Talk:Pakistan Military Academy

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Is this academy really located only 300m from the site of the death of Osama Bin Laden, as is being reported on the BBC website? If so, article should be edited to reflect this!!

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During several automated bot runs the following external link was found to be unavailable. Please check if the link is in fact down and fix or remove it in that case!

maru (talk) contribs 04:53, 27 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

What is an acid test?

What is an acid test?

--Zybez (talk) 12:38, 3 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]


Introduction 1. Pakistan Military Academy is located in the Mountainous City of Kakul, Abbottabad which is situated at the foothills of Himalaya 120 Kilometres North from Pakistan’s Capital City Islamabad. The temperate climate and the picturesque surroundings of Kakul provide an ideal setting for the training routine that lays emphasis on building physical and mental toughness among the future military leaders. 2. Established in late 1947 by Brigadier F.H.B. Ingall, the Academy was officially opened on 20th January 1948 in the barracks of Royal Indian Army Supply Corps. A motivated team of instructors that formed the founding nucleus worked tirelessly with meagre resources to lay the foundation of a superb training and grooming system that was complimented by an efficient administrative structure. Soon after its inauguration, the Academy adopted, “Help from Allah and victory is near at hand” as official motto. A crest was designed with a strong Islamic symbolism carrying two Arabian cross swords rested on the base of a crescent. A flag, made of scarlet silk with a medallion in Pakistan green, on which was embroidered on gold thread the PMA crest, and the three principles of the founding father of the nation, “Unity, Discipline and Faith”, was approved as PMA standard called “Quaid - e - Azam Banner”. November 25th, 1948 will always remain a memorable day in the chronicles of the Academy as on this day the 2nd Governor General of Pakistan Khawaja Nazim - ud - Din presented the Banner to 1st Pakistan Battalion on the occasion of the passing out parade of first batch of officers. The banner since then is the most coveted trophy and a source of inspiration and pride for every PMA cadet. PMA Training and Administrative Infrastructure 3. From the hutments that first constituted the institution in 1948, the Academy has come a long way. It now has the modern structures for housing and training the cadets. The lush green training grounds and sports fields add to the splendour of its surrounding. State-of-the-art halls of study, highly modern language, Science and Computer Laboratories animate its Academic Blocks. A well - stocked library crafted on the modern lines cater for the intellectual growth of cadets and offers unrestricted access to knowledge and guidance to different scope of studies. 4. The cadets’ accommodation complex provides an ideal setting for relaxation after the mentally and physically demanding duty. These are equipped with modern provisions like telephone booths, independent messes, indoor games, well furnished anterooms and TV rooms with access to multiple informative and recreational TV channels. An experienced team of bearers many of whom have decades of exposure to the system and traditions of the Academy look after the administrative course of cadets. 5. Amenity blocks situated next to cadets’ accommodation take care of their daily administrative needs. A Visitor Centre allows them to entertain their guests with a variety of feast in congenial and conducive environments. For daily religious obligations and guidance of cadets, a PMA Mosque Al Habib has been constructed in the heart of the Academy. A dedicated military hospital stocked with latest equipment and separate wards for male and female cadets functions round the clock where professionally competent medical staff remains committed to keep the health of cadets. 6. PMA also has a marvellous potpourri of its history and past images in the form of a Museum. It has a complete record of all passing out courses and brief data of all graduating cadets in its Archive Section. A photo gallery fascinates those who come to visit and refresh their past memories and affiliations with this great institution of Pakistan Army. November 2006 opened another glorious chapter in its history and the Academy received the first batch of Lady Cadets who now are a regular part of this Institution. 7. These are the efforts of successive generations who gave the best of their brain, efforts and energy that the Academy stands at parallel to other Military Academies of the world and has acquired the most coveted stature of international repute. A large number of foreign delegations visit the Academy round the year and take keen interest in the training system and activities of cadets at PMA. Their confidence in this prime institution is manifested in the growing number of foreign cadets coming from the friendly countries for training in the Academy. Command Structure 8. The Academy is commanded by the senior most officer of the rank of Major General, called “The Commandant”. A Chief Instructor, a Director of Studies and a Colonel Administration assist the Commandant in running the Academy affairs. The Chief Instructor who is also the Deputy Commandant heads the Military Training Wing and supervises the military training and personality development of cadets. The Director of Studies commands the Academic Wing and looks after the Academic progression of cadets whereas the Colonel Administration takes care of Administration Wing. 9. Under the Military Training Wing are the three Cadet Battalions each with four cadet companies. The companies in turn have five to six platoons commanded by platoon commanders. Cadets on joining Pakistan Military Academy are segregated into companies where they live in platoons of 25 - 30 cadets each. The Platoons are commanded by the most competent officers called Platoon Commanders. For cadets, a platoon commander epitomizes the ideal and often serves as a role model. They remain with them through all think and thin and look after their personality grooming, character building and discipline. It is through this institution that the great responsibility of grooming the young lads into future leaders is fulfilled. Preliminaries on Joining PMA 10. On joining the Academy, the Gentlemen cadets as they are called pass though a settling down phase during which they are provided the necessary guidelines for a smooth induction in the institution and its system. A trademark haircut is the first step in the initiation process. The cadets are provided the clothing, equipment and publications for all types of activities that they would undertake during their stay in the Academy. 11. The cadets are thoroughly briefed on the conduct expected of them as Gentle Cadets and as the potential officers of Pakistan Army. A commitment to dedicate themselves to the rules, instructions and the code of conduct within the Academy is also administered. The new entrants are introduced to the disciple environment of the Academy especially along the PMA road. Patrolled round the clock by an ever - vigilant drill staff, cadets appointment and Adjutants on horse back, the road does not accept casual behaviour and is a symbol of high standards of discipline that the Academy is known for. 12. With daily lessons of drill movements starts their grooming for basic military discipline. A wholesome dose of instruction in drill by a highly trained drill staff culminates in the saluting test so necessary for a first term cadet to pass in order to be eligible for all sorts of privileges like going on weekends and term breaks. After the platoon commanders, the drill staff has the most interaction with cadets and role in their grooming. Both, therefore, develop a healthy respect for each other. Activities at PMA 13. A cadet’s training is a wholesome and well balanced training package based on three - dimensional approach of military training, personality development and academic progression. Foremost among the military curriculum is the physical training and a great deal of emphasis is laid on this aspect. A well - trained PT staff works round the clock to ensure that the physical standards of the Academy remain amongst the highest in the World and parallel to similar institutions. A central modern gymnasium equipped with the latest exercise equipments apart from independent company gymnasiums helps the cadets prepare for the gruelling physical regime. 14. Extensive sessions of swimming training ensure that cadets acquire desired standard of swimming skills and expertise. A number of endurance marches through the difficult terrain and weather conditions increase their physical toughness and mental resilience. The cadets are put through a series of combat oriented activities like boxing, assault course and Combat Fitness Courses to take the fear out of their hearts and minds and to enhance the limits of their physical and mental endurance. 15. Simultaneously the training for inculcating fundamental soldierly attributes among cadets continues which exposes them to the subjects like field crafts, minor tactics and map reading. They learn the art of using ground for concealed movement and develop the knack of moving from one place to another through cross country in an unknown area with the help of map, compass and astro - navigation. 16. Under the guidance of experienced weapon training instructors, they handle all types of small arms. Gradually they proceed from basic to more advanced weapon training and learn to firing short range anti tank weapons, company mortars and lobbing grenades in addition to further refining their skills in marksmanship. 17. The indoor and outdoor military training prepare the cadets for field exercises where they apply their tactical knowledge in war like situations and conduct operations in enemy areas. The final tactical exercise is combined with live firing involving Airforce, Aviation, Artillery and Armour. The exercise is the final test of Gentlemen Cadets soldierly qualities before their passing out parade and ends the comprehensive programme of tactical training. 18. Adventure and thrill supplement the military training curriculum. Para - trooping is one of the most exhilarating experience that majority aspires to embark on. Para - jumps from thousands of feet height take the cadets to the extremity of thrill that only rare can experience. Paragliding is another breathtaking adventure course. Gliding down with their paragliding gears is the passion that many in the West envy for. Sailing and Frogman courses take them to the shores of Karachi Coast where they explore their swimming skills and venture diving experience. Pakistan Military Academy offers many more such courses like Water Sports Training Courses and Unarmed Combat Course to make them men of strong nerves. 19. Participation in extra curricular activities is compulsory part of life at Pakistan Military Academy. The cadets have the choice to be a member of any indoor and outdoor clubs ranging from indoor debating, drama, computer and photography to outdoor fencing, archery, shooting, riding, cycling and martial arts activities. 20. Sports are an important component of military culture. The cadets are expected to develop proficiency in at least one sports event. A sports week is organised after every six months in which various competitions are held to encourage the spirit of competitiveness among cadets. To promote sports culture, the Academy also holds friendly fixtures with the other Academies like PAF, PN and teams from various schools and colleges. Personality Development 21. Character and personality development is the single most important element of the cadets’ training and remains paramount in all training activities. Presence of seniors is the best grooming hand in the Academy. An essential feature of the senior terms is that the cadets with good all - round performance are assigned greater responsibilities by awarding them the command appointments in platoons, companies and battalions for exercising command and control and grooming their juniors. 22. The mess life is the first step in the grooming process and plays a vital role in their personality development. Through frequent dinner and guest nights in the presence of officers and their families, the mess etiquettes of cadets are refined and they are groomed how to interact socially and carry themselves with maturity and composure on such occasions. 23. The appointment holders also regularly interact with the officers in the Academy hierarchy for sharing with them their views on different aspects related to cadets. This refines their communication skills and groom them for playing a role in the decision making cycle. 24. Intellectual development is an indispensable part of personality grooming. To groom them intellectually and improve their general awareness, the cadets are provided newspapers and magazines in their rooms and anterooms. The Academy regularly holds seminars, library classes and invites eminent guest speakers for talks on national, regional and international issues to equip the cadets with the knowledge required to grow as an enlightened army officers and useful members of the society. Academic Training 25. The academic training curriculum which is the third pillar of training at Pakistan Military Academy, seeks to broaden the horizon of cadets by taking them through a two years bachelor’s degree course that lays the foundation for higher education later in their careers. The cadets have the choice to undergo the course in any of the three groups: Science, Humanities and Management Science. The Wing pays special attention to improving the communication skills of cadets. Public speaking classes form essential part of English curriculum. The halls of study provide the forum where they speak and debate on diverse topics sometimes extermore and indulge in group discussions. The skills acquired at PMA provide them a strong foundation on which their future success predicates.

Honours and Awards 26. The cadets with outstanding performances in various fields are conferred different honours and awards. One such acknowledgement is their selection for UK. The cadet who exhibits the best all round performance during his one year tenure at PMA is sent for one year training at Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. Many other cadets visit various renowned Military Academies in the World on study tours. 27. Being the Quaid - e - Azam’s own, the cadets of PMA also has the unique honour to mount the ceremonial guard on the Quaid’s mausoleum. The proudly marching cadets present the honour to their first commander-in-chief on 25 December every year and offer prayers for the founding father of the nation. Entertainment 28. Life at PMA is not confined only to a formal routine of tough training and discipline environment. It has ample of entertainment opportunities for the Gentleman Cadets, faculty members and their families. The colourful social gatherings and events like musical evenings and tambola nights freshen and energise its members. Regular sports fixture like swimming and sports galas, polo matches, cricket matches, cinema and drama clubs shows imprint everlasting impressions on the minds and hearts of all which every one cherishes for long. Convocation 29. The last two weeks in the Academy is the most memorable and colourful period of a cadet’s life. Impressive Convocation and Passing out Parade Ceremonies in these weeks mark the culmination of the training of a course. The two grand events become the focus of attention after every six months. Renowned personalities are invited to grace the occasion as chief guests. The Convocation ceremony is organized in the week preceding the passing out parade. For the graduating cadets standing in long queues and stepping forward on the stage to receive the degrees from the distinguished guest is one of the most unforgettable moments in their life. The occasion also applauds the distinguished performances of cadets in presence of their beloved and close ones. Invitation at Offrs’ Mess 30. Almost officers, the cadets are invited to the officers’ mess where the Commandant and the faculty bid them fair well in splendid environment and marvellous surroundings of the Mess. The faculty hosts them at their residence and the difference of trainer and the trainee maintained till to-date fades into a relation of brothers - in - arms.

Passing Out Parade 31. The climax of whole training is the passing out parade, the event that every cadet dreams about from the day he steps into the Academy. Smartly dressed graduating course under parade adjutant attired in ceremonial and mounted on a horse’s back salute the chief guest in a spectacular march past. The course takes an oath of loyalty with the country and promises to lay their lives if called for. Marching with pride they say good bye to their colleagues and cross the threshold of PMA life to earn commission into Pakistan Army. Their families and friends celebrate the achievements of their sons and the Academy jubilates their success. Thus comes the end of all those efforts and endeavours which the trainer and the trainee committed to accomplish together. Reunion 32. The journey does not end here. Their affiliation with the institution bring them back again and again but now with their families and grandchildren for reuniting to commemorate the time spent in each others’ company as cadets and to see their home that bonded them together forever, flourishing. Courtesy: The Guides Paltan —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:40, 22 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Osama bin Laden's compound proximity to Kakul

I think it is very important for the fact that bin Laden was half a mile from this academy because it has been verified and repeatedly mentioned not only in many major articles, but is deemed in those same circles as significant that he was so close to the most elite academy in Pakistan. (talk) 15:44, 3 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Agree. Clearly notable -- as it has been covered in many RSs, across the world.--Epeefleche (talk) 16:42, 3 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
It should also be noted that this is an Epic Fail for said academy. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:16, 4 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Please add Osama's detail in the history section. No need to put it in Location section too. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Paksoldier (talkcontribs) 17:40, 15 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Was the Military Academy Capable of Responding to the bin Laden Raid?

Does anyone know how the military academy was guarded by perimeter patrols who could have seen the attack on bin Laden's compound, or whether it contained regular army troops capable of responding to the noise of the helicopter crash of the American force attacking bin Laden's compound? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:11, 12 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

How we cn success

I (talk) 03:56, 14 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

My dream to become a isi offisor (talk) 03:57, 14 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]