along).


The first hero that the player meets through the course of the game, Koss aids the player through the tutorial and in the liberation of Chahbek Village from the corsairs. Koss is hot-blooded and always eager for a fight although he has a large network of contacts that prove to be useful to the Sunspears throughout the course of the story. Koss is a skilled fighter that should have risen to the ranks of officer in the Order of Sunspears long ago but because of his recklessness Spearmarshel Kormir hasn't given him that honor... yet.


Melonni is a female dervish hailing from a small village on Marga Coast in Kourna. She is often seen to be stubborn by others due to her strong beliefs in what is right and wrong, and is usually in conflict with her longtime friend, Koss, much to the rest of the party's dismay. In the end, she just wants what's best for her village and all of Elona.


Dunkoro is an Istani tactician who also acts as a healing monk for the party. He is the brilliant mind behind many succesful raids and defensive missions. He often gives sage advice to the party drawn from his wealth of knowledge and experience. He always has the concept of having a plan for any situation, and when the situation changes, get a new plan.


Tahlkora is a Vabbian princess who became bored with her sedentary lifestyle and decided to run away in search of adventure. She quickly uncovers that Warmashal Varesh is not all what she seems to be and attempts to alert the player of the impending crisis. As she joins the party to fight aganist Varesh, she soon learns that being an Adventurer and a Hero takes more then just an ideal dream. She has an intrest in exploring, and wishes to see the entire world one day.

Acolyte Jin

Jin is a ranger of the Zaishen Order that the player is able to choose for their party. She is a very solemn young woman, dedicated to fighting evil, having lost her parents when she was only a child. Jin views Varesh and the Kournan army as ones without honor and virtue. She considers Istan as her adoptive country and is willing to defend it just as Cantha.

Acolyte Sousuke

Sousuke is an elementalist of the Zaishen Order that the player is able to choose for their party. He is overconfident and outspoken, which grates on the nerves of his fellow Zaishen acolyte, Jin.

Zhed Shadowhoof

Zhed is a Centaur elementalist that agrees to join the player's party once he/she's agreed to help him free his Centaur clan from their common enemy, the Kournans. Usually rude and brash to the rest of the party at first, with his "Two-Legs" talk. Though he eventually sees you and the party as trustful allies. He talks tough, but has a distinct phobia of small places.

Margrid the Sly

Margrid the Sly is a corsair captain that is introduced to the player through Koss. She was born through a longline of famous corsairs and worships only money. She aids the player freeing Spearmarshal Kormir from Gandara Prison (in return for another favour). After seeing the wrath of nightfall, she continues to help the party and prevent Varesh from destroying her few enjoyments in life.

Master of Whispers

Little is known about the Master of Whispers but he mysteriously appears once the player arrives in Kourna giving advice on how best to combat Warmarshal Varesh. The true name of the Master of Whispers is revealed in Dzagonur Bastion (Mission), his true name is Jurah.


Goren originally served as a bodyguard for the Vabbian prince, Prince Bokka the Magnificent. However after becoming dissatisfied with his work, Goren joins the player on his/her adventures. Usually seen as the all brawn no brains type from the rest of the party, though he is extremely loyal and only wishes to help. He has an attachment to Margrid, and prefers to call her Lady Margrid despite her protests.


Norgu is a mesmer and leads the acting troupe known as the Lyssan Fools. He decides to join the player on his/her adventures as a source of inspiration for his future plays. Often seen eating Prince Bokka's free buffets, he soon proves to be a useful Mesmer and has a talent for getting out of trouble. Also famous for his tale on how The Hero defeats the god with his "minty-fresh breath." and his work "Springtime for Varesh."

General Morgahn

A former Kournan general and follower of Lyssa, he joins the players when a temple to Lyssa is desecrated by his superior, Varesh Ossa. Once an enemy to the party, he was blind to the real situation to late. Now he seeks redemption and revenge from being so foolish as to follow Varesh.


Olias was a big White Mantle Necromancer at the time of the events of Guild Wars Prophecies. Three years later, he is on a routine patrol of North Kryta Province when he is attacked by the invading Margonites from the Realm of Torment. He is rescued by Grenth himself, and so Olias becomes Grenth's personal executioner. He takes it upon himself to sail to Elona with Kormir, Zenmai and the two Acolytes and hunt the source of the evil now assaulting Tyria and Cantha. Olias is only available to players who own both the original Guild Wars, as well as the expansion, Guild Wars: Nightfall.


Zenmai is a rogue assassin having left the Am Fah Gang when she saw how they were exploiting the Canthan Plague to their favour. She requests the players help retriving captured citizens in the undercity. After witnessing the demonic forces, she agrees to follow the player to Elona, as long as she makes some money along the way. She is only available to players who own Guild Wars: Factions in addition to Guild Wars: Nightfall.


Razah is a Ritualist Hero from the Realm of Torment, more specifically the Domain of Anguish. He is not human, and is formed from the same ethereal protomatter that forms demons. Razah joins the player to forge an identity for himself and learn what it means to be a hero, and in doing so to avoid becoming a demon himself.

Major characters

Warmarshal Varesh

She is the leader of the people of Kourna, and a direct descendant of Turai Ossa. She is held in high regard by most Elonians. She is depicted on the CE (collector's edition) box for GW Nightfall. She is a major antagonist throughout the Storyline and works to summon Abaddon and bring about nightfall.

Spearmarshal Kormir

Kormir is the chosen Spearmarshal of the Sunspears. She is the cause of the events during Nightfall, but she aids the players to overcome Varesh and Abaddon. She becomes a god herself when Abaddon is defeated.

Minor characters


Leader of a squad of Sunspears consisting of Lonai, Rojis, and Ahtok. She is a Ranger who takes part in the assault on Gandara, The Moon Fortress. After the assault she helps the players form an alliance with the Veldrunner Centaur.


She is part of Nerashi's Squad. A Necromancer who is a part of the Assault on Gandara, The Moon Fortress. Her nerves were shaken after the battle and now is in command of the Sunspears secret base, The Sunspear Sanctuary, in Kourna.


He is part of Nerashi's Squad. A very rough looking Elementalist who the players must convince to return to the Sunpears. Upon his return, he assists the players in the assault on Gandara, The Moon Fortress. After the assault, he can be found in the mission location, Venta Cemetary, helping injured Sunspears get back to Istan.


He is a Ranger and part of Nerashi's Squad. He is present in the assault on Gandara, The Moon Fortress. He is slain during the battle. His spirit can be found later in the Realm of Torment as part of the primary quests through the areas.

Palawa Joko

"The Scourge of Vabbi" as he is known to most. He led an army of Undead through the Vehjin Mines and into Vabbi, leaving a trail of Destruction in his wake. He met his match in Turai Ossa, Warmashal of Kourna at the time, who defeated Palawa Joko at the Fortress of Jahai. The players must call upon Palawa's aid in order to find a way to cross the deadly Sulfur Fields of The Desolation. He agrees to help but only if the players help him reclaim his Bone Palace.

Prince Mehtu The Wise

Talkhora's Father and one of the three Princes of Vabbi. He and Prince Bokka flee to the Hidden City of Ahdashim and getting them to come out is part of the Dasha Vestibule Mission. He resides in the Holdings of Chokhin, a large Library in the North-Western part of Vabbi.

Prince Bokka the Magnificent

He is Goren and Norgu's Master and one of the Princes of Vabbi. He is an overweight blowhard who, along with Prince Mehtu, hide from Varesh and the Torment in the Hidden City of Ahdashim and getting them to come out is part of the Dasha Vestibule Mission. He resides in Resplendent Makuun in South-Eastern Vabbi.

Prince Ahmtur the Mighty

The only Prince of Vabbi who does not cower from Varesh and the Demons. He makes his stand at the Dzagonur Bastion and assisting him is part of the mission, Dzagonur Bastion. He resides in the Dzagonur Citadel in North-Eastern Vabbi.

Supernatural beings

The Old Gods

The five Old Gods in the Guild Wars universe are fixed and present in every game in the Guild Wars sequence. They serve as the main pantheon.


Balthazar is the god of war and fire, and the patron god of Warriors, Pyromancers, Paragons and Monks using Smiting and Protection Prayers. He observes all combat and awards faction for excellence in the battlefield. He is depicted usually as a warrior with a greatsword under his hands. The Fissure of Woe, home to the Temple of War and the Eternal Forgemaster, is his domain.


Dwayna is the goddess of life and air, and the patron of Monks using Healing Prayers, wind Dervishes and Aeromancers. She is depicted as a long slender woman with angel wings. Dwayna is also the leader of the Gods.


Grenth is the god of death and cold. He is the patron god of Necromancers, Hydromancers and Ritualists. He is depicted as a tall, narrow man with a skeletal head. The Underworld is his domain.


Lyssa is the goddess of beauty and illusion, and the patron of Mesmers and Assassins. She is also associated with Energy, with the Elementalist attribute of Energy Storage and the Dervish attribute of Mysticism. She is depicted as two figures who are in an eternal dance.


Melandru is the goddess of nature and earth, and the patron of Rangers, earth Dervishes and Geomancers. She is often depicted as a tall winged dryad from the waist up, usually having a plant as the lower half.

(note that Dervishes worship all Gods and Goddesses)Melandru is a god who is a strong and powerful ruler

Other deities


Abaddon was a former member of the pantheon, the god of knowledge and water, but is now exiled to the Realm of Torment by the five other Old Gods. He desires to return and bring about the Nightfall in the eponymous campaign. The Margonites, an ancient race of transformed humans, worship Abaddon and function as his army.


Dhuum was the former god of death and chaos, but was defeated (and presumably destroyed) by Grenth. Echoes of his presence linger in the Underworld.


Menzies is a half-brother of Balthazar and the lord of destruction. His shadow army is forever at war with Balthazar's army in the Fissure of Woe.


At the end of the Nightfall campaign, Spearmarshal Kormir rises to become the "Goddess of Truth".

The Great Dwarf

The Great Dwarf is the patron god of all dwarves in the Guild Wars universe. His abode is the Great Forge in the Mists.

The Great Destroyer

The Great Destroyer opposes the Great Dwarf. Among the dwarves, his name is forbidden. He will be the main antagonist of the future Guild Wars: Eye of the North expansion pack.

Characters, List of