User:Daanschr/ Historical maps/ Diocletianus (part II)

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Constantius Chlorus defeated the Franks again in the Rhine estuary in 293. In that year, he had become Caesar under emperor Maximian, who was subsequently the junior partner of emperor Diocletian of the east. Diocletian had Galerius as his caesar, and the four men were together the Tetrarchy. The Roman provinces were reformed, with Germania Inferior and Germania Superior becoming part of Gaul again, which belonged to the domain of Constantius Chlorus. Constantius Chlorus also defeated Carausius near Bononia and prepared for a naval invasion of Britain.

In the meanwhile, Galerius was finishing a campaign versus rebels in Upper Egypt and Diocletian fought the Sarmatians along the Danube in 294.

Diocletian was reestablishing the long shattered Roman defenses along the Danube and fought the Sarmatians in 295 and 296, and defeated the Carpi in 296. The new king of Persia, Narseh, declared war on the Roman Empire and invaded Armenia in 296, chasing away the Armenian king Tiridates III. King Allectus of Roman Britain was defeated in 296 by Constantius Chlorus. Maximian moved with an army into Spain to increase the defenses against Moorish and Frankish pirates and moved towards Mauretania, where he started campaigning against the rebel Berber Bavares and Quinquegentiani in 296.

Egypt took advantage of the situation and rebelled under Domitius Domitianus. In the meanwhile, Narseh, invaded Roman Mesopotamia and Syria and defeated Galerius in a battle along the Euphrates in 297.

Galerius got a new Roman army from Diocletian and prepared for an assault against Persia, while Diocletian continued to Egypt, which was mostly reconquered from the rebels, except for Alexandria. The campaign of Maximian versus the Berbers was getting of steam with an invasion deep into the Atlas Mountains.

While Diocletian was besieging the rebels in Alexandria, when the Nubian Blemmyes invaded the Roman Empire, taking Thebes. After conquering Alexandria, he marched south and retook Thebes. Galerius defeated king Narseh of Persia in Armenia, reinstating king Tiridates III in 298. Constantius Chlorus was shoring up the Rhine defenses and had to fase an invasion of the Alamanni, who were defeated at the battles of Lingones and Vindonissa. Maximian was victorious over the Berbers, chasing the rebels into the Sahara.

The Blemmyes were ousted from Egypt with the help of their fellow Nubians the Nobatae. Diocletian made peace with the Nubians and replaced the borders to Philae in 298.

Galerius continued his advance versus Persia, by conquering the captial Ctesiphon and moving into Media. Peace was made with Persia, returning to the old borders. The Roman army established itself in Armenia, but it remained a Roman vassal state. Galerius moved to the Danube borders in 299 and fought against the Carpi.

Preceded by Head of state in Leiden as emperor of the Roman Empire
with Maximianus
Succeeded by