Template:Romanian counties clickable

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Outline showing the territory of modern Romania and its division into 41 counties and the Bucharest municipal district.Timiș CountyArad CountyBihor CountySatu Mare CountyMaramureș CountySălaj CountyCluj CountyBistrița-Năsăud CountyCaraș-Severin CountyHunedoara CountyAlba CountySibiu CountyMureș CountySuceava CountyHarghita CountyBotoșani CountyBrașov CountyCovasna CountyNeamț CountyIași CountyVaslui CountyBacău CountyVrancea CountyGalați CountyTulcea CountyConstanța CountyMehedinți CountyGorj CountyVâlcea CountyArgeș CountyDâmbovița CountyPrahova CountyBuzău CountyBrăila CountyIalomița CountyCălărași CountyGiurgiu CountyTeleorman CountyDolj CountyOlt CountyIlfov CountyBucharest
The 41 counties of Romania and Municipality of Bucharest (clickable imagemap)