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Jasmine Smith Hi Jasmine, This is Dr. D.

I have reviewed, briefly, the interesting articles you have posted to your queue and find these articles very doable: Depressive realism-can relate to Leibnitz and history of psychology, Behaviour therapy-rated by some as pretty good on all counts (view average ratings) but could use more added to it, and Irving Kirsch--there appear in my brief search to be a number of articles and other sources that you could use to add to this article.

The other is not doable for our class project: Timeline of psychology-not the type of WIKI article that is established for content; merely an outline.

You have 3 excellent choices. I suggest that you select one of those three, given my comments, and focus on it for your project. Let me know of any questions! WebFlower1 (talk) 20:27, 1 March 2012 (UTC)

I have chosen the Article titled "Irving Kirsch". Here are my references:

A book: Kirsch, I. (2010). The Emperors New Drug: Exploring the Antidepressant Myth(101-149) New York: Persus Book Group.

A journal Article:

Kirsch I, Deacon BJ, Huedo-Medina TB, Scoboria A, Moore TJ, et al. (2008) Initial Severity and Antidepressant Benefits: A Meta-Analysis of Data Submitted to the Food and Drug Administration. PLOS Medicine

A book:

Lynn, Steven J., and Irving Kirsch. (2006) "Essentials of Clinical Hypnosis: An Evidence-based Approach. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association".

Irving Kirsch Article Outline Jasmine Smith

Additional References:

Kirsch, Irving, and Guy Sapirstein. (1998)."Listening to Prozac but Hearing Placebo: A

         Meta-analysis of Antidepressant Medication." Prevention & Treatment. Retrieved 
         from <      

Kirsch, Irving. (1995). "Hypnosis as an Adjunct to Cognitive-behavioral Therapy: A Meta

         Analysis." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 63, 2,  214-20.    

Bird, Darren. (2012). "Prof. Irving Kirsch." University of Hull. Retrieved from <http://>.

Kirsch, I. (2010). The Emperors New Drug: Exploring the Antidepressant

        Myth(101-149) New York: Persus Book Group.

Kirsch I, Deacon BJ, Huedo-Medina TB, Scoboria A, Moore TJ, et al. (2008) Initial

       Severity and Antidepressant Benefits: A Meta-Analysis of Data Submitted to the     
       Food and Drug Administration. PLOS Medicine

Lynn, Steven J., and Irving Kirsch. (2006) "Essentials of Clinical Hypnosis: An Evidence-

        based Approach". Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Irving, Kirsch. (2008). "Challenging Received Wisdom: Antidepressants and the Placebo

        Effect." McGill Journal of Science,11, 2, 219-22.Retrieved from <http://> 

Outline Header- Irving Kirsch

Biography upbringing education

Footnotes: Much of the footnotes are irrelevant to the article- take them out Remove some external links that do not contribute to the article Add footnotes for the reader to click this link to read more about the topic

Header- Theory and Research Smaller headings: Research on Antidepressants Add footnotes that will bring the reader to the specific and relevant references Research on Hypnosis Add this category Create footnotes for this section to back up the information being shared Response Expectancy Theory Add more in depth explanations of the theory Create footnotes that will back up this information Add references

Large Heading- Selected Bibliography Add in additional references

Large Heading- External Links Add all of the additional external links from throughout the article to this list and allow for the footnotes to take the reader to this list Check all of these links and make sure they are reliable and relevant to the article References: (Kirsch,2010), (Kirsch,1995), (Kirsch,1998), (Lynn,2006), (Kirsch, 2008)

Large Heading- Criticisms of the theories of Irving Kirsch Add the critiques to the theories of Irving Kirsch Add references to this information and footnotes References: (Kirsch,2008)

Large Heading- List of Writings Add list of books authored by Irving Kirsch and links to the book website or google version of book (if available) Add list of journals authored by Irving Kirsch and links to the journal websites (if available) References: (Bird, 2012)

Large heading- References Make sure all of the references are from reliable sources Add any relevant links for the references