User:Chuckhoffmann/sandbox/Barsoomian bears

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Barsoomian bear
SpeciesB. barsoomiensis

The Barsoomian bear (Ursus barsoomiensis) is a hypothetical species of bear that is said to inhabit the planet Mars in the fictional universe created by author Edgar Rice Burroughs.


According to Burroughs' descriptions in his Barsoom novels, Barsoomian bears are massive creatures that can stand up to 12 feet tall at the shoulder. They have shaggy fur that ranges in color from reddish-brown to black, and powerful muscles that allow them to move quickly and climb steep inclines. The bears also possess razor-sharp claws and teeth that are capable of tearing through flesh and bone. In A Princess of Mars, Burroughs describes the bears as "monstrous creatures, with wide, gaping jaws and eyes that glowed like hot coals."

Barsoomian bears are omnivorous, with a diet that includes both plant matter and animal flesh. They are said to be fierce predators that can take down even the largest of Barsoomian creatures, including thoats and white apes. Burroughs describes the bears as "ferocious beasts, feared and hunted by all other Barsoomian animals."

Despite their fearsome reputation, Barsoomian bears are also known for their maternal instincts. Female bears are said to be fiercely protective of their young and will fight to the death to defend them. In The Warlord of Mars, Burroughs writes, "The she bears are the most formidable creatures upon Mars when aroused. With long, sharp claws upon their fingers and toes, and with bludgeons of broken branches in their hands, they are irresistible."

While the exact appearance and behavior of Barsoomian bears is open to interpretation, their fearsome reputation and adaptability to life on Mars have made them a popular subject in science fiction and popular culture.


Barsoomian bears are said to inhabit the colder regions of Mars, including the polar ice caps and the mountain ranges that surround them. They are adapted to the planet's thin atmosphere and low gravity, with long, powerful limbs that allow them to move with ease even in the lower gravity. It is believed that the bears may hibernate during the long, cold Martian winters, possibly digging into the ground for warmth and shelter. They are also known to dig dens in the rocky Martian terrain, which they use for shelter and raising their young. Because the bears are thought to be solitary creatures, their exact range and territory sizes are unknown, but it is believed that they may roam across large swaths of the polar regions in search of food and mates.


Barsoomian bears are said to be solitary creatures that are fiercely territorial. They are known to mark their territories with a pungent musk that warns other animals to stay away.

During the breeding season, male Barsoomian bears engage in fierce battles for the right to mate with females. These battles can be deadly, with the losing male often being killed by the victor.

Cultural significance

Barsoomian bears have been a popular subject in science fiction and popular culture. They have appeared in numerous books, films, and television shows, often depicted as fierce predators or gentle giants.

Some notable examples of Barsoomian bears in popular culture include:

See also


External links