User:Annavc3/Viperfish/NemethrBC Peer Review

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Viperfish (migration: erinkiley23)

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Evaluate the drafted changes

(Compose a detailed peer review here, considering each of the key aspects listed above if it is relevant. Consider the guiding questions, and check out the examples of what feedback looks like.)

Peer Review of the Migratory Patterns Section:

- Great addition to the article!

- When you mention the diel vertical migration, maybe you could link the article to the DVM so someone who is reading who is unsure of what this is can quickly go to that page.

- In the first sentence of the second paragraph, maybe replace "representatives" with "sub-species".

- Possibly can combine these two sentences :

" In migrating to the surface at night, they prove their ability to withstand large temperature changes. Migrating to 400 m depth at night, viperfish undergo daily temperature changes of up to 7°C and have been recorded in waters ranging from 4 to 14.5°C. "


" In migrating to the surface(400m depth) at night, they prove their ability to withstand large temperature changes of up to 7°C daily. They have been recorded in waters ranging from 4 to 14.5°C, highlighting the wide range of temperatures viperfish are capable of surviving in. "

-Maybe you could add a sentence or two to the third paragraph about how their migration patterns have led to their sightings in the locations listed.