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I'm a liberal, while in my country means conservative, I completed a Bachelor of Arts Degree at the University of Melbourne, majoring in Political Science and am currently studying for my LLB. I like dance music and partying late into the night and 'chillaxing' with my friends. I hate people who prey on the young or elderly and while I'm not religious I belive there is a 'higher-power' but we're in charge of our own destiny. I'm a realist, a prankster, a romantic , a partyer and a hardworker. Reading the little note above this box I wonder why anyone says anything about themselves, isn't description of ones self a means of promotion, isn't that the reason we say things about ourselves? If anyones personal bio was deleted on this basis of self advertisment (extending, but not limited to yourself and your friends, I draw the line at business) the person deleting it would have to be a sad individual who obviously wallows in the megalomania associated with moderating such as service such as this. Vindictive attack? definately a possibility, my care factor if you interpret it as such? 0.