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I plan on adding information about the types of fake news and their place on the "fake news spectrum". There is Satire, False Communication, Misleading Content, False Content, Imposter Content, Manipulated content, and Frabricated content which define fake news and have different places on a spectrum of what effect they have. Each is unique and needs their own definition and place on the "fake news" wiki.

Wang, S. (2017, February 27). Getting to the root of the “fake news” problem means fixing what’s broken about journalism itself. Retrieved March 05, 2017, from

The Different Types of Mis and Disinformation Satire or Parody: No intention to cause harm but has potential to fool. False Connection: When headlines, visuals of captions don't support the content. Misleading Content: Misleading use of information to frame an issue or individual. False Content: When genuine content is shared with false contextual information. Imposter Content: When genuine sources are impersonated. Manipulated Content: When genuine information of imagery is manipulated to deceive. Fabricated Content: New content is 100% false, designed to deceive and do harm.[1] The different motivations behind why this kind of news exists includes poor journalism, to parody, to provoke or to 'punk', passion, partisanship, profit, political influence, and propaganda. [2]

  1. ^ Wang, Shan. "Getting to the root of the "fake news" problem means fixing what's broken about journalism itself". NiemanLab.
  2. ^ "Fake news. It's complicated".