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Ohaihana village

Ohaihana is situated in tropical forest in the Ohangwena Region of Northern Namibia, situated about 4 km east of Eenhana. There are many features in this village such as oshanas, good soil meant for building, gravel road to some shools and many more. This is not a dry village but its very went especially during rainy seasons.


The first people to stay there were the San people who hunted in this area. They have vacated this area because of the Bantu people who migrated to this area. The word 'Ohaihana' is derived from Oshivambo meaning ' a place very away' this was because there was only San people who depend on hunting of wildlife and the gathering of wild fruit for survival stayed in Ohaihana because there was a lot of wildlife and different types of fruits. In fact houses where also far away from each other and that cause this village to be named like that. [citation needed]

More Descriptions

Before Namibian independence it was a military center of the South African Defence Force, many soldier raised their camps there with fighting for the independence. They have been living there with the help of peoples in the village, giving the food, water and giving them directions of where to go and where others are. With only one objective of the struggle after independence this place was then named a village because different tribes started to migrate to this place due to good resources.

Agricultural resources

In this village there are many gardens. The villagers has power to plant and run this gardens they usually plant vegetables like carrots, cabbage, spinach, and many more. Apart from that they plant some plants that are used in the production of beers and other alcohol. There is even a garden in there which was sponsored by Miss First Lady with a lot of money, this was a contribution due to the project called Siwedha project. [1]

Education sector

Even if this village is located deep in the jangle people are excess to education. There are two pre primary school and one primary school. thus make young nation to be excess to education and willing to learn more for the next generation. However, the idea of building a more school is there and they would be build within vision 2030.[2]


[3] [4] [5]

  1. ^ contribution by first Lady
  2. ^
  3. ^
  4. ^ Uushuna (2012) retereved from 23 novenber 2012 the villager newspaper page 5
  5. ^ The head-woman of Ohaihana village (2012)