User:Piotrus/Bookshelf/Reading list

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Reading lists


Age of the Democratic Revolution by R. R. Palmer [1]

The wages of war: battles, prints and entrepreneurs in late seventeenth-century Venice, Dooley, Brendan, Word & Image; Jan-Jun2001, Vol. 17 Issue 1/2, p7, 18p, ISSN: 0266-6286 Discusses how the growth of the market for information as well as a healthy dose of criticism had affected information sources and visual journalism in Venice, Italy in 17th century. Memorable prints and publications; Ephemeral themes; Advantages of visual presentation in conveying political messages; Images of war produced 17th century; Popularity of allusive cartoon type.

Poverty or Prosperity? Rural Society in Lowland Scotland in the Late Sixteenth and Early...

Agrarian Change in Seveteenth-Century England: The Economic Historian as Paleontologist

Grain Prices and Subsistence Crises in England and France, 1590-1740

Transactions Costs and Differential Growth in Seventeenth Century Western Europe


Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Poland

Warsaw's Uprising

The 'First Ally' Under Siege

The Road to Serfdom

The economic world of the Bohemian serf: economic concepts, preferences, and constraints on the estate of Friedland, 1583-1692

Serfdom and Social Control in Russia (Book)

The Organization of Serfdom in Eastern Europe: A Comment



Notes on Serfdom in Western and Eastern Europe

The peasantries of Europe : from the fourteenth to the eighteenth centuries Tom Scott, London ; New York : Longman, 1998., ISBN 0582101328 ISBN 058210131X

Dallas, Gregor "The Peasantries of Europe: From the Fourteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries (review)" Journal of Social History - Volume 33, Number 3, Spring 2000, pp. 712-717

Werner Rösener Oxford, UK ; Cambridge, Mass. : Blackwell, 1994 ISBN 0631175032

William Nelson Parker; E L Jones Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, ©1975

Peasants in history : essays in honour of Daniel Thorner E J Hobsbawm Calcutta : Published for Sameeksha Trust by Oxford University Press, 1980

PLC: Reading list

Slavic Review
  • <442:HFWTPF>2.0.CO;2-7 How Firm was the Polish-Lithuanian Federation? federalism lead to unanimity which lead to liberum veto; argues that union was not strong and liberum veto usage by GDL represantatives is an example of opposition; danger from Muscovy was main reason for the union and stronger Poland forced GDL into significant concessions; interestingly argues that counter-reformation strenghtned the union (unlike Jasienica), praises Poniatowski

  • Aleksander Gella, Development of Class Structure in Eastern Europe: Poland and Her Southern Neighbors, SUNY Press, 1988, ISBN 0887068332 - on equality of titles (p.92,93), high class mobility (p.90,92), development of eastern magnates 'krolewieta' and the rise of aristocracy in Poland, (p.93), 'they had changed republican model to oligarchy, undermined it (p.94). ToC Google Print
  • Maciej Janowski, Polish Liberal Thought, Central European University Press, 2001, Based on solid research, this erudite study is a first attempt at presenting a comprehensive analysis of nineteenth-century Polish liberalism. Polish liberal tradition has generally been considered weak or even nonexistent. Janowski, on the other hand, argues that nineteenth-century Poland inherited a strong protoliberal tradition from the nobility-based democracy, and that in the mid-nineteenth century, liberalism was a dominant trend in Polish intellectual life, even if it rarely appeared in its pure form and did not create political movements separating liberal aims from patriotic ones. Janowski sees his subject in a broad comparative perspective, taking into account the historical experience of other nations of Central Europe. Google Print
  • William John Rose, The rise of Polish Democracy, London, G.Bell & Sons. Ltd, 1944. Mentions Joachim Lelewel, Stanislaw Staszic, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski, Piotr Skarga, Szymon Starowolski, Stefan Garczyński, Stanisław Leszczyński as promintent thinkers before the time of Partitions. Disusses changes in Polish politics until the Second World War. Quite impressive, if somewhat outdated.
  • Jerzy Lukowski, Liberty's Folly: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the eighteen century, 1697-1795, Routledge, 1991, ISBN 0415033288. Any work about "Poland"'s past is bound to ruffle some deeply held feelings. The inverted commas around the first mention of Poland ... are a gesture towards the nationalisms which stand as an immovable barrier between the eighteen-century Commonwealth and its twentieth-century successor states. Different cultures and languages rolled back the old Polish supremacy in a large area of eastern Europe, causing, at the very least, immense problems of terminology and nomenclature for any scrupulously minded historian. Unless otherwise specified, "Poland" as used in the text should be taken to mean the old Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in its entirety. I have abandoned all attempts at consistency in the rendering of place and personal names as leading to unmitigated absurdity. Most sensitively, Gdańsk, Toruń and Elbląg have been rendered Danzig, Thorn and Elbling, not in recognition of any grossdeutsch pretensions, but to signal that their patriciates and a good half of their population spoke German as their first language. I have never regarded the mutliethnic, multilingual and multidenominational nature of the old Commonwealth as anything to be glossed over. As regards personal names, I have followed my instincts and in most cases, unless there is an extremely close English equivalent, I have kept to the Polish form. I refuse to render Stanisław as anything other then Stanisław.
  • Tadeusz Konwicki, The Polish Complex, 1977. What is it that we should be ashemed of? A fondness for freedom? Even thought it was a foolish, mad, total, anarchistic, provincial freedom, the freedom which leads to ruin? - beautiful quote


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lith [14] [15]













For mt

Jews in PLC: <591:EPVECJ>2.0.CO;2-V <119:GBATPJ>2.0.CO;2-7

AIW: <311:PBTSEA>2.0.CO;2-O [33] [34] <89:AADAEI>2.0.CO;2-4




More reading list

  • Merton, R.K. Dilemmas of Democracy in the Voluntary Associations. American Journal of Nursing 1966,
  • Archon Fung, ASSOCIATIONS AND DEMOCRACY: Between Theories, Hopes, and Realities Annual Review of Sociology. Volume 29, Page 515-539, Aug 2003

Comps reading list


  • Blee and Courier (2005): Character Building: The Dynamics of Emerging Social Movement Groups, Mobilization
  • Andrew Lih, The Wikipedia Revolution - Chapt 7 on governance
  • Maria Dillard, papers, for methods, including response rates and reliabillity, involving sampling organizations and surveying organization representatives
  • Harold Innis, The Bias of Communication and Empire and Communication.
  • James Carey, Communication as culture: essays on media and society
  • David Berry, Copy, Rip, Burn: The Politics of Copyleft and Open Source
  • Mathieu O'Neil, Cyberchiefs: Autonomy and Authority in Online Tribles
  • Earl, Jennifer. 2006. “Pursuing Social Change Online: The Use of Four Protest Tactics on the Internet.” Social Science Computer Review 24(3): 362-377.
  • Earl, Jennifer and Katrina Kimport. 2008. “The Targets of Online Protest: State and Private Targets of Four Online Protest Tactics.” Information, Communication & Society 11(4): 449-472. (Lead Article)
  • Karen Cerulo?
  • New Media Power: The Internet and Global Activism
  • Karen Sternheimer, Connecting Social Problems and Popular Culture
  • Karen Hellekson, Kristina Busse (eds.). Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet
