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If words had meaning -- which they do not, largely thanks to public schools -- you might call me a republican (note the lowercase "r") and a classical liberal. Please do not call me a Libertarian.

I am an advocate of:

  • personal liberty.
  • personal responsibility.
  • honesty.
  • careful use of words (a futile effort perhaps, but one I am not willing to abandon).
  • a strong, outward-looking military.
  • objective law.
  • watching the watchers.
  • The Constitution of the United States -- all of it.
  • guns, guns, and more guns.
  • the Space elevator.

I am opposed to:

  • slavery in all its disguises.
  • the culture of victimhood.
  • the lack of education.
  • the lack of caring about education.
  • the use of education as a political cudgel.
  • the alphabet soup of inward-looking federal paramilitary agencies.
  • George W. Bush.
  • John F. Kerry (worse than Bush, if you can believe that).
  • Ralph Nader (worse than Kerry, if you can believe that).
  • toadying to the UN.
  • the continued existence of California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, France, and the United Nations.

Words to live by:

EllisWyatt 03:59, 29 Oct 2004 (UTC)