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About askapache

I'm the author of, a small skunkworks site I use for testing and experimenting before using on production servers. Mostly just a blog about my interests. I currently live in Indianapolis where I am a controlling partner for a business/media consulting firm. Mostly I do the technical implementing of incredibly creative strategies that are always different from the last.. Building systems, running servers, managing projects and dev-teams, security management, media production, and all sorts of web development. But by far Linux/BSD and Open Source software development is my passion, specifically networking, networking protocols, networking security, and anything having to do with optimization, especially optimizing my time by building systems to take care of themselves as much as possible.

A few links I've found helpful

Personal Philosophy

The more experienced I get, the less software I use. If it's not GNU/FSF/Open-Source, I don't use it! A few exceptions for truly remarkable software-- SpinRite, HD Tune Pro. And some high-end work software/hardware/firmware. Filesharing started way back with the bbs systems of old dialin's, kermit-style!, and has progressed with torrents and p2p (but only for security-experienced/malware-experienced users).

  1. If I can't examine the source code, I don't consider it as an option.
  2. If I have to use LOCKED software, nothing left but to hack it.
  3. Don't use it.. remove it.
  4. After experimenting.. remove it.
  5. Computer explodes? No prob. MY computer is the Internet.
    1. Give me a screen, a network/serial port (blackberry/droid wifi at McD's/Starbucks, or Mobile modem link), let me just grab configs (in a git/svn repo), and I'm right back to work..

My Interests

  • Open Source
  • NetSec (hack the planet)

My Links