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I reside in the depths of Yorkshire[1], UK.

I studied B.Sc. in Archaeological Science, and hope to put some of my training to good use.

I really want Wikipedia's NPOV to flourish, and stamp out those who are attempting to pass off opinion as fact.

I believe the staus quo atm conditions people to NOT question the news they are spoon fed, and that the old activist spirit has be mined away and traded off with greed and vanity.

If you have a complaint, take it to the powers that be! And remember, a true 'patriot' must question the people in power, some one who does not blindly follow potential enemies who wave your flag.

And doublespeak pisses me off.

"Recollect, Gentlemen, what was my situation. Recollect that my family was ruined and myself destroyed, merely because it was Mr Perceval's pleasure that justice should not be granted; sheltering himself behind the imagined security of his station, and trampling upon law and right in the belief that no retribution could reach him. I demand only my right, and not a favour; I demand what is the birthright and privilege of every Englishman. Gentlemen, when a minister sets himself above the laws, as Mr Perceval did, he does it as his own personal risk. If this were not so, the mere will of the minister would become the law, and what would then become of your liberties? I trust that this serious lesson will operate as a warning to all future ministers, and that they will henceforth do the thing that is right, for if the upper ranks of society are permitted to act wrong with impunity, the inferior ramifications will soon become wholly corrupted. Gentlemen, my life is in your hands, I rely confidently in your justice."

- John Bellingham, Wednesday 13th May 1812 @ The Old Bailey, with reference to his assassination of Spencer Percival.


This user is interested in their local history.