User:DeusImperator/I've Got a Wildcat Cartridge for the Wiki So What Now

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So you've sunk a few thousand dollars into your pet wildcatting project and now you have your cartridge. You were so proud you named it after yourself and you need all the gunnies to know what a great cartridge you designed. You know they are going to love it and recognize your genius. You know it is better than that other cartridge which you have just made obsolete by your new invention. You know it is gonna make you famous. You are gonna get your name in the gun rags without much ado.

You did quite a bit of testing. You eyeballed the primer after you fired the cartridge in the custom rifle you made. The primer is perfect and you know the pressure is good. You shot it into a watermelon and you got watermelon puree. You checked on Youtube and check out the watermelon purees of other cartridges and those did not look as good as the watermelon puree you cartridge made. So you know it has more oomph those other cartridges.

You’re gonna tell the whole world about your great discovery. You paid out the nerdy techie to make a webpage up telling everyone who visits the great advantages of your new invention. You paid for a spot on the visiting gun show. The gunnies gotta know about it after all. You know the gunnies are gonna admire your invention.

So you say to yourself, “How come there is no Wikipedia article about me??? Oh!!! Must be just an oversight. Someone obviously forgot to write me and my discovery into the Wiki. Just like everything else I have to do it myself. “

So you are now ready to write an article on your discovery on Wiki.

Soul Searching

You should do some soul searching before you create an article in the Wikipedia. Ask yourself a few questions and be truthful about them before you write your own Wikipedia article.

  • Is my project complete and does not need further tinkering?
  • Is there enough material in the public domain to write the article?
  • Are there sources other than my website which provide relevant information about my project?
  • Is my information verifiable by independent sources who are not friends or family?
  • Will I be able to provide references for the information I provide?
  • Do I have factual content other than those I dreamed up, estimated or just made up?
  • If you were to provide any performance data is it factual and verified by independent sources?
  • If your cartridge been written up in Cartridges of the World by Frank Barnes?

Not Interested

Some hints that should tip you off that Wiki might not be interested in you discovery:

You have a pet wildcat project and think it should be on the Wiki the chances are that you do not merit an article on the Wiki.

You have invented a new wildcat cartridge and no one seems interested except for family, friends and a couple of odd ball kooks the chances are you invention does not merit an article on the Wiki.

You have been to the gun forums attempting to drum up some attention and you get scant attention, the chances are that you do not merit an article on the Wiki.

You have called all the Remchesters out there and no one is too terribly interested in your invention the chances are that you do not merit an article on the Wiki.

You called the gun rags out there but no one seems invites you to show you discovery the chances are that you do not merit an article on the Wiki.

You called the US Army (they are the only ones with money these days) to tell them about your invention and you were politely told they will call you back and haven’t call as yet the chances are that you do not merit an article on the Wiki.

You type in the new of your invention into Google and there are lots of hits all with your name on it the chances are that you do not merit an article on the Wiki.

You have been trying to sell some of your cartridges one a piece on the internet the chances are that you do not merit an article on the Wiki.

You would like to be in the Wiki so that it could be used as a proxy as proof of (fill in your thoughts here), the chances are that you do not merit an article on the Wiki.

You think advertising your invention on Wiki is the answer to the lack of interest in your invention the chances are that you do not merit an article on the Wiki.

You want fame and fortune and you think the Wiki is the fastest way to get there, the chances are that you do not merit an article on the Wiki.

You think your cartridge is a collectable and you are still alive the chances are that you do not merit an article on the Wiki.

Your project is a work in progress and you have not perfected your perfection the chances are that you do not merit an article on the Wiki.

You are looking for investors to help with your discovery and think the Wiki is the way to go the chances are that you do not merit an article on the Wiki.

See also