User:Geo Swan/Guantanamo/Rough/Guantanamo cuffs

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The rules required all captives to be shackled to the floor. You can see the bolt in the pictures. The rules required all captives to remain cuffed.
I direct your attention to page 3
Detainee: Can I take these cuffs off?
Tribunal President: The cuffs have to stay on.
Detainee: I can't read without my glasses, I need my hand to get the paper. These cuffs are for criminals, and I am not a criminal.
Tribunal President: Unfortunately we have no leeway with that, and you are required to have them on.
I direct your attention to page 64
Detainee: The trouble is with this blue box, and you can see with your own eyes the marks on my skin. If you were ever in my shoes, you would feel the pain I'm feeling, and this is proof that I'm in pain.
At this time, the Tribunal took a brief recess, elected to loosen the Detainee's handcuffs, and quickly reconvened
I direct your attention to page 156
Presiding Officer: You're welcome. For the record make a note that the Detainee, during his statement mentioned that he thanked us for him not being shackled or handcuffed. For the record, note that he is shackled here and handcuffed, but I think he may have been referring to the freedom to speak as he wishes.
I direct your attention to page 167
I would like thank you for the opportunity to present my statements to your panel and to offer my apologies for not being able to attend the ARB personally mat are because I suffer from intense pain In my lower back and I am not able to sit on the chair with my cuff on for a long time. I suffered a great deal while sitting during my last Military Tribunal, which increased the intensity of the back pain and caused numbness in my left foot for months. Therefore I hope that you would accept my excuse.
I direct your attention to page 15
When asked by the Tribunal President if the detainee had any questions concerning the Tribunal process, the Detainee answered:
Please forgive me for asking but I have seen courts all over the world and I have never seen one were there are handcuffs
Tribunal President:
I understand If you have questions about this Tribunal al anytime, please ask.
Is this an American Tribunal or an International Tribunal?
Tribunal President: This is an American Tribunal
This is the first time I have been in front of a Tribunal, maybe you know if you can keep the handcuffs during the Tribunal?
Tribunal President:
This is a military administrative process. Tt is not a civil judge court process.
I asked this question for myself to understand if American courts use handcuffs.
Tribunal President:
This is a military process and procedure that we are following for everyone. That is our system here today.
I direct your attention to page 6
Why am I here handcuffed and Bin Laden is not.
I direct your attention to page 20
If it is possible can you please turn down the air conditioner? How come I am not comfortable sitting right here? It is a little bit chilly and I am still handcuffed. This is too tight on my hands. I cannot be comfortable like this. The handcuffs are cutting into my hands.
I direct your attention to pages 3-4
Tribunal President:
We will have an opportunity to ask you questions after we go through the Unclassified Summary. Ahmad, let me just ask you one question. Are your cuffs on too tight?
Tribunal President:
Let's take a brief recess to allow the guards to come in and loosen the cuffs on him. Personal Representative, please track where we are on the Unclassified Summary.
I direct your attention to page 23
Anyhow, because I have no choice and I am here and I am cuffed, I have to be. Okay, let's discuss the accusations.
I direct your attention to page 22
The cuffs are on my hands and I don't have freedom to move my hands (Detainee dropped his paperwork). That's what you are saying that I should have cuffs on, so I guess I'm going to have to stay with the cuffs on.
I direct your attention to page 1
While the Tribunal President explained the Convening order to the Detainee, the Detainee stated he wanted his hands released.
Tribunal President:
That is not within our power to do that.
There is a difference between the law and being brutal.
Tribunal President:
We are here to only discuss your enemy combatant status and the handcuffs will stay on.
I direct your attention to page 109
I swore and promised I would tell you the truth. If I am not a criminal and I haven't committed any crimes, why are my hands handcuffed?
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Why do you think these people wanted you to come with them?

Like I said before in Afghanistan there are businesses with people trying to fool one person to their personal business. Everyone is just looking to grab someone and take someone. I could've been somewhere else having a good time and relaxing but look at me handcuffed here.

I direct your attention to page 9
America is a great, great country, and Americans are a great people with high respect There we were at war with Russia and our best wishes and best hopes are that someday America would come and help us and build our life in our country. Our life was destroyed by the war and that's all. I wish my wife were here, during my old age. They asked me twice for help, I do not accept anything; that was the only reason to help the people for the security, and this is my reward, I am here. I'm not a Mullah. I'm an educated person. I'm a pharmacist. Now I'm sitting here in front of you, with my hands and feet in cuffs...
I direct your attention to page 46

Is it time for someone to loosen my handcuffs a little bit?

Tribunal President:
We have spoken to the guards, and the handcuffs are per the SOP, so they will remain as they are.
It's OK to be tied up, but they are amazingly tight and making marks on my arm.
Tribunal President:
Try moving them down your wrist a little bit, that would probably help.
It hurts a lot
At this time, the Tribunal President paused the Tribunal briefly to allow the guards to loosen the handcuffs for the Detainee.
I direct your attention to page 132
In your country is it normal, to keep someone for 1 1/2 years just because somebody gave a report against them, without having any evidence? Or, it is just us, the Afghans, that everybody should come and beat us up. From our friends, we have to get punishment from our friends, and from our enemies. Because the bullet, the Russian bullet still exists in my neck. That's a gift from the Russians, and I consider Russia our enemy. These handcuffs and this uniform is a gift from our friends, from you.
I direct your attention to page 158-159
He's still upset with me Sir, forever. He's just mad because he is here. You can ask any detainee here in this camp. They all know in camp 4, camp 3, camp 2, and camp 1. Forever, you can ask any detainee about him and me, about our story on being American spies. They kill us, they can kill us, I swear. This last hour, between the detainees and me, they say that Janko's power is now generally in the U.S. Army. Motherfuckers, I wasn't doing anything, sorry, my language, I cursed. I'm here, why would I be, look, if my father in-law is a general in his army, would I be in this? I'm going to be in shackles and cuffs? Originally, I'm going to be Cuba. They kept telling me, spies, spies, spies. My issues got worse, I had to go to the psych ward, because of that. Because they keep telling me that, I've been in all of the camps, Camp 1, Camp 2, from block to whatever, they used to throw piss and shit on me because they think I'm a spy. They think I'm still spying on them.