
From WikiProjectMed
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5 /\W(re)?cut/
5 /\Wacting/
5 /\WA(\.)?i(\.)?C\W/
5 /\Wangle/
5 /\Wangular/
5 /\WA(\.)?S(\.)?C\W/
5 /\Wcameo/
5 /\Wcredit/
5 /\Wdissolve/
5 /\Wframe/ 
5 /\WMOS\W/ 
5 /\Wperformance/
5 /\Wscore\W/
5 /\Wstar(s|red|ring)?\W/, /astro/
5 /\Wwipe/
5 /camera/
5 /cartoon/
5 /cut(\s|-)in/ 
5 /cut(\s|-)out/ 
5 /cutting/
/degree\srule /
5 /dialogue/
5 /dubbing/ 
5 /editing/
5 /fast\smotion/
5 /frankenstein/
5 /geki\W/
5 /hollywood/
5 /lighting/
5 /narrat/
5 /performer/
5 /sequel/
5 /sequence/
5 /set\sin/
5 /subtitle/
5 /thriller/
25 /filmography/
25 /\Wimdb\W/
30 /\{\{infobox(\s|\_)film/
15 /actor-stub\}\}/
15 /Category:[^\]]*\Wactor/
30 /Category:[^\]]*\Wanimation\W/
30 /Category:[^\]]*\Wanimators\W/
30 /Category:[^\]]*\Wcinema/
30 /Category:[^\]]*\Wlighting\sdirectors\W/
30 /Category:[^\]]*\Wlighting\sproduction\sdesigners\W/
30 /Category:[^\]]*\Wscreenwriters\W/
30 /Category:[^\]]*\Wmotion\spicture/
30 /Category:[^\]]*\Wspecial\seffects/
30 /Category:[^\]]*\Wvisual\seffects/
19 /\W(is|was|are|were|has\sbeen|have\sbeen)\s(an?|the)?\s(\S+\s){1,4}(\[\[)?(film|cinema|movie|animation|anime)/
40 /\Wfilm(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\}/
40 /category:(\w+\s){0,3}film/