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Marianne Schnall [1] is a writer, as well as the founder, editor and executive director of the non-profit organization [2] and co-founder of [3], a fourteen-year-old website promoting sustainable living. Marianne is a writer and interviewer who has worked for many media outlets and publications. Her writings have appeared at online sites such as the Women’s Media Center (Superdome to SUPERLOVE — V-Day at 10 - [4] / Hillary, Condi, Aung Sun Suu Kyi and You [5], and a contributor to The Huffington Post [6], and Common Dreams. Marianne was a contributor to Robin Morgan’s anthology Sisterhood is Forever: The Women’s Anthology for a New Millennium [7], co-writing (with Amy Richards) the chapter titled “Cyberfeminism: Networking on the Net.” Marianne also interviews well-known individuals about the charitable and activist causes and organizations with which they are affiliated. Among those she’s interviewed is a long and diverse list of celebrities that includes Jane Fonda [8], Eve Ensler [9], Ed Begley, Jr. [10], Meryl Streep [11], Alice Walker [12], Melissa Etheridge [13], Timothy Leary [14], Gloria Steinem [15], Nobel Laureate Betty Williams [16], and Harvard Psychologist Carol Gilligan [17]. Marianne’s interviews appear at[18] well as in publications such as Glamour Magazine [19], In Style (for which she wrote the “Cause Celeb” column for many years), and at Entertainment Weekly’s web site,, including recent interviews with Cameron Diaz about Live Earth [20] and Natalie Portman about the organization FINCA [21]. She has been interviewed by DailyInterview [22], Tango Diva [23] and Ms. Magazine[24]. Through her writings, interviews and websites, Marianne strives to raise awareness and inspire activism around important issues and causes.