Talk:Objections to evolution/Readersdigest

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Major objections to evolution
Evolution is just a theory. It is argued that evolution is "just a theory", not a "proven" fact, based on semantic confusion between the different meanings of theory and fact. From a scientific perspective, however, evolution is both a theory and a fact.
Evolution is controversial. In order to advocate the teaching of creationism in public schools, it is agued that evolution is controversial, and that schools should "teach the controversy".
Evolution is a religion. In an attempt to show that evolution has no scientific "edge" over creationism, it is argued that evolution is akin to a religious belief because it is dogmatic, relies on faith, or treats The Origin of Species as a holy book.
Evolution is unfalsifiable. It is argued that evolution is unscientific because it fails the test of falsifiability: it cannot be shown to be false, regardless of what evidence arises.
Evolution has never been observed. It is argued that evolution, or at least macroevolution, has never been observed, thus making evolutionary theory speculative.
Past evidence for evolution has been overturned. It is argued that evidence for evolution is likely to be fraudulent or erroneous because of past scientific hoaxes, errors, and revolutions.
Evolution's evidence is unreliable or inconsistent. It is argued that certain methods or types of evidence in evolutionary biology, such as radiometric dating and fossils, are flawed.
Life is too unlikely to arise by chance. Based on the assumption that evolution occurs "by chance", it is argued that evolution or abiogenesis is too implausible without an intelligent agent, such as God.
Evolution doesn't explain enough. It is argued that because evolution cannot explain certain aspects of life or the universe, the theory as a whole should be abandoned.
Evolution cannot create complex structures. It is argued that certain organic systems could not evolve incrementally—e.g., "What use is half an eye?" In modern arguments, some systems are claimed to be irreducibly complex.
Evolution cannot create information. Appealing to information theory, it is argued that evolutionary mechanisms such as mutation cannot produce novel physical information.
Evolution violates the second law of thermodynamics. It is argued that because evolution decreases a system's entropy, evolution violates the second law of thermodynamics, which requires closed systems to either increase in entropy or stay the same.
Evolution says that humans are no better than animals. It is argued that human evolution degrades human value by considering humans to be descended from "mere animals", rather than specially created by God.
Evolution leads to immorality. It is argued that evolutionary theory has inspired many of the social ills and atrocities of the 20th century, from wars to racism. Evolution is argued to contradict traditional morality and undermine societal values.
Evolution leads to atheism. It is argued that evolution, by providing a naturalistic explanation for the origin of life, undermines belief in God and religion in general, thus promoting "atheistic materialism".

Second attempt

Major objections to evolution
Evolution is just a theory, not a fact. Evolution is really not well established, because it is only a theory.[1] One of the most frequent objections. Based on semantic confusion. Some creationists suggest that it no longer be used.[2][3][4]
Evolution is controversial or contested. This is absolutely false. The theory of evolution is widely accepted by over 99.9% of biologists and the vast majority of other scientists.[5][6]
Evolution is a religion. By every reasonable definition of a religion, evolution is no more a religion than plumbing is.
Evolution is unfalsifiable. Evolution has been forced to change as new data becomes available; the prior theories of evolution are replaced by newer theories with more explanatory power. This replacement of the theory is proof that evolution is falsifiable.
Evolution has never been observed. Evolution within species have been observed in the laboratory, and new species have been observed in the laboratory. Evolution has also been observed in the field in the last few decades, and evolutionary change is recorded in the rocks as fossils.
Past evidence for evolution has been overturned.
Evolution's evidence is unreliable or inconsistent.
Life is too unlikely to arise by chance.
Evolution doesn't explain enough.
Evolution cannot create complex structures.
Evolution cannot create information.
Evolution violates the second law of thermodynamics. This is based on an old misunderstanding and is absolutely not true, any more than a tree growing violates the second law of thermodynamics. A Nobel Prize was even given for a more careful discussion of this issue.
Evolution says that humans are no better than animals.
Evolution leads to immorality and social ills. The statistics do not support this position; in fact, the opposite appears to be true.[7][8]
Evolution leads to atheism. This is incorrect, as demonstrated by the religious beliefs of most scientists that accept evolution, and the acceptance of evolution by the denominations that about 90% of Americans belong to.


Numbered list

3. Objections to evolution's scientific acceptance

3.1 Evolution is just a theory, not a fact. This objection is probably one of the most prominent objections, but it is just based on semantic confusion and is so discredited that many creationist suggest that it no longer be used.

3.2 Evolution is controversial or contested.

4 Objections to evolution's scientific status

4.1 Evolution is a religion. By every reasonable definition of a religion, evolution is no more a religion than plumbing is.

4.2 Evolution is unfalsifiable. Evolution has been forced to change as new data becomes available; the prior theories of evolution are replaced by newer theories with more explanatory power. This replacement of the theory is proof that evolution is falsifiable.

5 Objections to evolution's evidence

5.1 Evolution has never been observed. Evolution within species have been observed in the laboratory, and new species have been observed in the laboratory. Evolution has also been observed in the field in the last few decades, and evolutionary change is recorded in the rocks as fossils.

5.2 Past evidence for evolution has been overturned

5.3 Evolution's evidence is unreliable or inconsistent

6 Objections to evolution's plausibility

6.1 Life is too unlikely to arise by chance

6.2 Evolution doesn't explain enough

7 Objections to evolution's possibility

7.1 Evolution cannot create complex structures

7.2 Evolution cannot create information

7.3 Evolution violates the second law of thermodynamics. This is based on an old misunderstanding and is absolutely not true, any more than a tree growing violates the second law of thermodynamics. A Nobel Prize was even given for a more careful discussion of this issue.

8 Objections to evolution's morality

8.1 Evolution says that humans are no better than animals Another long time compaint is that evolution teaches people that they are little better than animals, so they behave badly.

8.2 Evolution leads to immorality and social ills. They commit crimes and do drugs and have abortions. However, the statistics do not support this position; in fact, the opposite appears to be true.

8.3 Evolution leads to atheism. This is not true, as demonstrated by the religious beliefs of most scientists that accept evolution, and the acceptance of evolution by the denominations that about 90% of Americans belong to.