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Refugee (interested in adding more in the sections under "Issues - Security Threats").

The overall article is rather comprehensive, neutral and reliable. However, the security threat section lacks depth, references and just overall content. Considering the current state of international affaire, I believe that it is crucial to develop more on the connection of terrorist organizations and refugee population. ISIS propaganda and sources have repeatedly referenced using refugees as ways to infiltrate western countries. Furthermore, every country's immigration policies and regulations has had to shift due to this threat. There's a lot of literature that contextualizes the Syrian refugee crisis and specific countries' responses - pros and cons. At a time when the concept of refugee is almost synonymous with "threat" I believe that this section is crucial.

Here are some of the possible bibliographical sources:

  1. Saunders, Jennifer B., Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, and Susanna Snyder, eds. Intersections of Religion and Migration: Issues at the Global Crossroads. Springer, 2016.
  2. Rettberg, Jill Walker, and Radhika Gajjala. "Terrorists or cowards: negative portrayals of male Syrian refugees in social media." Feminist Media Studies 16, no. 1 (2016): 178-181.
  3. Shay, Shaul. "The fall of Dabiq and the fall of the Caliphate." (2016).
  4. Byman, Daniel. Do Syrian Refugees Pose a Terrorism Threat?. Brookings, 2015.
  5. Jones, Seth G. "The terrorism threat to the United States and implications for refugees." The Rand Corporation (2015).
  6. Jayakumar, Shashi. "Is ‘Trojan Horse’: seeing wood for the trees?." (2015).
  7. Rollins, John W., and Heidi M. Peters. "The Islamic State—Frequently Asked Questions: Threats, Global Implications, and US Policy Responses." Congressional Research Service report (2015).
  8. Tse, Tiffany. "ISIS and Recruitment: How Do Demographics Play a Role?." (2016).
  9. Mandel, Robert. "Perceived security threat and the global refugee crisis." Armed Forces & Society 24, no. 1 (1997): 77-103.
  10. Kerwin, Donald. "The use and misuse of ‘national security’rationale in crafting US refugee and immigration policies." International Journal of Refugee Law 17, no. 4 (2005): 749-763.
  11. Dowty, Alan, and Gil Loescher. "Refugee flows as grounds for international action." International Security 21, no. 1 (1996): 43-71.
  12. Loescher, Gil, and James HS Milner. Protracted Refugee Situations: Domestic and international security implications. Vol. 375. Taylor & Francis, 2005.