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Credibility, Information, and Sources:

I'm passionate about free flowing accurate public information. I believe information is crucial to hold governments and people accountable. I have little tolerance for distorted information and propaganda in any form. I realize that politics is inherently partisan and like everyone else I hold innate biases and values. That being said, I try to provide information in the most factual and ethical manner. I make every effort to examine the credibility of a source and their claims. However, I'm human; I will make errors. If you notice an error I strongly encourage you to fix it and tell me so I can avoid similar mistakes in the future. Personally I love making mistakes... that's how we learn.

Political Science:

I'm inclined to avoid confining myself to artificial boundaries of reason. Thus, I see no reason to sell my own power of free thought to the goals of an institution. My allegiance—if you can call it that—is to evidence, logic, reason, and values.


I began my studies in biology, a topic that intrigued me and I excelled at in high school. My goal was to become a academic physician or researcher. Eventually I came to the conclusion that my heart, unfortunately, wasn't in the science. Biology taught me critical thinking skills and a passion for the scientific method. It also bolstered my veneration for my own existence. That through years of evolution humans are but a mere second in universe.
