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We, the undersigned, are sick and tired. We are tired of the continual degredation of articles on Wikipedia that require more than just a general college degree to understand. We are tired of the actions of malefactors with adjendas to push. We are tired of adminstrators who are unwilling to stop these pseudoscintists. We are tired of adminstators who provide support and aid to these malcontents. We are tired of arbitors who hobble adminstrators who take any action to limit the damage they cause.

We are tired, and so we are taking a break. In the month of February, we will not discuss, we will not revert. We will not cite, we will not improve. We will ask other science-minded editors to take this pledge and walk away. Perhaps when the damage is unmitigated, solutions will be forthcoming.

Some editors are boycotting this article due to their perception that pseudoscience promotion has grown entirely out of control.

Please edit these drafts. 23:04, 28 January 2008 (UTC)