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I was always skeptical of Quantum Mechanics -- not least because Albert Einstein made always fun of it. I did not study physics or chemistry (despite the encouragement of my teachers) because I always thought something was definitely wrong with "Modern" physics, but I thought I was not smart enough to blaze a trail where Albert Einstein and dozens of other giants of science had failed.

Fast forward by 45 years: I finally had the opportunity to brush up on my science again. In trying to understand another recent miscarriage of science, I stumbled on Randell Mills who, already in 1989, had a rather nifty theory of what really went on in the Fleischmann-Pons "cold fusion" electro-chemical experiments with hydrated metals in 1988-89--that led to a major science "scandal" and the virtual crucifixion of Profs. Fleischmann and Pons by the Caltec/MIT hot fusion establishment, the American Institute of Physics, and the US Department of Energy--who all feared that Congress could cut their bonanza of hot fusion research money on hearing that a far cheaper alternative appeared possible.

Well, the "Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics" of Randell Mills was just too simple and elegant not to be true. Randell Mills could explain the holy grail of cosmology in one short line of six equations!

Einstein had been searching for this unification of mass, energy, space-time, gravity, electricity and magnetism unsuccessfully all his life. Mills solved it in one short line of six equations with four fundamental constants, all related by Sommerfeld's fine structure constant, alpha = 1/137.035...

Mills' six nifty equations only contain the rest mass of the electron, the speed of light, Planck's constant, Compton's wave length, Sommerfeld's fine structure constant, the elementary charge, the permittivity and magnetic permeability of free space, the gravitational constant, and Mills' fundamental unit of time, sec. Richard Feynman used to exhort his physics students to write 1/137 on a piece of paper and pin it above their desks because it was (until Randell Mills) the greatest mystery of physics.

Randell Mills is a truly lucky fellow: the obstinate academic physics establishment refused to even consider his elegant and predictive theory in a Sicilian mafia-style conspiracy of Quantum Church elders.

Result: Mills was able to file patents for almost any imaginable technological application of his theory "GUTCP". Now that he has achieved a useful technological breakthrough with BrLP's "SunCell" plasma power generator, he is going to make billions, and Nobel Prize winning fools will eventually have to accept GUTCP, and nominate him for Nobel Prizes in both Physics and Chemistry.

Ultimate justice served on a bunch of arrogant academics!