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ephemeral, but the "e" is implied.

Pages of Interest:

Currently my main project is the Laruku page, for reasons obvious, if you'd take a moment and pop over to read a line or two. Any respectable fan sees major gaps and this more or less respectable fan would like to help in filling in a few of them.

My knowledge of Laruku, while leaning towards obsessive, will of course also contain gaps, and occassionally those might coincide with some gaps in the article. In such cases, I'll bow out to my fellow fans who are much more knowledgeable than me, but otherwise, I'll continue my slow but faithful work.

In my oh-so-plentiful free time, I also glance over the Hyde page. Possessing no self-restraint whatsoever, I've begun major edits to it, mostly regarding organization and additions obvious to any respectable fan but perhaps not so known to new additions to Hydeist ranks. I have no doubt I'll be working on it a lot more in the future. This is, after all, the fan who coined the term 'haidoholic'.

All in all, I'm an egotistical busybody who can't keep herself from jumping in when she seems something not to her satisfaction. This will undoubtedly lead me into a few good-natured debates, but as long as the product of such arguments benefits the matter to be debated, this good-natured editor doesn't mind so much.

The only pool that I won't dip my toes into is grammer. It is, alas, not one of my strong points.