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from New Zealand/ Aotearoa

Haere Mai to my user page. I live in Auckland. I am fascinated with Wikipedia and been on and off this since March 2008. I edit articles and like to create articles as soon as the event occurs. It is my small way of preserving the history of mankind. I am keen to learn about Wikicode and am currently teaching myself about the wonderful wierd world of Wikipedialand.

About me
  • Male
  • Maori
  • Single
  • Black hair
  • 180cm height
  • 90 kg

Favorite Articles

enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.
en-5This user can contribute with a professional level of English.
mi-3He matatau tēnei tāngata ki te reo Māori.
This user comes from New Zealand.
This user is from Auckland.

  • I am working on a project which will become the greatest invention of all time. It relates to intersteller time and star travel and it's so secret you need a level Ez13y~~ security clearance. Can you crack the code? The invention is so secret that governments around the world dont even know about it.

  • My passion is education. This involves me finding out about matters relating to governance and management. I am interested in the rights of indeginious people in their pursuit of education.
  • On a cold wet day I enjoy reading Wiki articles relating to international historial events, and the history of New Zealand.
  • One of my first Wiki projects was to assist in writing the article about kura kaupapa Maori.
  • Wiki is a great source for recreation reading and research - I love reading articles I have written on Wiki in New Zealand newspapers!

Currently researching & thinking about
  • History of the galaxy
  • Big bang theory
  • World Peace and Nobel Laureates
  • Scram Jet engines
  • Time travel
  • Tribalism - greatest threat to humanity
  • Phylosophy of Giordano Bruno
  • The evolution of the capatalism, markism and communisim.
  • Ancient civilization to current and future civilizations
  • The discovery of new elements in chemistry and singular homology algebra in mathematics.

Got a suggestion? A correction? Drop me a line on my talk page with your ideas.