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Hello and welcome to my page!

My name stands for the molecule for water and my first initial and last name. People often confuse it with "H" followed by the number "20," which I'm assuming is often the result of their chemical forgetfulness.

I joined the wiki community initially to get more information about the Peak_Oil phenomena, which I believe is going to have catastrophic results for humanity, possibly bringing about a new, single entity of global governance.

Google Search: "Peak Oil"

I believe, based on patterns apparent throughout history, that humanity is sleepwalking into its next major catastrophe, certain to involve nuclear_weapons. As I found out just a few weeks ago, the US government is using depleted_uranium already in the war in Iraq. Some additional elements that contribute to this view are highlighted by recent inflammations in Sino-Japanese relations, Sino-American relations regarding Taiwan, Peak Oil, Global Warming, and all signs pointing to the decline of the US empire.

The bottom line is that we, meaning humanity, is in for a rough century and I believe the only hope is Jesus Christ - a conclusion to which I arrived by way of various personal analysis in the fields of ontology, epistemology, cosmology, teleology, theology, history, archaeology, and philosophy as well as within the physics, biology, and chemistry disciplines.

Usually allergic to conspiracies and predictions about sweeping changes to the current state of society, I generally stay away from end times prophesies. It is arguably the same manner of personal (albeit amateur) analysis by which I determined for myself the plausibility of Peak_Oil, as it has become clear to me to be an undeniable reality with grave ramifications.

  • In case any of you alternetters made it out here, please proceed to my talk section and state your case as initially noted for or against intelligent design. I'm interested to hear your opinion and hope to answer with some of my own.


Peak Oil
