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Jeanne Dietsch: founder Activmedia Robotics, aka MobileRobots Inc, former columnist IEEE Robotics & Automation magazine; worked in the field of mobile robotics since 1995, also ran e-commerce mkt research company; PC industry pundit & mkt research CEO previously with IDG affiliate; former board member IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Industrial Activities Board; spoken at CES, Comdex, Digital Forum, etc. author of many articles on robotics, the economic and social impacts of automation. Since selling MobileRobots, I earned an MPA at Harvard Kennedy School of Government, specializing in Science & Technology Policy.

in 2015 I became a member of various town committees in Peterborough, NH. In the 1990's I served on the Conval School Board and the Peterborough ZBA.

I am also Founder of Sapiens Plurum, advocacy for keeping humans in the driver's seat when cars drive themselves. My current economics blog is Saving Human-Kindness.