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Source Date Link Title
Science Magazine 01/26/2020 [1] Wuhan seafood market may not be source of novel virus spreading globally
Science Magazine 01/30/2020 [2] Mining coronavirus genomes for clues to the outbreak’s origins
Caixin 02/05/2020 [3] 石正丽回应质疑 专家一致认为新冠病毒非人造
Fox News 02/05/2020 [4] Leaked ‘Five Eyes’ dossier on alleged Chinese coronavirus coverup consistent with US findings, officials say
TheStreet 02/16/2020 [5] Was the Coronavirus Outbreak Caused by a Lab Accident?
BBC 02/18/2020 [6] 新冠疫情:武汉已知最早确诊病例为“一名70多岁脑梗患者”
UPI 02/18/2020 [7] WHO confirms experts' presence at coronavirus epicenter in China
Voice of America 02/20/2020 [8] 新冠疫情:武汉已知最早确诊病例为“一名70多岁脑梗患者”
BOAS 03/30/2020 [9] Experts know the new coronavirus is not a bioweapon. They disagree on whether it could have leaked from a research lab.
Washington Post 04/02/2020 [10] How did covid-19 begin? Its initial origin story is shaky.
Al Jazeera 04/08/2020 [11] Coronavirus origin: Few leads, many theories in hunt for source
Vanity Fair 04/10/2020 [12] Inside the Viral Spread of a Coronavirus Origin Theory
Washington Post 04/14/2020 [13] State Department cables warned of safety issues at Wuhan lab studying bat coronaviruses
CNN 04/14/2020 [14] US intel chief says spy agencies still do not know 'where, when or how' Covid-19 was initially transmitted
Columbia Journalism Review 04/15/2020 [15] China, conspiracy theories, and the murky coronavirus origin story
CNN 04/16/2020 [16] US explores possibility that coronavirus spread started in Chinese lab, not a market
National Post 04/16/2020 [17] The Wuhan disease lab is the focus of suspicion and conspiracy theories about COVID-19's origins
The Hill 04/17/2020 [18] Pentagon addresses theory coronavirus escaped from Wuhan lab as U.S. officials investigate
France24 04/17/2020 [19] The Wuhan lab at the core of a virus controversy
Le Point 04/18/2020 [20] Origine du coronavirus : « L'infection d'un employé de laboratoire de Wuhan est plus probable »
Japan Times 04/18/2020 [21] The Wuhan lab at the center of the coronavirus controversy
Bluewin 04/18/2020 [22] Wuhan-Institut für Virologie: Der Ursprungsort des Coronavirus?
Live Science 04/18/2020 [23] Wuhan lab says there's no way coronavirus originated there. Here's the science.
Tages Schau 04/19/2020 [24] Labor in Wuhan wehrt sich gegen Vorwürfe
Fox News 04/19/2020 [25] US conducting full-scale probe into whether virus escaped from Wuhan lab
Deutsche Welle 04/20/2020 [26] China weist Vorwürfe mangelnder Transparenz zurück
Economist 04/20/2020 [27] The pieces of the puzzle of covid-19’s origin are coming to light
Voice of America 04/21/2020 [28] Chinese Lab with Checkered Safety Record Draws Scrutiny over COVID-19
Washington Post 04/23/2020 [29] The world will demand answers on covid-19 until China explains what happened
Washington Post 04/23/2020 [30] The coronavirus crisis shows the risks of scientific collaboration with China
CNN 04/27/2020 [31] The virus hunters who search bat caves to predict the next pandemic
BBC 04/28/2020 [32] 肺炎疫情:武汉实验室再成焦点,安全性和透明度不足引发的猜测
The Hill 04/30/2020 [33] Dozens of scientists call for deeper investigation into origins of COVID-19, including the lab theory
Wall Street Journal 04/30/2020 [34] In Rare Move, U.S. Intelligence Agencies Confirm Investigating if Coronavirus Emerged From Lab Accident
Washington Post 05/01/2020 [35] Was the new coronavirus accidentally released from a Wuhan lab? It’s doubtful.
BBC 05/01/2020 [36] Coronavirus: Is there any evidence for lab release theory?
NBC News 05/04/2020 [37] Did the coronavirus really escape from a Chinese lab? Here's what we know
Daily Telegraph 05/04/2020 [38] Coronavirus NSW: Dossier lays out case against China bat virus program
UPI 05/06/2020 [39] Pompeo blames China for lives lost to COVID-19
NBC News 05/09/2020 [40] Report says cellphone data suggests October shutdown at Wuhan lab, but experts are skeptical
The Diplomat 05/13/2020 [41] Why Would the US Have Funded the Controversial Wuhan Lab?
Neue Zürcher Zeitung 05/13/2020 [42] Die Welt hat das Recht zu wissen, was genau in Wuhan mit Sars-CoV-2 passiert ist – doch China blockt. Warum nur?
Forbes 05/14/2020 [43] China Lab In Focus Of Coronavirus Outbreak
Mother Jones 05/14/2020 [44] The Non-Paranoid Person’s Guide to Viruses Escaping From Labs
BOAS 05/15/2020 [45] Let evidence, not talk radio, determine whether the outbreak started in a lab
TRT World 05/16/2020 [46] Wuhan Lab - DEEP ANALYSIS with leading arms control expert Milton Leitenberg
The Intercept 05/19/2020 [47] In its zeal to blame china for coronavirus, the trump administration is thwarting investigations into the pandemic’s origins
Kurier 05/24/2020 [48] Coronavirus - Labor in Wuhan weist Verantwortung für Ausbruch zurück
Nine News 05/25/2020 [49] Nikolai Petrovsky: Coronavirus could be 'lab-grown'
SkyNews 05/31/2020 [50] SPECIAL REPORT: How China covered up the coronavirus crisis
Mediapart 05/31/2020 [51] The strange saga of how France helped build Wuhan's top-security virus lab
Wall Street Journal 05/29/2020 [52] So Where Did the Virus Come From?
New York Times 06/01/2020 [53] U.S. and Chinese Scientists Trace Evolution of Coronaviruses in Bats
Scientific American 06/01/2020 [54] How China’s ‘Bat Woman’ Hunted Down Viruses from SARS to the New Coronavirus
The Daily Telegraph 06/02/2020 [55] Was Covid-19 created in a lab? China has some urgent questions to answer
The Daily Telegraph 06/03/2020 [56] Exclusive: Coronavirus began 'as an accident' in Chinese lab, says former MI6 boss
BOAS 06/04/2020 [57] Did the SARS-CoV-2 virus arise from a bat coronavirus research program in a Chinese laboratory? Very possibly.
Nature Magazine 06/05/2020 [58] The biggest mystery: what it will take to trace the coronavirus source
Minerva 07/02/2020 [59] The most logical explanation is that it comes from a laboratory
The Times 07/04/2020 [60] Revealed: Seven year coronavirus trail from mine deaths to a Wuhan lab
The Independent 07/05/2020 [61] Questions raised over whether virus sample in Wuhan lab could cause Covid-19
Bloomberg 07/05/2020 [62] Covid-Like Virus Was Sent to Wuhan in 2013, Sunday Times Says
New York Times 07/08/2020 [63] 8 Questions From a Disease Detective on the Pandemic’s Origins
Science Magazine 07/10/2020 [64] A WHO-led mission may investigate the pandemic’s origin. Here are the key questions to ask
Science Magazine 07/31/2020 [65] Wuhan coronavirus hunter Shi Zhengli speaks out
Wall Street Journal 08/19/2020 [66] NIH Presses U.S. Nonprofit for Information on Wuhan Virology Lab
NBC News 08/10/2020 [67] Inside the Chinese lab central to the search for the coronavirus' origin
United States National Library of Medicine 08/12/2020 [68] Might SARS‐CoV‐2 Have Arisen via Serial Passage through an Animal Host or Cell Culture?., A potential explanation for much of the novel coronavirus’ distinctive genome. Karl Sirotkincorresponding and Dan Sirotkin
ProPublica 08/17/2020 [69] Near Misses at UNC Chapel Hill’s High-Security Lab Illustrate Risk of Accidents With Coronaviruses
Boston Magazine 09/09/2020 [70] Could COVID-19 Have Escaped from a Lab?
News Medical 09/10/2020 [71] Scientists claim serious data discrepancies in RaTG13 sequence
Minerva 09/10/2020 [72] Contradicting statements cast doubts on Chinese raw data
CNRS 09/11/2020 [73] “The origin of SARS-CoV-2 is being seriously questioned”
RAI 09/14/2020 [74] SARS COV2 – Identikit di un killer
Washington Post 09/14/2020 [75] The coronavirus’s origins are still a mystery. We need a full investigation.
Huffington Post 09/14/2020 [76] È possibile creare un virus in laboratorio senza lasciare traccia? La risposta dell'esperto
The Daily Telegraph 09/15/2020 [77] Scientists to examine possibility Covid leaked from lab as part of investigation into virus origins
GenenNews 09/21/2020 [78] Controversy Aside, Why the Source of COVID-19 Matters
PNAS 11/03/2020 [79] Opinion: To stop the next pandemic, we need to unravel the origins of COVID-19
BBC 11/21/2020 [80] Covid: Wuhan scientist would 'welcome' visit probing lab leak theory
Bloomberg 11/21/2020 [81] China’s ‘Bat Woman’ Has New Evidence Her Lab Isn’t Virus Source
Sky News 11/22/2020 [82] Released emails reveal 'no truth or transparency' in letter regarding origin of COVID-19
Connexion 11/24/2020 [83] Three theories on Covid-19 origins and its link with Lyon
Nature Magazine 12/02/2020 [84] Meet the scientists investigating the origins of the COVID pandemic
The Asahi Shimbun 12/07/2020 [85] ウイルス潜む山「あそこへは行くな」 中国・雲南、コロナの起源探る
Yahoo News 12/16/2020 [86] Coronavirus Leaked Accidentally From a Lab in August or September 2019, Claims Norwegian Virologist
Le Monde 12/22/2020 [87] Les silences de la Chine, un virus repéré dès 2013, la fausse piste du pangolin... Enquête sur les origines du SARS-CoV-2
US Right to Know 12/29/2020 [88] Altered datasets raise more questions about reliability of key studies on coronavirus origins
Bloomberg 12/30/2020 [89] China Is Making It Harder to Solve the Mystery of How Covid Began
Associated Press 12/30/2020 [90] China clamps down in hidden hunt for coronavirus origins
The Times 12/31/2020 [91] How did Covid-19 start? Hunt for patient zero has become caught in a clash of great powers
Humanite 01/03/2021 [92] Enquête aux origines de la transmission du Covid-19 aux humains
The Times 01/04/2021 [93] Biological weapons lab leaked coronavirus, claims US official
Fox News 01/04/2021 [94] Growing body of evidence' that COVID-19 leak from Chinese lab a 'credible possibility,' Trump official claims
New York Magazine 01/04/2021 [95] The Lab-Leak Hypothesis
CBS News 01/04/2021 [96] Questions about the origins of the coronavirus in China
InfectionControlToday 01/05/2021 [97] Idea That COVID-19 Began as a Lab Leak Spreads
Moustique 01/06/2021 [98] À Wuhan, la délicate traque des origines du virus
Japan Times 01/10/2021 [99] A year after first death in China, coronavirus source still a puzzle
Bloomberg 01/12/2021 [100] Virus Researchers Still Can't Rule Out Lab Accident
The Australian 01/13/2021 [101] WHO in probe of Wuhan coronavirus lab
Science Magazine 01/13/2021 [102] After aborted attempt, sensitive WHO mission to study pandemic origins is on its way to China
Nature Magazine 01/13/2021 [103] On the origins of SARS-CoV-2
The Daily Telegraph 01/13/2021 [104] US report into Covid origins expected to say Chinese army grew 'dangerous coronaviruses' in Wuhan
Financial Times 01/14/2021 [105] Wuhan is at the heart of a battle over the roots of coronavirus
Wall Street Journal 01/15/2021 [106] The World Needs a Real Investigation Into the Origins of Covid-19
OTS 01/15/2021 [107] TIROLER TAGESZEITUNG, Leitartikel: "Das Virus, China und das große Mauern", von Christian Jentsch
Japan Times 01/16/2021 [108] U.S. steps up claims COVID-19 may have escaped from Chinese lab
The Daily Telegraph 01/16/2021 [109] Wuhan lab staff were first victims of coronavirus, says US
Spectator 01/16/2021 [110] Francois Balloux: 'Proper investigation' into Covid's origins is needed
Sky News 01/18/2021 [111] COVID-19: US intelligence claims Wuhan lab researchers had coronavirus symptoms before first reported cases
Bloomberg 01/18/2021 [112] China Slams U.S. Covid Lab Claims as ‘Conspiracy Theories’
The Independent 01/18/2021 [113] US claims Wuhan lab staff had Covid symptoms earlier than first confirmed cases
Wired 01/19/2021 [114] If Covid-19 Did Start With a Lab Leak, Would We Ever Know?
Reuters 01/19/2021 [115] Factbox: The origins of COVID-19
New York Times 01/20/2021 [116] The World Deserves Answers From China
CNET 01/20/2021 [117] The lab leak theory and the twisted, messy hunt for COVID-19's origin
Taiwan News 01/22/2021 [118] Wuhan lab scientist published paper on lab leak caused by rats
BBC 01/23/2021 [119] Wuhan marks its anniversary with triumph and denial
Sputnik News 01/27/2021 [120] Chauve-souris? Pangolin? Le monde scientifique étudie toujours les origines du Covid-19
Forbes 01/27/2021 [121] IARPA’s Bioweapon Detection Tools Have Difficulty Finding What They’re Not Looking For
Le Temps 01/27/2021 [122] Un an après, les dix énigmes du covid demeurent
Bloomberg 01/27/2021 [123] China Should Let Covid-19 Investigators Do Their Work
Radio RST 01/28/2021 [124] Heikle Suche nach Ursprung des Coronavirus beginnt
HBO 01/30/2021 [125] Heather Heying & Bret Weinstein: The Lab Hypothesis
The Daily Telegraph 01/30/2021 [126] Nikolai Petrovsky: Coronavirus could be 'lab-grown'
Straits Times 02/02/2021 [128] WHO slams critics of Covid-19 origins probe in Wuhan
Guardian 02/03/2021 [129] WHO investigators visit Wuhan lab at heart of China Covid-19 conspiracy claims
Reuters 02/03/2021 [130] WHO-led COVID-19 probe team in China visits Wuhan virus lab
Financial Times 02/03/2021 [131] WHO investigators probe Wuhan virology lab
France24 02/03/2021 [132] Q&A: The Wuhan lab at the heart of the leak theory
Sky News 02/03/2021 [133] COVID-19: WHO team in Wuhan sees data 'no one has seen before' - and does not rule out coronavirus escaped from a lab
The Hill 02/03/2021 [134] WHO investigators visit virus lab in Wuhan
Al Jazeera 02/03/2021 [135] WHO-led COVID-19 probe team in China visits Wuhan virus lab
Reuters 02/03/2021 [136] WHO team probing COVID-19 visits Wuhan lab, meets 'Bat Woman'
The Independent 02/03/2021 [137] WHO team visits Wuhan lab at centre of virus ‘leak’ theories
CNN 02/03/2021 [138] Hear from WHO investigator looking for source of Covid-19 in Wuhan
Sky News 02/04/2021 [139] COVID-19: Wuhan lab denies it leaked coronavirus as WHO team probes virus origin
Taiwan News 02/04/2021 [140] WHO inspector has conflict of interest in Wuhan COVID probe: Prominent biologist
National Post 02/04/2021 [141] Why it's not impossible that COVID-19 escaped from a lab in Wuhan
Washington Post 02/06/2021 [142] China is sitting on the answers to the pandemic's origins
Telegraph 02/06/2021 [143] Did the Covid-19 virus really escape from a Wuhan lab?
France24 02/09/2021 [144] US backs Covid probe, distances itself from Wuhan lab theory
The Australian 02/11/2021 [145] No evidence: epidemiologist questions WHO ruling out Wuhan lab as likely source of pandemic
BOAS 02/11/2021 [146] WHO: COVID-19 didn’t leak from a lab. Also WHO: Maybe it did
New York Times 02/12/2021 [147] On W.H.O. Trip, China Refused to Hand Over Important Data
The Hill 02/13/2021 [148] Biden team calls on China to provide all data on COVID-19 outbreak
Washington Post 02/13/2021 [149] The WHO investigation into the coronavirus origin must be free of China’s meddling
Bloomberg 02/14/2021 [150] UK Backs Biden Over Call for China to Release Covid Data
Science Magazine 02/14/2021 [151] ‘Politics was always in the room.’ WHO mission chief reflects on China trip seeking COVID-19’s origin
The Independent 02/14/2021 [152] WHO scientist does not rule out Wuhan lab leak as Covid origin
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 02/14/2021 [153] Die Daten der ersten Tage aus Wuhan
The Australian 02/15/2021 [154] WHO runs cover for China’s deadly Covid deceptions
Wall Street Journal 02/15/2021 [155] Who Are the Covid Investigators?
NBC News 02/15/2021 [156] Trump's gone, but China, U.S. still at odds over WHO Covid report
NBC News 02/17/2021 [157] U.S. still hasn't ruled out lab accident origin for Covid because China hasn't been transparent
CNBC 02/17/2021 [158] Calls for global ‘pandemic treaty’ grow as anxiety swells over Covid origins
Le Point 02/17/2021 [159] Covid : « La thèse du laboratoire de Wuhan n’est pas une théorie du complot »
Fox News 02/18/2021 [160] WHO official says Wuhan COVID lab-escape theory a 'hypothesis,' as UK prime minister demands answers
Cuatro 02/18/2021 [161] El asesor de Biden en la OMS, en 'Horizonte': "Disminuye la opción de que el covid sea de origen natural"
Tablet Magazine 02/18/2021 [162] A Plague on Both Our Houses
n-tv 02/19/2021 [163] "Ich kann die Kritik nicht nachvollziehen"
T-online 02/20/2021 [164] "Der Physikprofessor, Wuhan und die Biowaffen"
Washington Post 02/22/2021 [165] The U.S. should reveal its intelligence about the Wuhan laboratory
Wall Street Journal 02/23/2021 [166] China’s Reckless Labs Put the World at Risk
Taiwan News 02/23/2021 [167] German scientist says 99.9% chance coronavirus leaked from Wuhan lab
Townhall 02/23/2021 [168] Why 28 Republicans Are Calling for an Investigation Into the National Institutes of Health
Neue Zürcher Zeitung 02/24/2021 [169] «Nirgends war die Ablehnung so wüst wie in Deutschland»: Roland Wiesendanger verteidigt seine umstrittene Corona-Studie
Financial Times 03/01/2021 [170] WHO investigators deeply sceptical of China’s Covid origin theory
Wall Street Journal 03/04/2021 [171] WHO Investigators to Scrap Interim Report on Probe of Covid-19 Origins, Amid U.S.-China Tensions
New York Times 03/04/2021 [172] Some Scientists Question W.H.O. Inquiry Into the Coronavirus Pandemic’s Origins
Le Monde 03/04/2021 [173] Relevant les failles de la mission de l’OMS à Wuhan, des scientifiques appellent à une enquête indépendante sur les origines du Covid-19
Bloomberg 03/04/2021 [174] Where Are We in Finding the Coronavirus’s Origin?
Nature Magazine 03/05/2021 [175] Coronapod: COVID's origins and the 'lab leak' theory
Public Health on Call 03/05/2021 [176] How did the COVID-19 pandemic begin?
Bloomberg 03/05/2021 [177] China Seeks to Beef Up Biosecurity Labs Amid Virus Origin Spat
Washington Post 03/06/2021 [178] The WHO needs to start over in investigating the origins of the coronavirus
Financial Times 03/06/2021 [179] Laboratory viruses pose ‘existential threat’, warns bioweapons expert
Reason Magazine 03/07/2021 [180] Researchers Call for 'Full and Unrestricted' Investigation Into COVID-19 Origins
Wall Street Journal 03/07/2021 [181] Where Are We in Finding the Coronavirus’s Origin?
Politico 03/08/2021 [182] In 2018, Diplomats Warned of Risky Coronavirus Experiments in a Wuhan Lab. No One Listened.
Bloomberg Radio 03/08/2021 [183] Metzl Calling for Full Covid-19 Origin Investigation
South China Morning Post 03/08/2021 [184] WHO readies Covid-19 origins report as demands grow for more transparency on China investigation
The Hill 03/08/2021 [185] WHO still hasn't definitively ruled against theory that coronavirus escaped from Wuhan lab
Wall Street Journal 03/09/2021 [186] Wuhan Lab Theory a Dark Cloud on China
Washington Post 03/09/2021 [187] The Biden administration confirms some but not all of Trump’s Wuhan lab claims
Philadelphia Inquirer 03/10/2021 [188] The pandemic’s origins could be known in a few years, an expert says
Washington Post 03/11/2021 [189] The world still hasn’t figured out how to regulate research into deadly viruses
NBC News 03/11/2021 [190] WHO team scientist: Wuhan lab workers fell sick in 2019
L'Echo 03/11/2021 [191] Origines du Covid-19: 26 scientifiques appellent à une enquête "complète et sans restriction"
National Post 03/11/2021 [192] One year in, there's still no definitive evidence COVID-19 wasn’t a 'lab leak'
Huffington Post 03/11/2021 [193] "Envoyé spécial": la thèse du coronavirus échappé d'un labo doit-elle être prise au sérieux ?
France Info (TV channel) 03/11/2021 [194] VIDEO. Covid-19 : enquête sur le mystère des origines d'une pandémie mondiale
BOAS 03/12/2021 [195] Could the bioweapons treaty be another tool for addressing pandemics?
The Daily Telegraph 03/15/2021 [196] The World Health Organisation's appeasement of China has made another pandemic more likely
France24 03/15/2021 [197] World awaits China Covid origins report
Nine Network 03/15/2021 [198] Under Investigation: Where did the deadly COVID-19 virus come from?
MSNBC 03/16/2021 [199] WHO report on Covid-19 origins expected within weeks
Foreign Affairs 03/16/2021 [200] Pathogens Have the World’s Attention
Wall Street Journal 03/17/2021 [201] How the WHO’s Hunt for Covid’s Origins Stumbled in China
CBS News 03/17/2021 [202] Geopolitical expert calls for transparency from China on COVID-19 origins 03/18/2021 [203] The origins of Covid-19: Bats, lab leak or frozen food?
MIT Technology Review 03/18/2021 [204] Did the coronavirus leak from a lab? These scientists say we shouldn’t rule it out
Undark Magazine 03/18/2021 [205] Bats, Panthers, and the Utterly Plausible Lab-Leak Hypothesis
The Advertiser 03/19/2021 [206] WHO’s COVID-19 probe ‘designed to bolster China’s narrative’, conclusion reached via ‘show of hands’
New York Times 01/20/2021 [207] The World Deserves Answers From China
Sky News Australia 03/21/2021 [208] Wuhan Institute of Virology 'highly probably' the source of COVID-19
The Independent 03/22/2021 [209] WHO admits Covid origin report ‘faces pressures’
South China Morning Post 03/22/2021 [210] Jitters in China as WHO counts down to Covid-19 origins report release?
Voice of America 03/22/2021 [211] Scientists Chasing Origins of COVID-19 Add Southeast Asia to Search
The Australian 03/23/2021 [212] China Covid researchers 'in first cluster'
Reuters 03/24/2021 [213] U.S. says hopes WHO report on virus origins is 'based on science'
Quartz 03/25/2021 [214] Where Covid-19 came from is as much a political question as a scientific one
Wall Street Journal 03/25/2021 [215] Ask WSJ: How Beijing Resisted and Delayed Probe into Covid-19 Origins
BOAS 03/26/2021 [216] Did former CDC director offer a ham sandwich theory of COVID-19? Maybe. Maybe not.
CNN 03/26/2021 [217] Former CDC director believes virus came from lab in China
Bloomberg 03/26/2021 [218] Former CDC Chief Says He Thinks Virus Came From Wuhan Lab
ABC News 03/26/2021 [219] China outlines COVID-origin findings, ahead of WHO report
Zetland 03/26/2021 [220] Slap corona ud fra et laboratorium?Det er for tidligt at afvise tidens mest kontroversielle teori
The Daily Telegraph 03/26/2021 [221] Former CDC director suggests Covid-19 "escaped" from Wuhan lab
Forbes 03/26/2021 [222] Former Trump CDC Director Says He Believes—Without Evidence—Covid-19 Originated Inside A Lab In Wuhan
CounterPunch 03/26/2021 [223] How Anthony Fauci "Systematically Thwarted" the Pause in US Gain-of-Function Research: an Interview with Dr. Richard H. Ebright
South China Morning Post 03/26/2021 [224] Could the coronavirus have come from a lab? The theory was too quickly ruled out, scientists say
MIT Technology Review 03/26/2021 [225] No one can find the animal that gave people covid-19
CBS News 03/28/2021 [226] Scott Gottlieb discusses coronavirus on "Face the Nation"
CBS News 03/28/2021 [227] What happened in Wuhan? Why questions still linger on the origin of the coronavirus
Wall Street Journal 03/29/2021 [228] WHO Report Into Covid-19 Origins Leaves Key Questions Unanswered
The Times 03/29/2021 [229] Coronavirus came from bats not lab, leaked WHO report suggests
Financial Times 03/29/2021 [230] Lab leak ‘unlikely’ to have caused Covid-19 pandemic, says WHO report
Associated Press 03/29/2021 [231] WHO report: COVID likely 1st jumped into humans from animals
CNN 03/29/2021 [232] Upcoming WHO report will deem Covid-19 lab leak extremely unlikely, source says
PBS 03/29/2021 [233] WHO report says COVID originated in bats, but critics claim the study was biased
Reason Magazine 03/30/2021 [234] WHO Chief Questions His Own Agency's Report on the Origins of COVID-19
Washington Post 03/30/2021 [235] The WHO covid report is fatally flawed, and a real investigation has yet to take place
CNN 03/30/2021 [236] Coronavirus likely spread to people from an animal -- but needs more study, new WHO report says
Washington Post 03/30/2021 [237] WHO report leaves unsettled ‘lab-leak’ theory on origins of covid pandemic
NBC News 03/30/2021 [238] WHO report on coronavirus origins 'only scratched the surface,' scientists say
Al Jazeera 03/30/2021 [239] Fourteen countries raise concern over WHO report on COVID origin
Nature 03/30/2021 [240] WHO report into COVID pandemic origins zeroes in on animal markets, not labs
Bloomberg 03/30/2021 [241] WHO Chief Faults Covid Report for Dismissing Lab Leak Theory
New Republic 03/30/2021 [242] Why We’re Obsessed Once Again With Covid-19’s Origin Story
The Guardian 03/30/2021 [243] UK and US criticise WHO's Covid report and accuse China of withholding data
The Guardian 03/30/2021 [244] Covid origins report leader says team faced difficulties accessing data – video
USA Today 03/30/2021 [245] Five takeaways from the WHO's report on the origins of the pandemic
Bloomberg 03/30/2021 [246] White House Criticizes WHO Virus Report for Lack of Data, Access
WBUR-FM 03/30/2021 [247] Solving The Mystery Of The Pandemic's Origin Story
Yahoo News 03/30/2021 [248] The WHO's leader said its investigation into whether the coronavirus leaked from a Wuhan lab was not 'extensive enough'
Sky News 03/30/2021 [249] COVID-19: Lab leak origin "unlikely"
Science Magazine 03/30/2021 [250] "Compromise" WHO report resolves little on pandemic’s origins, but details probe’s next steps
Fox News 03/30/2021 [251] Tucker Carlson: Why the media, scientific community and WHO won't investigate COVID origins
Buzzfeed News 03/30/2021 [252] The WHO Report On COVID-19's Origins Shows We May Never Know Where The Coronavirus Came From
Washington Post 03/30/2021 [253] WHO chief, U.S. and other world leaders criticize China for limiting access of team researching coronavirus origins
Washington Post 03/30/2021 [254] Where did the pandemic begin? China holds the key.
Cnet 03/30/2021 [255] WHO-China study offers no definitive answers on coronavirus origins
BOAS 03/30/2021 [256] WHO’s “exciting adventure” to find the origins of COVID-19 runs into trouble
Wall Street Journal 03/31/2021 [257] Wuhan Whitewash
Le Monde 03/31/2021 [258] Covid-19 : la Chine accusée d’avoir entravé la mission de l’OMS à Wuhan
BBC 03/31/2021 [259] Coronavirus: More work needed to rule out China lab leak theory says WHO
CNN 03/31/2021 [260] Lab leak Covid-19 theory is like something out of a comic book, virologist says
Reuters 03/31/2021 [261] Data withheld from WHO team probing COVID-19 origins in China - Tedros
Yahoo News 03/31/2021 [262] WHO's 'not credible' coronavirus report angers scientists and politicians alike
France24 03/31/2021 [263] China under pressure after WHO chief revives lab leak theory
NPR 03/31/2021 [264] Theory That COVID Came From A Chinese Lab Takes On New Life In Wake Of WHO Report
The Age 03/31/2021 [265] Australia, US express ‘shared concerns’ about WHO coronavirus origins report
The Conversation 03/31/2021 [266] The WHO report into the origin of the coronavirus is out. Here’s what happens next, says the Australian doctor who went to China
Financial Times 03/31/2021 [267] China rejects WHO criticism and says Covid lab-leak theory ‘ruled out’
Foreign Affairs 03/31/2021 [268] What the WHO Investigation Reveals About the Origins of COVID-19
Washington Post 04/02/2021 [269] What if the former CDC director is right about the Wuhan labs?
Times of India 04/02/2021 [270] India backs WHO chief's call for further probe into Covid lab leak
National Geographic 04/02/2021 [271] We still don’t know the origins of the coronavirus. Here are 4 scenarios.
The Hill 04/02/2021 [272] Biologist Bret Weinstein says COVID-19 likely came from a lab
Economist 04/03/2021 [273] A joint WHO-China study of covid-19’s origins leaves much unclear 04/03/2021 [274] Qual è la vera origine di Sars-Cov-2? Fatti e polemiche (su Lancet)
Sky News Australia 04/04/2021 [275] "Overwhelming circumstantial evidence" points to COVID-19 lab leak
Spectator Australia 04/02/2021 [276] The World Health Organisation must clean up its act
Libertad Digital 04/04/2021 [277] Covid. ¿Nació en un laboratorio?
Washington Examiner 04/05/2021 [278] US condemns China for 'false, baseless, and unscientific claims' about COVID-19
Foreign Policy 04/05/2021 [279] The World Needs a Post-Pandemic Health Treaty With Teeth
Forbes 04/05/2021 [280] Did Covid-19 Come From A Lab? Most Likely Not, But The Jury’s Still Out
New York Times 04/07/2021 [281] With Virus Origins Still Obscure, W.H.O. and Critics Look to Next Steps
New York Times 04/07/2021 [282] Calls for Further Inquiries Into Coronavirus Origins
Reuters 04/07/2021 [283] Scientists call for new probe into COVID-19 origins: with or without China
The Hill 04/09/2021 [284] Rising With The Hill's Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti
South China Morning Post 04/10/2021 [285] Coronavirus origins: how unseen Wuhan research notes could hold the answers – and why lab-leak rumours refuse to die
Ynet 04/10/2021 [286] "רוב הסיכויים שמקור הנגיף הוא בתאונת מעבדה בווהאן"
KABC-TV 04/10/2021 [287] COVID-19 origins: What to know about the search for the start of the virus
Reuters 04/11/2021 [288] Top U.S. diplomat criticizes China, says 'need to get to the bottom' of COVID-19 origin
Times of India 04/11/2021 [289] Why these scientists insist the virus came from a Chinese lab
New York Times 04/11/2021 [290] U.S. secretary of state calls for more thorough investigation of Covid origins in China.
South China Morning Post 04/12/2021 [291] Coronavirus: US diplomat Anthony Blinken criticises China, insists on ‘need to get to the bottom’ of pandemic origin
Minerva 04/12/2021 [292] Lab origin is no longer a conspiracy theory
The Australian 10/12/2021 [293] Bats, pangolins, wet market, lab? The mystery deepens
Slate 04/13/2021 [294] A Different Theory of COVID-19’s Origin
Unherd 04/13/2021 [295] The Covid dissidents taking on China
iPolitics 04/13/2021 [296] China had too much control to make WHO’s COVID report credible
NBC News 04/14/2021 [297] Covid-19's origins remain unknown. Holding China and the WHO accountable is necessary.
Economist 04/14/2021 [298] Origin story — where did SARS-CoV-2 come from? 04/14/2021 [299] Harvard/MIT Researcher: Covid Definitely Could Have Leaked From A Lab
Des Moines Register 04/15/2021 [300] Opinion: Why we need to know the origin of COVID-19
Cnet 04/15/2021 [301] How the coronavirus origin story is being rewritten by a guerrilla Twitter group
Neue Zürcher Zeitung 04/16/2021 [302] Oder war es vielleicht doch ein Laborunfall? Das Rätsel um den Ausbruch der Corona-Pandemie
The Australian 04/20/2021 [303] Scientists ask for Wuhan Covid-19 records
South China Morning Post 04/21/2021 [304] Coronavirus: Chinese expert rails against WHO chief and Wuhan lab leak theory
The Hill 04/22/2021 [305] Why fully investigating COVID-19's origins still matters
Voice of America 04/22/2021 [306] Beijing Urges WHO Leader Not to Pursue 'Lab Leak' Theory
Politico 04/27/2021 [307] China, Russia resist increased scrutiny of pandemic response
Wall Street Journal 04/27/2021 [308] U.S. Aims to Shape New Phase of WHO-Led Probe Into Origin of Covid-19
Washington Post 04/30/2021 [309] How did the pandemic begin? It’s time for a new WHO investigation.
Le Monde 04/30/2021 [310] Origines du SARS-CoV-2 : des scientifiques enjoignent à l’OMS d’éclaircir les zones d’ombre
Bloomberg 04/30/2021 [311] WHO Should Look Beyond Animals on Covid Origin, Scientists Say
Bloomberg 04/31/2021 [312] WHO Origin Hunters Push Back as Report Assailed On All Sides
ABC News 05/03/2021 [313] EXCLUSIVE: Classified study found COVID-19 could have originated in Chinese lab
Japan Forward 05/05/2021 [314] What Did China Make in the Wuhan Lab?
Washington Post 05/06/2021 [315] Congress is finally investigating the lab accident covid-19 origin theory
Wall Street Journal 05/07/2021 [316] China, Fauci and the Origins of Covid
Forbes 05/11/2021 [317] Fauci And Sen. Rand Paul Spar Over Wuhan Lab Research And Covid-19 Origin
Sveriges Radio 05/11/2021 [318] Labbskapade virus väcker nytt liv i debatt
Fox News 05/11/2021 [319] Tucker Carlson: Anthony Fauci let the coronavirus pandemic happen, why isn't there a criminal investigation?
Reason 05/12/2021 [320] Did COVID-19 Leak from a Wuhan Lab?
MIT Technology Review 05/13/2021 [321] Top researchers are calling for a real investigation into the origin of covid-19
The Week 05/13/2021 [322] The Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis deserves relentless investigating
Reason Magazine 05/13/2021 [323] Is This a COVID-19 "Smoking Gun", or Is it a Damp Squib?
New York Times 05/13/2021 [324] Another Group of Scientists Calls for Further Inquiry Into Origins of the Coronavirus
Reason Magazine 05/13/2021 [325] Scientists Urge Investigation of Theory COVID-19 Escaped from a Lab In Wuhan
NBC News 05/11/2021 [326] Dr. Fauci clashes with Sen. Paul over Wuhan lab, gain-of-function research
C-Span 05/11/2021 [327] Senator Paul and Dr. Fauci Clash Over Research Funding of Wuhan Lab
Cnet 05/13/2021 [328] Leading coronavirus researchers call for 'proper investigation' into COVID-19 origins
The Hill 05/13/2021 [329] Fauci on Rand Paul: 'I just don't understand what the problem is with him'
Los Angeles Times 05/13/2021 [330] Did the coronavirus escape from a lab? The idea deserves a second look, scientists say
Sydney Morning Herald 05/13/2021 [331] Going viral: How a book on Amazon inspired the latest COVID conspiracy
Seattle Times 05/13/2021 [332] Lab accident or jump from animals? Hutch virus expert calls for a new probe of COVID-19’s origins
El Pais 05/13/2021 [333] Un grupo de destacados científicos pide “una auténtica investigación” del origen de la pandemia
Science Magazine 05/14/2021 [334] Wuhan lab Covid escape ‘can’t be ruled out’
The Times 05/14/2021 [335] Wuhan lab Covid escape ‘can’t be ruled out’
Financial Times 05/14/2021 [336] Scientists demand fresh investigation into coronavirus lab-leak theory
Reuters 05/14/2021 [337] COVID-19 lab leak theory cannot be ruled out, leading scientists say
South China Morning Post 05/14/2021 [338] Coronavirus: new call for fresh look at natural and lab origin theories
New York Magazine 05/14/2021 [339] The COVID Lab-Leak Hypothesis Just Got a Big Credibility Boost
Axios 05/15/2021 [340] The COVID lab-leak theory goes mainstream