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Hi, I'm Namesinger.

I am a practical Kabbalist with no links to (nor much interest in) the modern pop culture phenomenon. In attempting to understand my experiences my sources have included the Torah, the Zohar (trans. Daniel Chanan Matt), Gershom Scholem, Maimonides, Judah Loew ben Bezalel and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. My particular interest is the practice of invoking ha-Shem--which I believe to be the hidden heart of Kabbalah--and its manifestations in diverse cultures from aboriginal Australian and American to Hindu and Tibetan Buddhist.

I'm deeply interested in the role of Sabbatai Zevi in European Jewish history, and the Jewish community's subsequent flight from Lurianic Kabbalah

As a musician, I heed David's call to lift up and glorify the Name with instruments and voice. To go deeper into the Presence, I am learning that I need to develop what the Dalai Lama refers to as "calm abiding" [An Open Heart, 2001, Little, Brown & Co.], and a connection with a community. In my current state of understanding of that community, it is the loose-knit association over centuries of eclectic international magick and mysticism.

By magick here I mean, in the words often attributed to Dion Fortune, "the ability to change consciousness at will."

As a technical trainer I travel to many parts of the world. I was recently blessed with the opportunity to chant in a 1,300 year old temple in Mahabalipuram in India, and discuss with a young Jain IT worker how gods must be like class modules. I find a strong connection between neo-Platonic doctrines of emanation, the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, and the concept of inheritance in Object-Oriented programming

Peace and love.