User:Dogue/Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases

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The Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases is a UK peace group founded by Lindis Percy. It evolved out of the long campaign focussed at the National Security Agency base at Menwith Hill in the UK. The campaign is coordinated by Lindis Percy and Anni Rainbow.

CAAB is a campaign:

  • grounded in a deep concern and opposition to weapons of mass destruction in general, specifically the proposed American Missile Defense systems
  • focussed on American bases in the UK and abroad
  • raising public awareness, scutiny and accountability of American bases in the UK
  • works to reveal abuse of democracy, the law and the executive by the presence of American Visiting Forces and Agencies in the UK

CAAB works to reveal this by:

  • taking non-violent direct action and civil disobedience
  • using the democratic process by working with local councillors, MPs, representatives in the House of Lords and MEPs - asking Parliamentary questions
  • taking action throught the legal system to change unsafe law - bringing the executive to account through the courts
  • regularly monitoring US bases and Planning Departments on proposed developments on US bases - AMD/TMD systems
  • working with researchers, academics, media, peace activists
  • making use of the US Freedom of Information Act and the UK Open Access to Government Information procedures to gain information


They have submitted testimony to committees of Parliament.[1][2]

They are part of a Missle Defense Working Group.[3]

They organize a weekly demonstration at Menwith Hill.[4][5]

Now the campaign benefits from and contributes to two international networks: Global Network Against Nuclear Weapons and Power in Space. [] and No US Bases: [].[6]


Jeffery A Hosken Col.USAF Air Attache (dated 4 December 2006)

From the Embassy of the United States of America

Dear Ms Percy, Thank you for your letter of 24 November in which you expressed your concern about the U.S. flag you have been keeping. The Ambassador has asked me to respond on his behalf.

As Americans, we keenly value freedom of speech and the right to petition our government of the redress of grievances - indeed, they are among the rights enumerated in the very first Amendment to the U.S Constitution.

You certainly share our veneration of those rights. By your safekeeping of our flag, you appear to understnd that it is a symbol of those rights, shared by 300 million Americans and guaranteed by the sacrifices, past, present, and future, of U.S. serviceman and women around the globe.

In the light of the above, we would like you to acept the flag you have in your possession as a gift from the United States Government. Please continue to care for it with the respect it so richly deserves.

Sincerely JEFFERY A.HOSKEN, Col,

USAF Air Attache [7]


External References