Talk:Konkani language agitation

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Article needs updating

This article's historical background is made-up nonsense and needs to be redone from scratch. Konkani didn't get state patronage in the Velhas Conquistas even during Kadamba rule (Kannada was the official language) or Vijayanagara rule (Kannada and Telugu were the court languages). Malvan and the Kanara were never ruled by the Portuguese, but Konkani language didn't develop there much either because the rulers of those areas were also not Konkan people. Same for Novas Conquistas Hindus, they had plenty of time and opportunity to develop Konkani but never bothered because the pre-Portuguese rulers were not Konkan people.

Christian missionaries sponsored by the Portuguese government (e.g. Thomas Stephens (Jesuit)) created Roman Konkani to communicate better with the natives. Portuguese government attempts to suppress Konkani in Goa took place independently of and later than the Inquisition, but they failed and church schools were teaching Roman Konkani until 1961 (then it was replaced by English). The linguist Cunha Rivara who supported Konkani was a Portuguese man who lived in Goa during the 1800s, he's not a post-1958 figure.