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Large, rotund simian indigenous to Pacific Northwest yet exhibits socio-cultural characteristics of areas outside of natural habitat; specifically Eastern Europe. Attempts to communicate in a strange Creole of English and German interspersed with guttural stops and squeaks, as well as own idiolect of personal phrases and running jokes. This includes aspirations to learn other languages, primarily modern Lower Germanic dialects such as Dutch. This attempts include the continued adoption of slang. Great mimicking abilities despite lack of grammatic comprehension.

Perhaps an even stranger dichotomy is the need of this species for affectionate companionship despite signs of great misanthropy (toward chosen individuals) and extreme selectiveness in this necessary companionship. Adaptable, successful yet cannot feed and care for own self without a support unit. In rare cases is even known to undergo a decline known as "withering" when this emotional support is absent. The subject is a rare example of admitting all motivation being the satisfaction of pleasing others, very developed despite immaturity. This could be the explanation of strange need for interaction in spite of solitary aspirations and pursuits. Independence is asserted with continued solitary living arrangement, as well as previous solitary travel and frequent planned future roaming.

Linguistic proficiency is surpassed only by technological abilities. This subject show great ability as well as a startling desire to learn despite total lack of social graces. Most foreign language is self taught, as well as historical, theological and computer science knowledge, the latter of which has resulted in an impressive employment record at a young age. This has created an even greater contrast with the comparably very young state of emotional maturity. Enjoys many varied intellectual and pseudo-intellectual pursuits and the enjoyment of learning is constant in all of them. Perhaps the one greater pastime is the love of music, more specifically dissonant, mechanical noise of a mostly European origin.

Most noticeably has undergone many personal and intellectual growths in recent years. The progress of this subject continues to be fascinating and unpredictable.